Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1973 JUNE/JULY 2020
Story on page 27. - Submitted by Chief Terry Pettit
Thanks to All Virginia Fire, Rescue and EMS Heroes!
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 3
In this issue... Challendon Drive Residential Fire The VBFD along with auto-aid from Norfolk, responded to a residential fire that spread to two vehicles. See story on page 8
Prospect Trailer Fire Farmville Dispatch called out Prospect, Farmville and Pamplin for a trailer fire in Prospect in Prince Edward County. See story on page 10
South Suffolk House Fire On April 19, 2020, Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded to a residential structure fire on Spruce Street. See story on page 15
Tech Rescue in Hollins Units from Hollins and North County responded for a technical rescue for a car into a hole at a construction site. See story on page 24
Winterfield Road Training Recently, Chesterfield Fire and EMS acquired four homes for training purposes. See story on page 29
Obituaries Woodstock’s Daniel S. Hottel See story on page 32
PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 34
A Service for Virginia Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973
146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Asst. Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales CLIFF CHIESA, Art Director, Production Manager Advertising Sales: BARBARA CONNOLLY Graphic Artists: LYNN SEDLER, GREG JONES COPYRIGHT 2020, THE FIRE NEWS INC., LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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Page 4, Fire News, June/July 2020
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
Don’t Let Your Guard Down As the battle against Covid-19 continues, I remind everyone that even though socialization restrictions have lightened up, this horrible disease is still threatening our existence. I am disheartened when I see people walking together in public places without masks and walking shoulder to shoulder and not giving thought that the disease is still around us. When firehouse procedures lighten up and you come down to the firehouse, keep in mind that masks, hand sanitizer and keeping your distance from your brothers and sisters is a good idea. Listening to the news, I hear that research is being done to come up with a vaccine that will protect us from Covid-19. Researchers feel that we could see an estimated date of 2021 for a vaccine. Truthfully, I am not confident that this will happen. Yes, times have changed, and our research technology is far superior than it was in the past. Let me share some of my thoughts with you. Polio can be traced back to 1580 BC. It was not until 1916 that serious concerns about the disease heightened and scientists started to work diligently to find a vaccine. In 1955, a vaccine to fight polio was developed. In 1961, an oral vaccine was developed and given to our population. I received my sugar cube with the vaccine in elementary school. Looking at the timeline, a lot of years passed before we had a
vaccine for polio. Look at the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). This virus was discovered in 1983 and almost 40-years later, there is no cure for the disease. Yes, we can treat the disease and control the symptoms, but there is no cure. What makes you believe that we will have a cure for Covid-19 in less than a year? I believe that everyone should rethink their lifestyles and get used to wearing masks in public and utilizing hand sanitizer on an immediate and regular basis. When you get together with friends, remember the six-foot rule. Diseases can lurk in very visible places. Ask the people who have survived the horror of Covid. They will tell you it was one of the worst experiences they have ever gone through. Many will say, “I didn’t think I was going to make it.” It is easy to forget a bad situation. We forget that close call we had at a past fire, we forget that we caught the flu from using our SCBA facepieces that were never disinfected after use. Our experienced firefighters will tell you of times when you exited a fire and handed off your SCBA to another firefighter so someone else could take over the line as the fight continued. It took us until the 1990s to realize facepieces needed to be sanitized after each use and every firefighter needed to have their own personal facepiece.
