Fire News Southern New England, March 2020 edition

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Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1973 MARCH 2020

See story on page 28. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA

Fire News Welcomes all to the FCAM Professional Development Conference

Fire News, March 2020, Page 3

In this issue... Historic Home in Concord a Total Loss The estate was known as Mount Vernon. The home, in a non-hydrant area, was a total loss. See story on page 6

New Haven Vacant 2-Alarm New Haven (CT), Engine 6 responded for a vacant dwelling on Chapel Street and reported a top-floor fire. See story on page 8

2 Die in Fitchburg Blaze On January 5, 2020, crews responded to a fire in Fitchburg (MA) on Hughland Avenue. See story on page 13

Uxbridge Rollover On January 24, 2020, Uxbridge (MA) crews stabilize this rolled-over vehicle with a driver still inside. See story on page 19

Obituaries Cambridge’s John J. O’Donoghue Westport’s Turk Aksoy See stories on pages 21 & 23

A Service for Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973


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Eight Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Virginia Proud Member Of:

Housatonic River Water Rescue Shelton (CT) crews were dispatched to the Housatonic River for a overturned boat with parties in the frigid water. See story on page 27

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29

Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 4, Fire News, March 2020

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Is it the Coronavirus? Let’s face it, you respond to hundreds, if not thousands, of calls a year and it is easy to become complacent. Even on the fireground, we can get in trouble when we assume the call we are on is going to be like the last call. Is there truly a routine call? I bring this up to YOU because of the recent outbreak of the new strain of coronavirus. The coronavirus can be mistaken for common cold, unless you are trained and know what to look for. I am certainly not an expert on the topic, but I did do some research that I hope helps you give thought to this disease. Does your patient have the flu or a common cold? What differentiates between the coronavirus and the common cold or flu? According to recent literature, symptoms for the new coronavirus, otherwise known as 2019-nCoV, are similar to those we know as a common cold or flu. Common coronavirus symptoms can include fever, a dry cough, shortness of breath, aching muscles and fatigue. Less typical coronavirus symptoms can be, phlegm buildup, headache, hemoptysis (coughing up of blood or blood-stained mucus from the bronchi, larynx, trachea or lungs) and diarrhea. Symptoms atypical for coronavirus are a runny nose and a sore throat. According to a recent article, runny nose,

cough, sore throat and fever are symptoms are often similar when one starts to feel sick. That makes it difficult to tell if the illness is a virus or a bacterial infection. I strongly recommend that to visit to review what I have read about the corona virus. As experts warn, the coronavirus spread needs to be taken seriously. Prepare emergency dispatch and EMS providers to identify the symptoms and communicate with public health officials. With memories of the Ebola virus, think about having extra drills on PPE donning and doffing, fit testing and the creation of plastic-lined transport vehicles. You must be very aware of the spread of disease and you must understand the signs and symptoms of the coronavirus and be prepared to look after our patients while keeping your own safety in mind. According to, consider the following for specific EMS management and transport considerations: If the patient exhibits symptoms of a lower respiratory infection (fever, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, cough), place a surgical mask on the patient AND obtain a detailed travel history to affected countries within the past 14 days or

close contact with someone under investigation for 2019-nCoV. If there is a history consistent with concern for potential 2019-coronavirus (2019-nCoV), initiate standard contact and airborne precautions (gloves, gown, N95 respirator) and eye protection (goggles) for EMS clinicians. Notify the receiving hospital (according to local protocols) of potential infection as soon as possible to allow for emergency department preparation. Use caution with aerosol generating procedures. Properly doff and dispose of PPE according to protocol. Clean and disinfect using EPA registered disinfectants with known effectiveness against human coronaviruses. Waste management per policy for medical waste (red bag). I recommend that you sit down with your County Regional Emergency Medical Services Council and discuss unified protocols so that you are ready for the unexpected. - Dennis

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Page 6, Fire News, March 2020

Historic Home in Concord a Total Loss Firefighters were called to a two-story home built in 1897 on Fairhaven Hill Road in Concord (MA) on December 27, 2019, for smoke in the building. The 6700-square-foot mansion was built for Charles Francis Adams III a lawyer and former secretary of the US Navy who was the greatgrandson of the sixth President of the US, John Quincy Adams, and the great-great-grandson of the second President, John Adams. The estate was known as Mount Vernon. Due to its location and lack of hydrants in the area, firefighters had to strike four-plus alarms to bring in mutual aid with engines and tankers. Over 1000 feet of four-inch hose was laid to fill a pool to fight the already advanced fire. The home was a total loss. The homeowners were vacationing at the time of the fire. The cause was determined to be from a fire in the chimney that got into the walls. Mutual aid came from Maynard, Sudbury, Lincoln, Stow, Littleton, Chelmsford, Acton, Lexington, Harvard, Carlisle, Wayland, Sherborn, Boxborough and Weston. - Fire News photos by Scott LaPrade and Owen Carrigan

