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Up Close &Personal

What a Model ... forFire Paparazzi, That Is

Photographers galore “shooting” apparatus at the 2022 Apple Blossom Festival on April 29, 2022. - Fire News photo by Carl Crossman

Woodstock Wins 1st in Custom Engine Category

Woodstock Fire Department crew with Engine 12 at the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival. Engine 12 was awarded 1st place in the Custom Engine category. - Submitted by Zachary Hottel

Maybe a Future EMT

The 95th Annual Apple Blossom Firefighters Musterwas held April 29, 2022, in Winchester. Displays were set up forfire and EMS education. Here, EMTs demonstrate theirequipment. Education like this may turn out a future EMT. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

HazMat Assn. Event: Sept. 13 to 16

The Virginia Association of Hazardous Materials in partnership with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, are proud to present our39th annual hazardous materials conference. We will return to the Marriott-Newport News City Centerwhich proved to be an excellent venue last year. Newport News, in the Tidewaterarea of the Commonwealth, has much to offer. Nearto the hotel lies Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown, Busch Gardens, and Virginia Beach. Compliment yourtraining with a short vacation forthe family! Within walking distance of the hotel are several fine restaurants, shops, and otheramenities. Pre-conference workshops will begin September13, 2022. The main event runs from September14-16, 2022. Registration costs have purposely remained at a reasonable amount so that everyone that wishes to attend are able to do so. Workshops are designed to be inclusive of all disciplines involved in hazardous materials mitigation. The majorfocus of the conference is to provide high quality haz-mat training with presenters being some of the most notable in the industry. The event includes a full vendorexhibit hall where the latest equipment of the trade can be viewed. Attendees have participated as farwest as the Rockies, as far north as Massachusetts, and as far south as Florida. This is one of few premierhaz-mat specific conferences in the nation. We invite you to attend! Information forattendees, sponsors, and exhibitors can be found at: www.virginiahazmat.org. - Submitted by Peggy Tucker

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