Diseases can spread easily. Do not let your guard down and continue to follow the guidelines that are in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19. In closing, I remind everyone to watch out for each other. Don’t be afraid to remind someone to wash their hands, keep their distance from one another and continue to follow the guidelines that are in place to prevent the spread of Covid -19. Be Safe, Dennis
Page 6, Fire News, June/July 2020
Hampton Late Night Fire
Just before midnight on April 25, 2020, Hampton units responded to a residential structure fire. On arrival at the abandoned two-story home, heavy smoke and flames were visible from all sides. Crews made quick work extinguishing the fire and protecting exposures. Follow us on Facebook at “Hampton Fire” and Twitter at “Hampton VA Fire.” - Submitted by Battalion Chief Anthony Chittum
Page 8, Fire News, June/July 2020
Challendon Drive Residential Fire
On June 5, 2020, at around 1851, VBFD along with auto-aid from Norfolk Engine 4, responded to a residential fire that spread to two vehicles in the 5300 block of Challedon Drive located in the Carolanne Farms section of the city. Engine 9 reported heavy fire showing. As crews were setting up for defensive fire, several major safety issues occurred. An energized power line burned off the house, the gas line feeding the house and, the most dangerous issue, was live ammunition rounds going off, preventing a transitional attack for a short period. Thankfully there were no injuries to civilians or firefighters. The fire was marked under control at 1921 and marked out 45 minutes later. The cause was under investigation. - Submitted by Art Kohn, VBFD PIO, photos by Ray Smith
Page 10, Fire News, June/July 2020
Trailer Fire
On April 29, 2020, at 0044, Farmville Dispatch called out Prospect first-due, Farmville second-due and Pamplin thirddue for a trailer fire in Prospect in Prince Edward County. Dispatch advised that everyone was out of the trailer. - Submitted by Dan Pempel
Woodstock Assists Edinburg at Trailer Fire
At approximately 1900 on May 16, 2020, the Woodstock Fire Department responded to assist Edinburg Volunteer Fire Company with a mobile home fire in the Lamberts Villa trailer park. Initial arriving crews reported heavy fire showing. Crews from Wagon 15 (EVFC), Wagon 12, and Truck 12 (Woodstock) made an interior
attack and saved a major portion of the structure. The cause of the fire was under investigation. Eleven WFD members answered the alarm. Units from Mt. Jackson Rescue and Fire, Conicville Fire, and Woodstock Rescue also responded. - Submitted by Zachary Hottel
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 11
Vinton Vacant House Fire
At approximately, 0215 on June 10, 2020, units from Station 2 (Vinton) responded for the report of a residential structure fire in the 400 block of 8th Street in the Town of Vinton. Upon arrival, units found smoke and flames inside an unoccupied, single-story, wood frame. The fire was knocked down in approximately 15 minutes. There were no injuries. A neighbor saw the flames and made the initial call. The Roanoke County Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating. - Fire News photos by Brian Clingenpeel
Page 12, Fire News, June/July 2020
Fairfax County Townhouse Fire On May 17, 2020, at approximately 1330, Fairfax units were dispatched for a reported townhouse fire, with one occupant trapped, in the 2200 block of Double Eagle Court in the Reston area of Fairfax County. The Battalion 1 EMS Supervisor arrived to find a two-story, middle-unit townhouse and reported one occupant was in second floor window with smoke visible. He used a neighbor’s ladder and assisted the occupant to safety. Remaining units discovered a fire on the first floor that was quickly extinguished. One cat was rescued and resuscitated and no civilian injuries were reported, though one firefighter was transported for a minor injury. Five cats perished. A smoke alarm alerted the lone occupant to the fire in the kitchen. The one occupant was displaced and Red Cross was assisting. - Fire News photo courtesy of Fairfax County Fire-Rescue
Stanley Firefighters Rescue Woman On April 11, 2020, Stanley Fire Chief Terry A. Pettit reported that the Stanley Fire Department was called to a house fire at 0549, in a two-story wood frame home located on Fox Drive off Aylor Grubbs Avenue. Firefighters arrived four minutes later to fire coming out the roof. Once on the scene, it was determined that the occupants might still be in the house and a search was begun. After entering the home, firefighters found a 62-year-old woman asleep in the upstairs bedroom while the attic was on fire above her and were able to lead her to safety. Chief Pettit stated that it took 20 minutes to bring the fire under control but crews remained on the scene for three hours. The house sustained extensive damage. Chief Pettit stated that it appeared the fire was started by an electrical short in the attic. Six Stanley units and 26 firefighters responded and were assisted by a ladder truck from Luray, which also stood-by. Three Page County EMS units also responded. - Submitted by Chief Terry A. Pettit
