Fire News, NJ Firemen's Convention at Wildwood, 2021

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Five Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s Association Post Office Box 935, Wildwood, NJ 08260-0935

Member Volunteer Fire Companies Anglesea - North Wildwood Wildwood - Holly Beach West Wildwood - Wildwood Crest After the cancellation of the 2020 Fireman’s Convention and Expo, it is our pleasure to welcome you back to Wildwood for this year’s New Jersey State Fireman’s Expo. The last year-and-a-half has been a most trying time for all. We have attempted to bring back some normalcy by putting on the Expo as usual with the least amount of inconvenient changes. We hope you and your family have weathered this pandemic unscathed. While you are here we recommend you still practice Covid safety measures. Even though the convention has been reduced to just one day, the Expo will still be a two-day event. Expo hours are 0800

to 1800 on Friday and 0800 to 1400 on Saturday. As you may know by now, the trolley service from Wildwood Crest in no longer in business, a casualty of the Corona virus. We have arranged for a jitney service to run in its place. Due to the change in registration times, the jitney service is scheduled to run from Jefferson Avenue in Wildwood Crest along Atlantic Avenue to Farragut Road, where it will turn east, then north on Ocean Avenue to the convention hall and Expo area. Friday jitney operation hours are to start at 0830 until 1600. Saturday service is schedued to run from 0830

until 1300. The Fireman’s memorial parade will start as usual at Morning Glory and New Jersey Avenues in Wildwood Crest at 1400. You are reminded there are no sirens allowed in town at anytime, including along the parade route. The parade will again be led by the fire companies that have lost a firefighter in the line of duty this past two years. Please be safe and enjoy your stay. David Thompson President, FMBVFA

Welcome from NJS Fireman’s Assocation Chiefs, Delegates, Life Members: The Officers and Executive Committee of the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association would like to welcome everyone to the walk-through election of your State Officers. Although health and safety conditions have improved as compared to last year, your State Officers and Executive Committee felt that we should still take a cautious approach to activities this year. We ask for your patience as we try to take care of the necessary business of the Association. The election of your State Officers and four ballot questions will take place on Friday, September 17, 2021, at the Convention Center from 0900 to 1500. To try to keep the lines down, please limit those coming in to the Convention Center to just those individuals who have business there or are required to be there. Delegates and Life Members should have their white and red registration cards in hand as they enter the Convention Center to help speed up the voting process. We set up a “suggested” voting time schedule by county in order to try to keep the lines short. Please try to adhere to that schedule. Information is available on our website and from your local Relief Association Secretary. We will not be having full convention sessions this year, but we will be creating a Memorial Service video which will be available on our website later this year. Although the Executive Officers are running unopposed, we ask for your support by voting for each of us. The first ballot question

was submitted by 22 separate Local Relief Associations located in seven different counties. We ask that you review the information that was handed out at the County Caucus Elections on this resolution and cast your vote in the long-term best interests of our Association. The next three ballot questions are required “housekeeping” questions and we ask you to vote yes on each of them. Over the past year your Officers, along with the Executive Committee, continue to move the Association forward in a very positive and effective manner. We currently have three programs that the NJSFA administers to assist our members and their families. The Healthcare Program continues to be a success with our members. So far during this calendar year, we have over 125 firefighters participating in the program. Every County in the state has members in the program this year. Effective July 1, 2020 the maximum monthly reimbursement was increased to $5,000. This program is available to any member who is receiving care from a licensed caregiver working with a licensed health care firm. The firefighter can be receiving that care at home, an adult day care facility, a rehabilitation facility or a long-term care facility. Since the inception, 230 firefighters from all 21 counties have enrolled in this program. (Continued on page 6)

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Atlantic Avenue

INDEX TO EXHIBITORS AND VENDORS 1ST CHOICE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North Lot 32 33 34 1ST RESPONDER NEWSPAPER . . . . . .AB Regular 38 AAA EMERGENCY SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 22 & 23 ABSOLUTE FIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 32, 48, 64 ACCESS COMPLIANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 17 ADVANCED RESCUE BOATS & EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OCEAN AVE North 18 AIR AND GAS TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . .D Tent 1 & 2 AIR DEB - MAGNA GRIP . . . . . . .OCEAN AVE North 6 AIR METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 42 AIRPOWER INTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D Tent 7-8 AMERICAN RECYCLING . . . . . . . . .AB Tent Center 26 ARMOR TUFF FLOORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 98 ASI FIRE/RESCUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 22 AT & T The Wireless Experience . .AB Tent Regular 11 BACK LINE SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 19

BACKSTOP USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 34 BATTALION 1 CONSULTING . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 101 BILL FOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Tent 29 BUCKET BRIGADE USA . . . . . . . .AB Tent Regular 75 BURN FOUNDATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gates CALIFORNIA CASUALTY . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 34 CAMPBELL SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 1-5, 29,30,45,46,61,62,77-80 CAPE MARINE . . . . . . . . . . .Ballfield 11 (Burk Avenue) CAPE MAY CIGARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ballfield 12 CARDIO PULMONARY DIAGNOSTIC LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Tent Regular 28 CASTLE ENERGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 63 CHOICE MARKETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 28 CLEAN AIR CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 24 CONTINENTAL FIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Horsehoe 3-12 CRITERION FLOORING SYSTEMS . . . .AB Regular 54

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Andrews Ave.

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INDEX TO EXHIBITORS AND VENDORS CSC SERVICE WORKS / SUPER LAUNDRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 10 & 11 EAGLE EMBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 14,15,16 EAST COAST EMERGENCY LIGHTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ballfield 9 ( Burk Ave) ECKERT FIRE TACTICS LLC . . . . . . . . . . .North Lot 22 ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT LABS . .AB Regular 16 ELITE VEHICLE SOLUTIONS . . . . . .South Lot 27 & 28 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT SALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 36-37,52-53,68-69 EMERGENCY SOFTWARE (Enforsys) . . . . . .C Tent 16 EMS MEDICAL MANAGEMENT . .AB TENT Regular 22 EQUIPMENT MARKETERS . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 12 ESI EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 21-22 FAST LANE EMERGENCY VEHICLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocean Ave.North 16 FAST TRACK COATINGS . . . . . . . .AB Tent Regular 71 FEDERAL SIGNAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 14 FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES, INC (PIERCE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South 8-13,33-35,49-51,65-67,84-88 FIRE FLOW SERVICES . . . . . . . .Ocean Ave North 15 FIRE GROUND TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . .South Lot 71 FIRE HOUSE 24/7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB TENT Regular 32 FIRE HOUSE GRANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 27 FIRE NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 23 FIREFIGHTER ONE / FERRARA FIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 41,42,57,58,73,74 FIRST CHOICE (E-ONE) .South Lot 6-7, 31,47,63, 81-83 FIRST DUE FABRICATIONS . . . . . .Ocean Ave North 12 FIRST NET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ballfield D 3 & 8 FIRST PRIORITY EMERGENCY VEHICLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North Ocean 19-23 FISHER SPORTWEAR . . . . . . . . . . .AB Tents 1-3,58-60 FLOOR SKINZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 13 FLORIAN RE APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 104 FMBVFA T SHIRTS AND MUGS . . . . . . . .Beer Garden GARDEN STATE COMMUNICATIONS . . . . . . . . . .BF 2 GOLD STAR FAMILIES . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 20 - 21

GRIFFITH POTTERY HOUSE INC . . . . .AB Regular 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 13 HAINES FIRE & RISK CONSULTING . . . .South Lot 18 HANG DRY / ADRENALIN RACING . . . .AB Regular19 IAM RESPONDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent14 INTEGRATED IMAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Tent 47 INTERSTATE MOBILE CARE . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 13 KC SIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 28 KETTERERS RESCUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 51 LEGACY PROMOTIONS . . . . . . . . .AB Tent Regular 74 LEXAIRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Tent 27 LIBERTY ART WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 17 LIFE CROWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 26 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP . . . . . . . . .South Lot 15 MADHOUZ TECHMASTERS . . . . .Ocean Ave South 4 MAI AMERICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North Lot 3-5 MID ATLANTIC FIRE AND AIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 5-9 Ocean South 3 MIDATLANTIC RESCUE SYSTEMS . . . . . . .Ocean Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North 4-5 MILSPRAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 99 MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS . . . . . .C Tent 1 MITCHELL ARCHITECTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 25 MOOSE SAFETY SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 103 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES - MES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocean Ave North 1-3 MUNICIPAL MARKETING . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 45 NATIONAL FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS FOUNDATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 3 NEW JERSEY CITY UNIVERSITY . . . .AB Tent Center 3 NJ FIRE EQUIPMENT CO . . . . . . . . . . .North Lot 1 & 2 NJCU EDUICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 31 OCEANSIDE PRODUCTS/TEES . . . . .AB Regular 8-10 OCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 17 ONE SOURCE FIRE AND RESCUE . . . . . . . .Ballfield 1 PAC INDUSTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 55 PARADE COMMITTIEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ballfield 4 PL CUSTOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Horseshoe 14-19 PL SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 18

