First Baptist March 13 Beacon

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From the

What’s going on at

Pastor’s Heart


ur teaching series “Spent: F i n d i n g Financial Peace” will continue the first two Sundays in March. March 3 is the beginning of our 4-Month Tithing Challenge. If you have never tithed, or you are not currently tithing, I want to encourage you to take the 4-Month Tithing Challenge. Beginning Sunday, March 3, bring a tithe of your income and give it to God through your church and then see what God will do in your life. You can sign up for the challenge on your Connection Card on Sunday morning or online. If you sign up for the challenge, I am not going to be “checking up on you,” but I do want to encourage you along the way and give you some resources that I think will be of help. If you haven’t listened to the February 24 message on Honoring God with Your Money, I encourage you to go to our website and listen as soon as possible. Easter comes early this year! Sunday, March 31 is the day. We will have our 7 am Sunrise Service at Denton High Baseball field and our regular 9:30 and 11 am services. Our LIFE Groups will take a break that Sunday. We are printing invite cards for you to use to invite your friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members and anyone else to come to Easter at First Denton with you this year. It’s been a great start to 2013 at your church. I’m excited about what spring has in store for us. Don’t forget you are the best advertising we have. Always be ready to tell someone about your church and invite them to come be a part of what’s happening at First Denton! In His Love, Jeff

First Denton

WEBS Our Wednesday Evening Bible Study is led by Pastor Jeff Williams. We have begun Exodus this past month. If you are interested in a more in-depth study of God’s Word, this is the study group for you. Join us every Wednesday night in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner will be served at 5 pm and the bible study will begin at 6 pm. Dinner is only $4 for 13-up, $2 for 4-12, and Free for ages 0-3.

LIFE Groups Get Connected to LIFE– LIFE Groups help adults become fullydeveloping followers of Christ by providing small groups of adults with similar ages, interests and/or family structures meeting for interactive Bible study, connected through fellowship, organized for care, involved in ministry service and growing through accountability. LIFE Groups meet every Sunday at 8:15, 9:30, & 11 am. Get plugged in to a LIFE Group at First Denton. Go to for a complete listing of LIFE Groups or email

First Look is for those who have recently joined First Denton and for those considering becoming members. The next “First Look” is Wednesday, March 3, at 6 pm in room S-111. Dinner will be served and our pastor will give you a “First Look” at First Baptist. You will be given the opportunity to join if you so desire. For more information or to RSVP, contact Judy Murphy at 940.382.2577, x150 or



Brad Cockrell.............................................March 1991 Associate Pastor Joy Wagley.................................................March 2002 Office Manager

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What’s going on at

First Denton

4-Month Tithing Challenge Why do we tithe? The Bible says, the purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives. (Deuteronomy 14:23 TLB) Tithing is a reminder that God is the supplier of everything we have. It is also God’s personal invitation to an outpouring of his blessing in your life. One way First Denton encourages you to honor God in this area of your life is by committing to tithe over the next 4 months. Not only will you be obeying God, but God will bless you in return. We will help you through this 4-Month Tithe Challenge and encourage you along the way. So, what do you think? Are you ready to take the 4-Month Tithe Challenge and experience God’s best for your life? Sign up now at

Grief Recovery Support Group GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/support group for people grieving the death of someone close. It’s a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. You will learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life. Group sessions will meet Wednesday evenings, April 3-May 22 from 6-8:30pm in the Conference Room at First Baptist Denton. Contact Judy Murphy in the church office at 940.382.2577, x150 or for more information.

Spring 2013 High Attendance Emphasis Day All church fellowship after late worship service to include stadium food lunch and Staff “Bears” vs. LIFE Group “Lions” game at DHS baseball field. Wear your favorite team’s baseball jersey. Bring lawn chairs or blankets for your family to the field. Invite a friend, neighbor, or family member to Opening Day at First Denton.


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Adult Ministries Ministry to Men Adult 55+ Ministry We have 80+ couples in our church family that have been married 50 years or more. William (Mike) and Jean Stephens have been married 74 yrs. We have 3 couples at 67 yrs, 2 couples at 66 yrs, 3 couples at 65 yrs and so on. We are pleased 45 couples have committed to participate and we are adding more each week! Hopefully, as others check their schedules we will have even more join us. We know some couples will not be available for the service on Sunday evening, March 17. We are planning a reception in Tompkins Fellowship Hall for our couples and their families following the service. By the way, Dr. Jeff and Tami will lead us in a renewal of our vows; every couple present will likewise want to renew their vows too! The trip to Flying Fish Restaurant and Montgomery Street Antique Mall on March 13 had such a tremendous sign up that we added a van and will be taking 37 folks. We will be calling those on the reserve list to see if the date is still open for you. Reminder: 39ers in April will be moved to the third Friday, April 19.