Chesterfield Handles Refrig Malfunction Chesterfield units responded to the 900 Block of Walmart Way at Walmart, for the report of a structure fire. Engine 5 arrived on scene to nothing showing. After investigating, it was discovered that a refrigerator electrical malfunction caused the store to fill with smoke. The assignment to the call were Engine Companies 5, 4, 20 and 9; Truck companies 9 and 7; Medic 20; Battalions 3 and 4 and the TSO. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
Fatality at Chase City House Fire On April 18, 2020, at 0001, companies 3 (Chase City), 2 (Buckhorn), 7 (South Hill) and Chase City Rescue were toned out for a residential structure fire with entrapment. Within minutes deputies from Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office arrived and were met by neighbors who stated there was still someone inside. Deputies attempted to make entry to the Charlie side of the house but were met with high heat conditions. Chief 301 arrived to heavy fire showing from the Alpha and Bravo sides of a single-story residence. Engine 34 (crew of six) arrived and split crews into search and fire attack. The search crew made entry and quickly located and brought the victim out to the EMS. Unfortunately the victim was pronounced deceased at the scene. Also on-scene were Virginia State Police. - Fire News photo by Rick Magann
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 13
Fatality at Cumberland House Fire
Cumberland received a call on May 22, 2020, at 2345, for a house fire with flames showing in the 100 Block of Cooks Road. Also toned out were Randolph District Fire Department, Cumberland Fire Department from Cumberland County and Farmville Volunteer Fire Department from Prince Edward County. Dispatch then advised there may have one person inside. Randolph arrived, charged a Blitz fire line and setup two 1-3/4 inch lines for an interior attack. Farmville’s engine crew worked with Randolph on the handlines. One victim was located in the front hallway deceased. Crews were on the scene for over four hours. Chief Paul Adkins said that Virginia State Police was investigating the fire. Also responding were Hampden-Sydney, Dillwyn and Price Edward Volunteer Rescue Squad. - Submitted by Dan Pempel
Page 14, Fire News, June/July 2020
Multi-Family Structure Fire On May 29, 2020, Suffolk Fire and Rescue units responded to the scene of a multi-family residential structure fire in the 300 block of Central Avenue. Emergency Communications was contacted at 0632 and the first unit arrived in the Olde Town neighborhood at 0636. Chief Michael Barakey advised that first arriving units found heavy smoke showing from the multi-story residence and that the occupants had evacuated prior to their arrival. - Submitted by Diana Klink
Suffolk Responds to Residential Structure Fire On June 6, 2020, Suffolk Fire and Rescue units responded for a residential structure fire in the 100 block of Pinner Street. Emergency Communications was contacted at 1143 and the first unit entered the structure at 1147. The structure was undergoing renovations and was unoccupied. The residence sustained light damage and there were no injuries. The fire was called under control at 1217. The Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating the cause of the fire. - Submitted by William Franklin
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 15
South Suffolk House Fire On April 19, 2020, Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded to a residential structure fire in the 500 block of Spruce Street. Emergency Communications was contacted at 1413, and the first unit arrived in the South Suffolk neighborhood at 1418. Battalion Chief William Kessinger advised that first arriving fire units found heavy smoke and fire showing from the single-story residence. Crews were hampered in their response due to multiple structural additions. There was no one home when firefighters arrived. - Submitted by Diana Klink
Fairfax Handles Deck Fire Recently, Fairfax firefighters responded to a house fire in the 7600 block of Pollen Street in Lorton. Crews arrived to find a deck fire with extension into the attic of the home. All occupants made it out safely. - Fire News photo courtesy Fairfax Fire Rescue
Page 16, Fire News, June/July 2020
