Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1973
Story on page 28. - Submitted by Ray Smith; VBFD Photographer
Thanks to All Virginia Fire, Rescue and EMS Heroes!
Fire News, August/September 2020, Page 3
In this issue... Windsor Lake Apartments Fire Virginia Beach FD, EMS and Police responded to an apartment fire on Waterway Place. See story on page 6
Keysville Wood Fire Keysville VFD and Rescue responded to a fire at the Ontario Hardwood plant on Horseshoe Bend Road.
A Service for Virginia Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973
146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Asst. Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales
See story on page 8
House Fire in Farmville Crews responded to a fire in a ranch house on Watson Road in Farmville. See story on page 12
Hotel Fire in Mount Vernon Fairfax County Fire and Rescue and Fort Belvoir Fire and Emergency Services were dispatched for a hotel fire on Woodlawn Court. See story on page 15
Chesterfield Handles Heavy Entrapment Chesterfield units were called to Reams and South Arch Roads for an MVA with entrapment. See story on page 22
Virginia Beach District Chief Keane Retires After more than 40-years of service, District Chief Dennis Keane has announced his retirement. See story on page 26
PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30
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Page 4, Fire News, August/September 2020
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
Pushing Forward As we continue to deal with Covid-19, my state — New York — has slowly entered Phase IV of a well-planned mitigation for containing the spread of Covid-19, while we try to regain the freedoms of the past. Yes, there are restrictions to follow if you want to have some sense of socialization similar to pre-pandemic days. Many low risk, outdoor arts and entertainment facilities can open at a 33-percent capacity. Colleges can open, and professional sports can resume without fans. Regardless of what you or I think, we must be diligent on following the guidelines intended to keep us safe. Keep in mind that preventing the re-occurrence of a significant increase of Covid is up to you. Despite what you think, follow the guidelines with the understanding that if Covid shows signs of poking its ugly head out again and as cases begin to rise, we will be back to Square 1. I am pleased to see that the first responders I have had contact with are following the department rules for preventing the spread of this disease. Kudos to all of the members who continue to respond, while keeping six feet away from one another whenever possible. I applaud the firehouses that have put up wall units at entrances that contain hand sanitizer, masks and gloves. It is refreshing to see that responders
have made the effort to continue to wear those masks and to use hand sanitizer immediately after calls and tasks such as signing in for calls. Keep up the good work. Let’s face it, good hygiene must be working because our members seem to be avoiding Covid. On a personal note, I would like to take the time to thank our EMS responders for your professional dedication and commitment to the people that you serve. I am sure many of you were not aware that in June, the Congressional Fire Service Institute (CFSI) took the opportunity during National EMS Week to honor the men and women serving in fire and emergency services departments across the nation who deliver pre-hospital emergency medical care. National EMS Week is a time to pause and to say “thank you” to our EMS responders, who, quite frankly, have not balked and continue to handle calls during these difficult times. I join CFSI and give thanks to each one of our EMS responders for your dedicated service. I also thank the CFSI for remaining committed to advocating for federal programs that address the needs and challenges of the fire and EMS services, especially during these tough times. In case you have not done so, take the time to visit to see what the organization is doing
for you, the first responder. Finally, remember that all of you serve your communities with professionalism and dedication to your department. Lately, I have been seeing posters and signs on fences and lawns, thanking YOU, the first responder, for your dedicated service. Keep up the good work. Hopefully, our network news organizations will do a piece honoring your service. For now, you have Fire News. Feel free to send us photos of your squad so that we may continue to honor you. Stay safe, Dennis
Page 6, Fire News, August/September 2020
Windsor Lake Apartments Fire
On July 5, 2020 around 0232, units from the Virginia Beach Fire Department, EMS and Police Department responded to an apartment fire in the 3900 block of Waterway Place in the Windsor Lake Apartments complex. Engine 16 reported heavy fire showing in the rear of a unit and the crew pulled 400 feet of hoseline between two units before reaching the fire for an interior attack. Engine 7 and Ladder 7 positioned on the B side and stretched two 1-3/4 inch lines. The fire vented through the roof and, at that point, Command ordered crews out and went with a defensive attack. Ladder 7 was
