Fire News Pennsylvania, July/August 2021 edition

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VOLUME 11, NO. 3


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1973


Story on page 10. -Fire News photo by Dennis Wetherhold, Jr.

Looking Back: PA Fire History Please see page 28.


Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 3

In this issue... Restaurant Total Loss at 3-Alarm Blaze On April 2, 2021, crews responded to a structure fire on Route 6 west in Coudersport Borough at Kaytee’s Restaurant. See story on page 6

Fatal House Fire in New Kensington Crews from New Kensington, Arnold, Lower Burrell, Upper Burrell and Logan’s Ferry Heights responded to a fire call. See story on page 9

New Tripoli Apartment House Fire Firefighters from three counties battled a multiple-alarm apartment house fire on Decatur Street in New Tripoli on May 23, 2021. See story on page 13

Tractor Trailer Rollover on I-81 On April 14, 2021, crews were called to the ramp to Interstate 81 in Schuylkill County near Tremont for a tractor trailer rollover. See story on page 18

Pennsylvania in Training Various stations across the state trained this past spring on residential, commercial and hi-rise structures. See story on pages 21 & 22

Amsler Earns Gross Community Service Award Representatives from the fire company and the Gross family presented this year’s award to Molly Amsler, a 2021 graduate of Allentown Central Catholic High School. See story on page 26

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 21-22 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30

A Service for Pennsylvania Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973


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Nine Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ Proud Member Of: Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, July/August 2021

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Are You Learning from Your Peers? When I joined the fire service, I was aware of some of the traditions that all fire departments seem to embrace. No, I most definitely am not speaking of hazing. Hazing is a ritual that involves risk, pain or harm as part of an initiation into a group. In the most organizations, hazing is frowned upon and has serious consequences. One of the first traditions I learned at a very young age, was to knock with your elbows! If you visit any firehouse, bring a cake. It was a family ritual that every other Friday of the month I ventured with my dad to his firehouse in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Before we left our house, mom had a freshly baked cake ready to go with us. That cake meant a lot to the guys who were sitting at the kitchen table drinking their coffee and involved in conversation. Yes, the firehouse kitchen seemed like a special place where the family of firefighters were always welcomed and could also share their thoughts and ask questions. The kitchen table was also a special place. Firefighters could share their personal experiences with one another. And whether they

wanted it or not, a solution to any problem was offered. Believe it or not, most firefighters were versed in many different aspects of life. Quite a few years back, I visited a neighboring firehouse and noticed a sign above a picnic table. The sign read, “Table of Knowledge.” Having a few years in the fire service, I simply read the sign and didn’t ask questions. A few years later, my breakfast table became known as the roundtable. I have coffee every day at the roundtable and yes, I usually wind up in a discussion that turns into several cups of coffee. The fire service is full of “unwritten rules.” You usually don’t learn about these sacred rules unless you share some time at the roundtable, the table of knowledge, the TV room, or any other place that you can engage in constructive conversation at the firehouse. How many times have you heard, “The new kids just don't get it?” The special places where we can engage in constructive conversation is a place to eliminate future problems by clarifying the social norms and expected conduct that’s not covered by poli-

cy both in the station and on incidents. I am always happy to see members working together as they helped each other practice for future practical exams. With the advent of portable training props, I often see small groups of members working to force a door or spring a lock so that they are ready for that early morning automatic alarm. In the fire service, there is no excuse not to know something. Spending a little time sitting with the members of your company will prove to be a wealth of knowledge. Sit down together and discuss recent calls or events that you were at but weren’t sure why things were done in a certain manor. Make sense of the organized chaos by talking with the people who make a difference. - Dennis

Page 6, Fire News, July/August 2021

Restaurant Total Loss at 3-Alarm Blaze

On April 2, 2021, crews responded to a structure fire on Route 6 west in Coudersport Borough at Kaytee’s Restaurant. Initial dispatch reported a commercial structure fire with several calls reporting fire through the roof. Chief Phelps, AC Dunn and AC Dunn II immediately responded. Chief Phelps could see the flames from his residence and immediately struck a second alarm. After approximately 35 minutes, command requested a third alarm The fire was brought under control several hours later with extensive overhaul and clean up to follow. The following departments were involved either on scene or for coverage: Station 2 Smethport, 3 Port Allegiant, 4 Eldred boro, 39 Shiglehouse, 44 Austin,