POLICE & FIRE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Tent Reg 76 POWER HAWK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Center 24 POWERCALL SIRENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Tent 3-4-5-6 RAPID RESPONSE CO . . . . . . . . . .AB Tent Regular 52 RAYNOR WORLDWIDE . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 56 - 57 RF DESIGN INT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 15 RH OCONNELL FIRE DEPT GIFTS . .AB Center 10-11 ROBBIE CONLEY ARCHITECTS . . . . . . .AB Center 21 ROGERS UNIFORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocean Avenue 17 SAFE FLEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North Lot 24 SAFE -T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Horseshoe 1-2 SAFETY AND SURVIVAL TRAINING Ocean Avenue 11 SEAGRAVE . . . . .South Lot 43,44,59,60,75,76,105,106 SIV AMBULANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North Lot 14 SNAP TITE HOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 102 SNORE NO MORE & SLEEP SOLUTIONS . . .C Tent 21 SPECTRUM 2WAY MAI America . . . . . . .North Lot 3-5 ST JUDE HOSPITAL . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 64 & Gates STATE LINE FIRE AND SAFETY . . . . . . . .South Lot 40 STRATEGIC SAFETY DYNAMICS . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 2 SUPER LAUNDRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 10 - 11 SUTPHEN CORP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South 91-97 T - MOBILE OCEAN AVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South 1 TACTIAL PUBLIC SAFETY . . AB REG 49 North Lot 26 - 27 TASC FIRE APPARATUS . . . . . . . Ocean Ave North 7-8 TEMPLE BURN CENTER . . . . . . . .AB Tent Regular 44 THE FIRE STORE - WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Tent 31, 32 TURN OUT FIRE AND SAFETY . . . . . .AB Regular 4-6 VALTEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 39 VCI EMERGENCY VEHICLES . . . .North Lot 6-9 17-18 W.S. DARLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocean Avenue 13 WARD DIESEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AB Regular 53 WATERWAY NJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South Lot 23 WHELEN ENGINEERING CO INC . . . . . . . . .Ballfield 6 WILDLAND WAREHOUSE CONV. HALL Horseshoe 13 WILDWOOD CREST FD LADIES AUX . . . .AB Center1 WILL-BURT CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North Lot 21

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Welcome Firefighters! On behalf my fellow Commissioners Fitzsimons and Mikulski and myself, we would like to once again welcome you to the Fireman’s Convention in the City of Wildwood. It is our great honor to continue this long-standing relationship with you. Wildwood looks forward to the fire companies visiting. We get excited to see the trucks and we always honor our heroes in uniform, such as yourselves. We can tell that the feeling is mutual because we know last year when the convention was cancelled due to Covid-19, many of


your squads came to Wildwood anyway, spent time in our hotels, and frequented our establishments. We cannot thank you enough for your loyal patronage. You are heroes in more ways than one. Enjoy this much-deserved break from the very exhausting job that you do 365 days a year. No one deserves a trip to Wildwood more than you do. Take care, have fun, and God bless, Very sincerely yours,



Welcome from NJS Fireman’s Assocation...continued from page 3 Starting January 1, 2021, the Healthcare Program was opened up to spouses that need care from a licensed caregiver. Spouses of current members and non-remarried surviving spouses of deceased Qualified Firefighters will be able to receive a monthly maximum of $600 in reimbursement towards the cost of care from a licensed caregiver working with a licensed health care firm. The eligible spouse can be receiving that care at home, an adult day care facility, a rehabilitation facility or a long-term care facility. Since the start-up in January, over 30 spouses have been receiving aid from this program. On July 1, 2019, the Burial Benefit was raised to $12,000 and Line of Duty to $36,000. Any Local Relief Association Officer can submit the initial online notification form and should do so as soon as you hear of a member passing, even if that member passed a number of years ago. The benefit payment will be pro-rated and paid based on the allowable amount on the date of their passing. In the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2021, over 1,070 claims were paid totaling over $12,080,000. Relief applications are available to all members should a need suddenly occur in their lives. Completed applications with supporting documentation are reviewed by the Local Association for approval. Surviving spouses of Qualified members are also eligible to apply for Relief. In addition, if the need is there, Special Relief and Supplemental Relief forms should be filled out and submitted to the State Office for approval. Once approved by the Advisory Committee, the State Office will issue a check for the approved Special Relief amount and notice will be sent to the Local Association on the approved amount that they may pay towards the Supplemental Relief request. As always, supporting documentation must be submitted with the applications. The Relief Program is a calendar year-based program and all payments approved in a given year must be paid out by December 31 of that year and cannot carry over to the following year. After January 1, 2022, a new applica-

tion must be generated and it must go through the approval process. For the year of 2019 and moving forward, we made a change to the percentage calculation used to determine Qualifying Status. We eliminated the platoon system and lowered the minimum necessary percentage to 25 percent. This resulted in a near doubling of those that met the minimum qualifying percentage statewide. The allowable age for joining our Association has changed. Active Firefighters from age 18 to 57 can now join. Applications must be received in the State office prior to the applicant turning 58. Local Associations should be using State Office supplied Applications for Membership with a revision date of either REV 5/19 or REV 7/21. Applications sent in with an earlier revision date will be returned and a new current application will need to be submitted. The physical on the application is now good for one year from the date of the physical and the physical can be administered by and signed by a New Jersey licensed Physician, Physician's Assistant or Nurse Practitioner. All of the Field Examinations for last year were postponed. The “2020” Field exams will be scheduled this fall and we are requesting only the local Secretary and Treasurer attend. Local Applications for Relief are being collected from those Associations scheduled to be examined this year and they will be reviewed in the State Office. Once reviewed, the Applications will be returned at the Field Exams or to your County Executive Committeeperson to return to the Local Associations Officers. Going over the applications at the State office has allowed the review to ensure need, and that the proper additional documentation is attached to the applications. Everyone is reminded that for Relief to be paid, “NEED” must be demonstrated and fully documented. At some point in your life, you may find yourself needing the type of services offered by the New Jersey Firemen’s Home. Contact the (Continued on page 54)

Fire News Wildwood Special Edition, Page 7

Welcome Back Brother and Sister Firefighters, On behalf of the Wildwood City Fire Department, it is my great honor, as Chief of Department, to welcome you all back to our great city for the 144th New Jersey State Firemen’s Convention. Over the years, our department has had the privilege of getting to know so many of our brothers and sisters throughout the State of New Jersey, as a result of the annual convention. Well, last year was simply not the same without you. Thank you to the Five Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s Association (FMBVFA) for providing us with the opportunity to reunite this year. The FMBVFA, consisting of volunteer members throughout our island companies, were provided little time to put this convention together. However, through hard work and determination, they pulled it off once again. We, as first responders, took an oath to serve and protect our communities at all costs, regardless of the situation. This past year-anda-half has put us all to the test. As we continue to navigate through these trying times, it goes without saying that it has taken a toll on

us, both physically and mentally. It is during these times when the brotherhood/sisterhood of the fire service proves invaluable. We pull together and look out for one another. I encourage all of you to continue looking out for one another. If you need help, ask for it! If you think someone else may need help, offer it! In closing, I would like to wish you all a safe and enjoyable time here in Wildwood as you attend the convention. Respect the freedom we have, thanks to the men and women serving in our military and respect one another. God Bless our troops and God Bless America! Sincerely,

Ernie Troiano III, CPM Chief of Department Wildwood City Fire Department

Burn Foundation Artist Aided by the NJ Forest Fire Service For the 41st Year of his partnership with the Burn Foundation and its annual fundraiser at the NJ State Firefighters’ Convention in Wildwood, artist Joseph M. Getsinger, wanted to create something unique. Co-worker and firefighter, Rich Dale, suggested a “Wildfire” scene honoring the Forest Fire Service, and thus, the 2021painting will be Joe's first in 41 years to feature the Forest Fire Service in action. To get the ball rolling with this year’s painting, Joe called Assistant State Fire Warden/K9 Handler of the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, William J. Donnelly of Division C Headquarters. Bill responded that he and his crew would be honored to assist the Burn Foundation and the artist. He and his crew —(left to right, above): Al Valentino, Quincy Jones, Ken Badger, Jr., Nick Bleyhl, John Knapp, Larry Birch, Bill Donnelly, (Asst. State Fire Warden and K9 Handler) and Anthony Tobolski, Jr., in the truck (2020) knew of Joe's art, some of which is displayed at their headquarters. In early March of 2020, Getsinger met with Donnelly and his crew and set up a photo shoot in the Mays Landing Forest. The crew was ready with equipment and manpower. Joe learned many facets of the of New Jersey State Forest Firefighters and their expertise, not only in extinguishing fires, but also how to prevent them from spreading. This yearly art project continues to be sponsored in full by David Russell, President, Fire and Safety Services Ltd. of South Plainfield, who has supported the Burn Foundation and

the Artist for over 20 years. This year’s sponsor for the “Forest Fire Service” Collector Pins is First Harvest Credit Union. First Harvest’s President and CEO Ernest Huggard, and Vice President Kenneth Barnshaw were proud to sponsor the collector pin for the third year to support the work of the Burn Foundation. You can pick one up at the gates of the Wildwood Firemen’s Convention tents or at the Burn Foundation booth for a $5 donation on September 17th and 18th. The Giclee canvas print, the number one raffle prize, valued at $1500, was created and donated by John Cortese owner of Van Gogh Again Galleries, 1068 Pontiac Road, Drexel Hill, PA, who has donated a Giclee canvas to support the Burn Foundation for over 10 years. The custom framing was donated by Wil Edwards of Premier Art & Frames, 162 S. Broadway, Pitman.

