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From the Editor’s Desk

Dennis Whittam, Editor Are You Learning from YourPeers?

When I joined the fire service, I was aware of some of the traditions that all fire departments seem to embrace. No, I most definitely am not speaking of hazing. Hazing is a ritual that involves risk, pain or harm as part of an initiation into a group. In the most organizations, hazing is frowned upon and has serious consequences.

One of the first traditions I learned at a very young age, was to knock with your elbows! If you visit any firehouse, bring a cake. It was a family ritual that every other Friday of the month I ventured with my dad to his firehouse in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Before we left our house, mom had a freshly baked cake ready to go with us. That cake meant a lot to the guys who were sitting at the kitchen table drinking their coffee and involved in conversation. Yes, the firehouse kitchen seemed like a special place where the family of firefighters were always welcomed and could also share their thoughts and ask questions.

The kitchen table was also a special place. Firefighters could share their personal experiences with one another. And whether they wanted it or not, a solution to any problem was offered. Believe it or not, most firefighters were versed in many different aspects of life.

Quite a few years back, I visited a neighboring firehouse and noticed a sign above a picnic table. The sign read, “Table of Knowledge.” Having a few years in the fire service, I simply read the sign and didn’t ask questions. Afew years later, my breakfast table became known as the roundtable. I have coffee every day at the roundtable and yes, I usually wind up in a discussion that turns into several cups of coffee.

The fire service is full of “unwritten rules.” You usually don’t learn about these sacred rules unless you share some time at the roundtable, the table of knowledge, the TVroom, or any other place that you can engage in constructive conversation at the firehouse. How many times have you heard, “The new kids just don't get it?” The special places where we can engage in constructive conversation is a place to eliminate future problems by clarifying the social norms and expected conduct that’s not covered by policy both in the station and on incidents.

I am always happy to see members working together as they helped each other practice for future practical exams. With the advent of portable training props, I often see small groups of members working to force a door or spring a lock so that they are ready for that early morning automatic alarm.

In the fire service, there is no excuse not to know something. Spending a little time sitting with the members of your company will prove to be a wealth of knowledge. Sit down together and discuss recent calls or events that you were at but weren’t sure why things were done in a certain manor. Make sense of the organized chaos by talking with the people who make a difference.

- Dennis

Long Stretch at Pinch House Fire

On May 31, 2021, at 1633, Kanawha County Stations 2 (Pinch), Station 3 (Malden) and Station 26 (Sissonville) were alerted fora structure fire on Brookwood Boulevard in the Mink Shoals area of Pinch. Units arrived to find a large two-story house with heavy fire showing from the roof. Deputy Chief Coleman made a special request to the Charleston Fire Department forassistance. Malden Engine 32 laid 800 feet of five-inch hose to the scene. Crews worked forabout an hourgetting the fire undercontrol and several hours afterthat mopping up and hitting hot spots. No injuries were reported. Units responding were Pinch Engine 21 and 23, Squad 2, Utility 29, Malden Engine 32, Utility 3, Sissonville Engine 264, Tanker262, Utility 269, Charleston Engine 452, Rescue 482, KCEAAMedic 113, KCOEM Unit 990, 994 - Photo courtesy of Jennifer Crimm Scott. Malden VFD PIO