10 Galeton, 47 Ulysses, 46 Roulette, 20 Harrison Twp, 5 Westfield, 14 Emporium, 15 Bradford Twp, CVAA and Town of Allegany in all 13 with 175 firefighters.(18 Engines, 5 Rescues, 3 Aerial devices, 3 Squads, 4 Ambulances, 2 Tankers 2 Patrols). Austin, Galeton and Roulette laid secondary supply lines to the Allegany River, three in total all in excess of 1600 feet. Also assisting at the scene were UGI, WEST PENN POWER, Boro Water Authority, Boro PD and State Police CDSPT and the state police Fire Marshall Unit, and dispatchers at the TIOGA and Mckean Co 911 Centers. The restaurant was considered a total loss - Submitted by Chief Phelps

Page 8, Fire News, July/August 2021

Marysville Structure Fire

At 0627 on June 19, 2021, Box 6-01 sent Marysville Engine 6, Tanker 6, Duncannon Rescue 2, Truck 2, Northeast Fire Tanker 20, Squad 20, Rescue 20, and Progress RIT 32 to Verbeke Street for a building fire with multiple vehicles involved. Companies arrived to a single-story, garage-type building with heavy fire showing. Tanker 6 grabbed a hydrant and laid in to the front while Engine 6 picked up the line and supplied the water. Three lines were pulled and members were able to make a good knockdown of the fire. Members from Tanker 20 opened up the roof and the fire was held to the area of origin. The bulk of fire was knocked down in 10 minutes. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

Restaurant Fire in Lower Paxton Twp. On June 8, 2021, at 2238, Box 33-2 in Lower Paxton Township alerted Company 33, Engines 30, 32 and 34, Truck 35, and Rescue 40 for a fire on Jonestown Road at a Taco Bell. Chief 32-2 arrived to a single-story restaurant with smoke showing on the D side. Engine 34 stretched a line and Engine 32 picked up a supply line. Two lines were stretched for a fire in the Taco Bell sign with minor extension to the rest of the building. The fire was placed under control at 2254 hours and held to the Lower Paxton and Progress companies. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

Harrisburg Residential Fire May 28, 2021, at 0645, Harrisburg A-platoon members were dispatched to 17th and Vernon Streets in the city’s Allison Hill neighborhood, for a house fire. Squad 8, Wagon 4, Tower 1, Truck 2, and Battalion Chief 6 (Bradford) responded. County advised companies the house was possibly abandoned. Chief 6 arrived to a well involved, three-story, vacant brick building located between Vernon and Thompson Streets with fire at the rear. A two-story occupied row was an exposure on the Thompson Street side and no extension was reported in those dwellings. A first alarm was requested by Chief 6 bringing Wagon 3, Rescue 69 and Air 13. With heavy fire conditions threatening the exposures, Chief 1 requested a second alarm that brought county mutual aid to the scene (Engines 30 and 37, Trucks 32 and 50, and Rescue 91). The bulk of the fire was knocked down in about 15 minutes with no further extension into the exposures. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

Truck Fire in Summit Twp. On May 17, 2021, around 1600, Butler County 911 dispatched Station 10 (Herman), Station 1 (City of Butler), Station 9 (East Butler) and Station 44 (East Butler Ambulance) for a trailer on fire on Beck Road in Summit Township. Engine 10 arrived to an empty trailer on fire along with other debris surrounding the trailer. Engine 10 requested a second alarm due to the time of day and lack of manpower. Companies made quick work of containing the fire to the area of origin. - Fire News photo by Artie Osniak

Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 9

Fatal House Fire in New Kensington

On June 9, 2021, crews from New Kensington, Arnold, Lower Burrell, Upper Burrell and Logan’s Ferry Heights responded to a fire call at a house that had been converted into six apartments. The fire started in a first-floor apartment, and quickly ran the walls into

the second and third divisions. One person that resided in the fire apartment of origin did not survive; all apartments were heavily damaged during the blaze. - Fire News photos by Steve Matto