placed into service with its straight tip master stream. After several minutes, Ladder 7 shut down its stream and crews were able to enter each apartment on the second floor to extinguish fire and any hot spots. The fire was under control by 0330, and was marked out at 0341. Eight apartments were damaged and the Red Cross assisted 20 individuals. There were no reported injuries of civilians or firefighters. The cause is under investigation but appeared to be accidental. - Submitted by Art Kohn; photos by Ray Smith
Family of Five Displaced by Suffolk Blaze Suffolk Fire and Rescue units responded on July 11, 2020, to a residential structure fire in the 400 block of Hunter Street. Battalion Chief Demitri Wilson advised that first arriving fire units found smoke showing from the single-story residence. Firefighters were able to quickly knock down the fire that was contained to the kitchen. Two adults and three children were displaced and assisted by the Red Cross. There were no injuries. Responding units included Battalion 1, Engines 1, 2, 3 and 26, Ladder 3, Medic 3, Rescue 1, EMS-1, and Safety 1. - Submitted by Diana Klink
Fire News, August/September 2020, Page 7
Page 8, Fire News, August/September 2020
Keysville Wood Hopper Fire
On July 5, 2020, Keysville Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue responded to a fire at the Ontario Hardwood plant on Horseshoe Bend Road. Mutual aid came from Meherrin Fire and Rescue, along with Hamden-Sydney. The fire started in a trailer filled with sawdust/woodchips and extended to the hopper it was parked
under. Keysville used the Hamden-Sydney ladder to extinguish the hopper fire. They needed a motorized fork lift to open the shoot under the hopper to extinguish that fire. The trailer was towed away and the departments used handlines to put the fire out. - Photos by Ame Cooper & Dan Pempel; submitted by Dan Pempel
Page 10, Fire News, August/September 2020
Tunsberg Terrace Garage Fire
Chesterfield Engines 15, 5, 20, 4 and 16; Powhatan Tanker 704; Trucks 9 and 7; Battalion 3; Tankers 7 and 19; and Medic 20, were all on the scene of a structure fire on July 2, 2020, around 0030. The
blaze was located on Tunsberg Terrace and started in the garage and quickly spread to the other side of the house. - Fire News photos by Carter Killorn
Trailer Fully Involved on Arrival
On July 17, 2020, at about 1015, Pamplin City Volunteer Fire Department (Prince Edward County) was dispatched to multiple calls of a single-wide trailer with flames showing on Elm Road off Route 460. The following departments were also dispatched: Prospect, Darlington Heights and Farmville for water supply and manpower. Pamplin arrived to a fully involved trailer. - Submitted by Dan Pempel
Fire News, August/September 2020, Page 11
Suffolk Fire & Rescue Respond to Residential Fire
Suffolk Fire & Rescue responded to a residential fire on June 20, 2020, in the 1000 block of Freeman Mill Road. Emergency Communications was contacted at 0412. Battalion Chief William Kessinger arrived to find smoke and fire showing from the front of the home, which had extended into the attic. Crews were able to quickly knock down the fire, which was declared under control at 0510. The three adult occupants of the home were displaced and the American Red Cross provided assistance. One occupant suffered minor injuries but refused treatment at the scene. Multiple cats were rescued from the home. Responding units included Battalion 1, Car 1, Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 8, EMS 1, Fire Marshal 4, Medic 8, Rescue 1, Safety 1, Tanker 1 and Tanker 8. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Submitted by Tim Kelley
Page 12, Fire News, August/September 2020
House Fire in Farmville
On April 24, 2020, crews responded to a fire in a ranch house with two additions on one side and a carport on the other, on Watson Road in Farmville. Farmville E-1 hit the fire with a deck gun and two 1-3/4 inch lines. Crews laid in 700-feet of four-inch supply line off the secondary road. Prospect set up a draft to a supply line from a nearby pond. Hamden-Sydney Ladder 2 set up attack lines for an exterior attack. Additional mutual aid came from Pamplin Fire and EMS, Meherrin, Randolph District and Prince Edward EMS. - Photos by Mike Herdon, Dan Pempel and Farmville FD; submitted by Dan Pempel
Page 14, Fire News, August/September 2020
VBFD Engine 19 Automatic Aid Response
On July 18, 2020, at 1515, Virginia Beach Fire Engine 19 responded on an automatic aid response in the City of Chesapeake for a multi-family structure fire in the 1100 block of Alexandria, in the Greenbrier section of the city. At the time, a severe thunderstorm was in the area. Engine 19 was the second engine on scene and was tasked with advancing a 1-ž inch line into the structure. The fire
was brought under control within 30 minutes. The residents were able to evacuate but a family pet did not survive. The cause was due to a lightning strike. - Fire News photos provided
Residential Fire in Chesterfield
Shortly after 1830 on July 6, 2020, Chesterfield firefighters responded to the report of a structure fire on Willis Road. Engine 17 saw a heavy column of smoke and declared a working incident, adding Engine 1 to the call. Units were also getting reports of someone who went back inside and, because of this, Battalion 2 added Medic 21 to the call. First on-scene reported heavy fire from a two-story residence. Units remained on scene for approximately 2-1/2 hours with the fire being marked under control in about 35 minutes. Units responding were: Engines 17, 3, 14 and 1; Truck 14; Medic 17 and 21; Battalions 2 and 1; TSO; Air Utility; and Fire Marshal 5. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