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From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

Welcome to the New Jersey Fire Expo at Wildwood After a one-year hiatus due to the Covid pandemic, Fire News enters its eighth year as the official newspaper of the 2021 New Jersey Fire Expo, we say thank you to the Five Mile Beach Firemen’s Association for putting your trust in Fire News to work with everyone by highlighting the dedication and commitment the organization has toward all New Jersey responders and to the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association. t is hard to believe that it has been over 16-years since Fire News started our New Jersey edition. It seems like yesterday that I remember traveling to Wildwood to participate in the convention, along with Publisher Frank Trotta, Executive Editor Tim Edwards, Advertising Director Barbara Connolly. In 2020, like many New Jersey firefighters, we were saddened that the Wildwood Convention was cancelled due to the pandemic. Despite the pandemic, our enthusiasm for the convention has remained the same as it was in past. Our goal of representing the New Jersey fire service in a positive light has become a passionate issue to our staff and to the photographers that provide us with the stories for our newspaper. No one should ever lose sight that the photographers and department Public

Information Officers are preserving the history of the New Jersey Fire Service. Fire News thanks everyone for their passionate service. Throughout the pandemic, Fire News continued to represent the New Jersey Fire Service and continued to highlight our advertisers, keeping you up to date with our Industry News and Special Feature pages in our newspaper. We did this to highlight our advertisers who work hard to support all firefighters with the latest and greatest products that make the firefighter's job safer. Be sure that you stop by the advertiser’s booths at the convention to discuss some of the new products that are available to you. Every month, our newspaper reaches your firehouse. As you look through Fire News, ask yourself if your department is represented in our monthly paper. It is important that your department is. If you do not see your department represented in Fire News, give some serious consideration to appointing a department Public Information Officer who can send us news from your department. If you are worried about the technicalities of e-mailing Fire News your photos and stories, feel free to contact us for help. We have a great staff of experts, who

can solve most of the issues you may encounter. Managing Editor Gary Joyce, who is the man who puts this paper together with our very talented art staff of Cliff Chiesa, Greg Jones and Lynn Sedler, are proud of the New Jersey fire, rescue and emergency services. Thank you to Dave Thompson and the Five Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s Association for your hard work in organizing the New Jersey Fire Expo at Wildwood. I would be remiss if I didn’t stop to salute the responders of New Jersey, who have dedicated their lives to a profession that continues to be a lifestyle, not a job. Stay safe and stop by the Fire News booth to say hello and to share your ideas and stories with us. Enjoy the NJ Fire Expo! ….Dennis

Approved Smart Energy Network Initiative to Deliver Improved Service and Experience for Atlantic City Electric Customers In July 2021, Atlantic City Electric received approval from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to build a Smart Energy Network across the company’s entire South Jersey service area, including upgrading the local energy grid and installing smart meters to enhance local energy grid reliability and resiliency and improve the customer experience. The Smart Energy Network is a critical component in the Atlantic City Electric’s efforts to create smarter and more resilient energy infrastructure to minimize the impacts of more frequent and powerful storms, and to connect more customers to a variety of clean energy choices, including installing solar energy, participating in robust energy efficiency programs and accessing charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Atlantic City Electric customers will benefit from the Smart Energy Network in several key ways, including: • Enhanced reliability with faster and more efficient power restoration for customer homes or businesses, especially following increasingly common severe weather events. • Improved bill management tools and new online features will enable customers to view their daily and hourly energy usage trends to help save money and energy. • Programs to help customers take control of their energy use and reduce usage during peak savings days, earning credits on their bill and helping the environment. • Better integration of new clean energy technologies and services, including clean electric transportation, rooftop and community solar, and battery storage. • Better customer experience through upgraded technology will improve billing operations, nearly eliminating the need for estimated billing. (Continued on page 54)

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New Jersey Line of Duty Deaths By Gary P. Joyce Following are the LODDs of New Jersey First responders that have occurred since the convention of 2019. The listing are from a variety of sources including FEMA’s United States Fire Administration; the New Jersey Fire Museum and Fallen Firefighters Memorial; the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Fire Safety; and the departments of some of the fallen. The names are listed in alphabetical, rather than date of death, order. Any omissions or errors are the fault of the author.

RONNIE CORDERO Died: April 22, 2020 Former Assistant Chief Ronnie Cordero, a 40-year member of the Little Falls Fire Department, responded to a call at a residence where he was exposed to confirmed Covid-19 cases. He was hospitalized on April 14, 2020. Cordero also responded to Ground Zero on 9/11. Cordero was 61-years old.

JOHN DEANGELO Died: December 31, 2020 John DeAngelo was a member of the Clark Volunteer Fire Department and was current Vice President and past-President of its CFD Association. DeAngelo died at RICHARD CAMPBELL home from Covid complications. Born on Died: April 16, 2020 Richard ‘RP’ Campbell was a Captain Christmas Day 1956, he was 64-years old. with the Edison Fire Department who VINCENT J. INTISO died of Covid -19. Campbell responded to Died: July 8, 2021 a fire in an apartment complex and Vincent J. Intiso was a Captain with the became ill shortly thereafter. Campbell comes from a line firefighters; his father East Orange Fire Department, where he was a firefighter for the Edison Fire served for 34 years, and was the heart of Department; his brother, Steven, who the firehouse. Captain Intiso died as a died in March 2019, was a firefighter in result of exposure to Covid 19. He was Elizabeth; and his brother, Danny, is a 57-years old. Deputy Fire Chief in Elizabeth. Richard JOHN JONKER, SR. Campbell was 55-years old. Died: February 10, 2021 On February 10, 2021, Firefighter John DAVID CLARK Jonker, Sr., participated in a training drill Died: April 17, 2020 Firefighter David Clark was a member at the Ersdkine Lakes Fire Company 1. of the Bay Head Fire Company. He was Shortly after returning home, he collapsed exposed to COVID-19 during on-duty from an apparent heart attack. He was activities, became ill and his health wors- unable to be revived and passed away. His ened. He died on April 17, 2020, as a son, John Jonker, Jr., serves as Viceresult of COVID-19 complications. Clark President of the fire company. He was 80was 47 years old. His son Zach is a proba- years old and a 56-year member of the department. tionary firefighter.

TIMOTHY KEARNEY Died: December 9, 2020 Timothy J. Kearney of South Orange, passed away at home on December 9, 2020, after a battle with cancer due to his presence as a first responder at the WTC. Tim was appointed to the Jersey City Fire Department in 1972. As a firefighter for nearly four decades, Tim rose through the ranks to Deputy Chief. He retired in 2010. Kearney was 70-years old. VICTOR MELILLO Died: March 9, 2021 On March, 4, 2021, Firefighter Recruit Victor Melillo collapsed during a training exercise in the parking lot of the Morris County Public Safety Training Academy in Parsippany Township. First responders on the scene immediately treated Melillo, and he was taken to the Morristown Medical Center where he passed away. He was 21-years old. CLIFFORD RUSSELL Died: September 16, 2020 Clifford William Russell, Jr., a Firefighter with the Fairview Volunteer Fire Department. He passed away on September 16, 2020 in his home in Cliffside Park after a nine-month-long battle with cancer contracted as a result of his work at Ground Zero following the WTC attack of 9/11. He was 56-years old. ROY SCHRIEVER Died: July 1, 2020 Roy C. Schriever, a member of the Denville Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue, passed away peacefully at Morristown Medical Center on July 1, 2020, after an eight-week battle with Covid-19. He was 63.


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New Jersey Line of Duty Deaths... Continued

WILLIAM SHAFFER Died: July 14, 2021 On July 14, 2021, Assistant Chief William ‘Billy’ Shaffer of the Hillsborough Volunteer Fire Company, responded to a vehicle fire. While at the scene, he was found unresponsive by other first responders. He was treated and was rushed to the RWJ Somerset Hospital where he passed away. He was a 35-year veteran of the department and was 53years old. DENNIS B. SHENNARD Died: June 26, 2021 Firefighter Dennis Shennard of the Kingston Volunteer Fire Company, went into cardiac arrest during live-burn training at the Middlesex County Fire Academy. Shennard received immediate treatment at the scene by fellow firefighters and the Kendall Park First Aid Squad. He was then transported to Raritan Bay Medical Center where he was pronounced deceased shortly after his arrival. He was 70-years old. ISRAEL TOLENTINO, JR. Died: March 31, 2020 On March 14, 2020, Firefighter/EMT Israel ‘Izzy’ or ‘Nudge’ Tolentino, Jr., of the Passaic Fire Department responded to a gas rupture at a residence. All members, including Firefighter/EMT Tolentino, entered the surrounding structures, to check for gas seepage and levels. Three of the residences Tolentino entered had individuals with known cases of Covid-19. Tolentino subsequently became ill, was diagnosed with Covid-19, and passed away. He was 33-years old.

DONALD J. TROUT Died: August 27, 2021 Middlesex County Hazmat Unit Lieutenant Donald J. Trout died while responding to a call, the Middlesex County Firefighters Association/IAFF Local 3451 announce that Trout was responding to a tractor trailer carrying hazardous materials that overturned and crashed on the New Jersey Turnpike. While getting ready to leave the station, Lieutenant Trout suffered a medical emergency. He was immediately transported to the local hospital where he passed away. He was 53-years old. JOHN VAN DORN, JR. Died: August 8, 2020 John Van Dorn a retired Lieutenant of the Clifton Fire Department with 29 years of service died after a hard-fought battle with a 9-11 related cancer. John was a Clifton Police Officer prior to becoming a firefighter for the City of Clifton. He was a firefighter for 27 years and a member of FMBA local 21 in Clifton. He was 67years old. GARY WALKER Died: April 24, 2020 Gary Walker, was an Assistant Chief with the Oakland Volunteer Fire Department. Walker was a member of the Oakland VFD for 33 years, and a police officer in Bloomingdale for 20 years. Walker contracted Covid-19 and was in a coma for 30 days before succumbing to the virus. He was 53-years old.

ROBERT WEBER ROBERT WEBER Died: April 15, 2020 Firefighter-EMT Robert Weber was a member of three agencies: the Middletown First Aid and Rescue Squad; the Port Monmouth Fire Company; and the Middletown Fire Department’s Air Unit. He was a 15-year member of the Port Monmouth FC. He died from complications stemming from the corona virus. He was 44-years old.

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Five Mile Beach VFA and St. Jude Team Up Again A few years ago, the Five Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s Association remain Volunteer Firemen's Association (host of the ever committed to the promise they have New Jersey State Firemen’s Convention) made to the tens of thousands of families teamed up with St. Jude Children's Research who depend on them no matter what else Hospital to raise money and fight for a cure. they are facing. This is why the Five Over the past four years, this partnership has Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s Assocraised nearly $25,000 at the New Jersey State iation is asking every New Jersey fire Firemen's Convention for St. Jude families station to come together for the St. Jude across the country and in our communities. mission — Finding Cures. Saving Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for Children — because they can’t do it treatment, travel, housing or food — because without you. Donations will be collected all they should at the door. worry about is helpCustom koozies “If you cannot attend the Expo but ing their child live. and T-shirts are would like to make a donation in Gathering at the available for New Jersey State purchase. If you support of St. Jude and the Five Firemen’s Convencannot attend the Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s tion in 2020 to raise Expo but would like Association, please call St. Jude rep funds for St. Jude to make a donation in Caitlin Wagner at 215-901-9667 or was not possible. support of St. Jude” However, this Septand the Five Mile ember 17-18, 2021, Beach Volunteer we invite you to join Firemen’s Assocus at the NJ Firemen’s Expo at the Wildwood iation, please call St. Jude rep Caitlin Wagner Convention Center to support the children at at 215-901-9667 or Caitlin.Wagner@alsac. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital once Your donations save the lives of again. St. Jude and the Five Mile Beach children with cancer. Because of supporters

like NJ firefighters, St. Jude can share its knowledge freely and exchange ideas openly, inspiring more collaboration between doctors and researchers worldwide, and, as a result, provide more lifesaving treatments for children everywhere. Even now, their lifesaving work continues because kids like Dallas (pictured) still need St. Jude. NJ Firefighters, please consider joining the Five Mile Beach Volunteer Firemen’s Association in their fight TODAY because together, nothing is impossible.