Page 10, Fire News, July/August 2021

Cover Story

Whitehall Township Fire

Firefighters were dispatched to Pennsylvania Street in Whitehall Township for a house fire with possible entrapment. Responding units reported a header in the area. Upon arrival, chief officers found a well-off dwelling. Chief 35 and Assistant 38 made entry with a can to the rear of the house to check for any occupants. Their

initial search was negative. The fire was knocked down in about 30 minutes but crews remained on the scene for hours mopping up and investigating. Assisting were Catasauqua, Greenawalds, Cetronia EMS and City of Allentown EMS. - Fire News photos by Dennis Wetherhold, Jr.

Page 12, Fire News, July/August 2021

Barn Fire in Eldred Township On May 2, 2021, at 1253, Eldred Township crews responded for a structure fire on Main Road in Pitman. Company 10 found a working barn fire with heavy fire from the A side endangering the nearby home. Three 1-3/4 inch lines were put in service as was a master stream. Crews split duties with attacking the heavy fire and others protecting the house. Engine 65 and laid a five-inch line from

the scene up to Main Road where tankers staged and dumped into a porta pond. Soon after a partial collapse of the A side occurred with a chimney and part of the wall falling. Crews worked for some time after knocking down remaining hot spots. EMS staged on Main Road to the north with Williamstown EMS assisting with their rehab trailer for crews. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

Well, Good Place for a Fire We Guess On April 20, 2021, crews were called to a structure fire in Fisherville, about 200 yards west of Fisherville Fire Company Station 216. Halifax Fire Company 29 and Reliance Hose of Elizabethville 21 arrived shortly after and sent manpower forward to assist. Crews knocked down the fire and began overhaul operations. Millersburg Fire Company Truck 20 arrived and its crew remained at the truck staging. Crews worked for a short time after pulling debris from within the remaining structure to knock down any remaining hotspots. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

Arson in Paxtang On June 26, 2021, at 0648, Paxtang Box 401, sent Company 40, Engines 30, 50, 91 and 91-5, Wagon 4, Truck 32, Tower 1, Rescue 33, and Air 91-2 to North 32nd Street for a structure fire. County Communications advised the call originated as a domestic with a male trying to start the house on fire. Paxtang Engine 40 arrived to fire showing from the first floor of a 2-1/2 story brick duplex. Engine 40 dropped a supply line and proceeded to side A, and Engine 91 picked up their supply line. Two lines were stretched from Engine 40 quickly knocking down a fire involving the first-floor living room. The fire was contained primarily to the room of origin with little extension. A dog was killed in the fire and a person was being sought for arson. - Fire News photo by Jason Coleman-Cobb

Double-Fatal House Fire in Hegins On May 22, 2021, Hegins Valley Fire Rescue was called to a structure fire on East Main Street in Hegins. Soon after Chief 13 responded, county advised of reportedly having two people possibly trapped in a 2-1/2 story wood frame multi-family dwelling. Rescue Engine 13-10 arrived to heavy fire and smoke coming from division 1 windows under a wraparound porch. Crews went to work battling the flames as smoke began to push from the second floor and roof line. Crews appeared to have gotten a handle on the blaze when the fire spread up a void in the wall. The smoke blackened and flames reappeared. Command requested everyone out. Tragically, a mother and her son perished in the blaze before first-in units arrived. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 13

New Tripoli Apartment House Fire Firefighters from three counties battled a multiple-alarm apartment house fire on Decatur Street in New Tripoli on May 23, 2021. Crews arrived to find heavy smoke showing from the apartment house. Two supply lines were laid from local ponds to the scene and relay pumping for one supply line was required. Crews battled the fire for several hours before gaining the upper hand. Departments from Lehigh, Berks and Schuylkill counties responded. - Fire News photo by Dennis Wetherhold, Jr.

Coplay Porch Fire

Companies from Lehigh and Northampton counties battled a fire on South 2nd Street in Coplay. Damage was held to the rear porch area. - Fire News photo by Dennis Wetherhold, Jr.