Band of Brothers – connecting men to God, His word and other men for the purpose of winning, growing and training God’s man in Christ. They all meet at the Church in South Hall. Band of Brothers 3 Monday nights, at 7 pm in the Conference Room. Band of Brothers 1 meets each Wednesday night at 7 pm. Band of Brothers 3 is invited to attend on Wednesday night on weeks they do not meet. Come join a group. Visit

Single Adult Ministry Single Adult LIFE Group / Sunday at 9:30 am / Singles Portable With our new Minister to Single Adults: Kevin and Jessica Jenkins. Kevin can be reached at

Generational Ministries

The honor of your presence is requested at a



celebration Sunday the Seventeenth of March

Preschool Ministry You will be invited to renew your wedding vows. We will especially be honoring First Denton couples who have been married 50 years or more.

You are cordially invited to a reception in Fellowship Hall immediately following the service.

Women’s Ministry Lunch Bunch - Ready for Spring Cleaning? Need fresh, inspiring ideas for organizing? Join us on March 12, from 11:45 am-1 pm in Fellowship Hall for refreshing “girlfriend” time and fellowship with our “Spring Organizing Fling” program. A tasty salad and potato bar luncheon is included for $5. Make lunch reservations at or call 940.387.5003. Free childcare is provided (11:30 am-1pm) by reservation only. Call 940.382.2577, x164 by February 5. Remember, bring a friend! Spirited Scrappers - Leave a legacy through scrapbooking. Join our Spirited Scrappers for fellowship, inspiring ideas, and preserving those precious memories. Join us Friday, March 1 from 6pm-midnight, and Saturday, March 2 from 9 am-6 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch provided with reservation, email Deanna Blackmon at Heartstrings - Join us for a night of live music as we bring together and celebrate our generations of praise music. March 26 from 6-8pm in Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite snack to share and a friend. For more details or information contact Meatha Southern at Page 4

All preschool families are invited to an Eggstravaganza on March 24 from 4-6 pm. Enjoy this rain or shine event as a family. Activities include petting zoo, bounce house, egg hunt and refreshments. Register online or at the preschool desk by March 17. Contact Angela Adams at 940.382.2577, x160 for additional info. Kindergarten Readiness - Statistics prove that Kindergarten Readiness is a predictor for overall school success. First Denton offers a readiness class for children who will be attending Kindergarten in the Fall. We only have a few spaces left so register quickly. Classes are Monday & Wednesday from 9am-2pm, June 24-July 24. Cost: $75 per child plus a $10 Supply fee due upon enrollment Register at or contact Angela Adams at 940.382.2577, x160. Mothers of Preschoolers - March 7 & 21 from 9:30-11:30am. Contact Dawn Bath at for additional info. Preschool VBS: Colossal Coaster World June 17-21 from 9-noon We are enlisting our team for 2013. Contact Shirley Jones at 940.382.2577, x161 for additional information. Parents’ Night Out - Mark your calendar for April 12 from 6-10pm. Register online or at the preschool desk. Deadline is April 7.

Generational Ministries Kid’s Ministry Community Egg Hunt - Bring your friends and join us for our 2nd Annual Community Egg Hunt for kids at 2 pm on Saturday, March 23. This event is focused on school aged kids grades 1st 5th. We will be asking the DISD elementary schools in the nearby proximity to come join us for this special Easter themed event. We will start collecting plastic eggs or donations to purchase pre-filled Christian-themed eggs on the Kids Floor beginning March 3. All FBCD regular attendees and members should register by signing up online at by Wednesday, March 20 to reserve your school-aged kid’s spot. Please help us reach out to our community with the love of Christ! Stay tuned for more information: Easter Morning Pancake Breakfast Join us Sunday, March 31, After the 7 am Sunrise Easter Service for a pancake breakfast fundraiser, that will provide scholarship assistance for those attending Preteen Camp and FROG Camp this summer! We will be serving pancakes in the “stage� end of the Fellowship Hall from 8-9:15 am. Cash or check donations will be accepted. We appreciate your participation in helping make provisions so that every kid wanting to attend camp this summer would be able to. God bless you!