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Up and Down the Beach

Otten’s Harbor boat fire , May 1, 2021.

Castaway Cove fire, January 30, 2021.

Wildwood house fire December 6, 2020.

Wildwood Crest fire, July 6, 2020.

Wildwood Key West Cafe fire May 18, 2020.

North Wildwood house fire, February2, 2020. Wildwood building fire, June 3, 2020.

Former Colleen’s Restaurant fire, August 24, 2021. Villas house fire, July 23, 2021.

Wildwood house fire, June 24, 2020.

- Fire News photos courtesy of the Wildwood City FD

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6 Cars Damaged in Wildwood Crest MVA On September 5, 2021, the Wildwood Crest Volunteer Fire Company responded to Ocean Avenue and Buttercup Road for a report of an MVA. Wildwood Crest EMS was dispatched, as was an ambulance from the City of Wildwood for multiple patients. Six vehicles were damaged in the accident. - Fire News photos courtesy of Joel Hatch, Wildwood Crest VFC

NJ - NY VFA Scholarship Fundraiser The New Jersey and New York Volunteer Firemen’s Association Fundraising Dinner will be held October 12, 2021, at Andiamo Restaurant at 23 Hardenburgh Avenue in Haworth, New Jersey, from 1630 to 2130. Ten percent of every bill will be donated to the NJ/NYVFA and there will be three options to purchase your food: as a dine-in meal, a takeout meal or a delivered meal. For more information call 201-384-1551, or go to

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Up and Down the Beach

Otten’s Harbor boat fire, May 1, 2021.

Wildwood house fire December 6, 2020.

Villas house fire, July 23, 2021.

Castaway Cove fire, January 30, 2021.

Wildwood Key West Cafe fire, May 18, 2020.

- Fire News photos courtesy of the Wildwood City FD

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Rio Grande’s Henry Mattera Henry Mattera, a lifelong resident of Rio Grande, New Jersey, tion of Route 9 and Old Rio Grande Avenue. Henry also was a passed away from natural causes on August 10, 2021. He was 93. Henry was being visited and comforted by family members and care- heavy machinery operator on the construction of the New Jersey givers leading up to and at the time of his passing. Henry was born in November 1927, at the family farm home, and Turnpike, utilizing the equipment was the fifth of six children of the late Joseph and Assunta (Yacono) driving skills he learned on the Mattera who immigrated to the United States from Italy and established family farm. Henry was a carpenthe Mattera farm in Rio Grande. ter for J.W. Hand Construction He was a member of the Rio Grande Volunteer Fire Company from Company until, at the age of 25, 1947, serving as Assistant Chief (1955-1958) and President (1969). he went to work for the local elecHenry was a Lifetime Member and recognized as serving the longest tric company. Henry’s professional life was spent with the original period of time in company history at 73 years. Henry began his service at the original firehouse where he personal- Atlantic Electric Company, retirly mounted the first electric siren on the roof, replacing the metal ringer ing after 35 years of service. He was the beloved and caring husband of Mary Lou over the 63 at ground level that hung from the post outside. In his later years, Henry was well-known to the bingo night crowd. Henry was also a consistent years of their marriage. He was a dedicated family man and caregiver, attendee at the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association’s annual con- caring for his mother in her later years, taking in his mother-in-law, and vention from the time it began in Atlantic Cityto the 2019 convention. providing companionship and support to each of his siblings, particularHenry’s education was completed entirely at the old Rio Grande ly as each aged before him. Henry is survived by his wife Mary Lou School. Henry worked in the fields of the family farm which made him (Myers) Mattera; daughters Susan (Frank) Seabrook and Mary Lou (Bill realize farming did not appeal to him. Henry was eventually called to Horner) Mattera; son Henry Mattera, Jr.; grandchildren Sarah Shepherd, service in the US Army, serving 18 months in Fort Lewis, Washington, Henry "Bud" Mattera III, Shane (Carly) Seabrook, and Steven Joseph was sent to cook/baker school. The cooking school and Army cookbook (Nina) Mattera; a great-granddaughter (Emerson) and a great- grandson served as the foundation for Henry’s love of cooking for others, espe- (Carter); and sister Palm Davis of Jacksonville, Florida. Henry was preceded in death by his brother Joseph Mattera (2008, 86), sister Florence cially for the family gatherings and traditional Sunday pasta dinners. Henry held a number of unique jobs during his lifetime in Rio Mazur (2012, 89), sister Rose Futrell (2013, 83), and brother Frank Grande. At one time he operated a manual traffic light at the intersec- Mattera (2007, 83).

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Looking Back at the 2019 Show - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

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Looking Back at the 2019 Show

- Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

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Looking Back at the 2019 Show

- Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

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Looking Back at the 2019 Show

- Fire News photos by Bryan Lopez

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Looking Back at the 2019 Show

- Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez

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A Tribute to the Fallen on the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks

- Fire News Photo by Dennis Whittam

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Looking Back

Paterson Fire Goes to 5 Alarms Paterson firefighters from Tour 1 faced numerous challenges on the morning of August 24, 2019, fighting a massive fire that destroyed a large mill and required a multi-company response. Just before 1100, a fire was reported on Straight Street at the Straight and Narrow halfway house. Battalion 2 reported heavy smoke showing from the roof of the three-story converted mill. Deputy Chief A.J. Ricciard reported heavy fire throughout, transmitted a second alarm and advised dispatch to be prepared for additional alarms. Due to the heavy fire conditions a defensive attack was set up as 55-gallon drums exploded, one literally blowing off a portion of the roof and skyrocketing a couple of hundred feet into the air in flames. A third alarm was transmitted bringing all on-duty fire companies, as major collapses were already being reported. Chief of Department McDermott arrived and transmitted the fourth alarm. All exposures were covered, although several residential buildings suffered some radiant heat damage. A fifth alarm was transmitted. Several vehicles parked along the building were damaged or destroyed due to collapsing walls. The main body of fire was knocked down by approximately 1430, although companies were remaining on the scene though the night and what remained standing of the building was required to be razed. - Fire News photo by Peter Danzo

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Looking Back Livingston House Fire

On November 25, 2019, Livingston Police Dispatch received a 911 call from the homeowner reporting black smoke coming from the ceiling in a second-floor bathroom on Twilight Court in Livingston. Fire Chief Mullin discovered fire in the second-floor rear roof of the house, with all occupants were reported out. Engine 1 established a water supply and stretched two handlines to the second floor via a rear balcony. This fire was located in an area with difficult access. The fire was brought under control in approximately an hour with mutual aid from Roseland and West Orange. Millburn, Caldwell and West Orange covered Livingston. - Fire News photo courtesy Chief Christopher C. Mullin; Livingston FD

Santa’s Was in Town

Firemen from Bloomfield Fire Station 3 of Pennsauken Township were giving candy to local kids just before Christmas Day 1969, when a fire call came in for a grass fire. Santa was the first fireman off the truck. - Fire News photo taken by Bob Bartosz, Fire Photographer, Pennsauken TFD

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Looking Back

Pennsauken All Hands On March 26, 2020, a dwelling fire was reported on Cedar Avenue in Pennsauken. Companies arrived to find a two-story dwelling with heavy fire conditions in Division C with heavy smoke throughout. An all-hands box was struck. Crews secured a water supply and went into operation with a 1-3/4 inch handline as searches were conducted. A second line was stretched and placed in operation. Crews reported heavy fire conditions on Division 1 with extension to Division 2. A third line was placed in operation and the bulk of the fire was knocked down. No injuries were reported on the fire ground. - Fire News photos by Ted Aurig

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Looking Back

Hoarder House Fire Stopped

The Volunteer Fire companies of Elwood, Weekstown, Sweetwater and Nesco responded to 5th Street on April 17, 2020, at 2020, for a structure fire. Elwood Chief Anthony Tomasco arrived and established command for a fire in a hoarder house that was well involved with live power lines down and arcing. Because the fire scene was on a dead end street, command had the first-due Elwood Engine lay

in with a LDH supply line. Command requested an engine from Egg Harbor City and water tenders from Hammonton, Laureldale, Germania and Mays Landing. Firefighters poured water onto the fire for several hours along with overhauling until a backhoe was brought in to break apart the debris. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

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Looking Back

Lawnside Garage Fire Severely Damages Home

On April 24, 2020, around 0700, during a driving rain storm, the Lawnside Fire Company was summoned to the 300 block of Quaker Road for a dwelling fire. Upon arrival, companies found heavy fire showing from the garage of a two-story dwelling. The fire rapidly spread throughout the house and companies had to be withdrawn from the dwelling. The quint from Magnolia 2914 and Tower Ladder 91 from Barrington were placed into operation, as crews on the ground level continued with their handlines. It took 45 minutes to get the upper hand on the fire. The occupants self-evacuated before the companies arrived. After a valiant effort the fire was placed under control, but the home suffered major damage. Companies from Lawnside, Magnolia, Cherry Hill, Haddon Heights, Barrington, Haddonfield, Somerdale, Westmont, Bellmawr and Runnemde operated at the scene. - Fire News photos by John Axford

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Looking Back

Fire Held in Galloway Twp.