1 Jumper, 4 Alarms in Central Fall A second-floor occupant jumped to safety as heavy fire and smoke was venting from a large 2-1/2 story wood frame dwelling on Jenks Avenue in Central Fall (RI) on January 10, 2020. Acting Deputy Chief Sam Dyman reported heavy smoke showing as he was responding from headquarters. He arrived to find heavy overlapping fire from the first-floor A/D corner with fire making its way into the second floor and knee walls as first-due companies arrived. Chief Dyman struck a second alarm bringing mutual aid from Lincoln, Pawtucket and Cumberland. Handlines were deployed to all floors, but companies were pulled as the fire was taking control of the attic area. Ladder pipes and several exterior handlines were used to knock down the bulk of the fire. Firefighters re-entered for extensive overhaul and mopping up. Four alarms were struck to bring this fire under control with one occupant transported for injuries sustained from the second-floor jump. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Early Morning Fire Displaces Several Providence Residents Shortly after 0600, on December 16, 2019, the Providence (RI) Fire Department responded to Donelson Street for a house fire. Companies arrived to smoke showing from the first floor of an occupied two-story home. Engine 2 stretched a line and quickly knocked down the main body of fire, but it had already spread to the walls and extended upwards to the loft. An extra engine and ladder were added to the assignment and crews were able to get the top floor ceilings down and operate lines in the loft area. All of the home’s occupants were able to get out, but two were taken to the hospital for evaluation. - Fire News photo by Tom Carmody

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Down Wires Complicate Dudley Fire Attack

At approximately 0022 on December 6, 2019, members of the Dudley (MA) Fire Department were alerted for a fire in a private dwelling on Charlton Road. Firefighters were greeted with a heavy fire condition emanating from a single-story ranch and live electrical wires down in the front yard. National Grid was requested. Due to the energized powerlines, apparatus had to enter the street from two different directions. Dudley jakes mounted an aggressive interior attack. Mutual aid came from Webster, Oxford, Southbridge and Charlton. One occupant was treated on scene for smoke inhalation and was transported. No other injuries were reported. - Fire News photos by Alan Brackett and Tony Fitzherbert

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Freetown Commercial Fire Freetown (MA) Fire dispatched Companies 2, 1 and 3 to a building fire located directly in front of Station 2. Heavy smoke was showing from a single-story wood frame commercial structure. A request was made for mutual aid from Lakeville, Dartmouth District 3 and Rochester. Crews made an interior attack and vented. Heavy fire was in the ceiling area and spread throughout the building. Several handlines and a ladder pipe were used to knock down the fire. - Fire News photo by Bob Myers

New Haven Vacant 2-Alarm New Haven (CT) firefighters hoped for a quiet Christmas Day, instead, Engine 6 responded for a vacant dwelling on Chapel Street and reported a top-floor fire. Multiple handlines were stretched as the fire continued to grow. Companies gave the fire a good interior fight, but were chased out due to deteriorating conditions. A second alarm was transmitted as companies transitioned to exterior operations. Truck companies went to work with a tower ladder and ladder pipe. Additional 2-1/2 inch handlines also flanked the dwelling on all sides to darken down the fire. It took companies about two hours to bring the fire under control. - Fire News photos by Glenn Duda, CFPA and

2-Alarm Barn Fire in Stoughton Around 0100 on December 26, 2019, the Stoughton (MA) Fire Department responded to Walnut Avenue for a building fire. Companies arrived to find fire showing from a detached barn in the rear of the property. A second alarm was ordered shortly after, bringing additional companies to the fire. Crews used several handlines to knock down the heavy fire breaking through the roof line in the rear of the building. Companies were able to knockthe fire down quickly. During the investigation of the fire, an illegal apartment was discovered in the garage. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

Chasing Hotspots in Framingham Framingham (MA) firefighters responded for an alarm activation on Worcester Road on January 2, 2020. Engine 1 arrived to find nothing showing but got reports of smoke on the sixth floor. Companies found a fire in an electrical room on that floor that had extended into a pipe chase below the roof. A second alarm was requested for manpower. Companies were on scene for the next hour opening up and chasing hot spots. Five apartments suffered water damage, but no injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Jim Fortin

Pittsfield Garage Fire

On December 20, 2019 Pittsfield (MA) Fire Local 2647 B-Group operated on Norman Avenue for a garage fire. - Fire News photo courtesy of The Berkshire Eagle

Possible Arson in Fall River Mill Fire

On January 13, 2020, at 0030, a Fall River (MA) police officer discovered a working fire in a five-story granite mill. Command requested mutual aid for fire showing from the ground to the roof on the exterior of the building. The fire took hold of the fifth floor and raced across the top floor from west to east. A working fire sprinkler system helped to hold the fire on the lower floors of the mill, which was packed with product. Chief John Lynch arrived and called for a general alarm, recalling all city firefighters and support personnel and activating the Bristol County Mutual Aide response. About four hours into the fight the fire was declared under control. Preliminary investigation is leaning to arson as a cause. - Fire News photo by Ken Leger