Cover Story

Collapse in Romines Mills Blaze

At 0112 on May 27, 2021, Company 7, Engines 121 (Stonewood), 11 (Anmoore), and 31 (Lost Creek), and AEMS were alerted fora structure fire on Lightning Point Drive in Romines Mills. Engine 71 staffed with fourpersonnel responded in three minutes. Tanker7 and Unit 74 also responded with two personnel. Anmoore Ambulance 20 arrived to a corrected location of Buckhannon Pike to find a two-story dwelling fully involved and live powerlines down across the roadway. Engine 71 arrived and placed the deck gun in service in an attempt to knock some of the fire down while two 1-¾ inch cross lays were placed in service. Engine 122 assisted in getting a watersupply established into 71 and provided manpowerforthe initial fire attack. Due to a lack of hydrants and the need for additional manpower, BarbourEngine 41 (Philippi) and Upshur PumperTanker6 (Warren District) were added to the assignment and SpelterEngine 112 was transferred to Company 7. Lost Creek Engine 31, Tanker3, and UpshurCounty units operated at the opposite end of the fire and placed an additional handline in service. Tankers 7 and 3, Upshur6, and Engines 11 and Barbour41 assisted in watershuttle operations. The structure ultimately collapsed. The WVState Fire Marshal’s Office and Harrison County Sheriff’s Department were investigating. Deputy Chief Rohrbough had the command. - Fire News photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD and Co. 11 and EMT Chelsea Cress/Hometown Images


Fire News, July/August 2021, Page 9 Truck Fire on WVTurnpike

On May 14, 2021, around noon, the Charleston Fire Department and Kanawha County Station 3 (Malden) were dispatched to the West Virginia Turnpike exit 95 fora dump truck loaded with aircraft insulation on fire. Units from both departments quickly went to work to extinguish the blaze. No Injuries were reported. Units responding were Charleston Engine 454 and 451, Battalion Chief 450, and Malden Engine 31. - Submitted by Asst Chief Bradley Sparky Scott Malden VFD

Kanawha Garage Fire Stopped from Extending

Crews responded to a structure fire around 0900 on Gapview Drive. Kanawha County Stations 3, 4 and 5 were dispatched. Chief 3 William ‘Squeak’Peterson was first to arrive to a fully involved abandoned garage fire with exposures on the B side. Engine 32 arrived and crews started extinguishing the blaze and protecting the exposure. No injuries were reported. Units responding were Malden Engine 31 and 32, Rand Engine 43 and 44 and Belle Engine 53. - Submitted by Asst Chief Bradley Sparky Scott Malden VFD

Crews Battle House Fire In Malden

Crews from Kanawha County Stations 3, 4 and 5 were dispatched to Gapview Drive recently foran early morning house fire. Engine 32 found a single-story vacant house fully involved. The crew went to work and contained the fire to the house. Units responding were Malden Engines 31 and 32, Utility 4, Rand Engines 42 and 43, Belle Engine 53 and KCEAAmedics. - Submitted by Asst Chief Bradley Sparky Scott Malden VFD

Suspicious TrailerFire

On June 22, 2021, at 0602, Kanawha County Station 3, Malden Station 4 (Rand) and Station 5 (Belle) were alerted fora structure fire on Dry Branch Drive. Chief 3 William L(‘Squeak’) Peterson was first to arrive in Utility 3 to a single-wide trailerand heavy fire showing from the rearof the structure underneath. Engine 32 arrived shortly afterand pulled a 1-3/4 inch line and stopped the fire from extending. The fire appeared to be suspicious in nature and the West Virginia State Fire Marshal’s Office was contacted. - Submitted by Asst Chief Bradley Sparky Scott Malden VFD

Single-Wide Fire on Honeysuckle Lane

At 1818 on June 4, 2021, Company 13 (Summit Park), Engines 71 and 121 (Stonewood), Unit 81 (Reynoldsville) and HCES were alerted fora structure fire on Honeysuckle Lane in the Arlington section of Clarksburg. Tanker11 (Spelter) was added to the assignment by Chief 13. Engine 71, staffed with five, responded in less than three minutes. Tanker7, with an additional crew of two, responded shortly after. Engine 71 arrived to find a single-wide trailerwith heavy smoke showing and fire showing from a covered porch. All occupants were out. Unit 71’s crew placed a 1-3/4 inch cross lay in service and extinguished the porch fire and made entry foran interior attack to find fire extension into the front room and also fire running the ceiling almost the entire length of the trailer. Additional crews placed another1-3/4 inch in service and assisted in fire suppression and watersupply. Aftera challenging overhaul due to the structure having a shingled and metal roof, crews returned home at 2000 hours. No injuries were reported but one animal died. - Fire News photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD

Logan Apartment House Fire

Crews were dispatched to Cole Street in Logan, at 0416 on May 14, 2021, fora working structure fire in a three-story apartment building with a basement. Two engines, a ladder, a rescue, a squad and 28 firefighters responded. - Fire News photo courtesy of Chris Hatfield, IAAI-FIT, Fire Marshal

Salem House Fire

At 0912 on May 29, 2021, Company 9 (Salem Fire/EMS), and Engines 81 and 71 (Reynoldsville) were alerted fora structure fire on West Main Street in Salem. Engine 72, staffed with six personnel, responded in underthree minutes. Tanker7, staffed with an additional two personnel, responded moments later. Engine 112 (Spelter) was quickly added to the assignment. Ambulance 99 and Engine 91 arrived to find a two-story dwelling with heavy smoke showing. Crews secured theirown hydrant, placed a line in service and made entry through the front door. Engine 72 arrived and sent its crew to assist Engines 91 and 81 with the interiorattack, finding heavy fire throughout. Crews were pulled out fora short time due to deteriorating conditions. Ladder92 placed the stick in the airwith crews from Engine 112 beginning vertical and horizontal ventilation, utilizing its elevated mastersteam, and laying in a fourinch LDH from a nearby hydrant to supply 92. Once conditions allowed, crews advanced an additional cross lay through the Bravo side and advanced upstairs extinguishing heavy fire conditions. Once the bulk of the fire was knocked, crews utilized interiorand exteriorhandlines to hit hot spots. Aftera lengthy clean up, crews returned just after1430 hours. Stonewood Engine 123 transferred to Company 9 forthe duration of the incident. No injuries were reported.

- Fire News photos courtesy of Nutter Fort FD Co. 7, Co. 9, Co. 8, and Co. 11.

Page 18, Fire News, July/August 2021

ConveyorBelt Fire at Marfork Coal

ClearCreek members assisted Whitesville with a industrial conveyorbelt fire at Marfork Coal Company. - Fire News photos courtesy of Clear Creek FD

Looking Back

Wheeling - 2017

Wheeling firefighters responded to Virginia Street on Wheeling Island to start the New Yearoff on January 2, 2017, with a two-alarm, all-hands structure fire. Companies made an aggressive interiorattack, but eventually, crews evacuated as the second floorof the original fire building collapsed. - Fire News photo by Andrew Michael Cunningham, Wheeling’s Bravest Media/FGBNLLC

Wheeling - 2016

Wheeling firefighters were alerted to a report of a structure fire with flames and smoke showing from a house on December 23, 2016, in Warwood, on North 10th Street. Companies worked about an hourand were able to contain the fire. - Fire News photo by Andrew Michael Cunningham, Wheeling’s Bravest Media/FGBNLLC


TylerMountain Fire Rescue Beckley Fire Department South Charleston Fire Department


MVAwith Injuries, Entrapment and Medevac

At 0052 on June 16, 2021, Squad 7 was requested by Barbour County Station 4 (Philippi) foran MVAwith injuries and entrapment on Route 57 nearBeech Lick Road. Squad 7, staffed with four personnel, responded in three minutes. Rescue 4, Engine 43, and BCES Medic 162 arrived to find a single vehicle off the roadway into the tree line with one occupant heavily entrapped. Crews stabilized the vehicle and removed the roof, which had heavy intrusion to the passengercompartment. Engine 72 responded, with an additional two personnel, to handle an LZ set up on Route 57 at Isaacs Run Road. Due to a dense fog, the LZ was changed to the PhilippiBarbourCounty Regional Airport. Squad 7 arrived and assisted with extrication making multiple cuts and spreads to access the passengerside with Rescue 4 removing the driver’s doorand both crews performed a modified dash lift and cutting the steering column. Extrication time was 40 minutes. - Fire News photos courtesy of Nutter Fort Fire Rescue

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