On the evening of September 8, 2020, multiple fire departments from Galloway Township were dispatched for a structure fire in a two-story residence. Units were able to contain the fire to the fire building. - Fire News photo by Eric ‘Doc’ Moran

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USNS Comfort and the Covid Pandemic On March 30, 2020, the United States Naval Ship USNS Comfort (T-AH-20), Mercy-class ship, arrived in the New York City Harbor to the welcome of vessels and aviation units from multiple other armed branches, the NYPD, State Police, and fireboats from the FDNY, Jersey City and North Hudson Regional. The ship began its journey from Virginia and docked at Pier 90, which is directly across from Weehawken, at around 1100. The mission of the hospital ship was to help alleviate some of the stress on local hospitals by taking in non-Covid19 patients during the epidemic. USNS Comfort was placed into service in 1987 and weighs 69,360 tons (fully laden), is 894 feet long, propelled by a steam turbine developing 24,500 shaft horsepower, and has a top speed of 20 mph. USNS Comfort has 1,000 patient beds, 63 civilian staff (operational crew from the Military Sealift Command) and 956 Naval hospital staff, and 258 naval support staff. On April 30, 2020, the USNS Comfort left Pier 90 on Manhattan’s West Side and set sail for its home port in Norfolk, Virginia. The Comfort was escorted by various agencies past the Statue of Liberty with a colored water salute by the FDNY’s fireboat the Three Forty Three. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti and

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Parade 2019

- Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

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Parade 2019 - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

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Parade 2019 - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

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Parade 2019 -- Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

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Parade 2019 - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Atlantic City Electric ...continued from page 8 The Smart Energy Network will allow Atlantic City Electric to safely restore power to customer homes and businesses faster and more efficiently. In the event of a power outage, smart meters will alert the company and assist crews in identifying the cause and location of the outage. Using real-time data, Atlantic City Electric can better prioritize how to dispatch crews and plan restoration work, streamlining restoration efforts and restoring customers faster following major storms. Atlantic City Electric anticipates beginning to build the Smart Energy Network in mid-2022. Meter exchanges would occur over the course of 24 months. The company will work closely with its customers and communities regarding the meter exchange process. Atlantic City Electric will undertake a comprehensive customer and community outreach and education campaign to help ensure customer awareness of the planned work and the numerous benefits of the Smart Energy Network. The Smart Energy Network is expected to create new jobs for field technicians and support personnel for meter exchanges, as well as project management personnel and IT technicians for the installation of specialized networking equipment. This work will help power the state’s economic recovery and lay a foundation for building the nation’s leading clean energy economy in New Jersey. To learn more, visit

Welcome...continued from page 6 Firemen’s Home or any of the County Managers to the Home for information on the application process to become a Guest of the Home. The New Jersey Firemen’s Home is funded by the same insurance tax that funds the Local Relief Associations and the NJSFA State Office. We urge our members and their families to contact the “A Gift from Captain Buscio” program, Deborah Heart and Lung Center, RWJ/St. Barnabas Burn Center, and the NJ Chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please review the literature that was handed out at the County Caucus Elections and take advantage of the services being offered. Our Website continues to be updated with additional information and forms. Our office Building, located at 1711 Highway 34 South, in Wall Township, is easily accessible from anywhere in the state. All mail should be addressed to the Wall Township location and not our former address. Our full address and current phone numbers can be found on our Website at In closing, I would like to thank our outstanding Office Administrative Staff, the State Officers, the Executive Committee and all of the Local Relief Officers for the assistance, cooperation and support this past year. The Local Relief Officers deserve extra thanks for getting their reports in on time. We have only three associations not being seated this year due to reports submitted late. Please remember to keep in your prayers our sick and departed brother and sister firefighters, their family members, the members of our armed forces stationed around the world, and all of our police, fire and EMS first responders. Thank you, stay safe, and may God Bless America. Robert F. Ordway President; New Jersey State Firemen’s Association

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Serving NEW JFire, ERSEY Serving Rescue

VOLUME 16, NO. 5


Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1996 1973 OCTOBER 2021

See story on page 62. - Fire News photo by Kevin White

5 Trapped in EHT MVA See story on page 70.

Fire News, October 2021, Page 59

In this issue... Cinnaminson Structural Collapse Following a July 12, 2021, storm the basement wall of a house collapses. See story on page 64

Montclair House Fire Firefighters arrive to a large home with smoke showing from the attic. See story on page 74

90 Years Old and Still Pumping A look at the fireboat John J. Harvey, a fireboat that’s done it all. See story on page 86

Laureldale MVA A woman backing out of her own driveway is t-boned in the driver’s door. See story on page 90

Drowning in Hamilton Township A missing swimmer brings out a huge response from area dive teams. See story on page 94

A Service for New Jersey Firefighters and EMS Heroes 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713 FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher TIM EDWARDS, Executive Editor DENNIS WHITTAM, Editor GARY P. JOYCE, Managing Editor MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales LYNN SEDLER, Art Director CLIFF CHIESA, Production Manager BARBARA CONNOLLY, Advertising Sales BRYAN LOPEZ, Editorial Assistant GREGORY JONES, Graphic Artist FIRE NEWS NEW JERSEY PHOTOGRAPHERS Chad Aaronson, John Axford, Keith Addie, Adam Alberti, Ted Aurig, Kenneth E.Badger, Dick Berry, Tommy Bilancia, Thomas Bischoff, James Bonner, Joseph Brecko, John Buttino, Bob Chester, John Clark, Alex Coulter, Carl Crossman, Damien Davis, Chris Denton, Alan Dumoff, Brian Duddy, Brett M. Dzadik, Dan Eckert, Doug Fenichel, Tom Finnegan, Joe Fortunato, Liam Glinane, Israel Goldstein, Thomas Hayden Jr., David Hernandez, Robert Halberstadt, Roman Izaryk, Erica Jacoby, Jeffrey Konya, Kevin Maloney, Robert Munson, Paul Newborn, Robert F. Newkirk, Denis Niland, Mike Nowacki, Elvin Padilla, Ed Pinkevicz, Dane Policastro, Michael Ratcliffe, Joe Repici, Paul Rodriquez, Mark Rosetti, Chris Saraceno, Robert Scollan, Dennis C. Sharpe, Steve Sperlak, Steve Skipton, Matt Spadaro, Danielle Tagerty, Tim Sullivan, Robert Tallaksen, Wayne Tasaki, Giuseppe Tartaglia, Jim Trepeos, Gregory Taylor, Ron Trout, Ken VanPelt, Kevin Umbach, Jose Vazquez, Ronnie Viola, Tom Vogel, Tom Walker, Mike Wallace, Chris Whitam, Wells P. Wilson, Gerald Wyhopen, Jr., Peter Danzo. Columnists: Bruce Johnson, John Salka, Billy Goldfeder. COPYRIGHT 2021, THE FIRE NEWS LLC., LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

For advertising rates and information, call (631) 776-0500 Press 3 Editorial: (631) 776-0500 Ext 281 Fax number: (631) 286-6866 Internet: e-mail:

Nine Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ Proud Member Of:

Up Close and Personal A closer look at first responders from around the state. See story on pages 99-102

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 60 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 96 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 98 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 98 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 100

Official Publication

of the NJ State Firemen’s Convention Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News LLC, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.

Page 60, Fire News, October 2021

From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor

It’s That Time Again! It is hard to believe that summer is over and as firefighters we have to once again give thought to educating our communities on the topic of fire prevention. I can still remember when my own kids ventured off to college. As a dad, I was truly happy to watch the enthusiasm that my two girls had when they left home to live on their own in a college dormitory. Another side of me was nervous. I am reminded of the fatal Seton Hall fire at Boland Hall, which claimed the lives of three students and injured over 50 more students. Statistics showed that from 2000 to 2014, 89 fatal fires were documented that occurred on a college campus, in Greek housing, or in off-campus housing within three miles of the campus, claiming a total of 126 victims — 76 in off-campus housing claiming 107 victims, seven fires in on campus building or residence halls claiming nine victims, and six in Greek housing (fraternities and sororities) claiming 10 victims. The good news is, thanks to our Fire Safety Educators, Juvenile Arson Awareness Programs and to our fire marshals and community fire departments,

2015 was the first year that there were no fatal fires on college campuses. For the year of 2020, fires were down by over three percent. All of the programs in which your fire department is involved help prevent fires and save lives. With the interruption of Covid, I ask if your department’s fire prevention program is ready to go into action? In the past, I urged everyone to evaluate their Fire Safety Education Program. I still urge you to have one of your county or town fire safety organizations to review your program to make sure you are doing the right thing. Understand, children can get mixed messages when they come to the firehouse and watch firefighters set fires and put them out. Educators are aware of the pitfalls of “negative teaching” to get a point across. I worry that someday there will be a student who will see a firefighter set a car on fire and, while being mesmerized by the flames, think that that was the purpose of the demonstration. It is important to show the community our equipment and apparatus, but it is more

important to make sure your audience knows that when a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm goes off, they need to act in a specific way. Putting Covid and new school policies aside, at the end of the day, whether the community comes to the firehouse or you go out to the community, the result should be the same. Everyone must understand “stop drop and roll,” how to “get out alive” and what to do when the smoke or CO alarm sounds. Every year, departments do an outstanding job teaching fire safety awareness. Is your program working? Statistics are saying that they are. Keep up the good work! - Dennis

Page 62, Fire News, October 2021

Cover Story

Multi-Car Fire Extends to Dwelling

In the early morning of July 5, 2021, Newark firefighters were dispatched to a house fire on Sussex Avenue. Crews arrived to find heavy fire in multiple cars in a lot adjacent to the given address that extended up the B side of a three-story flat-top multi-dwelling. The on-duty deputy requested a second-alarm assignment due to the heavy fire conditions. Initial attempts to connect to a hydrant were temporarily hampered as the closest hydrant fell over as crews tied into it. Arriving engine companies brought in a water supply and rapidly advanced lines while truck companies worked diligently to open-up from both inside and atop the roof. This aggressive attack had the heaviest fire knocked down in short order and stopped fire advancement into all but a small section of the cockloft. EMS personnel provided medical attention/evaluations to several residents including a family of four (two adults and two children) who suddenly appeared during the firefight from the small alleyway between the car lot and the house where firefighters were operating. - Fire News photos by Kevin White and Glen Duda

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Page 64, Fire News, October 2021

Car Fire Disrupts Traffic in Lawrence Twp.