Old and New Stops Lincoln Fire

A small fire on the second-floor porch was extinguished using old and new technology. Crews responded to a Railroad Street home in Lincoln (RI) on January 24, 2020, and used pressurized water, which dates back to the chemical engine, and the TIC (thermal imaging camera), one of our newest advancements. - Fire News photo by Paul LaRochelle

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Southwick Chimney Fire

Aggressive Firefighting Saves Pawtucket Mill

On the night of Thanksgiving 2019, Southwick (MA) firefighters responded to a chimney fire on Granville Road. The fire was contained to the fireplace and chimney only. - Fire News photo by John DeForest

On November 7, 2019, the Pawtucket (RI) Fire Department received multiple calls for a mill fire on Weeden Street. Engine 2 reported heavy smoke showing from a mill several city blocks long which was undergoing renovation. Second and third alarms were immediately struck, bringing help from Central Falls and North Providence. Multiple big lines were stretched into the basement and, through the tremendous efforts of the firefighters, the fire was knocked down before spreading to other parts of the building. Three firefighters were transported to RIH for injuries. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Tom Carmody

Firefighters Save Historic Building in Higganum Firefighters saved a 133year-old historic building on January 11, 2020, in Higganum (CT). The Haddam Volunteer Fire Company was dispatched to a home on Saybrook Road for a chimney fire. Mutual aid came from Killingworth, Middletown South District, Chester, Haddam Neck and Durham. The homeowners had made a fire in a wood stove when they noticed flames coming from their chimney pipe and called 911. Crews quickly attacked the fire from the exterior, and also opened the ceiling. South District provided a ladder truck to check the roofline for extension. The house is the former St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, built in 1887. Crews blocked a section of Saybrook Road for two hours during the incident. The Haddam Fire Marshal is investigating. - Fire News photo by Olivia Drake

Arlington Structure Fire

On September 13, 2019, Arlington (MA) firefighters battled a stubborn structure fire on Brantwood Road. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan

I-384 Car Fire

On November 22, 2019, The Bolton (CT) and Manchester (CT) Fire Departments responded to a vehicle fire on I-384 east at the Manchester town line. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

Chimney Fire in Carver Carver (MA) Fire Company 1 and 2 responded to Crystal Lake Drive for a chimney fire. Command reported a 2-1/2 story wood frame with an active chimney fire. Engine 1 stretched the reel line with the chimney fire attachment. Crews threw an extension ladder and a roof ladder for access. Crews also used a thermal imager to check the attic for extension. Crews found no extension. - Fire News photo by Tyler Reardon

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Suffield Fire

On December 28, 2019, at 0154, Suffield (CT) Fire Department was notified of a fire on Lake Road. Upon arrival, a working fire was confirmed by Engine 3 and an additional call went out for personnel and mutual aid from Connecticut Air National Guard, East Granby (CT), Lost Acres (Granby, CT), Southwick (MA), and Windsor Locks (CT), which provided station coverage. - Fire News photo by Jenn Tilsch-Nardi

Occupant Out at Manchester Fire On January 18, 2020, Manchester (CT) companies arrived at a Conway Road address to find heavy smoke showing. The sole occupant of the home was out on arrival of the FD. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

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Wind-Driven Fire in Providence A wind-driven fire that started on the second-floor porch caused extensive damage to a 2-1/2 story wood framed dwelling on Hudson Street in Providence (RI) on January 8, 2020. Engine 8 arrived to find heavy overlapping fire on side A and requested a second alarm. Firefighters aggressively attacked the heavy fire from the exterior as companies arrived. The fire made its way into the third floor and attic before being brought under control. The OIC requested a third alarm for manpower to assist with the extensive overhaul. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

Woodstock House Fire On December 21, 2019, Woodstock (CT) firefighters battled a house fire. Mutual aid tankers were also requested due to a remote water supply and the size of the house. - Fire News photo by Paul LaRochelle

5 Hurt in Hartford Apartment Fire

On November 26, 2019, the Hartford (CT) Fire Department was dispatched to Warner Street for a fire. Crews arrived to heavy smoke and fire blowing out of an end apartment. Due to the tightness of the street and fire conditions, a second alarm was called. The fire was knocked down in about 15 minutes. Five civilians were injured but all were expected to survive. The cause of the fire was under investigation by the Fire Marshall’s Office. - Fire News photos by Nick Peruta and Patrick Dooley

Springfield House Fire

On January 13, 2020, Springfield (MA) firefighters responded to a house fire on Byers Street. Crews arrived to find heavy smoke and fire showing from the structure. The fire was quickly knocked down without incident, and no injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by John DeForest

2 Die in Fitchburg Blaze

On January 5, 2020, crews responded to a fire in Fitchburg (MA) on Hughland Avenue. Crews arrived to heavy fire and smoke from the front of the building but were able to make a fast knock on the flames and get inside and extinguish the fire. Two men were found unresponsive and removed from the building about 15 minutes in. The two, later found to be 61 and 50-year old brothers, were transported to Leominster Health Alliance where they were pronounced. Leominster Fire assisted at the scene. The cause of the fire was determined to have been an overloaded power strip with a space heater plugged into it. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade

2 Hour Fight at Hanover 5-Alarmer

Hanover (MA) Fire was dispatched to Winter Street for fire in a complex of five separate buildings. Fire and smoke was showing on arrival, and a second alarm was requested, bringing Hanson Engine 4 and Rockland Ladder 1. Crews had water supply issues and a third alarm was transmitted bringing Norwell Engine 3, Whitman Engine 243 and Abington Tower 1. The fire continued to spread and a fourth alarm was transmitted bringing engines from Hingham and Halifax. Water supply continued to be a problem and a fifth alarm was transmitted. Weymouth and Marshfield responded and Brockton and Scituate covered. The fire was brought under control in about two hours. - Fire News photo by Bob Myers

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Worcester Responds to Warrick Street Fire

On January 10, 2020 Worcester firefighters responded to a structure fire on Warwick Street around 1600. Crews arrived to find smoke showing from one side of a duplex. Companies had all fire on the first floor knocked down when they encountered a hole in the living room floor. They encountered some fire in the basement, but quickly knocked it down. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Shelton Car Fire

At approximately 2230 on December 21, 2019, the Shelton (CT) Fire Department was dispatched to the River Road near Trolley Bridge Road for a car fire. - Fire News photo by

Cats Rescued from Leominster Fire

Hamden Bedroom Fire Leominster (MA) crews responded to a fire in the basement of a occupied house on December 10, 2019. Crews rescued several cats and kittens from the home. - Fire News photo by David Bryce

On January 17, 2020, Hamden (CT) firefighters received multiple calls for a dwelling fire. First-due companies arrived to find smoke in the area. Companies were waved into the correct address to find smoke showing from a 2-1/2 story mixed-use structure. They found a bedroom on fire on the second floor and made quick work of it, keeping the fire to the room of origin. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA

Watertown 3-Alarmer

Firefighters battled a three-alarm fire on January 24, 2020, on Robert Ford Road in Watertown (MA). - Fire news photo by Owen Carrigan

5-Alarm Building Fire in Rockland Around 0020 on, January 2, 2020, the Rockland (MA) Fire Department began receiving calls for a building fire on East Water Street. Engine-1 arrived to find smoke showing from a three-story wood framed multi-use. Chief Scott Duffey reported heavy smoke showing. As firefighters were making a primary search, heavy fire was seen on the C side of the building. Interior firefighters were making rescues, and Chief Duffey immediately requested a second alarm. Third alarm companies were requested to stage nearby. Crews backed out and hit the fire in the rear of the building. Once heavy fire was knocked down, crews made their way back into the building, attacking fire on floors two and three. The fire eventually went to a fourth and fifth alarms. The cause of the fire is under investigation. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

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Extrication in Kingston On January 1, 2020, Kingston (MA) Fire responded to an MVA with overturn and entrapment. Two occupants of the vehicle were extricated by crews who used a saw to cut the window. One patient was transported by ground to Beth Israel Deaconess Plymouth. - Fire News photo by John Sjostedt

Pembroke OUI MVA Around 0700 on December 29, 2019, the Pembroke (MA) Fire Department responded to an MVA on Church Street at Oak Street. Companies arrived to find a serious two-vehicle MVA with at least one-patient trapped and two patients suffering life-threatening injuries. Crews reported they were working a traumatic arrest on at least one person. Three victims were in a small station wagon, while one was in a commercial pickup. Pembroke requested additional ambulances from Marshfield and Hanover. Hanover Engine 7 responded to assist in extrication. Victims were transported to the OUI and other charges. He was also transported to the South Shore South Shore Hospital from the scene, with two reportedly trans- Hospital for evaluation. ferred to Boston hospitals. Police arrested a 31-year-old man for - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

Pickup Collides with Pole in Abington Around 0200 on December 26, 2019, the Abington (MA) Fire Department responded to a an MVA on Brockton Avenue (Route 123) at Niles Street. Companies arrived to find a single-vehicle MVA with a pickup into a telephone pole. The pole was snapped with the top of the pole, holding three transformers, resting on the top of the truck, while the bottom of the pole was stuck under the truck. National Grid was requested and they terminated power in the immediate area. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

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4-Car MVA in Worcester Recently, Worcester (MA) firefighters responded to an MVA involving a police cruiser that was rammed by another vehicle. Crews extricated a trapped driver from the civilian vehicle and transported the driver to a local hospital for injuries. Four vehicles were involved in the crash, and multiple ambulances were requested to the scene. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Duxbury Extrication On December 29, 2019, the Duxbury and Marshfield (MA) Fire Departments responded to Route 3 southbound, near Exit 11 for an MVA. Massachusetts State Police arrived first and reported the patient was heavily entrapped. Duxbury arrived to a very seriously injured patient. The patient was extricated and transported to the South Shore Hospital with lifethreatening injuries. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

