VOLUME 10, NO. 5
Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1973
Story on page 8. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko
HAPPY HOLIDAYS from your friends at
Fire News
Fire News, November/December 2020, Page 3
In this issue... Old Lycoming Township Fire Station 14, Engine 14-1 and numerous mutual aid companies responded to a two-alarm fire on Wheatland Avenue. See story on page 10
Quick Work at Mercer Street Fire On September 7, 2020, Butler County 911 received calls for a house on fire in the 400 block of Mercer Street in the City of Butler. See story on page 12
LZ for ATV Accident On August 1, 2020, an ATV accident in Lower Mahanoy/Dalmatia required a medevac. See story on page 18
The Pennsylvania EMS Virtual Awards
See story on page 21
Area Firefighter Dies in Truck Crash On October 19, 2020, Reedsville Fire/Rescue, along with multiple mutual aid units, arrived to find a tractor trailer overturned with one entrapped on US Highway 322. See story on page 24
Obituaries Halifax’s Tyler Allen Laudenslager Lewiston’s Harry Confer See stories on pages 25 & 26
A Service for Pennsylvania Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973
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Nine Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ Proud Member Of: Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4
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Page 4, Fire News, November/December 2020
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
We Made It! As I gave thought to this editorial, I realized that it is for the December Fire News. Wow, December; can you imagine that 2020 is about to end? Covid-19 has certainly made our lives as first responders difficult. Despite having to change the way we exist at the firehouse, we’ve had to rethink how we handled routine events and calls, while major calls also challenged our chiefs. The fire was never the problem. The problem was reminding members that distancing themselves from one another before, during and after the call was a new requirement. I can’t tell you how many times I walked up to the fireground and forgot my face mask. Thanks to our EMS responders who always politely reminded me to wear my mask as they handed me a new one so I could be protected from Covid-19. As 2020 continued and the number of Covid cases dropped, many of us started to let our guard down. Occasionally, we found out the hard way that this horrible disease is still alive and threatens us. I know of several incidents where members received calls from their chiefs notifying them they were
exposed. It may have happened when a member was exposed to the disease at another location and now responded on a call without wearing a facemask. The result of this mistake ended up with members having to be tested and/or quarantined. Please, remember to wear a face mask when you are in close proximity to people all of the time! In many departments, 2021 elections have been held. If your company has new officers, please give them the support that they need to continue keeping you safe. It is also a good time for new officers to sit down with senior members and officers ending their term to discuss the things that can or cannot be done to keep your company running smoothly. Speaking from experience, I always appreciated the advice I received from experienced members. I always learned something important when I took the time to sit with them over coffee and asked for input. I always love to share my favorite drills which challenged members and I love to share the problems I had as a new officer. To the new officers, take the time to share ideas with the people who
probably made the same mistakes you could make on your very first day in office. In closing, I would like to wish everyone a blessed and happy holiday. Remember the people of your community who are less fortunate. Most likely you are not going to be opening your firehouse to your community as a result of Covid-19 prevention. Even though your doors for socialization will probably be closed, you can still let the community know you are there for them. A simple wave of the hand lets everyone know that they are in your thoughts and prayers during this holiday season. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all! -Dennis
Fire News, November/December 2020, Page 5
Collapse at West Mifflin Blaze
Just before 0300 on August 1, 2020, fire crews were dispatched to a report of a house on fire in the area of Glenny Lane in West Mifflin. The caller reported what appeared to be a house on fire behind that street. Arriving crews found the fire located at the bottom of Paules Lane with heavy fire throughout. The rear of the home collapsed as crews began to set up defensive operations. Crews had a hard time
getting water inside the home so crews allowed it to burn for about 20 minutes to allow the home to open up a bit in order to get more water from the master streams into the home. Crews worked till past 0500. No one was home at the time of the fire and no one was injured. The fire was under investigation and the home was a complete loss. - Fire News photo by First Due Photography
Page 6, Fire News, November/December 2020
Butler Structure Fire
Crews battled a structure fire on East Cunningham Street, in the City of Butler on September 21, 2020. - Fire News photo by Artie Osniak
Page 8, Fire News, November/December 2020
Cover Story
3-Alarm Double Fatal in Williamstown