Fire News, August/September 2020, Page 15
Hotel Fire in Mount Vernon On July 7, 2020, at approximately 0113, units from Fairfax County Fire and Rescue and Fort Belvoir Fire and Emergency Services were dispatched for a reported hotel fire in the 8600 block of Woodlawn Court in the Mount Vernon area of Fairfax County. Units arrived to find a four-story hotel with fire evident from the roof. A second alarm was requested. Crews worked simultaneously to evacuate the hotel and extinguish the fire. The fire was contained to the roof. There were no reported firefighter or civilian injuries. The hotel was occupied with approximately 108 occupants at the time. One occupant was outside when he noticed fire on the roof. He notified the manager on duty, who then called 911. Smoke alarms were present but did not sound due to the location of the fire. Fire investigators determined that the cause of the fire was a lightning strike. - Photo courtesy Fairfax County Fire-Rescue
Reston Building Fire Caused by Lighting Strike On June 11, 2020, at approximately 0256, units were dispatched for a building fire in the 1400 block of North Point Village Drive in the Reston area of Fairfax County. Units arrived to find a single-story, vacant building with fire visible from the roof. Crews quickly extinguished the fire. There were no reported civilian or firefighter injuries. Fire investigators determined that the fire was started on the roof by a lightning strike. - Fire News photo courtesy of Fairfax Fire-Rescue
Page 18, Fire News, August/September 2020
Orange Handles Skydiving Mishap
Recently, Orange Fire Company Truck 23 handled a skydiving acci- skydiver from the tree. There were no injuries as a result and units dent, in which a parachutist went off course into a grove of trees. cleared not long after. - Fire News photo courtesy of Orange VFC Truck 23 was able to make access and successfully remove the
Fire News, August/September 2020, Page 19
Curtis Brown Appointed to Lead Virginia Department of Emergency Management Governor Ralph Northam n a m e d C u r t i s B r o w n a s St a t e Coordinator of Emergency M a n a g e m e n t a t t h e Vi rg i n i a Department of Emergency Management (VDEM). Mr. Brown has served as Chief Deputy State Coordinator for more than four years and takes the helm of VDEM as the agency continues to coordinate the Commonwealth’s COVID19 response. He is the first African A m e r i c a n t o s e r v e a s St a t e Coordinator of Emergency Management. “Curtis has done a tremendous job as Chief Deputy, and I am proud to appoint him to this new role,” said Governor Northam. “I look forward to his continued leadership as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, advance emergency preparedness and public safety in our communities, and respond to severe weather and other emergencies.” Prior to his role as Chief Deputy at VDEM, Brown served as Deputy Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security in Governor McAuliffe’s administration, Regional Emergency Management Administrator for the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, and professional staff on the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security. He also is co-founder of the Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management (I-DIEM) a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing diversity in the field of emergency management and promoting the application of equitable practices
to improve disaster outcomes for vulnerable communities. “I am grateful to Governor Northam for this appointment,” said Brown. “The work of the Virginia Department of Emergency Management is now more critical than ever, and I am proud to lead the agency and work with a dedicated team of professionals through these challenging times.” Brown has played a critical role in Virginia’s response to Covid-19, including with the Commonwealth’s Equity Leadership Task Force. As part of that work, he has helped to ensure adequate resources, outreach, and support for Virginia’s vulnerable and high-risk communities. “I have worked closely with Curtis Brown for many years, and I am confident he will successfully lead the agency through these turbulent and difficult times,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security Brian Moran. “His professional experience has equipped him well for this role and I know he will continue to make the Commonwealth a safe place to live, work, and raise a family.” Brown received a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from Radford University, a Master of Public Administration from Virginia Tech, and a Master of Arts in Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness from Virginia Commonwealth University. He is a graduate of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Emergency Management Executive Academy and the Executive Leaders Program through the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security. He is a Certified Emergency Manager through the International Association of Emergency Managers. He succeeds Dr. Jeff Stern, who served six years as State Coordinator of Emergency Management at VDEM and recently joined FEMA as Superintendent of the Emergency Management Institute.