Man Killed in Rockland MVA Around 1330 on January 23, 2020, the Rockland (MA) Fire Department responded to an MVA at the intersection of Centre Avenue at Spring Street. Engine 3 and a mutual aid ambulance from Abington also responded. Companies arrived to find a twovehicle head-on crash with one victim on the roadway with CPR in progress. Abington A-4 transported the most serious victim, a 40-year-old Rockland man, to South Shore Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Rockland’s ambulance transported the operator of the other vehicle with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

Uxbridge Rollover

On January 24, 2020, Uxbridge (MA) crews stabilize this rolledover vehicle with a driver still inside. The driver appeared to be

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uninjured and was assisted from the vehicle once it was stabilized. - Fire News photo by Paul LaRochelle

Page 20, Fire News, March 2020

Gov. Baker Presents 30th Annual Firefighter of the Year Awards Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, and other state officials joined State Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey to honor Worcester Firefighter Christopher Roy, who gave his life in the line of duty last year, along with firefighters from 14 Massachusetts fire departments who undertook heroic acts of bravery and public service during 2018. The 30th annual Firefighter of the Year Awards ceremony was held at Worcester’s Mechanics Hall. WCVB’s Doug Meehan emceed the event. Officials also recognized Worcester Fire Lieutenant Jason Menard, who died in the line of duty on November 13, 2019, while fighting a house fire on Stockholm Street. “The Commonwealth’s first responders put themselves in harm’s way each day, and these awards provide an opportunity to recognize their bravery and sacrifice. This year, our administration is proud to honor Christopher Roy, his family, and his legacy of heroism and sacrifice,” said Governor Baker. “Massachusetts cities and towns are safer places to live, work and raise a family because of the men and women like him, who selflessly answer the call knowing the danger that may await them.” “It is our privilege to recognize the heroes who take such remarkable action to protect our communities, even at great cost to themselves,” said Lieutenant Governor Polito. “Our administration also wants to thank their families, who make sacrifices of their own as their loved ones keep us safe.” The Medal of Honor award was presented posthumously to Worcester Firefighter Christopher Roy. Roy died battling a fivealarm fire on Lowell Street in the early morning hours of December 9, 2018. The complete list of this year’s award win-

ners is as follows: Medal of Honor • Worcester- Firefighter Christopher Roy (posthumously) Medals of Valor • Boston - Firefighter Patrick S. Callahan • Everett - Deputy Chief Scott Dalrymple and Firefighter Josh Doyon • Fall River - Firefighter Ed Correia Jr., Firefighter Michael Cusick, and Firefighter Raymond Schofield • Revere - Lieutenant Sean Griffin and Firefighter Paul McInnis • Rockland - Firefighter Richard Furlong, Jr. • Worcester - Firefighter Lea Caldwell Norman Knight Award for Excellence in Community Service • Fitchburg - Captain Patrick J. Roy • Rochester - Firefighter/EMT Andrew Weigel and Firefighter/Paramedic Jessica Vinjerud Excellence in Leadership Award • Westborough - Captain Daniel J. Hehir Group Awards for Meritorious Conduct • Boston - Lieutenant Paul McCarthy, Firefighter Michael Gormley, Firefighter William Joyce, and Firefighter John-Patrick McManus • Everett - Deputy Chief Scott Dalrymple, Firefighter Chad Bailey, Firefighter Christopher Dockery, Firefighter Josh Doyon, Firefighter Craig Hardy, and Firefighter Joseph Quinn, ret.. • Fall River - District Chief Kevin Blythe, Captain Michael Shea, Lieutenant Daniel Gerling, Lieutenant Paul Machado, Lieutenant Daniel Medeiros. EMS Lieutenant Michael Arruda, Firefighter Bruce Alves, Firefighter Robert Forand, Firefighter James Frascatore, Firefighter Ryan Hebda, Firefighter Sterling Hudson, Firefighter Brandon Jackson, Firefighter Jean Paul LaFleur, Firefighter Tyler

Lima, Firefighter Nathan Lowney, Firefighter Christian Ponte, Paramedic Samuel Finney, Paramedic Matthew Fournier, Paramedic Heather Littlefield, Paramedic Charles Oldham, and Paramedic Jessica Soder. • Fall River - District Chief James Mellen, Captain Matthew Johnson, Lieutenant Paul Berube, EMS Lieutenant Cheryl Davis, Firefighter Andrew Cordeiro, Firefighter Ed Correia Jr., Firefighter Michael Cusick, Firefighter Tyler Lima, Firefighter Brian Rapoza, Firefighter Raymond Schofield, Paramedic Matthew Adams, Paramedic Emanuel DeAraujo, Paramedic James Guilmette, and Paramedic Heather Littlefield. • Revere - Lieutenant Sean Griffin, Firefighter Frank Trichilo, and Firefighter Paul McInnis • Rockland - Chief Scott Duffey, Deputy Chief Wooley, Captain Thomas Heaney, Firefighter Richard Furlong Jr., Firefighter Jonathan Hickey, Firefighter Scott Margolis, Firefighter Liam O’Flaherty, Firefighter Marc Oshry, and Firefighter Daniel Rice • Saugus - Lieutenant William Cross III and Firefighter Anthony Arone • Sudbury - Lieutenant Alex Gardner, Firefighter Russell Place, and Firefighter Michael Donoghue Jr. • Westborough - Firefighter Carl Roche and Firefighter Barry Sullivan • Worcester - Lieutenant Stephen Kelly, Lieutenant Anthony Raffa, Firefighter Lea Caldwell, Firefighter Ronald Donaghy, Firefighter John O’Malley, Firefighter Blake Perron, and Firefighter Matthew Roy Stephen D. Coan Fire Marshal Award • The entire Andover, Lawrence and North Andover Fire Departments for their response to and long recovery after the Merrimack Valley gas explosions.