Audio dispatch notifications are now available within IaR, at no additional cost has acquired TwoToneDetect and integrated an enhanced TwoToneDetect version into its all-inclusive suite of time-saving, online tools for emergency responders. TwoToneDetect captures emergency dispatch audio and transmits it through the IamResponding system to emergency responders so that they can hear their actual audio dispatches right through their mobile devices, from any location. “One of IamResponding’s core features provides dispatch notifications to emergency responders’ mobile devices via multiple and redundant pathways, including app push notification, text message and email to an unlimited number of member devices.” explained IamResponding President Daniel Seidberg, adding that “We are excited to bring this industry-leading tone and audio capture software into our existing suite of emergency notification tools.” The integration of actual audio dispatches in IamResponding supplements IamResponding’s emergency notifications for those agencies that desire additional redundancy of their dispatch notifications, who may prefer to hear the actual emergency audio
transmission, or who may not be able to equip all of their members with pagers or radios. This also provides a highly reliable solution for agencies that are dispatched by dispatch centers that do not have a CAD system, as this does not require any involvement by the dispatch center. “It has been a pleasure to work with the IamResponding team to integrate an enhanced version of TwoToneDirect into their existing suite of communication tools,” said Andy Knitt, the original developer of TwoToneDetect, explaining that “This integration allows for a much more robust delivery of emergency audio alerts to emergency responders, directly through the highly reliable IamResponding system.” According to Mr. Knitt, “Integrating TwoToneDetect into IamResponding was a logical evolution for the improvement of the delivery of audio dispatch notifications, as I already had great familiarity with IamResponding as a user of that system, and I already understood both the reliability of IamResponding and its value to emergency response entities.” Mr. Knitt further advised that “I highly encourage all TwoToneDetect
users to consider migrating their notifications to IamResponding because the audio delivery reliability, integrated phone app functionality, and support of TwoToneDetect within IamResponding far exceeds what has been available to this point.” In keeping with its longstanding practice of continually enhancing the features and tools it makes available to its users, Mr. Seidberg advised that “IamResponding will be providing the fully integrated TwoToneDetect functionality to its users at no additional cost, and plans a gradual rollout of the new functionality to its user base over the next couple of months.” Visit to learn more.
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 17
Page 20, Fire News, June/July 2020
South River Fire Department
South River firefighters training on firefighter removal, mask confidence and SCBA emergencies. - Submitted by South River FD
South River firefighters responded to a motor vehicle accident with injuries. - Submitted by South River FD
Members of the South River Fire Department training recently. - Submitted by South River FD
Recently, South River firefighters responded to a vehicle fire. - Submitted by South River FD
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 21
Fairfax Co. MVA on I-495
On May 13, 2020, Fairfaix units were dispatched to I-495 south for an MVA. Units arrived to find a small moving van that crashed
through a parking lot barrier, and went over a wall. There were no injuries. - Fire News photo courtesy of Fairfax County Fire-Rescue
Page 22, Fire News, June/July 2020
Jefferson Davis Highway MVA with Entrapment Recently, Chesterfield units responded to the 9100 Block of Jefferson Davis Highway for a report of an accident. Engine 17 and Medic 17 were dispatched. Engine 17 arrived to find two cars with extensive damage and two people entrapped. Engine 17 requested a full entrapment response, adding Truck 3, Rescue 3, Medics 14 and 21, Battalion Chief 1, Hazmat 15, and TSO. Units were on scene for close to two hours. All patients were transported to a nearby hospital. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
MVA in Suffolk Suffolk Police and Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded to the scene of an accident in the 3500 block of Bridge Road near Walden Road on May 10, 2020, in which a vehicle struck a building. The driver of the vehicle was transported via ground to an area hospital following medical assessment and treatment. The three other occupants of the vehicle were not injured. - Submitted by Tim Kelley
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 23
Chase City MVA, Extrication
On May 5, 2020, Chase City Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched for a MVA on Orgainsville Road. Chief 301 arrived to find a minivan that had ran off the roadway and came to rest on the side of a bridge. The sole occupant had minor injuries but could not get out of the vehicle and was laying on the driver’s side door and window. Engine 32 arrived and immediately used chains and the truck mounted winch to keep the vehicle from sliding off any further.