Members of the Slackwood Fire Company (Station 21) were called out to extinguish a car fire that forced police to shut down a portion of Brunswick Pike (Business Route 1) on July 5, 2021. The blaze, in front of the Mercer County Library, was reported at 1205. Slackwood firefighters extinguished the fire using the bumper line off Rescue 21. - Fire News photos & story by Michael Ratcliffe

Cinnaminson Structural Collapse

On July 12, 2021, Cinnaminson Engine 2013 arrived and found a dwelling with a partial structural collapse. Following a storm, the basement wall of the delta side of the home collapsed inwards. No one was injured, but the home sustained major damage. - Fire News photos by Dave Hernandez

Smoking Equipment in Mays Landing

The volunteer fire companies of Mays Landing, Laureldale, and Cologne responded to Atlantic Avenue for a report of smoke in the building. Mays Landing Chief Lou DiMartine arrived and established command for a large amount of smoke in an industrial building. Upon investigation by firefighters it was caused by a seized motor on a piece of equipment. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

Fire News, October 2021, Page 65

Page 66, Fire News, October 2021

Fire Destroys Amazon Van in Lawrence Twp. Firefighters responding to a reported vehicle fire in Lawrence Township, Mercer County, arrived to find an Amazon delivery van fully-engulfed in flames on June 16, 2021, in a parking lot off the 200 block of Bakers Basin Road. Responding police and Slackwood Fire Company (Station 21) members reported a column of smoke visible from about a mile distant. They arrived to find flames and thick black smoke issuing from the vehicle. They also found that there were no immediate exposure concerns and that the driver had already exited and was unhurt. Firefighters manning Rescue 21 and Engine 21 put two hoselines in service to extinguish the fire, with tank water supplemented by water supplied via a 100-foot section of five-inch hose hand-stretched to a nearby hydrant. - Fire News photos by Michael Ratcliffe

Fire News, October 2021, Page 67

Looking Back Cranbury - 2014

Camden City - 2014

On November 19, 2014, three tractor-trailers were involved in a rear-end collision, with the third of the vehicles bursting into flames in Cranbury. The driver of the third truck died at the scene and the two others were taken to a local hospital. - Fire News photo by Amy Batista

On November 13, 2014, a building fire on Broadway and Mt. Vernon Street in Camden City left 12 people displaced. - Fire News photo by Ted Aurig

Paterson 2014 Paterson crews responded to a secondalarm fire on Union Avenue on November 23, 2014. Two civilians died in the fire. - Fire News photo by Ronald Bombaro

Page 68, Fire News, October 2021

3 Injured in Parsippany MVA

On July 6, 2021, Parsippany Fire District 6 and Rescue and Recovery responded to Dunkirk Drive for an MVA between a box truck and a small sedan. On arrival multiple parties were trapped in the sedan with one being unconscious. The driver of the truck

was uninjured and remained on scene while three passengers from the sedan were transported including the driver who was in serious condition. The accident was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Page 70, Fire News, October 2021

5 Extricated in Black Horse Pike MVA

The volunteer fire companies of Farmington and Cardiff responded to the intersection of the Black Horse Pike and Fire Road on August 15, 2021, at 0130, for a report of an MVA with entrapment. Egg Harbor Township dispatch advised that four adults and a one-year old were entrapped with the vehicle on its side. Cardiff, enroute to its station from an assignment in Somers Point, arrived first and began extrication under command of Chief Gil Zonge. After the injured were removed, EHT EMS transported them by ground. The cause of the crash was under investigation by the Egg Harbor Township Police Department. A side note: first responders closed off the area to traffic. Good thing, as police stopped a motorist traveling the wrong way on the Black Horse Pike. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

Fire News, October 2021, Page 71

Building Collapse at Paterson 4-Alarmer

At just before 1400 on May 28, 2021, Paterson Fire Dispatch started receiving numerous calls for a building fire on 12th Avenue in the 2nd Battalion at the same time that firefighters at the Riverside firehouse on Lafayette Street spotted a large column of smoke south of their firehouse. On arrival of E-5, L-3 and BC-2, the companies were faced with a vacant and dilapidated two-story frame building on 12th Avenue fully involved, with fire already extending into both the B exposure, a two-story brick church that was a former Paterson firehouse, and the D exposure, a three-story frame dwelling. A second alarm was immediately transmitted, quickly followed by third and fourth alarms in less than 20 minutes. The main fire building collapsed within 10 minutes of arrival as companies worked to knock down the fire in the exposures. The fire took approximately 90 minutes to be placed under control and one elderly woman suffered smoke inhalation and was transported to the hospital. The cause of the fire was under investigation. - Fire News photos by Peter Danzo

Page 72, Fire News, October 2021

Extrication in Cardiff

The Cardiff Volunteer Fire Company was returning from a previous call on June 11, 2021, at 1545, and came upon an MVA at the intersection of West Jersey and Ridge Avenues. Upon investigating, one BLS unit and police were requested to the scene. Cardiff Chief Gil Zonge was advised while he was en route that extrication was

going to be needed to free the driver of one of the vehicles, a passenger sedan that was struck by a landscaping truck. Upon extricating the driver, they were transported by EMS to a trauma center. The cause of the crash was investigated by EHT Police. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Page 74, Fire News, October 2021

Montclair House Fire On July 8, 2021, the Montclair Fire Department responded to Midland Avenue for a house fire. Engine 2 arrived to a large 2-1/2 story residential wood frame with heavy smoke showing from the attic. Interior lines were stretched as Truck 1 conducted the primary search and Truck 2 performed vertical ventilation. Bloomfield Engine 3 responded as the RIT and East Orange Ladder 2 responded to the scene as the third truck. One firefighter suffered an injury at the scene and the fire was knocked down within a half hour. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Page 76, Fire News, October 2021

Atlantic County Utilities Fire

The volunteer fire companies of Farmington and Cardiff responded to Delilah Road, and the Atlantic County Utilities Authority at 0615 hours on August 7, 2021, for a report of an automatic fire alarm. Farmington Chief Harry Goodman IV arrived and reported a smoke condition in Building 4, the transfer station. The fire involved a large pile of trash (20-feet high and 100-feet long) with smoke banked down to the floor. Command had Farmington Engine 1543 come in and

deploy a 1-3/4 inch preconnect onto the fire. Due to the size of the fire, a Blitz Fire was deployed. Command requested a second alarm followed by a general alarm bringing mutual aid from throughout the county, along with some specialized apparatus for ventilation and rehab. The fire was declared under control around 0900. A special tip of the helmet to all of the auxiliaries who brought water and refreshments. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe and Ken Badger

Page 78, Fire News, October 2021

Heavy Smoke at Wayne Fire

On August 6, 2021, the Wayne Fire Department responded to a sin- ventilation while lines were stretched into the interior. The fire was gle-story commercial structure fire on Mountainview Boulevard. placed under control nearly an hour into the incident and Wayne Companies 1, 2, 3 and 5 responded and were met with heavy smoke First Aid assisted on scene with rehab. throughout the structure. Truck 2 went to the roof to assist with - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Fire News, October 2021, Page 79

Long Morning in Pleasantville

The City of Pleasantville Fire Department responded to North Main Street on July 15, 2021, at approximately 0230, for a report of smoke behind a building. Deputy Chief Scott Trythall, arrived to a working fire in a group of buildings and requested a second alarm and a recall of all Pleasantville firefighters. The fire involved two large storage buildings with apartments on the second floor with heavy fire consuming them. All hands were put to work as Deputy Chief Trythall requested a third alarm, bringing apparatus from throughout the area. Pleasantville Engine 1 stretched several handlines to the rear while Pleasantville Engine 2 supplied Engine 1. A City of Northfield

engine grabbed a hydrant on Main Street and laid to the scene where they stretched handlines to the rear. An Atlantic City Airport engine assisted by Absecon firefighters stretched handlines to the Delta side to contain the fire on that side. City of Linwood Ladder 5 was set up on the Bravo side, being fed by Cardiff Engine 1516. Crews were rotated until the fire was knocked down and then deconned by South Egg Harbor Decon 5. Firefighters were released at approximately 0530 with Pleasantville firefighters staying on location most of the day overhauling. The cause of the fire was investigated by the Pleasantville Fire Cause Investigator. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Page 80, Fire News, October 2021

Vineland House Fire

The City of Vineland Fire Department in Cumberland County responded to Country Bridge Road on July 20, 2021, at 0645, for a structure fire. Responding firefighters could see a large column of smoke from a distance and arrived to fire through the roof of a large single-family dwelling. Mutual aid water tenders came from as far west as Gouldtown and Atlantic County. Vineland Tower 6 was set up in the driveway for master streams along with numerous handlines with the fire being brought under control in 30 minutes. Firefighters remained on scene for several hours knocking out hot spots. The fire was investigated by the Vineland Fire Marshall. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

2-Car MVA in Mays Landing The volunteer fire companies of Mays Landing and Cologne were dispatched on June 11, 2021, at 1459, for the report of an MVA at Mays-Landing Somers Point Road and Whispering Woods Court. Mays Landing Chief Lou DiMartine arrived and established command for a two-vehicle crash with one vehicle into the woodlands and a second head first into a large oak tree. Command had Mays Landing Squad 1816’s crew cut the batteries of both vehicles along with trimming the trees to facilitate the removal of the vehicle from the woodlands by the towing company. The cause of the crash was investigated by the Township of Hamilton Police. Also responding were the township of Hamilton EMS. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Quick Stop in Cardiff The volunteer fire companies of Cardiff and Farmington responded to Canterbury Street on August 11, 2021, at 0546, for a report of smoke coming from a structure. Cardiff Assistant Chief Bill Danz arrived and reported smoke showing, and requested RIT from the City of Northfield. Cardiff Engine 1517 arrived and its crew made short work of the fire. A Bargaintown engine that was initially dispatched for mutual aid was diverted for cover. Farmington crews assisted with overhaul. The cause of the fire was investigated by the Egg Harbor Township Fire Official. Also responding were Atlantic City Electric Company and South Jersey Gas Company. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Fire News, October 2021, Page 81