Page 14, Fire News, July/August 2021

West Penn Twp. Pole Barn Blaze

Firefighters from West Penn Township and surrounding areas battled a multiple-alarm pole barn fire on June 5, 2021. Crews arrived to find a large pole barn full of hay well involved. Additional alarms were struck, as well as a request for numerous tankers. During the fire several walls of the building came down as firefighters worked to gain control. Firefighters worked through the night. A front-end loader from the farm helped to break up the hay and get to hidden fire. Fire companies from Schuylkill, Carbon, Berks and Lehigh also responded. - Fire News photo by Goeffrey Wetherhold

Chestnut Hill 2-Alarmer Firefighters were dispatched to a structure fire on Chestnut Hill Road in Salisbury Township on June 27, 2021. Several calls were received reporting a garage fire. A second alarm was struck along with a request for five tankers due to the area being non-hydrant. Emmaus Engine 7 arrived and its crew went to work attacking a well-off garage. Western Salisbury Engine 31 arrived and provided additional water until tankers could arrive from mutual aid companies. Crews had the fire knocked down quickly but remained on the scene for around an hour performing overhaul. - Fire News photo by Geoffrey Wetherhold

Page 16, Fire News, July/August 2021

Large Mountain Fire Brings 5 County Response At 2058 on April 8, 2021, a call came in for a reported wildland/brush fire in the 216-3 box on Deitrich Road in Jackson Township. Upon arrival it was noted that approximately an acre was involved but it was up on the side of the mountain. Within minutes command requested additional units to the scene as the fire was being wind driven rapidly up the side of the mountain. Units from five counties along with DCNR operated to contain the fire. A bulldozer was utilized on top of the mountain. Crews worked into the early morning hours to contain and control the fire which eventually burned 18 acres. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

Long Stretch in Montoursville On May 29, 2021, the Montoursville Fire Department and mutual aid responded to a fire in the bathroom at the Weis Market in the borough. Units stretched 400 feet of line to the rear of the store and contained the fire to the restroom. - Fire News photo by Montoursville FD and Joseph P Hopple NRP

2 FFs Injured at Philadelphia House Fire At least two Philadelphia firefighters were hurt at a fire on Holly Drive on June 10, 2021. As crews responded, they were greeted with heavy smoke and fire from the third-floor front. A second alarm was called but canceled shortly after dispatch. One firefighter slipped in the driveway and one more fell from a ladder on the second floor. The injuries were not life threatening. It took over 40 minutes to put the fire under control. - Fire News photo by Alex Lloyd Gross

Monroeville 4-Alarmer Just before 1600 on May 25, 2021, Monroeville firefighters were dispatched to a commercial structure fire at the Pro Bike+Run store located in the Miracle Mile Shopping Center along William Penn Highway. Crews arrived to find heavy smoke pushing from the Alpha side of the structure and additional units were quickly requested. Crews made entry to heavy fire on the Charlie side of the structure and on the second floor. Crews made an aggressive attack but crews on the second floor had to exit the building due to heavy fire and high heat. A fourth alarm was requested as crews continued to battle the fire before it was placed under control at 1644. Crews remained on-scene for several hours performing overhaul. Several employees and customers were in the store when the fire broke out but managed to evacuate without injuries. The contents of the store, which contained bikes along with running and biking apparel was considered a total loss. An AT&T and GNC store were also damaged by the fire. The fire was under investigation. - Fire News photo by First Due Photography

Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 17

MVA in Perkiomen At 1454 on April 23, 2021, volunteers from Perkiomen Township Fire Station 66 responded to a single-vehicle accident at the intersection of Wartman Road and Bridge Street in the township. Volunteers were on scene for close to an hour. Trappe EMS and Pennsylvania State Police were also on scene. - Fire News photo by Ted Hodgins

Not a Head-on Fire crews from Parkland and Middletown were called to an MVA on Route 1 at Fee Avenue in late May 2021. The driver of the car merged in front of the truck and after taking out several yards of guiderail, ended in this position. She was trapped for a brief period of time. Her injuries were serious but not life threatening. - Fire News photo by Alex Lloyd Gross