State Awards Public Fire Education Grants to 248 Fire Departments The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that 248 municipal fire departments will receive nearly $2 million in grants to fund fire safety programs geared toward children and older adults across Massachusetts. Fire departments in 235 communities will receive Student Awareness of Fire Education (SAFE) and Senior SAFE grants; six communities will receive SAFE grants only; and seven communities will receive Senior SAFE grants only. “Since 1995, the SAFE program has brought fire education to hundreds of thousands of students in the Commonwealth,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This program allows firefighters and teachers to work together to

provide fire and life safety education to young people.” The average number of children dying in fires annually has dropped by 76 percent since the SAFE Program began. The Senior SAFE program is in its sixth year, providing firefighters with the funding to deliver fire safety education to another vulnerable population seniors. “Home visits, smoke and CO alarm installations, and fire safety presentations at senior centers by firefighters with senior agencies help older adults develop strategies to stay safe at home for longer,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. State Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey said,

“The SAFE and Senior SAFE programs are successful because we have trained firefighters who deliver education to children and older adults. The fire departments being supported in these public education efforts are increasing the safety of the people in their communities.” The SAFE Program provides $1.2 million through the Executive Office of the Public Safety and Security to local fire departments. The Senior SAFE program provides $600,000 in grant funds from fees paid by tobacco companies to the Fire Standard Compliant Cigarette Program to ensure their products meet the fire safety requirements to be sold in Massachusetts. The programs are administered by the state’s Department of Fire Services.


Cambridge’s John J. O’Donoghue

Deputy Fire Chief John J. O’Donoghue passed away on December 28, 2019, at the age of 80. In addition to being the Chief of Operations of the Cambridge Fire Department, he was an instructor at the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy, and was a recognized expert, and the author of a treatise on elevator safety, both in rescuing trapped occupants and firefighting. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan

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Denson Promoted to District Chief

Recently, Tyrone Denson was promoted to District Chief of the Springfield Fire Department. - Fire News photo by John DeForest

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Tracy Saperstein Honored at Gillette Stadium Tracy Saperstein, the founder of TatySocks, was recognized at a recent New England Patriots game with the Crown Royal “That Deserves a Crown” honor presented at the pregame events at Gillette Stadium. Her story began in 2014 when Saperstein began running and joined the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team to run the Boston Marathon and fundraise for innovative cancer research. Since then she has run Boston four times, and five out of the six world major marathons, with her 10th and final marathon in Tokyo this March. She has raise over $200,000 in just five years. In 2017, Saperstein ran Boston in memory of a brave cancer patient, Tatyana, who at the age of 16 had become an accomplished artist during her cancer fight. Using some of Tatyana’s artwork, Saperstein had an image custom-printed on some socks. TatySocks was born. That original order sold out in no time and subsequent orders with designs inspired by other cancer patients have sold equally as well with all proceeds donated to innovative cancer research. Saperstein is dedicated to “Defeeting cancer two socks at a time,” so no other families will be told their child has cancer. While her marathon events will soon be behind her, the fundraising continues to grow to support the effort. All of the sock designs can be seen and TatySocks can be ordered at Saperstein is a long-time member of the Simsbury Volunteer Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary and currently Secretary of the organization. - Fire News photo by Gary Wilcox

Dropkick Murphys Fundraise in Honor of Jason Menard On November 22, 2019, a fundraiser was held in Lieutenant Jason Menard’s honor at the Worcester Beer Garden. The local Boston Irish band Dropkick Murphys played to a soldout crowd and the event raised over $12,000. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Jet Blue Honors Worcester LODD

After Worcester (MA) Fire Lieutenant Jason Menard passed away, Webster (MA) Firefighter Joel Grzyb reached out to JetBlue via Twitter. He told them how a Worcester firefighter had just died in the line of duty and asked if their FDNY-themed plane could be flown to Worcester Airport as a show of support. The company was more than happy to fly it up on the Ft. Lauderdale-to-Worcester run on Saturday, November 16, 2019. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Hartford Fire Department Promotions for 2020 On January 10, 2020, the Hartford (CT) Fire Department hosted its first promotion ceremony of 2020. Thirteen members were promoted to various positions within the department. Six of those were promoted to a new position of the department. Congratulations to the following people and their respective ranks. Tour Commander (Deputy Chief): Harry Tullier, Adam Guertin, James York and Kenneth Kowal. District Chief: Gerald Sisco and Richard Driscoll. Fire Captain: David Matos and Scott Schmitt. Fire Lieutenant: Andrick Santos and Luis Sanchez. District Chief Aide: Rafael Negron and Marcus Mathis. Strategic Planning Manager: Leandro Cieri. - Fire News photo by Nick Peruta