Page 20, Fire News, August/September 2020
Firefighters Respond to Fire in Lakeside Neighborhood
On July 20, 2020, Suffolk Fire and Rescue crews responded to a fire at a residence in the 300 block of Bosley Avenue in the Lakeside neighborhood. Emergency Communications was contacted at 0836 and the first unit arrived on scene at 0840. Chief Michael Barakey advised that crews found a fire on the back porch of the residence with extension into the rear unit. The residence is divided into two separate apartments. The occupants had evacuated prior to their arrival. There were no injuries and no one was displaced. The fire was called under control at 0907. Responding units included Engines 1, 2, and 26, Ladder 3, Battalion 1, Medic 3, Safety 1, EMS-1 and FM-1. - Submitted by Diana Klink
Fire News, August/September 2020, Page 21
Fatal Motorcycle MVA in Suffolk Suffolk Police and Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded for a fatal motorcycle accident that occurred in the 4100 block of Holland Road. Emergency communications was contacted at 0111 on July 25, 2020, advising of an accident involving a single motorcycle that left the roadway. Suffolk Fire and Rescue personnel transported the single occupant to a local hospital where he was later pronounced deceased. One lane of Westbound Holland Road was closed for several hours for the investigation into the accident. - Submitted by William Franklin
Orange VFC Handles Double-Fatality MVA Orange Volunteer Fire Company firefighters responded for a single-vehicle accident, recently, near the intersection of Lahore and Lake Orange Roads. Medic 23 and Chief 23-1 found a single vehicle with one occupant thrown from the vehicle and a second occupant trapped inside. Squad 23 arrived and assisted with stabilization of the overturned vehicle for EMS to assess the second trapped occupant. Unfortunately, both occupants of the vehicle had succumbed to their injuries prior to any Fire Rescue unit arriving on scene. - Courtesy of the Orange VFC
Page 22, Fire News, August/September 2020
Chesterfield Handles Heavy Entrapment
On June 19, 2020, Chesterfield units were called to Reams and South Arch Roads for an MVA with reported entrapment and possible fire. Battalion 3 arrived and confirmed the entrapment. Crews worked for about 30 minutes to extricate the heavily trapped driver. The patient was then transported to a local hospital for injuries. Responding were Engine 30, Truck 9, Medic 20, Battalion 3, TSO and Tech Rescue 17. - Fire News photos by Christian Davies
2 Hurt in Route 58 1-Car MVA Suffolk Police and Suffolk Fire and Rescue responded to a single-vehicle MVA on eastbound Portsmouth Boulevard/Route 58 just before the six lanes on June 17, 2020, at 1031. Two adult males had to be extricated from the vehicle in order to perform emergency medical assessment and treatment for injuries that were considered serious. - Submitted by Diana Klink
Page 24, Fire News, August/September 2020
West Springfield Sta. 27 Self-Rescue Training
Firefighters from West Springfield Station 27 A-Shift recently took bers, regardless of years on the job. Train like your life depends on time to get in some firefighter self-rescue training. It was invaluable it ‌ as it might! training for the probationary firefighter as well as all shift mem- Photos courtesy of Fairfax County Fire-Rescue
Page 26, Fire News, August/September 2020
Virginia Beach District Chief Keane Retires
After more than 40-years of service to the citizens of Virginia Beach, District Chief Dennis Keane has announced his retirement from the Virginia Beach Fire Department. Chief Keane was not only a leader in the Virginia Beach Fire Department, he also served as the FEMA VATF-2 Task Force Representative to DHS/FEMA (Washington DC) Task Force Leader. As the Jurisdictional Representative for the VBFD he has forged strong and lasting relationships with not only the 13 participating agencies and their members that make up VATF-2, but also with members across the country and within the oversight of FEMA National Headquarters in
Washington, DC. During his time with VATF-2, Chief Keane responded to the 9-11 attack on the Pentagon, the Oklahoma City Bombing and numerous natural disasters including Hurricane Katrina. Chief Keane is also a former Virginia Beach Firefighter of the Year and while he will be greatly missed, he leaves the VBFD with a living legacy that has the potential to span at least two more generations. His son, Matthew Keane is a firefighter with Virginia Beach and, as can be seen in the picture posted with this article, Matt’s five-year old son Grayson (above, right) is already fitted for his turnout gear. - Submitted by Art Kohn; photos by Ray Smith & Mrs. Keane