Student Life for Kids Camp: Hide & Seek Who’s Invited? All current preteens in 3rd through 6th grades When & Where? July 9–12 (date change); Austin College, Sherman, TX What to Expect? Come join us for an incredible week of Hide & Seek! At Student Life for Kids Camp, we will dive into the Word and study the glorious truths and the good news of the Kingdom of God. This year’s Camp Pastor will be Chris Kinsley. Taylor Anderson will lead worship along with the SL4K Band. Key Verse? “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.� (Matthew 6:33) Cost & Deadlines? $275* *Registration has been ongoing since December of 2012. You will need to *** *** Hide & S k*** *** pay $125, which includes your non-refundable deposit of $75, ASAP. Once your preteen’s deposit and first $50


Camp For


Kid’s Ministry (cont.) is received, you will need to pay $50/month for March – May. Sonic cards are available to sell to help your preteen pay their own way. However, they will only be available to sell, after initial deposit is received. Please register online at or bring your check in a Preteen Camp registration envelope (2nd Floor communication rack) to the Kids Ministry Office ASAP to reserve your preteen’s spot. Space is limited.

Student Ministry

Hurricane Island (formerly known as House of Judgement) Where will you be when the storm hits? Hurricane Island is in full swing. Performances are: Feb. 27, 6-9pm, March 2 & 3, 2-4pm & 6-9pm, March 6, 6-9pm & March 9, 2-4pm & 6-9pm. Tickets are $5 per person. Our students have been working hard and are excited about thier accomplishment. Come and see them present the gospel in this unique way. Invite your friends, and family to attend this event as they strengthen their faith or choose Christ for the first time. Spring Garage Sale - The Student Ministry is preparing for a Spring Garage Sale Fundraiser and would love to have your donations. We can arrange to pick up your items or you may bring them to us. We could use your help with pricing, organization or set-up. If you know any available storage near the church we could use for this event, please let us know. This garage sale will generate money that will directly contribute to a student being able to attend a mission trip or camp. Taking donations until April 3. For questions email Laura Collier at Pine Cove Spring Retreat This year’s Spring Retreat is for Middle School and High School students. We will leave on Friday, April 26 from the CLC at 5 pm and returning at 3 pm Sunday, April 28. The cost is $100 due by April 7. Senior Sunday - May 26. All seniors will be recognized during the 11 am worship service followed by a lunch for seniors and immediate family in Fellowship Hall. The picture due date is April 7. Be looking for your informative letter from your High School LIFE Group leaders in the mail. Any questions, contact Jane Naugher, 940.391.5170. Summer Camps and Mission Trips - Sign Up Now! Visit for details and to sign up! Page 5

Mission News Missions News - 2013 mission trips are just around the corner. Sunday, March 3 is the deadline for mission trip’s sign up. Choose your mission trip and sign up before the deadline. Our goal is to send 200 church members on mission trips this year. World Mission Offering Emphasis - In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells the disciples “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In 2013, First Denton is embarking on fulfilling this scripture by revamping our World Mission Offering to include a plan to reach people in Jerusalem (Denton), Judea (Texas), Samaria (North America), and the ends of the earth (International). Our giving goal to accomplish our plans for 2013 is $225,000. As of January 14, $129,841 has already been given to our 2013 goal. You can see the complete list of goals at 2013 Mission Trips - The deadline for signing up for the 2013 mission trips is almost here. Mission trips planned for Panama City, Honduras, Ethiopia, Haiti, Key West, Alaska, Chicago, Jamaica, McAllen, Kenya, and India. Please visit to get details on all the trips and download an application.

First Refuge Ministries We are taking volunteers as we expand the ministry. Those wanting to volunteer can get an application from the church office or from First Refuge. To give directly, designate “First Refuge” on your offering. Visit First Refuge Ministries at First Refuge Cancer Support Group - First Refuge has started a Cancer Support Group Ministry. If you are a cancer survivor, newly diagnosed or in the middle of the storm, come see what God has in store for you. This month we will meet March 12 and March 26 at 6:30pm. The meetings are at First Refuge Ministry Building at 1701 Broadway (two blocks south of First Baptist Denton at corner of Malone and Broadway). For more information, contact Clint Blackmon at 469.222.4575 or First Refuge Recovery Support Groups Making Peace with Your Past Women’s Group Making Peace with Your Past Men’s Group Moving Beyond Your Past Support Group Introduction to Celebrate Recovery and Facilitator Training Please contact Shirley Jones at 940.382.2577, x161 for detailed information. Register at the tables outside the Worship Center. First Refuge Food Pantry - 22 faithful volunteers helped to provide 308 hungry people with groceries during the month of January at the First Refuge Food Pantry. We still have a great opportunity for one or two individuals to help us transport food deliveries to the Food Pantry. Please contact Jodi Massey at 940.484.4384 or jodim@ for more information. Food Pantry Sunday - March 10. Each month there will be a different food item requested. This month we are requesting chicken or tuna helper. Please drop off these items in our new Food Pantry containers located at each church entrance. Contact Doug Giles at or 940.484.4384 for any mission related information. Page 6