Page 18, Fire News, July/August 2021

Medevac from Station 29 On May 2, 2021, crews were dispatched to an afternoon medical call in the 29-6 box. Upon EMS’ assessment of the patient a medevac was requested and an LZ was set up at Station 29. Engine 291, Utility 29 and EMS from Life Team awaited the arrival of Life Lion. Shortly after Life Lion arrived the patient was loaded and transported. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

Tractor Trailer Rollover Firefighters from New Tripoli and Germansville were recently dispatched for an MVA with rescue on Route 309 in the area of Lochland Road. The Lehigh County 911 Center advised of a tractor trailer rollover with entrapment. Crews arriving on scene found a tractor trailer across all four lanes of Route 309. The driver was self extricated from the vehicle. Crews remained on the scene assisting with a small spill and traffic control until PennDot arrived. - Fire News photo by Dennis Wetherhold, Jr.

Tractor Trailer Rollover on I-81 On April 14, 2021, crews were called to the ramp to Interstate 81 in Schuylkill County near Tremont for a tractor trailer rollover. Crews arrived to find a tractor trailer hauling trash had flipped onto its side coming to rest against a guard rail of the on ramp. Crews remained on scene providing traffic control and assistance to Hammers Towing while they removed the wreckage. - Fire News photo by Seth Lasko

Carroll Overturn Recently, crews responded for an overturned oil tanker on Campground Road, in Carroll Township. - Fire News photo provided

Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 19

Up Close & Personal

Firefighters from the Upper Allen Fire Department. - Fire News photo provided

Firefighters from Black Rock Fire-Rescue. - Fire News photo by Ted Hodgins

Page 20, Fire News, July/August 2021

Fiery 2-Vehicle MVA At 2252 on June 29, 2021, Stations 95-1 and 2 responded to a twovehicle MVA with both vehicles, one a motorcycle, on fire. - Fire News photo by Steve Matto

Entrapment at Philadelphia MVA Philadelphia fire crews were called to Decatur Road in May and went to work at a two-vehicle MVA with one person trapped. Engine 22, Ladder 31, Battalion 13, and two medic units were called to the crash scene. - Fire News photo by Alex Lloyd Gross

3-Car MVA in Philadelphia Several drivers sustained minor injuries after a three-car crash on Knights Road in Philadelphia in May. One driver tried to leave the scene but was detained. Engine 22 and Ladder 31 handled the accident with two medic units. The crash was near the entrance for the Franklin Mills Mall. The injuries were not serious. - Fire News photo by Dawn Altstatt

Makin’ Sure It’ll Float Limerick firefighters do a boat check on June 12, 2021, as they put a new rubber hull in service. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 21


Multi-Company Live Structure Burn

On April 24, 2021, stations from Manor Township, Ford City, South Buffalo, Lower Burrell, Harrison Hills, Freeport, Kittanning, Leechburg, Tunnelton/Conemaugh, Vandergrift and West Kittanning participated in a live structure burn session. Crews practiced different attack techniques, line advancement, and roof cutting. - Fire News photos by Steve Matto

Page 22, Fire News, July/August 2021


Commercial Structure Practice Burn

On June 13, 2021, the City of Jeannette hosted a commercial structure burn class. Crews performed interior attacks while firefighters cut the roof to practice vertical ventilation. Here is a quote from the City of Jeannette’s Chief, Bill Frye regarding the session: “We had a very productive weekend of training and would like to thank everyone that made it possible. First and foremost to the Anlauf’s for donating the building to us for this training. To the PA Fire Commissioner’s Office and Staff, Marc Jackson and the WCCC PSTC the Instructors, Grandview, Harrison City, Hempfield and

Hi-Rise Rescue Practice On April 22, 2021, Station 56 in New Kensington practiced highrise rescues at Parnassus Manor. - Fire News photo by Steve Matto

Rostraver Central Fire Departments for participating and providing apparatus, to the Seneca Club for allowing us to use their facilities for firefighter rehab, Jeannette EMS, Murrysville EMS, Steven, Marcus and all of the other photographers and media that covered the event and last but not least, to the neighbors for putting up with some temporary inconveniences, but we assure you that you will be happy to see the long term investment in the neighborhood and the city in the form of new development thanks to the Anlauf Family!” - Fire News photos by Steve Matto

Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 23

Oakmont, Verona Memorial Day Parade On Memorial Day, Station 216 (Oakmont) and 285 (Verona) held their annual parade, including apparatus from Station 234 (Renton/Plum), and Stations 222, 224 and 225 from Penn Hills. - Fire News photo by Steve Matto

Lower Burrell Memorial Day Parade Lower Burrell Station 69’s Memorial Day Parade is one of the biggest local parades of the year. Apparatus from nearly two dozen stations participated in the annual event. - Fire News photo by Steve Matto

Page 24, Fire News, July/August 2021

New Kensington Apparatus

New Kensington apparatus picture day. All of the apparatus from the five New Kensington stations were arranged for photos, with the exception of their rescue boat, which was in the water. New Kensington is hosting the annual Western Convention this year in August. - Fire News photo by Steve Matto

Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 25

Food Truck Event in Lower Burrell

On May 1, 2021, Station 69 in Lower Burrell hosted the first of their two annual food truck events. Food truck rallies have quickly become one of the most popular and profitable fundraisers for local departments. - Fire News photos by Steve Matto

Page 26, Fire News, July/August 2021

New Station for Limerick Limerick Township in Montgomery County Pennsylvania has built a new station in the Linfield section of the township. When complete it will house a new squad, a ladder, an engine and a field unit. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Amsler Earns Gross Community Service Award As part of their June 2021 business meeting, the members of the Good Will Fire Company No. 1 of Trexlertown announced the winner of the Fred J. Gross Memorial Community Service Award. Established by the fire company in 2016, a graduating High School senior residing within the fire company’s response area is recognized for volunteer community service during the current academic year. The award is in memory of past-Fire Chief Fred J. Gross who was a life member of the fire company. On June 1, 2021, representatives from the fire company and the Gross family presented this year’s award to Molly Amsler, a 2021 graduate of Allentown Central Catholic High

School. Molly is the daughter of Jeff and Andrea Amsler of Upper Macungie Township. As a scholar, she maintained over a 3.1 GPA and still made time giving back to her local community. As a volunteer firefighter with Upper Macungie Fire Department Station 56, she completed over 180 training hours to successfully pass her National Pro Board examination and was awarded her Firefighter 1 certification. In addition to being successful in the classroom, she made the time to respond to over 20 percent of the emergency calls within the township and was an active participant with community service projects conducted by St. Thomas Moore Church. The members of the Good Will Fire

Company No.1 of Trexlertown and Gross family congratulate Molly on her accomplishments and wish her much success in all her future endeavors. (Standing left to right): Fire Chief Gary Mattox, Leroy Gross, Life Member and son, Jaime (Gross) Zimmerman, Member and granddaughter, Molly Amsler, Gary Gorr, President and son-in-law, Linda (Gross) Gorr, Secretary and daughter, Dennis McArdle, Fire Marshal and Vice-President. - Fire News photo by Dennis Bower, Saftey Officer

Departments Escort Apollo-Ridge Baseball Team On May 19, 2021, stations from Kiski Township, Apollo, North Apollo, and Iselin/West Lebanon escorted the Apollo-Ridge boy’s baseball team to a game during the playoffs. - Fire News photo by Steve Matto

Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 27

New toTHEM Sponsored by Command Apparatus

BETHPAGE ENGINE 905 "Pride of Plainedge" 1998 Seagrave 1500 GPM single stage pump , 500 Gallon Water Tank , 40 Gallon Foam Tank. Served the residents of Bethpage from 1998- 2019 . The rig now belongs to the Harwood Fire Company located in Hazel Township Pennsylvania.

2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank.

2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT.