Red Knights Donate to Roy Family Fund The Red Knights Motorcycle Club of Worcester (MA) arrived at the Franklin Street Station to present a donation to the Chris Roy Family Fund. The group, attending their convention collected a sizable amount of money, and presented it to Lieutenant LaRochelle of Rescue 1. - Fire News photo by Paul LaRochelle

33 Local Firefighters Graduate State Firefighting Academy Career Recruit Firefighter Class 278 State Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey and Massachusetts Firefighting Academy Director David C. Evans announced the graduation of the 278th class of the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy’s 50-day Career Recruit Firefighter Training Program on December 5, 2019. “This rigorous professional training provides our newest firefighters with the basic skills to perform their jobs effectively and safely,” said State Fire Marshal Ostroskey. The Massachusetts Firefighting Academy (MFA), a division of the Department of Fire Services, offers this program tuition-free. The ceremony took place at the Department of Fire Services in Stow (MA). The guest speaker was Lynn Firefighter Derek Spitaleri. The 33 graduates, all men, represented the 14 fire departments of Canton, East Bridgewater, Falmouth, Fitchburg, Lawrence, Lexington, Littleton, Lynn, Medway, Methuen, Plymouth, Truro, Wayland and Winchester. - Fire News photo by Jennifer Mieth

Fire News, March 2020, Page 23


Firefighter Turk Aksoy Memorial Service

On December 1, 2019, Westport (CT) Firefighter Turk Aksoy was remembered at his memorial service at Saugatuck Elementary School. Over 150 firefighters and friends came to honor the 13-year veteran of the department who passed away on November 22, 2019, after battling

cancer for five years. Turk, 46, was predeceased by his wife in January 2019 and is survived by his two children, Tess (15), Tyson (13), and his aunt, Nadine Aksoy. - Fire News photos by

Page 24, Fire News, March 2020

Getting Set for Christmas

Whitman (MA) Central Fire Station on Temple Street, was all ready for Christmas on December 1, 2019. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

Santa Visits the D Street Christmas Party

Santa can be seen ascending the stick of Ladder 18 and disappears to the rooftop of Engine 39 and Ladder 18 at the annual D Street Children’s Christmas Party. - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston

Weather! Go Figure!

Leominster (MA) firefighters from Group 1 put up their Christmas decorations — in 60-degree weather — just in time for their first blizzard of 2019. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade

Hydrant Check in South Windsor

Recently, firefighters from the South Windsor (CT) Fire Department conducted pressure testing on fire hydrants in the area. - Fire News photo by Michael Brinius

Christmas Lights at Arlington’s Park Circle Fire Station

- Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan

Postal Worker Michael Ciccone Honored

Chief Robert Sideleau II presents Postal Worker Michael Ciccone his certificate for his heroic actions with Mayor Dean Mazzerella looking on. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade

Fire News, March 2020, Page 25

The Massachusetts Fallen Firefighters Memorial

- Fire News photos by Liz Feitelberg

Page 26, Fire News, March 2020


Arlington Ice Rescue Training

Ice Rescue Training at Spy Pond by Arlington (MA) firefighters. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan

Haddam Trains with New SCBA

During Haddam (CT) Volunteer Fire Company’s January 20, 2020, meeting, interior-qualified firefighters practiced using new SCBA equipment while maneuvering through an obstacle course inside the Haddam Fire Training Facility. After crawling up a set of stairs in complete darkness, firefighters encountered a “low profile” scenario where they needed to remove their air pack from their back, and move it — and themselves — through a space measuring 14-inches high. Firefighters then reassembled their

SCBA and continued forward to another obstacle. Upon completion of the course, members demonstrated how to set off a pass alarm, which could be used if a firefighter was trapped or low on air. The new 3M Scott Air-Pak X3 Pro replaces the company’s outdated packs that have reached the end of their lifespan. They will go into service when all firefighters complete training. Pictured: Haddam Deputy Chief Peter Brown crawls through a low profile obstacle. - Fire News photo by Olivia Drake

Lincoln Trains on Forcible Entry

Lincoln (RI) firefighters trained on forcible entry procedures on retired Worcester (MA) Fire Lieutenant from Rescue 1. their new prop from on January 24, 2020. The - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle prop is an invention of Fire News correspondent Paul LaRochelle, a

Fire News, March 2020, Page 27

Water Rescue All Clear Carver (MA) Companies 1, 2 and 3 responded to a report of an overturned canoe on Sampson’s Pond. C-2 was first due and was unsure if anyone was stuck under the canoe, so Marine 1 was deployed and sent divers in the water where crews found an empty canoe. Marine 1 brought the canoe back to shore. Also responding were Engine 3, Rescued 1 and 2 with the hovercraft, and Squad 1; Engine 2 covered headquarters. - Fire News photo by Tyler Reardon