Additional Ministries WMU March 5, 10 am, S-109 – Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer and Easter Offering, Program and Lunch March 26, 9:30 am, S-109 – Nancy Pannell will be leading a Bible study for the ladies of the church. Hostesses for the meeting are Gloria Covey and Lois Threlkeld. For more information, contact Rynell Novak, WMU Director, at 940.368.6672 or

Additional Ministries Special Needs Ministry

God’s GPS Perfect Souls

first denton’s special needs minist y

GPS’s next worship service and fellowship time is in the Fellowship Hall, March 9 at 3 pm. This event is designed for the developmentally disabled, their families and their caregivers but everyone is invited.

Recreation Ministry Spring Break Golf Tournament The Spring Break Classic will be Saturday, March 9 at the Indian Creek Golf Club in Carrollton. We will tee off at 8 am. The cost is $45 per player and the format is a 2-man scramble. Sign up by emailing Brad Cockrell at or call 940.382.2577, x171 by Monday, March 4. This is our first tournament of the 2013 FBCD Golf Tour. Golfer of the year points begin with this tournament, so don’t miss out! Grab a partner and come and enjoy the fellowship and the beauty of the spring weather. 2013 Golf Tournaments: March 9..........Spring Break Classic April 6............FBCD Masters May 31...........In His Grip Invitational June 29...........FBCD Players Championship August 10.......Beat the Heat Summer Championship September 7...Fall Memorial October 6........Beat the Staff Championship For more information or to be added to the First Denton Golfer’s email list, please contact Brad Cockrell at Upward Basketball– We need volunteers to assist in officiating basketball games and giving 2-3 minute devotionals during half-time of all games. If interested, please contact Lee Sanders at or at 940.382.6122, x172.

Additional Ministries Family Ministry Family Fun Movie Night Sunday • April 14 • 6 pm • Fellowship Hall We will be showing “Who is Simon Miller,” a heart-pounding adventure that tests the limits to which families will fight for each other. We will serve hotdogs, popcorn and drinks and watch this action packed thriller on the big screen. Bring the whole family. Please be aware that some of the action scenes in this movie do include gun use and fist fights. However, there is no foul language. This movie does not have a rating.

Music & Worship Ministry Orchestra Musicians Needed We are currently in need of one trumpet player and one French horn player for our orchestra. Please contact Keith McGee at Sunday Media Ministry 9:30 & 11am If you are interested in the Sunday Media Ministry, we have a critical need for 9:30am service volunteers. We will train you on all of our equipment, so you don’t have to be an expert to volunteer. If you are interested, please call the Music Office at 940.382.2577, x140 or email Sandy Burke at


Easter Choir It is not too late to join choir every Wednesday at 6 pm in the Choir Room to sing with us for Easter Services. Choir and Orchestra will be singing & playing at the 9:30am and 11am services Easter Sunday, March 31. Kids Choir Kids Choir meets Sundays at 5 pm for Preschool (4 yrs) –5th grade. The spring musical, “The Star Factor-Many Gifts One Voice,” will be presented Sunday evening, April 28, at 6 pm in the Worship Center. Come and be a part of this great Kids Choir. Preschool/Kinder Choir The Preschool/Kinder Choir meets Sunday at 5 pm in P-102 to sing, learn about different musical instruments and have fun. “The Greatest Rescue Ever” music CD has some great songs they can listen to at home or in the car. Sunday, May 5, at 5 pm they will be singing selections in the Chapel and showing what they are learning. There is always room for more four year old and Kindergarten children in this fun choir. Student Choir Student Choir meets every Sunday at 4pm in the Choir Room. Join us for a time of singing praise to our Jesus!

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First Baptist Beacon

FIRST BAPTIST BEACON (USPS571400) is published monthly by First Baptist Church, 1100 Malone Street, Denton, Texas 76201-2799. Periodical Postage Paid at Denton,Texas.

Postmaster: Please send requests for change of address to First Baptist Church, 1100 Malone St, Denton, TX 76201-2799.

Christian Sympathy Louise Ramsey on the death of her nephew, Pete Burney Janet Hardegree on the death of her brother, Jimmy Harrod, nephew of Sue Bizzle Mary Beth & John Walker on the death of her sister, Louise Trubey, aunt of JD Walker Rich & Stacie Villarreal on the death of his father, Robert Villarreal, grandfather of Emily

Births Congratulations to: Clint and Deanna Blackmon on the birth of their granddaughter, Trinity Jeanne Finley Parents: Tori and Greg Finley, missionaries in Kigali, Rwanda

First Baptist Church Denton, TX • 940.382.2577 •

Sunday Schedule

8:15 am..........................Adults 55+ LIFE Groups 9:30 am.......................LIFE Groups and Worship 11:00 am.....................LIFE Groups and Worship

FBCD Staff Dr. Jeff Williams, Senior Pastor......................150 Jeff Dooley, Senior Associate Pastor .............111 Keith McGee, Minister of Music/Worship........141 Jim Markle, Minister of Business Admi...........121 Brad Cockrell, Associate Pastor.....................171 Cliff Feeler, Minister to Adults 55+..................155 Chris Barfield, Minister to Kids ......................131 Shirley Jones, Min. of Preschool Education...161 Mark Caswell, Minister to Students ...............191 Austin Wadlow,University Minister..................181 Todd Spurgin, Facilities Manager...................127 Lisa Lee, Senior Accountant...........................120 Judy Murphy, Pastoral Ministry Asst...............150 Brad Hill, Communications Director................112 Doug Giles, Missions Minister ...... 940.484.4384 Maegan Woodard, CDC Director ...................167

Note of Thanks A big thanks to the 11th grade girls that volunteered at the Food Pantry. They moved shelving, stocked food and then asked for more to do. The light of Christ shined through you all. First Refuge Staff My brother, Jimmy Harrod, was taken by the angels on Thursday, February 7. He was only 58 years old. Jimmy battled cancer for many years. He was very courageous and a devout Baptist. Thank you for your telephone calls and sympathy cards. They were most appreciated. Janet Hardegree Sue Bizzle, Aunt

Wednesday Menu March 6 - Chicken strips, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Vegetables & Hot Rolls March 13 - No Meal March 20 - Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, & French Fries March 27 - Brisket, Potato Salad, Ranch Style Beans and Steak Fingers for the kids

All items for our Wednesday evening meals are available on a first come, first serve basis.

Prices: Age 0-3........Free Age 4-12,........$2 Age 13-up.......$4

This Month’s Giving Worship Attendance Average................................1202 LIFE Group Average Attendance December 2012 Adult ....................................................................262 Adults 55+ ...........................................................208 Single Adults.............................................................6 College ................................................................110 International ............................................................8 Youth ...................................................................180 Kids .....................................................................130 Preschool ............................................................157 Other .....................................................................34 TOTAL (Average) ..............................................1093 Budget & Designated Funds* Annual Budget..........................................$3,675,000 Budget Received This Month........................333,817 Budget Needed, YTD....................................494,712 Budget Received, YTD..................................421,020 Building Fund, Total.......................................690,685 Over/Under Budget.......................................(73,691) TOTAL World Missions, YTD........................137,888 Homebound Report: January 2013 Visits: 97 • Cards/calls: 59 Magazines: 25 • CD’s/DVD’s: 8 • Favors: 8

Library Hours Sunday Monday Wednesday

9:15 am-12:30 pm 8:30 am-3:30 pm 8:30 am-2:30 pm 6 pm-8 pm

Other times may be available. Contact Dianna Ray 940.382.2577, x109 or Free books will be offered the first Wednesday night of each month in the Fellowship Hall during the evening meal.

Following Christ: How to Become a Christian We joyfully share this information with you in anticipation of meeting you personally. Whether you are new to the community or have been here awhile, we have a place for you. But even more importantly, God has a place for you and wants to change your life! If you want to accept Christ as your Savior and have certainty of eternal life, then pray this prayer from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and have displeased You in many ways. I believe You died for my sin and only through faith in Your death and resurrection can I be forgiven. I want to turn from my sin and ask you to come into my life as my Savior and Lord. From this day on, I will follow You by living a life that pleases You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for saving me. Amen.” After you have received Jesus Christ into your life, tell a Christian friend about the important decision you have made. Follow Christ in believer’s baptism and church membership. Grow in faith and enjoy new friends in Christ by becoming part of His church and attending the Bible study class the church has just for you. You’ll find others who will love and support you.

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