Crews from Rescue 3 and Engine 32 then worked to stabilize the car with Rescue 42 Struts before assisting with patient removal. The person was handed off to EMS and transported. Other crews on scene were Chase City Rescue Squad, Virginia State Police, and Virginia Department of Transportation. - Fire News photo by Rick Magann
Page 24, Fire News, June/July 2020
Tech Rescue in Hollins
At about 1010 on June 3, 2020, units from Stations 5 (Hollins) and 1 (North County) responded for a technical rescue for a car that had driven into a hole at a construction site in the Hollins area. The driver was extricated quickly and transported to a local hospital for injuries that were non-life threatening. - Fire News photos by Brian Clingenpeel
18-Wheeler Rollover on Rt. 460
On April 9, 2020 at approximately 1230, Farmville Volunteer Fire Department, Prince Edward Volunteer Rescue and Rice Volunteer Fire Department were called out to an 18-wheeler rollover on Route 460 eastbound between Farmville and Rice. When Farmville and Prince Edward arrived, they found the driver was injured and treated and transported him to a Farmville-area hospital. The truck was in the ditch and leaking about 100 gallons of fuel. Farmville members blocked the ditch and stopped the flow with hazmat pads. The Sheriff’s squad was able to open one lane until wreckers arrived and the road was only shutdown for 20 minutes. VDOT was in charge of the spill cleaned up. - Submitted by Dan Pempel
Page 26, Fire News, June/July 2020
Up Close & Personal
Winterfield Road training. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
Firefighters from Chesterfield Truck 3, C-Shift. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
Fairfax Master Technicians help resuscitate a cat at a townhouse fire on May 17, 2020. - Fire News photo courtesy of Fairfax County Fire-Rescue
Winterfield Road training. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
Winterfield Road training. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
Firefighters from the Danville Fire Department. - Submitted by Stephen Williamson
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 27
Cover Story
Two Hurt in Stanley Mobile Home Fire
On May 21, 2020, Stanley Fire Chief Terry A. Pettit reported that the Stanley Fire Department was called for a mobile home fire at 0153, on Phoebe Lane, about three miles west of Stanley. Firefighters arrived to fire showing from the entire home. Two brothers escaped the blaze but both were injured. Chief Pettit stated that it appeared the fire started when something on the kitchen stove caught fire and then quickly spread throughout the trailer. One brother suffered burns while attempting to extinguish the blaze. With no success he was able to escape through the front door
and then helped his brother escape through the bedroom window where he received cuts. Firefighters were able to keep the fire from spreading to a nearby residence which was only 10 feet away. Both injured were transported to Sentara RMH by Page County EMS. Twenty-four firefighters and five units from Stanley responded to the blaze and it took about 30 minutes to bring the blaze under control. Firefighters remained on the scene for three hours. Two Page County EMS units responded along with the Page County Sheriff’s Department. - Submitted by Chief Terry Pettit
Page 28, Fire News, June/July 2020
Overturned Tractor-Trailer Closes Route 58 On May 13, 2020, Suffolk Police and Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded to a single-vehicle accident involving an overturned tractor-trailer at Route 58 eastbound at Route 460. The vehicle overturned and lost its load of scrap metal in the roadway. Crews had to extricate the driver, an adult male, and he received emergency medical assessment and treatment for non-life-threatening injuries. - Submitted by Tim Kelley
Chesterfield 1-Car MVA Recently, Chesterfield Engine 5, Truck 7, Medic 16 and Battalion 4 responded to Route 288 southbound for an MVA with overturn and possible entrapment. Upon arrival, units were met with one vehicle on its roof and negative entrapment. Crews secured the involved vehicle. All injuries were minor. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
Stanley Handles Brakes Out MVA On April 28, 2020, at 1054, the Stanley Fire Department was called for an MVA involving a truck on Pine Grove Road. Upon arrival the driver, who had lost his brakes, was still in the vehicle. He was treated by Page County EMS at the scene and released. - Submitted by Chief Terry A. Pettit
Police Investigating Fatal MVA Suffolk Police and Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded on June 4, 2020, to a single-vehicle accident that occurred at the Route 164 off-ramp West at Bridge Road. Emergency Communications was contacted at 2008 advising of the accident. The driver received emergency medical assessment and treatment and was ground
transported to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries. Upon preliminary investigation it was determined that the passenger vehicle was traveling west when it ran off the roadway, struck a guardrail, and rolled over. - Submitted by Diana Klink
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 29
Winterfield Road Training
Recently, Chesterfield Fire and EMS acquired four homes along these structures for training. Firefighters participated in civilian Winterfield Road and Midlothain Turnpike. Truck Company 9 has rescue, firefighter Mayday rescue, VES (Vent Enter Search) trainbeen coordinating this training. Truck 9 serves as the Northern ing and more. District truck company. Almost every unit has been in and out of - Fire News photos by Christian Davies
Page 30, Fire News, June/July 2020
HazMat Call at MVA At 0820 on June 8, 2020, units from Station 2 (Vinton) responded to the 2100 block of Washington Avenue for a twovehicle MVA with one vehicle on its side. There were no injuries. One vehicle contained muriatic acid and liquid chlorine. The HazMat team from the City of Roanoke was called to secure the chemicals. - Fire News photo by Brian Clingenpeel
ATV Used for Ill Hiker At about 0920 on June 4, 2020, units from Stations 10 (Masons Cove) and 7 (Clearbrook) responded to the McAfee Knob Trail, on the fire service road, for the report of a hiker who was ill. Units were able to use an ATV to access the patient. The patient was removed from the trail at about 1100 and was transported to a local hospital. - Fire News photo by Brian Clingenpeel
Repairs for Suffolk Fire & Rescue Station 4 Suffolk Fire and Rescue Station 4, located at 837 Lake Kilby Road, was closed for work on the engine bay doors on June 3, 2020. Staff and equipment were temporarily re-assigned to Station 6, at 300 Kings Fork Road, while repairs were taking place. Due to the nature and extent of the required work, the reassignment was expected to take approximately three weeks for completion. Signage was placed on the doors at Station 4 to alert the public to call 911 in case of emergency, and to call Station 6 for non-emergencies at 514-4550. - Submitted by Diana Klink
Danville Community Outreach
Danville firefighters explain the importance of fire safety, and show off some tools of the trade to a group of children from the community. - Submitted by Stephen Williamson
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 31
Woodstock Gets Extraction System Grant
The Woodstock Fire Department is happy to announce the instillation of its Neederman Vehicle Exhaust Extraction System. It was funded through a $68,000 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. - Submitted by Zachary Hottel
Page 32, Fire News, June/July 2020
High School Firefighter Class 4 Holds Virtual Graduation Ceremony
On May 21, 2020, a virtual graduation ceremony was held for mem- Hazardous Materials Operations certifications. bers of the High School Firefighter Program Class 4. The High School Currently, FCFRD is working with FCPS to bring back the students Firefighter Program is a unique partnership between the Fairfax County over the summer for approximately five or six, eight-hour days to comF ir e a n d R e s c u e De p a r t m e n t plete the Firefighter II certification (FCFRD) and Fairfax County portion of class. They will also Public Schools. hopefully test out the remaining Fire Chief John Butler provided student for Firefighter I certificavideo remarks encouraging the tion. graduates and congratulating them These impressive students comon their accomplishments during pleted 300 hours of training during this unprecedented school year. the 2019 - 2020 school year. They Instructors were able to test the also kept a positive attitude and students in both Firefighter I and worked hard during these unpreceHazardous Materials Operations before the Covid-19 shutdown in early dented times! Congratulations to all the students. March. With online classroom work in April and May, 10 of the 11 stu- Fire News photo courtesy dents finished a few outstanding lectures for their Firefighter I and Fairfax County Fire-Rescue
Woodstock’s Daniel S. Hottel The Woodstock Fire Department mourns the loss of Life Member and former Chief Daniel S. Hottel who departed this life on April 7, 2020. Born December 19, 1925, Dan served with the department in every capacity for 79 years until his passing and will be sorely missed by the members of the department and the Woodstock community. - Submitted by Zachary Hottel
HDFR’s K-9 Taylor The Hampton Division of Fire and Rescue (HDFR) is sad to announce the passing of K-9 Taylor on Friday, May 15, 2020. Taylor, a Labrador retriever, joined HDFR as an accelerant-detection K-9 in 2008. She was partnered with Fire Investigator Gomes her entire career. Taylor proudly served the citizens of Hampton until her retirement in 2019. Taylor had the distinction of being the longest serving accelerant detection K-9 in the Hampton Roads area. Taylor was a special friend who will be missed by her family and department. Rest easy beautiful girl. - Submitted by Battalion Chief Anthony Chittum
Fire News, June/July 2020, Page 33
Danville Fire Holly Grove Rescue Department
Members of the Holly Grove Volunteer Rescue Squad gather for a group photo after their community trash pick-up in the spring. - Submitted by Jenn Ford
Holly Grove recently participated in a parade for the middle, and high school students. - Submitted by Jenn Ford Danville Fire Department patch. - Submitted by Stephen Williamson
Page 34, Fire News, June/July 2020
Page 36, Fire News, June/July 2020