At 0219 on September 29, 2020, crews were awoken to the sound of their pagers alerting for a reported building fire on East Market Street. Initial dispatched units were Engines 24 and 23, Schuylkill 22-15, Tankers 24 and 23, Rescue 23 and Truck 22. Moments after dispatch, county advised command of two individuals trapped. Immediately, county was advised to upgrade the box to a second alarm as there were three buildings involved. Tanker 24 went into service using their deck gun and then pulling all three 200-foot crosslays along with their front bumper trash line and 200 feet of three-inch off the rear. At this time initial efforts were made to make entry into the home to attempt a rescue, but crews were unable due to the massive fire load. Engine 22-15 pulled lines to supply Truck 22. Engine 23 laid 500 feet of five inch to supply Truck 20. Engine 22 pulled lines and utilized their deck gun. Engine 66-10 established a water supply to Engine 22. As this was unfolding, crews were attempting to enter but were unable. Command requested evacuation of the fire building around 0300. Flames lapped into the sky lifting glowing embers into the wind and north overhead of Engine 22. During the fire a car ran over 22-12s five inch, damaging two sections. Command began advising all crews that the building was starting to collapse. Sadly, despite all efforts, crews were unable to rescue the individuals trapped. It is said that crews flowed around 245,000 gallons of water and the level in the towns water tower dropped 40 feet. This does not include the water drafted nearby from a stream. Around 45 units from Dauphin, Schuylkill, Northumberland and Perry either operated on scene or covered. - Fire News photos by Seth Lasko
Fire News, November/December 2020, Page 9
Lewistown Building Fire
On October 16, 2020, the Lewistown Fire Department handled a building fire on Chestnut Street. Units arrived to find a working fire
at the rear of the address and made a quick knock down. - Fire News photo by Pat Shoop
Page 10, Fire News, November/December 2020
Old Lycoming Twp. Fire
At 0215 on October 14, 2020, Station 14, Engine 14-1 and numerous mutual aid companies responded to a twoalarm fire in the 2300 block of Wheatland Avenue in Old Lycoming Township. Engine 14-1 arrived to heavy fire showing. Two occupants escaped the building, but one occupant was admitted to UPMC-Williamsport with minor burns and medical issues. The cause was determined to be a short in a low-voltage light in the rear landscaping that spread to the rear deck. - Submitted by Joseph Hopple; photos by Robert Barret
Page 12, Fire News, November/December 2020
Quick Work at Mercer Street Fire
On September 7, 2020, Butler County 911 received calls for a house on fire in the 400 block of Mercer Street in the City of Butler. Responding were Station 1 (Butler City), Station 3 (Butler Township Fire District), Station 38 (Veterans Affairs Fire Department), Station 99 (Butler Ambulance Service) and Butler City Police. Quick work from first-arriving crews contained the fire in a short amount of time. Units remained on scene for overhaul. - Fire News photos by Artie Osniak
Fire News, November/December 2020, Page 13
Old Lycoming Fire & Explosion
On November 8, 2020, a reported structure fire with explosion was dispatched for Grininger Road in Old Lycoming Township. Engine 14-1 and Chief 1-14 arrived and found a single-story home completely involved in fire and defensive operations were started. A thousand feet of five-inch line had to be laid from a dump site to supply the apparatus. One firefighter suffered a knee injury. - Fire News photos by Bob Barrett
Page 14, Fire News, November/December 2020
City of Butler Working Fire
Members from Butler City, Butler Township Fire District and Veterans Affairs Fire Department after working a structure fire in the City of Butler on September 7, 2020. - Fire News photo by Artie Osniak
Page 16, Fire News, November/December 2020
Mattress Fire Contained
On September 13, 2020, Butler County 911 dispatched Station 1 (Butler City) for a fire alarm in the 100 block of East Boyd Avenue in the City of Butler. Upon dispatch, Butler 911 advised they received an additional call for a bedroom fire at the address. This upgraded the call to a structure response, bringing Station 3 (Butler
Township Fire District), Station 38 (Veterans Affairs Fire Department, Station 99 (Butler Ambulance Service) and Butler City Police. Upon the arrival, residents advised that the fire was out but a moderate smoke condition was seen on the second floor. The fire was contained to a mattress. - Fire News photo by Artie Osniak
Butler 3-Alarmer
Members from the Veterans Affair Fire department (left) and Butler City Fire Department (below) at the scene of a three-alarm fire in the City of Butler on September 21, 2020. - Fire News photos by Artie Osniak
Page 18, Fire News, November/December 2020
LZ for ATV Accident
On August 1, 2020, an ATV accident in Lower Mahanoy/Dalmatia required a medevac. Hickory Corners and Community Fire Company handled the LZ for Life Flight 4. - Fire News photos by Seth Lasko
Fire News, November/December 2020, Page 19
Truck Chauffer Prep School
On October 3 and 4, 2020, the Williamsport Bureau of Fire sponsored a 16-hour Truck Chauffeur Prep School taught by Captain Aurther Ashley of the Lexington (KY) Fire Department teaching for Task Force 1, Inc. Over 20 students from the Williamsport Bureau of Fire, Montoursville Fire Department, Wellsboro Fire Department and Danville Fire Department attended the two-day training. Spotting, unique set up and depth perception drills were all featured in the course. - Fire News photos by Joseph Hopple