We are looking forward to our new monthly feature

Sold by Command Apparatus

“It’s New to THEM”

AFTER Sold by Command Apparatus

To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly


Page 28, Fire News, July/August 2021

Looking Back Williamsport - 1972

Structure fire in the 326 block of Washington Boulevard at St. Boniface Catholic Church in December 1972. - Photos courtesy of Williamsport Firefighters Local 736

Limerickcirca 1920 Limerick Fire Department in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and their first engine, circa 1920s. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 29

Page 30, Fire News, July/August 2021

SUTPHEN CORPORATION TO BUILD NEW MANUFACTURING FACILITY IN URBANA, OHIO WILL RETAIN EXISTING WORKFORCE AND ADD JOBS Sutphen Corporation, the nation’s largest family-owned and operated fire apparatus manufacturer with headquarters in Dublin, Ohio, announced plans to combine its three Urbana manufacturing and service sites in a new 160,000-square-foot facility to be constructed at State Route 55 and Edgewood Avenue in Urbana. With this plan, Sutphen will retain the three Urbana facilities’ 160 existing jobs and add 20 to 25 more positions at the new site. “We are extremely proud to continue our growth as a business while remaining in Ohio and specifically in Urbana,” said Sutphen Corporation President Drew Sutphen, a fourth-generation family member. “Having worked with the Urbana community for many years, we are confident that Urbana is the ideal place to facilitate expansion. Between its hardworking people and its business-friendly environment, we look forward to continuing our growth in Urbana for years to come.” Todd Winnenberg, general manager of the three Urbana operations, said, “It’s truly an exciting time to be a part of Sutphen Corporation. This move emphasizes the Sutphen family’s commitment to its employees by staying local and providing a great opportunity for area jobs.” The Champaign Economic Partnership (CEP), Sutphen leaders, and local, regional and state partners worked together to enable Sutphen to maintain and expand its operations and workforce in Champaign County, CEP Director Marcia Bailey said. Sutphen also considered a site in Pennsylvania and other locations in Ohio. “I am grateful for everything our partners have done to help make this project come together and allow Sutphen to continue serving our community, now and well into the future, with a tradition of quality manufacturing, rewarding employment opportunities, and strong prospects for continued growth,” Bailey said. Julie Sullivan, Executive Vice President of Regional Development for the Dayton Development Coalition, said, “We and our partners at JobsOhio welcome Sutphen’s plans to expand their manufacturing operations in Urbana. An Ohio company in its fifth generation of family leadership, the fire apparatus they make here take a piece of this state’s compassionate spirit to first responders across the country, making sure critical life-saving equipment is safely produced in the U.S.” The new building will be built northeast of the intersection of State Route 55 and Edgewood Avenue, on 55 acres of land that will provide Sutphen ample room for further expansion in the future.

Julie Sutphen Phelps, a fourth-generation family member, vice president of Sutphen Corporation and president of Sutphen’s Hilliard, Ohio, facility, said, “This expansion allows our familyowned business to continue to grow and expand within Urbana and the fire industry as a whole. While we continue to grow, we know that our apparatus quality, our individualized customer experience and our dedication to our mission and values will not falter.” The new building is being designed to optimize workflow of fire apparatus manufacturing, from start to finish, and will combine the operations of Sutphen’s three current Urbana facilities - the Sutphen Service & Technical Division, 49 N. Ludlow Rd. Urbana; the Sutphen Urbana Chassis Division, 1701 W. County Line Rd., Urbana; and the Sutphen Urbana Pumper Division, 1653 W. County Line Rd., Urbana. Ground will be broken in August or September and Sutphen officials anticipate moving into the new building in the fall of 2022. Urbana FD Awaiting New Sutphen Pumper Truck In addition to gaining a new Sutphen manufacturing facility, the local community will soon be served by a new Sutphen heavy duty pumper truck, purchased by the City of Urbana to replace a nearly 20-year-old pumper that the Urbana Fire Department will keep for backup service. Urbana Fire Chief Dean Ortlieb said, “The quality of the Sutphen truck and the warranty and service agreement that Sutphen offered made it an easy decision. To be honest, no one came close to offering us what they did. And we are pleased to support local.” He said the truck will be delivered in August. Harry Sutphen, a fifth-generation family member and owner of Heritage Fire Equipment, the Urbana-area Sutphen fire apparatus dealer, said, “My dad, Dan Sutphen, has worked with Urbana-area fire departments since the 1990s. Today, he and I work together throughout the community and are excited to see how Sutphen’s new growth benefits the area.”

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