Cradle of Liberty Muster

The Cradle of Liberty Antique Fire Apparatus Association, a chapter of SPAAMFAA, held its 2021 muster at Cooper River Park in Camden County on August 1, 2021. The event was judged by the New Jersey State Fire Chief’s Parade Judges Association with a large turnout. Just look at the vendor’s trailer to see how far away the event draws! - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

New Apparatus

Recently these rigs were placed into service. Point Pleasant Beach Engine 4301, a 2021, a Pierce Velocity 2000/750/20; Point Pleasant Boro Engine 7551, a 2020 Sutphen 2000/1000; and Flanders Tower

96, a 2021 Pierce Mid-Mount Ascendant Tower Ladder. - Fire News photos by Mark Rosetti

Page 82, Fire News, October 2021

Garbage Truck Fire in Flanders

Recently Flanders Fire was dispatched to Link Road for a garbage truck on fire. Arriving first was Car 91, who reported smoke coming from the center of the truck. The call was to have the driver drive around the corner to the transfer station on Gold Mine Road where the truck unloaded its garbage onto the ground. Rescue

Engine 97 arrived and used an 1-3/4 inch line to extinguish the pile as a front end loader spread out the trash. The fire was under control within a half hour and the trash was pushed into the bay and disposed of. There were no injuries on scene. - Fire News photos by A/C Kevin J. Maloney; Budd Lake FC

Manhole Cover Blows

On August 6, 2021, Nutley Engine 1 and Ladder 1 were called to Franklin Avenue in front of the Middle School by Nutley Police for an explosion from a manhole. Companies arrived to find smoke and high heat via a TIC, coming from the ground after bystanders reported an explosion followed by flames coming eight- to 10-feet out of the ground. Franklin Avenue was shut down and a precautionary line was stretched while crews awaited PSE&G - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Bargaintown MVA

The volunteer fire companies of Bargaintown and Scullville were dispatched on July 31, 2021, to Poplar Avenue and Old Zion Road for an MVA with entrapment. Bargaintown Chief Eugene Sharpe arrived and established command for a two-vehicle crash with one vehicle in the roadway with its driver trapped, and a second vehicle off the roadway in the front yard of a nearby home. Bargaintown Rescue 1527’s crew removed the driver’s door and assisted EMS with extrication. Once removed, the injured were triaged by EMS and medics and transported to nearby medical centers. The cause of the crash was investigated by EHT Police. Responding were Bargaintown, Scullville, EHT EMS, Atlanticare Paramedics, EHT Police. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Fire News, October 2021, Page 83

Page 84, Fire News, October 2021

Swimmer in Distress in Long Branch On August 15, 2021, Long Branch District 25 was dispatched to the 300 block of Ocean Boulevard for a reported swimmer in distress. Crews arrived to find a teenage female on the jetty in the water who was reported to have been swept under the rocks while swimming while lifeguards were not on duty. Members removed the girl from the rocks to be checked out by the Long Branch First Aid Squad but she refused medical attention. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Pleasantville Handles LZ On August 17, 2021, the Pleasantville Fire Department was requested to establish an LZ for a patient severely injured in a pedestrian MVA. Car 70 established command and Engine 1’s crew set up the landing zone for Jeffstat 4. Once the helo was on the ground Engine 1’s crew assisted the flight crew with securing the patient. Jeffstat 4 transported the patient to Cooper Trauma Center. - Fire News photo by Eric ‘Doc’ Moran

Fire News, October 2021, Page 85

Sewall Ave. Car Fire On August 15, 2021, Engine 83-75, Tower 83-89 and Battalion Chief 83-68 responded to Sewall Avenue for a car fire. Crews arrived to an engine compartment fire within a small SUV that was being worked on. Engine 75 stretched a booster line and the fire was quickly extinguished. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Ventilation to Remove Deceased Person The Farmington Volunteer Fire Company was dispatched to Higbee Avenue on August 21, 2021, at 1630, to assist police with ventilating a structure for the removal of a deceased person. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Page 86, Fire News, October 2021

90 And Still Pumping Strong!

The fire boat John J. Harvey reaches its 90th birthday this fall and is still able to pump water over the deck of the George Washington Bridge like she did at the bridge’s opening in 1931. This former FDNY boat was one of the most powerful fireboats ever built. Built by Todd Ship Yards in Brooklyn, she is capable of pumping up to 18,000 gallons of water a minute. Commissioned on December 17, 1931, she faithfully served the department until 1994 and then was auctioned in 1999 to its present private consortium of marine preservationists who sought to save her from being scrapped. Among the famous marine fires she fought includes the Cunard Line pier fire in 1932, the burning of the French liner Normandie in 1942 during its conversion to a troop ship, the El Estero ammunition ship in Bayonne (if she was not purposely sunk, the explosion would have destroyed most of midtown Manhattan), and the oil tanker collision of the Alva Cape and Texaco Massachusetts in 1966 on the East River. Her marine characteristics are a displacement of 268 net tons, a length of 130 feet, beam of 28 feet, and draught of nine feet. Originally fitted with five gasoline-electric motors, they were replaced in 1957 with five Fairbanks-Morse opposed piston Model 38F51/4 which consist of eight cylinders with 16 pistons. She has twin screws and can reach a speed of 18 knots. The Harvey has eight deck monitors and 24 large connections for fire hoses which were greatly appreciated when called to serve on 9/11. In 2018 to mark the centenary of World War I’s end, the John J. Harvey was repainted in a “dazzle” tribute to mark the era's most colorful camouflage. A project of the Public Art Fund in collaboration with 14-18 NOW, a World War 1 centenary arts program in the UK, the Harvey represented a series of ships inspired by World War 1 dazzle camouflage. It was not designed to hide but confuse German U-boats that were regularly sinking British and American vessels. The paint scheme was to paint ships in a way that broke up their forms, using stripes, curves, and

bright colors to baffle U-boat gunners as to which way a vessel was heading. Influenced by Cubism and Vorticism, “dazzle camouflage” was applied to thousands of ships in the UK, and soon adopted by the United States Navy which “dazzled” its World War I vessels in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. On the morning of September 11, 2001, the attack on the World Trade Center brought crew members rushing to the John J. Harvey to help assist in the evacuation of thousands of persons from Ground Zero. While carrying as many individuals as possible to safer locations, the New York Fire Department officials spotted the Harvey and asked if her pumps still worked. She returned to Ground Zero and moored along the Battery Seawall by tying herself to nearby trees. There was no water available at the World Trade Center, so crew members helped cobble together adapters to hook new hoses to old outlets to help supply water from the river. Crew worked for over 80-hours non-stop and were joined by active FDNY fireboats John D. McKean and Fire Fighter. As a result of her efforts, the Harvey was presented with a special National Preservation Award for its role in 9/11. At the present time, her homeport is the North River Maritime Pier 66, a part of the Hudson River Park in New York City. Each year the John J. Harvey travels the region to promote waterfront vitalizations, water displays, and tours of her crew’s onboard preservation efforts. A few locations she has recently been are: the Oyster Bay Festival in Long Island, Tugboat Roundup in Waterford, NY, Roundout Valley School District in Kingston, NY, and the FASNY Fire Museum in Hudson, NY. For more information on the John J. Harvey, upcoming trips and events, or to sign up for our newsletter, The SPLASH, contact - Fire News story and photo courtesy of Chuck Parodi; Deckhand, John J. Harvey

Page 88, Fire News, October 2021

Cardiff MVA with Entrapment

The volunteer fire companies of Farmington and Cardiff responded to Tilton Road and Van Mar Avenues on August 14, 2021, for a report of an MVA with entrapment. Cardiff Rescue 1517 put their tools into service after stabilizing the vehicle. Farmington Rescue 1547 and 1546 arrived and their crews assisted with extrication.

After a lengthy process in sweltering heat, the occupant was extricated and turned over to EMS and was transported by ground. The cause of the crash was under investigation by the Egg Harbor Township Police Department. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Conference In-Person 2021 The 2021 New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Conference is just around the corner and hopefully you have already registered and selected the training sessions you want to take. If not, there’s no time to delay, register today! The Conference will kick-off Sunday, September 19, 2021, with an afternoon schedule of training and breakouts followed by our Networking and Awards Reception, Sunday evening. Monday, training starts at 0800 and runs until 1600 with our Exhibit Hall opening at 1630 with our Vendor Reception. Tuesday’s Continental Breakfast will take place in the Exhibit Hall with Training and Breakouts scheduled throughout the day. Our Luncheon will be served adjacent to the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday. Wednesday morning is dedicated to a follow-up presentation on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas School shooting in Coral Springs, Florida. Pre-registration is required. REMINDER: NEW VENUE The 2021 Conference is being held at Harrah’s Waterfront Conference Center in Atlantic City.

