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ClearCreek Trains

Recently, the members of ClearCreek VolunteerFire Department participated in a Core Rescue and Rope Rescue 1. This important class will betterenable the members to safely respond and safely rescue those in the Mountain State. - Photos courtesy of Clear Creek Fire Rescue

MVA Tractor-TrailerMVA

On July 1, 2021, at 1655, Kanawha County Station 3 (Malden) and the Charleston Fire Department were alerted fora tractor-trailer wreck on the West Virginia Turnpike, milepost 96 southbound, at the YeagerBridge. Malden Utility 3 arrived and Assistant Chief 32 established command. The driverwas uninjured and the tractor was leaking diesel fuel. Members from MVFD and CFD contained the diesel fuel from running into the storm drains. Hutches Towing had the truck removed from the road in an hour. Units that responded were Malden Rescue Engine 33, Utility 3, Charleston Engine 456, Medic 436, Battalion 408 and the West Virginia State Police.
- Submitted by Asst Chief Bradley Sparky Scott Malden VFD

Everyone Loves a Day At the Spa ... Even Fire Trucks!

Every Friday, Charleston crews take some extra time and give their assigned vehicle an extra deep clean, polish and care. This “spa” day is on top of theirdaily cleaning. Friday or“compartment day” has been a tradition at the Charleston Fire Department formany generations and continues no matterthe weatherconditions. - Photos courtesy of Charleston FD
Silverton Fire Rescue Trucks

1987 FMC Engine 603 2009 Smeal Engine 601 1999 Smeal Engine 602 -Fire News photo by Silverton Fire Rescue
5-CarMVA and Then Things Get Busy!

At 1755 hours on June 18, 2021, Company 7 was alerted to assist Company 8 (Reynoldsville) and HCES with a multi-vehicle MVA with injuries on Route 50 westbound at the intersection of Route 98. Squad 7 staffed with five personnel responded. Anmoore EMS and Salem EMS were also alerted due to the possibility of multiple patients. Medic 16, Ambulance 631, Unit 85, Engine 81, and Squad 8 arrived to find five vehicles involved ranging from moderate to heavy damage and two lanes of Route 50 west blocked. All patients self-extricated. Squad 7 arrived to assist EMS with patient care, traffic control, and to begin clearing the roadway of debris and fluids. An ALS and a BLS patient were transported to UHC. While units operated, Engine 72 staffed with three handled an automatic fire alarm at Baughman Towers in Philippi. Engine 72 and Unit 75 with an additional three personnel responded with Anmoore EMS to a CVAin the city limits that required the patient to be flown by Healthnet 6 from NutterFort Elementary School. Squad 7 handled the LZ. - Photo courtesy of Nutter Fort Fire Rescue
Brothers Helping Brothers

Brothers Helping Brothers is a 501c3 nonprofit that helps small and rural fire departments with equipment needs throughout the United States. Shown here is theirrecent donation to the Smithers Fire Department in West Virginia. - Submitted by Nick Magoteaux

OBITUARY Benwood’s Chief Mike Smith

On June 18, 2021, in Benwood, firefighters, friends, and family honored Fire Chief Mike Smith as they laid him to rest. He was 81.
The Benwood Fire Department (Marshall County Station 1300) was joined by otherfire departments from Marshall County, and around the Tri-State area. At the graveside, the Wheeling Fire Department HonorGuard performed the flag folding forChief Taylor’s family.
Smith served 54 years as Chief, making him the longest active chief in West Virginia. It takes a special type of person to be a firefighterand an even different kind to lead them into battle.
Chief Smith was eulogized as the kindest man, always willing to help and be of service. Rest Easy Chief, we got it now! - Fire News photos by Andrew Cunningham