Page 20, Fire News, November/December 2020
HAVE CLASS, WILL TRAVEL The Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) is known to teach ISO and HSO classes in local jurisdictions if there is enough interest. This year, with the pandemic keeping firefighters and paramedics busy at home, most departments are not allowed to travel. To date, FDSOA has taught one HSO class in San Diego with multiple departments in attendance, and three other ISO courses, in Alpena, Michigan at the Air National Guard Base; Redmond, Washington; and in Chesterfield, Michigan, also with multiple departments in attendance. Chairman Eric Valliere said, “What’s nice about teaching the course in their own jurisdiction is that we can base the curriculum around the way they respond. Each fire department is going to have different priorities for incident safety.” Valliere taught the ISO class in Redmond with FDSOA Board Member Scott Yurczyk. If you are interested in hosting an HSO or ISO class in your district, please contact Executive Director Rich Marinucci at, or at our website,
The Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) was established in 1989 as a non-profit association, incorporated in Massachusetts. In 2013, the offices moved to Michigan. Its mission is to promote safety standards and practices in the fire, rescue and emergency services community. The association is led by a volunteer board of directors and has a small staff to handle the day-to-day operations. The association is dedicated to the issues that affect the critical role of the safety officer in protecting and promoting the safety and health responsibilities of fire departments, communities and first responders. FDSOA works to helps fire departments achieve proficiency and promote the recognition of training, skills and a secure future. In May 2016, FDSOA won the Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award for its work over 28 years, “as an organization fully dedicated to the health and safety of the nation’s firefighters.” FDSOA can be found on the web at Please follow FDSOA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
CAMPBELL SUPPLY CO., LLC ACQUIRES CRUZAN’S FREIGHTLINER Campbell Supply Company, the Northeast’s leader in commercial and emergency vehicle sales and service today announced they purchased Cruzan’s Freightliner, a leading service, sales and parts dealership for Freightliner and Isuzu Trucks. Cruzan’s joins Campbell’s business unit and in recognition of the acquisition will go to market under W. Campbell Supply Company of Atlantic County, LLC. The acquisition is the latest action driven by Campbell’s strategic plan and will result in the achievement of three of the plan’s key goals. Market share growth, increased revenue and geographic expansion by the way of delivering on the promise of increasing the service and the distribution footprint in the Northeast region. “This is an exciting day for Campbell” said Scott Campbell, President of Campbell Supply Company. “As we welcome the Cruzan family to the Campbell family and work to grow to combine businesses, we see many opportunities for additional expansion into the emergency vehicle market in the state of New Jersey. Our long term strategy is to further broaden our geographic footprint with increased capabilities for each location to offer a comprehensive suite of products and services in support of fire truck and emergency vehicle sales and service.” Campbell said. Dale Cruzan, Sr., started his business in the late 1960s as Dale’s Automotive Service and, alongside his wife Carol, ran a part-time shop repairing cars and light trucks. In 1984, Dale’s Automotive Service became a full-service parts and sales source for Mercedes-Benz Trucks. The company was renamed Cruzan’s Truck Service, Inc. Shortly thereafter, MercedesBenz Trucks were discontinued in the United States and Cruzan’s became a Freightliner commercial truck dealer for sales, parts and service. Cruzan’s is a family operated business and holds the same values
and similar history as Campbell Supply Company. “We look forward to blending both company’s strengths into one to provide the sales and aftermarket support for which both companies are known for.” said Campbell. Campbell Supply Company is family/veteran-owned franchised dealership chain serving New Jersey and New York’s Hudson Valley. With five locations in Montgomery, NY, Lafayette, NJ, Newark, NJ, Woodbidge, NJ, and headquarters in South Brunswick, NJ, Campbell is a leader in the region for commercial truck and emergency vehicle sales and service. The company has been in business since 1967 and represents Daimler Trucks North America’s Freightliner product line, REV Fire Groups Spartan, Smeal and LTI fire truck line as well as Detroit, Cummins, Alliance Truck Parts and EVI. More information can be obtained on their website: Cruzan’s Freightliner is a family owned business that started in the 1960s, originally a Mercedes-Benz truck dealership Cruzan became a Freightliner commercial truck dealership in 1984. In 1998, a second location was opened in Egg Harbor Township outside Atlantic City, NJ, which the company quickly outgrew and relocated to a new facility in Absecon, NJ. In 2010, the Pleasantville location became a parts and service dealership for Isuzu Trucks. Both locations are Cummins Engine dealers and the Bridgeton, NJ location is a Detroit Diesel Engine dealer.