Fire News, October 2021, Page 89

Deceased Home Extraction The Scullville Volunteer Fire Company was dispatched on June 20, 2021, to Ocean Heights Avenue at the Norms Dale Mobile Home Park for an extrication assignment from a mobile home. Scullville Chief Steve Prisament arrived and established command and was advised the fire company’s assistance was needed to make a removal of a deceased person. Firefighters needed to cut a port in the side of the structure to accommodate the size of the deceased. Once this was completed, medical examiner’s personnel removed the deceased and command was terminated. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

GSP Car Fire While clearing a fully involved car fire on Route 3 at the Rutherford border, Clifton Engines 5, Engine 6 and Truck 2 were dispatched to the Garden State Parkway north for car fire. Engine 5 was first to arrive to an engine compartment fire on the shoulder. A 1-3/4 inch line was stretched and the fire was knocked down. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Page 90, Fire News, October 2021

Helping Out Each Other Bargaintown firefighters prepared the meal for the Egg Harbor Township Fire Department’s bi-monthly meeting on August 4, 2021. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Propane Drill at the Canale Center The Mays Landing Volunteer Fire Company took advantage of a cool evening of June 22, 2021, to do a propane drill at the Atlantic County Anthony ‘Tony’ Canale Fire Training Center in Egg Harbor Township. The instructors were M. L. Graham, Gil Zonge, and Rob Winkler. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Laureldale MVA The volunteer fire companies of Laureldale and Mays Landing responded to Route 50 on June 29, 2021, for an MVA with entrapment. A person was pulling out of their driveway when they were broadsided in the driver’s door. Laureldale firefighters extricated the driver who was treated by EMS and transported to the parking lot to a waiting SouthStar medevac with the LZ being handled by Mays Landing firefighters. The patient was flown to the Atlanticare Trauma Center, Atlantic City Campus. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

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Page 92, Fire News, October 2021

Quick Stop in Newark

Newark firefighters responded to Emmett Street on July 2, 2021. Ladder 11 reported smoke showing from the middle of the row of a two-story rowhouse on arrival. Crews advanced multiple lines through the front door and had the fire, believed to have started in the basement, knocked down in short order. No injuries were reported. - Fire News photos by Kevin White

Fire News, October 2021, Page 93

Page 94, Fire News, October 2021

Drowning in Hamilton Township

The volunteer fire companies of Weymouth and Mays Landing were dispatched on June 27, 2021, at 1423, to Weymouth Road and Weymouth Furnace Park to assist the Hamilton Township Police and Dive Team for a water rescue. A report was received of a missing swimmer at that location, which touched off a massive response for dive teams throughout Atlantic and Cumberland counties. The 23-year-old swimmer was found deceased after two hours of searching. Responding were Hamilton Township Police, Township of Hamilton Rescue Squad, Hamilton Township Dive Team, Atlanticare, and fire companies from Weymouth, Mays Landing, Richland (boat), Collings Lakes (boat), Bargaintown (boat), Cardiff, Farmington (cascade unit), Downe Township Dive team. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger

Farmington Back to School Event The Farmington Volunteer Fire Company hosted, in conjunction with Tay and Tots, a para professional organization that specializes in motor skill development in children, a “Back to School Giveback and Community Day” on August 28, 2021. Backpacks were distributed to the children, food was distributed through the donations of local vendors and food trucks, with firefighters displaying apparatus and distributing fire prevention material. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

Fire News, October 2021, Page 95

Page 96, Fire News, October 2021

Farmington Thanks Bargaintown

Proclamation of Unwavering Loyalty to Robert Hamilton

The members of the Farmington Volunteer Fire Company would like to give a big tip of their helmet to the Bargaintown Fire Company who came over and packed hose and helped put Engine 1543 back into service following the Atlantic City Utilities fire on August 7, 2021. Their Ladies Auxiliary even brought over breakfast! Thank you very much. - Fire News photo by Eugene Sharpe

Mays Landing Fire Company past-Chief Robert Hamilton was presented with a proclamation by the Township of Hamilton Committee on August 2, 2021, in recognition of his, “Unwavering Loyalty and Faithful Dedication to the Township of Hamilton.” Bob was instrumental in establishing the Hamilton Township Dive Team, serving 20 years as Chief and served 15 years in the township EMS Squad, and is a past-Chief of the fire company. More recently, he allowed the use of his personal garage to house a Mays Landing engine for 18 months during the reconstruction of the Cotton Mill Bridge so firefighters could respond in a timely fashion. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Fire News, October 2021, Page 97

Educating the Public The Atlantic County Firefighters Association continues its support of youths and support of the Atlantic County 4H Association by providing a display at their annual fair every August. Fire prevention, education and exchange of ideas are presented by educating the public. - Fire News photos by Dennis C. Sharpe

Page 98, Fire News, October 2021

Galloway 4th of July Parade

Galloway Township in Atlantic County held their annual Fourth of July parade with a turnout of fire, police, EMS, community and civic groups, political groups, veterans, and military personnel. - Fire News photos by Ken Badger and Cindy Badger

Fire News, October 2021, Page 99

Up Close & Personal

John Fricano’s co-pilot Lynn Wood in ex-East Vineland’s mini pumper at the Northfield Fourth of July Parade. John is a principal owner of Story Book Land in Cardiff and has a fine collection of antique cars and firetrucks. Some of us antiquers have finally talked John into going to more parades, or was it Lynn’s influence? - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Firefighters from the City of Linwood Fire Department at the Atlantic County Utilities fire in Egg Harbor Township on August 7, 2021. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Thomas Culleny, Jr., (TJ) and his son Thomas Culleny III at the Galloway scrap yard fire on August 1, 2021. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Northfield Firefighter Bob Leeds explaining the history of fire helmets at the Atlantic County 4H Fair on August 7, 2021. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

(Left) Wes Howe who was walking around the Cradle of Liberty Muster on August 1, 2021. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

(Right) This Newark Fire captain from Engine 14 looks on intently while receiving his company’s orders at a second-alarmer in the early morning hours of July 5, 2021 on Sussex Avenue. - Fire News photo by Kevin White

Page 100, Fire News, October 2021

INTERSCHUTZ USA 2021 KEEPS ON GOING! The organizers of INTERSCHUTZ USA, the US launch of the famous Interschutz brand of Hannover, Germany, are excited for their October launch of this inaugural event. Scheduled to take place October 14 to 16, 2021, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in historic Philadelphia, INTERSCHUTZ USA is shaping up to be a success.

What is the same …… Originally scheduled to launch in October 2020, prior to the outbreak of Covid-19, INTERSCHUTZ USA continues to promise all participants access to education, instructors, perspectives, and products not traditionally seen at other US fire service events. Developed initially to provide the US fire service with access to international perspectives they don’t usually see, INTERSCHUTZ USA 2021 will keep that promise both domestically and internationally. The most exciting, and only new, event to come to the US fire service in many years, INTERSCHUTZ USA will provide a much-needed platform to bring together the fire service’s brothers and sisters to network, share and learn.

What has changed….. With the effect of Covid-19 on travel and large gatherings, much of the international attendance and exhibitor participation has been put on hold for the year. In turn, after too long away from one another, INTERSCHUTZ USA promises to bring back the Northeast and MidAtlantic’s fire service professionals with representatives from all the major suppliers. We are happy to announce the addition of Dave Odden as Show Manager of INTERSCHUTZ USA. We regret the departure of Rachel Lesczynski but understand and wish her all the best. Rachel was involved with the hiring of Dave to replace her, and the team is excited to have Dave at the helm.

Registration and Hotels…. Registration is currently open for INTERSCHUTZ USA with Early-Bird rates still in effect. The hotels available to INTERSCHUTZ USA attendees and exhibitors are available as well. Both can be found by going to the event web site:

REGISTRATION OPENS FOR 2022 FDSOA CONFERENCES Scheduled for January 9-12, 2022

Registration is now available for the 2022 Fire Department Safety Officer Association (FDSOA) Fire Apparatus, Safety and Maintenance Conference and the Annual Health and Safety Conference, January 9-12, 2022, Scottsdale, AZ. Pricing and program schedules can be found at The Fire Apparatus Safety and Maintenance Conference will begin Sunday, January 9, with pre-conference programs including EVT F5 Aerial (Offsite, 8 hours) and the popular Spec Writing (Onsite, 4 hours) program. January 10-12, the conference will feature over 25 programs targeting apparatus, new standards, and new technology. Concurrently, FDSOA will hold the Annual Health and Safety Conference and offer preconference programs on Monday, January 10th, with The Five Reads (8 hours) and twoday Incident Safety Officer (16 hours) and Health and Safety Officer (16 hours) Academies. On Tuesday, January 11, additional programs include ISO Traps and Triggers - Tactical Considerations for the Incident Safety Officer (8 hours) and Conducting Reviews to Improve Safety Culture (4 hours). The Health and Safety Conference on Wednesday and Thursday will feature over 20 programs starting with keynote speaker Gordon

Graham, followed by topics ranging from fitness to hostile fire events. Schedules for both the Fire Apparatus, Safety and Maintenance Conference and the Annual Health and Safety Conference will be available this fall on our website. Please visit to register and for hotel information. The Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) was established in 1989 as a non-profit association. Its mission is to promote safety standards and practices in the fire, rescue and emergency services community. The association is led by a volunteer board of directors and has a small staff to handle the day-to-day operations. The association is dedicated to the issues that affect the critical role of the safety officer in protecting and promoting the safety and health responsibilities of fire departments, communities and first responders. FDSOA can be found on the web at Please follow FDSOA on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Fire News, October 2021, Page 101

Up Close & Personal (Left) A Newark firefighter takes a breather while getting his SCBA bottle changed out after exiting a house fire on Emmett Street on July 2, 2021. - Fire News photo by Kevin White (Right) Haddonfield Firefighter John Ryer who responded to the Atlantic County Utilities fire on August 7, 2021, with their specialized apparatus equipped with a large fan that helped provide ventilation. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Shots from a recent drill with the Laurence Harbor Fire Company. - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

Page 102, Fire News, October 2021

Up Close & Personal

Absecon Firefighters Lexie Falivene, Daniel Fairweather, and Tyler Krumaker with their new Tower 8. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

The City of Margate Fire Department following a recent water rescue drill in the Atlantic Ocean. - Fire News photo by Ken Badger

Bergen County Fire coordinator Stephen Alvarez with Tenafly Fire Captain Mark Marzocchi and Firefighter Bobby Gansel at a recent mutual aid call to the city of Englewood. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton

Tenafly Truck Company 2 responded mutual aid to the city of Englewood for a second-alarm structure fire in a commercial building on Palisade Avenue - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’ Denton

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