Housatonic River Water Rescue At approximately 1600 on December 21, 2019, the Shelton (CT) Fire Department was dispatched to the Housatonic River in the area of the Sunnyside Boat Ramp for a reported overturned boat with parties in the frigid water. Units arrived on scene to find the two parties clinging to their overturned boat approximately 450 feet from shore. Before fireboat arrival, members from Echo Hose’s Squad 1 donned coldwater suits and commandeered a small boat from a neighbor’s yard. This was key in getting to the victims as soon as possible in the cold water and affecting the rescue of the two parties. - Fire News photo by

HazMat Call in Oxford On January 28, 2020, a State HazMat team was dispatched on a Tier 1 response to the Oxford (MA) Police station, for a reported suspicious substance located in a vehicle in the garage. Crews investigated, and the substance was contained. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea

Deer-on-Ice Rescue in Glastonbury On January 22, 2020, Glastonbury (CT) Fire Department members rescued a deer stuck on the ice on a pond off Hebron Avenue. No injuries to deer or members was reported. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley

Page 28, Fire News, March 2020

Cover Story

Orange 2-Alarmer

Orange (CT) firefighters arrived to find a well involved, occupied private dwelling on fire on Chestnut Ridge Road on December 18, 2019. Mutual aid was requested for manpower from West Haven and Woodbridge. West Haven placed Truck 1’s aerial in service to assist in darkening down the fire. Companies had to battle frigid

temperatures, icy road conditions and lack of water to finally bring the fire under control about two hours later. The occupants escaped the blaze prior to the fire departments’ arrival. One firefighter from Orange was evaluated on the scene. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA

Fire News, March 2020, Page 29

Up Close & Personal

Firefighters from the Warren (MA) Fire Department. - Fire News photo by Paul LaRochelle

Firefighters from the South Windsor (CT) Fire Department. - Fire News photo by Michael Brinius

Albion (RI) Fire Chief Richard Andrews - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle

On January 8, 2020, the Whitman (MA) Fire Department responded to a report of a building fire on School Street. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers

Freetown (MA) Firefighters venting the roof at recent house fire. - Fire News photo by Bob Myers

Four-year-old Faithlynne Preston (daughter of Glenn Preston) is thrilled to receive a gift wrapped doll from Santa at the annual 2019 D Street Christmas Party in Southie (MA). - Fire News photo by Glenn Preston

Page 30, Fire News, March 2020

MINUTEMAN FIRE AND RESCUE, THE EXCLUSIVE PIERCE DEALER FOR MAINE, MASSACHUSETTS, NEW HAMPSHIRE, RHODE ISLAND, AND VERMONT, HAS BEEN ACQUIRED BY ALLEGIANCE FIRE AND RESCUE, A DIVISION OF THE MASSACHUSETTS-BASED COMMERCIAL TRUCK DEALER ALLEGIANCE TRUCKS, LLC. APPLETON, Wis. (November 18, 2019) - Pierce Manufacturing Inc., an Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK) company, announced today that Minuteman Fire and Rescue, its exclusive dealer for Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont, has been acquired by Allegiance Fire and Rescue, a division of Massachusetts-based Allegiance Trucks, LLC. Allegiance Fire and Rescue has retained all of Minuteman Fire and Rescue’s employees and operations will continue to be conducted out of the existing facilities in Walpole, Massachusetts. “Over the years, Minuteman Fire and Rescue’s President Jeff Fournier and his team have provided fire departments throughout New England with superior service and have been instrumental in facilitating Pierce’s custom apparatus sales and aftermarket services in the region,” said Jim Johnson, president of Pierce Manufacturing. “Allegiance will bring its significant experience as a respected retailer of commercial vehicles and provider of superior service offerings to the fire departments in this region.” Allegiance Fire and Rescue plans to immediately make strategic investments to better serve the region, including growing the sales team, adding service bays and locations, expanding its mobile service fleet and parts inventory, adding a pump testing facility, and creating training opportunities for fire department representatives,

service technicians, and more. “We are excited to join Allegiance Fire and Rescue,” said Jeff Fournier, who will be its new President. “Allegiance has committed to broadening service offerings and resources for the fire departments we have served for many years. I can assure our customers that, under Allegiance, we will remain dedicated to their work.” Allegiance Fire and Rescue’s acquisition will foster greater opportunities for increased value to customers as well as accelerated growth and investments in future service offerings. “We look forward to developing new relationships and offering New England’s fire departments with an enhanced customer experience,” said Chad Schrempp, chief operating officer of Allegiance Trucks. “Customers should remain confident that we will provide the quality products they have come to trust, and as the Allegiance Fire and Rescue team grows, apparatus support and service will be our top priority.” To learn more about Pierce Manufacturing and Allegiance Fire and Rescue, visit To learn more about Allegiance Trucks, visit

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