Chesterfield Fire Boat One of the newest pieces of equipment delivered to the Chesterfield is a fire boat which will respond for in- and out-of-county water rescues and water related incidents. The boat has the ability to go all the way to Virginia Beach from Chesterfield County. The fireboat, together with truck is approximately 70 feet long. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
Chesterfield New Firehouse 25 Firehouse 25 is the newest addition to Chesterfield Fire and EMS. Set to open in fall of 2020, it will house Engine 25, Medic 25, Brush 25 and Tanker 25. Firehouse 25 is located at the intersection of Woolridge and Otterdale Roads. It will fall under the jurisdiction of the 4th battalion. - Fire News photo by Christian Davies
Fire News, August/September 2020, Page 27
Up Close & Personal
Virginia Beach Firefighters from Battalion 1, Engine 14, Engine 11 and Ladder 11. - Fire News photos by Susan Edwards
Crews taking a breather at an April 24, 2020, fire in a ranch house in Farmville. - Photo by Mike Herdon, Dan Pempel and Farmville FD; submitted by Dan Pempel
Members of the Prospect Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary gather for a photo after a recent working fire. - Submitted by Dan Pempel
Virginia Beach Fire crews at a July 18, 2020 fire, in the City of Chesapeake’s, Greenbrier section structure. The cause was due to a lightning strike. - Fire News photo provided
Page 28, Fire News, August/September 2020
Cover Story
Indian Lakes 2-Alarmer
On July 21, 2020, at around 2337, the Virginia Beach Fire Department responded to a multi-family fire in the 5300 block of Maize Drive located in the Indian Lakes section of the city. Engine 19 reported heavy fire showing through the roof. Four minutes later, the incident was upgraded to a second alarm that would bring an additional three engines, a ladder truck, heavy rescue and a battalion chief. The fire was marked under control at 0049. Crews con-
tinue to work throughout the night to assist the residents and to make sure any hot spots were out. There were 16 apartments damaged from fire or water. Fifteen apartments were occupied at the time and the residents were assisted by the Red Cross. Two civilians were evaluated and refused further care. The cause was under investigation. - Submitted by Ray Smith; VBFD Photographer
Fire News, August/September 2020, Page 29
A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE NATIONAL FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS FOUNDATION’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS This is an extraordinary year with great loss and a myriad of challenges. The global pandemic has upended lives and countless plans. We are all adapting, including the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Our volunteers, staff and Board of Directors evaluated many options to continue the tradition of gathering in front of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial this October to honor the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. But with the uncertainties and challenges of planning this important event, while the coronavirus is still spreading in our country, our priority is ensuring the health and safety of the families of the fallen and all who attend the National Memorial. While we are disappointed to postpone the 2020 Memorial Weekend events, it is important to know that the nation’s fallen firefight-
ers will not be forgotten. On October 4, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation will broadcast a National Tribute to honor America’s fallen firefighters. Most importantly, our Fire Hero Families will be invited to attend a ceremony in 2021, where we will once again gather in Emmitsburg as a grateful nation honors and remembers the sacrifices of America’s fallen firefighters.
SYNTEX INDUSTRIES DONATES MASKS Syntex Industries is a manufacture of water tanks, hosebed covers and crosslay covers. Since late March, Syntex has been manufacturing masks and donating them to hospitals and care centers. There was a supply shortage of masks because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and Syntex Industries decided to help out and began manufacturing
masks. They followed state specifications on how a mask is to be made. So far over 1,000 masks have been donated. Syntex plans on manufacturing more and have a stock supply in case there is a second round of Covid-19 in the fall. Syntex is glad they could help protect the public.
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Fire News, August/September 2020, Page 31
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