Fire News, November/December 2020, Page 21
The Pennsylvania EMS Virtual Awards
- Fire News photos by Ted Fessides
Page 22, Fire News, November/December 2020
Up Close & Personal
On September 21, 2020, Butler County 911 dispatched Station 1 (Butler City), Station 3 (Butler Township Fire District), Station 38 (Veterans Affairs Fire Department), Station 99 (Butler Ambulance Service) and Butler City Police to the 100 block of East Cunningham Street in the City of Butler for siding on fire. Upon arrival, command requested a second alarm, which brought in all off-duty city shifts. The fire was discovered on the outside of the building on the Delta side and extended into the roof. Crews worked aggressively to knock the fire down and extensive overhaul was needed. Command requested a third alarm for manpower, bringing East Butler, Herman, Penn Township and Chicora. - Fire News photo by Artie Osniak
Firefighter Matt Martin after battling a structure fire in the City of Butler on September 7, 2020. - Fire News photo by Artie Osniak
Fire News, November/December 2020, Page 23
Robertsdale & Shippensburg Tanker 52
Vigilant Hose Co. Tanker 52, 2013 International/Four Guys. 1250 GPM, 3000 Gallons. -Fire News photo by Shane Shifflett
Page 24, Fire News, November/December 2020
Area Firefighter Dies in Truck Crash
On October 19, 2020, Reedsville Fire/Rescue, along with multiple Unfortunately, the driver, Firefighter Scott Mogel, a member of the mutual aid units, arrived to find a tractor trailer overturned with Chief Logan Fire Department, was killed in the accident. - Fire News photo by Pat Shoop one entrapped on US Highway 322 East in Brown Township.
Fire News, November/December 2020, Page 25
Halifax’s Tyler Allen Laudenslager
On July 21, 2020, Tyler Allen Laudenslager was taken from his family and friends while working as a tow truck driver for H & S Towing. Tyler had responded to a roadside incident and was struck and killed by another motorist. Tyler served with the Halifax Fire Department for many years starting in 2007, and found an extended family in the department. Gone too soon,
he leaves behind his high school sweetheart and wife of six years, Holly, along with their 10-month-old daughter Riley, who had quickly become the center of his world. Tyler’s infectious laugh and big heart have left marks on so many in this world and will never be forgotten. Tyler’s final ride was atop the personally owned fire engine he had purchased and re-named Riley for his daughter. - Fire News photos by Seth Lasko
Page 26, Fire News, November/December 2020
Lewistown’s Harry Confer
Members of the Lewistown Hook and Ladder laid to rest their oldest active member on July 16, 2020. Harry ‘Pap’ Confer was an active member for over 60 years. Throughout those years he held many offices and responded to thousands of alarms. ‘Pap,’ rest in peace. You will never be forgotten. - Fire News photos by Pat Shoop
Fire News, November/December 2020, Page 27
It’sNewtoTHEM Sponsored by Command Apparatus
2010 FERRARA MVP RESCUE PUMPER Command Fire Apparatus delivered this 2010 Ferrara MVP rescue pumper to the Shanksville Fire Company in Western PA. Shanksville protects the site of the third plane crash on 9/11/2001 and was looking for a multi-purpose engine to operate as both a pumper and a heavy rescue truck.
2002 FERRARA 1750/50 CUSTOM PUMPER Command Fire delivered this fully equipped 2002 Ferrara 1750/750 custom pumper to the Franklin Township Fire Department in central Ohio. The unit previously served the Bristol Consolidated Fire Department in Bucks County PA. Sold by Command Apparatus
Sold by Command Apparatus
2001 PIERCE QUANTUM PUMPER The Hauto Fire Company in Northeastern PA purchased this 2001 Pierce Quantum 2000 GPM pumper with a 1000 gallon tank and an around the pump foam system from Command Fire Apparatus to replace an aging vehicle.
Sold by Command Apparatus
We are looking forward to our new monthly feature
“It’s New to THEM”
2006 KME 1500/100 PUMPER The South Cass Fire Company in Schuylkill County PA recently placed in service this 2006 KME 1500/1000 pumper that was reconditioned and delivered by Command Fire Apparatus. The unit previously served the McAdoo Fire Company in PA. Sold by Command Apparatus
To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly