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From the Editor’s Desk

Dennis Whittam, Editor Are You Ready forSomething That Can’t Happen?

An AS/MCI (active shooter/mass casualty incident) drill was held at Greenport (NY) High School on June 4, 2022. The drill had been scheduled months prior, but somewhat eerily took place 11 days after the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting in which 19 elementary school students and two teachers were slaughtered. The proximity to that latest AS/MCI is what has prompted this editorial. The drill involved the Southold Police, Suffolk Police, North Fork fire departments and EMS services from Jamesport to Orient, and even several South Fork departments, along with moulaged teenage actors to play victims. By all reports the exercise was a success.

But what makes a successful AS/MCI drill?

According to FEMA’s 2013 white paper, Fire/Emergency Medical Services Department Operational Considerations and Guide for Active Shooter and Mass Casualty Incidents, there are several things that responding agencies need to incorporate into a specific SOPfor such an event. Why formalize reacting to an AS/MCI if your department already has an MCI plan in place? Because the “AS” part of the exercise makes it, nearly, an entirely different animal.

Some particular areas of focus, become apparent with little thought and are proved out —or have problems made obvious —by an AS/MCI drill. Some key facets are communication between the parties, including ensuring all parties are not only able to communicate with each other, but use the same terminologies when doing so. This is unlikely to be a problem between FDs and EMS, but it may become a problem when communicating with law enforcement (LE) who, in most instances, will be first on the scene.

Other areas of concern will become apparent in frequent drills involving all the aforementioned agencies, as well as local hospitals and trauma units. There needs to be a single Incident Command Post for fire, EMS and LE.

The goal of any and all SOPs is to plan, prepare and respond in a manner that will save the maximum number of lives possible.

Although in their careers most first responders have encountered some horrific scenarios, the results of a mass shooting of unarmed people — seemingly more often than not children with obviously terminal wounds —will undoubtedly be something first responders will never forget. Many of the first responders will be long-term casualties of this ongoing slaughter, even if they never spilled a drop of their own blood. As psychology researcher Deborah C. Beidel, Ph.D. of the University of Central Florida, who has studied the impact these slaughters have on first responders, put it, “There are just some events that are so horrific that no human being should be able to just process that and put it away.”

Add after-action reports and treatments to the long list of things an AS/MCI SOPdemands.

Alast note … “It’ll never happen here” too often becomes, “Oh my God, how did this happen?”

Be prepared for the thing that’ll never happen. And the only way to do so is to train for it. - Gary P. Joyce

Managing Editor Gary P. Joyce is filling in for Editor Dennis Whittam this month. Joyce is a decorated three-tour Viet Nam combat veteran.

FireNews.com Fire News, June/July 2022, Page 5 Bumpass Residential Fire

Several companies responded fora residential fire on Ark Avenue in Bumpass in Louisa County. Companies working: Bumpass, Locust Creek, Mineral, Louisa, Holly Grove, Trevilians, Rehab-1, TR-105 and BATT104Aw/ Command. - Photos courtesy of Louisa County Department of Fire & EMS

Paradise Cove Fire

Recently, firefighters battled the Paradise Cove Fire in Lee County, which burned over270 acres before it was contained. - Photo courtesy of Virginia Department of Forestry

The Virginia Firefighter



June/July 2022

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VFSA, Attn: Secretary Jacob Hooghouse 9994 Sowder Village Square, #544 Manassas, VA 20109 or go to www.vfsa.org and submit online


VSFA rolls out online Membership Applications and Dues Renewal!

For your convenience, members and potential member have the option of filling out the application for membership or dues renewal forms online. After the online form is submitted, you will be directed to a page that will allow you to instantly print your membership cards! No More waiting for the mail! 8 • The Virginia Firefighter • June/July 2022

Steps for on line submission: 1. Go to vsfa.org, 2. Fill out the form. 3. Hit submit 4. Make payment via credit card 5. Print Membership Cards

Page 12, Fire News, June/July 2022 Cover Story Norfolk 2-Alarmer

On April 14, 2022, Norfolk Fire Department C-Shift crews from the 1st Battalion went to work at a fire on West 30th Street. Just after2320, E02, E06, E07, L07, R01, M07, M02, BC01, Fire Car1, FM1 and the FM Group arrived to find heavy fire from the second floorof a home. By 2331 the fire was upgraded to a second alarm which brought E01, E08, L01, and M01 to the scene. Crews were able to rescue two dogs, and there were no injuries to civilians or firefighters. - Photos courtesy of Norfolk FR

Barn Fully Engulfed on Arrival

On April 1, 2022, at 2247, careerand volunteerunits from Albemarle County Fire Rescue responded to a report of a barn fire on the 4100 block of Millington Road. Units arrived to find a large barn fully engulfed in flames. The fire was extinguished at 0125 on April 2. Material continued to smolderunderthe metal roof and crews had to monitorthe structure. The fire was underinvestigation by the Albemarle County Fire Marshal’s Office. - Photo courtesy of Albemarle County FR

Galax CarFire

On May 3, 2022, Galax Fire crews responded to a vehicle fire at the Sunrise TrailerPark. Arriving units found a passengervehicle with the engine compartment fully involved. The crew from Rescue 4 pulled one line and made quick work of the job. All units cleared in 20 minutes.

