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Garage, Home Involved on Arrival

HanoverCounty Fire and EMS crews responded to a fire on Cobbs Farm Road. Crews arrived to find a detached garage and single residence involved. No injuries were reported. The American Red Cross assisted.

- Photos courtesy of Hanover County Fire & EMS

Well Involved Residence in Louisa Cty.
Louisa County Fire and EMS units were alerted foran early morning structure fire recently. Initial reports were that the back of the home was well involved with secondary reports that fire was through the roof with a partial collapse. Chief 102 arrived to find a well involved detached home with the residents out front. Units from the Mineral District fire station were the first suppressi on units to arrive. Operations focused on an exteriorattack due to large amount of fire and lack of structural integrity. Fire department tankers started a watershuttle operation. Fire and EMS units from Louisa and Spotsylvania worked foran extended amount of time to bring the fire undercontrol. The Red Cross was contacted to assist the residents. Thanks to Spotsylvania, Goochland and Albemarle counties forproviding assistance with operational and station fill needs.
- Photo courtesy of Louisa County Fire & EMS