- Photo courtesy of Galax FD

Little Fork Structure Fire Held

May 3, 2022, at approximately 0600, Little Fork Fire Rescue was dispatched to assist Company 1 at a working structure fire on Old Rixeyville Road. The fire was confined to the second floor. Wagon 9 responded with a crew of four. - Photo courtesy of Little Fork FR

Suffolk F&R at Commercial Fire

Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded to the scene of a working multi-alarm commercial structure fire in the 300 block of Moore Avenue on April 20, 2022, at Celadon DPon Moore Avenue. First units on the scene encountered heavy black smoke showing. Preliminary information indicated there was an explosion at the site with multiple sides of the warehouse being blown out. No injuries were reported. Responding units include EMS 1, Medic 1, Battalion 1, Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 3, Ladder3, Engine 4, Ladder6, Safety 1, Ladder5, Fire Marshal 6, Rescue 1, Battalion 2, Fire Marshal 7, Car1, Car2, Engine 25, Medic 6, Rehab 6, Chesapeake Engine 28, and Chesapeake Ladder10. Units from Newport News and Isle of Wight covered Suffolk. - Photo courtesy of Suffolk FR

Woodstock CarFire

Woodstock firefighters begin attacking a vehicle fire on March 7, 2022. There were no injuries and damage was limited to the engine compartment.

- Submitted by Zachary Hottel

Chesterfield Brush Fire

Recently, Chesterfield Fire and EMS responded to West Salisbury Road fora brush fire. Battalion 203 arrived to find about a 40-square-foot brush fire. Engine 220 arrived and immediately stretched a line and the fire was soon marked undercontrol. Crews were soon dispatched back to the scene, due to lines arcing and sparking against a tree when the wind gusted. Battalion 203 and Engine 220 awaited Dominion Energy’s arrival and were soon able to clearthe scene again. - Fire News photo by CFN Media

Electrical Fire in West Falls Church

On April 21, 2022, at approximately 1328, units from the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department and the Arlington County Fire Department were dispatched fora house fire in the 7000 block of Lee Park Court in the West Falls Church area of Fairfax County. Units arrived to a single-story, single-family home with smoke showing from a basement window. Crews quickly extinguished the fire and there was no extension to the first floor. No occupants were home at the time of the fire. Fire Investigators determined that the fire was accidental in nature and started in a basement bathroom. The cause of the fire was an electrical event involving the ceiling exhaust fan. Fouradults were displaced. - Photo courtesy of Fairfax County FR

Powhattan Shed Fire

Recently, Powhatan Fire Department responded to Huguenot Springs Road fora structure fire. The callerreported theirshed was on fire and flames were visible. Fire crews arrived to find a shed fully involved. Crews quickly stretched a line and began an attack. Engine 704 got a fast knock on the fire and the incident was placed undercontrol.

Looking Back Norfolk - 1922

April 13, 2022, marks the 100th anniversary of the Great Berkley Fire which destroyed over200 homes, 20 businesses, and two churches in the Berkley neighborhood of Norfolk. The fire started in a vacant lumbermill and quickly spread assisted by strong southwest winds. While the fire caused nearly $1 million worth of damage and left 500 families homeless, amazingly, no lives were lost. - Photos courtesy of Norfolk FR

Fairfax Co. - 2018

Fairfax County firefighters battled a multi-alarm fire in 2018. - Photos courtesy of Fairfax County FR

FireNews.com Fire News, June/July 2022, Page 19 Long Job in Chesterfield

On March 22, 2022, Chesterfield Fire and EMS responded to the 5100 block of Bridgeside Drive fora structure fire. The callerreported a house fire with pets possibly trapped. While en route, Battalion Chief 201 noticed a heavy column of smoke. Chesterfield County Police advised the house was well involved. Crews arrived to find a two-story, wood frame, single-family dwelling with heavy fire showing and multiple exposures. Crews began an offensive attack with multiple lines. The incident was eventually able to be marked undercontrol. Medic 217 transported one patient to VCU forsevere burns with one ALS providerfrom Medic 211. Fire crews remained on scene foroverfive hours. - Fire News photo by CFN Media

3 Displaced in Richmond Fire

On May 7, 2022, the Richmond Fire Department responded to Fendall Avenue fora structure fire. Fire crews arrived to find heavy smoke showing. Fire crews quickly went to offensive mode making an aggressive attack. Crews soon found sponge-like flooring and a hole to the basement. Crews then found fire in the basement and worked quickly to extinguish it. Crews checked for furtherextensions and preformed ventilation operations. The American Red Cross was requested to assist at least two adult males and one adult female.

- Fire News photo by CFN Media

Page 20, Fire News, June/July 2022 Chase City Rescue

Handles Blaze

On 4/10/22, Companies 3,1,2 and Chase City Rescue were toned fora residential structure fire. While in route, Chief 3 noted heavy black smoke from several miles out and had 4th due toned formanpowerand water. Upon arrival, crews were met with heavy fire throughout the house. Adefensive attack was made before transitioning inside the structure forextensive overhaul and mop-up. - Submitted by Chase City Volunteer Fire Department

Fatality in I-288 MVA

Recently, Powhatan Fire Department responded to Interstate-288 southbound at the Huguenot Trail exit fora reported MVAwith entrapment. The caller reported there were multiple people trapped in vehicles and one patient was unconscious and not breathing. Powhatan Sheriff's arrived to find a multiple vehicle crash with heavy damage. Crews soon determined they were working one red patient, two yellow, and one green and immediately began CPR on theirred patient. Command requested mutual aid from Goochland County and Chesterfield County. Med-flight was also requested but due to weatherthe request was declined. Crews quickly got all the patients out of theirvehicles and transported them to local hospitals. Unfortunately, the red patient died at the scene. - Fire News photo by CFN Media

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