What’s going on at
A note from
The Pastor
ovember is missions month at First Denton. Our World Missions Offering for 20132014 will begin in November and we will announce our mission trips for 2014. Everyone can participate in missions. Even if you are not able to go on a short term mission trip, you can pray for those who go and you can give to our World Missions Offering. Every dollar you give to this offering is used to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who desperately need to hear it. I’m so thankful for a church that puts such a high priority on missions here in Denton and around the world. Last year, 215 went on one of our mission trips. I know we are going to surpass that in 2014, already our college students have 90+ signed up for their Spring Break trip. I hope you will pray about going in 2014. Missions begin at home and you have an opportunity to participate this month. My Hope America with Billy Graham is an effort by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to help you share Jesus with your friends and neighbors. This month you will have the opportunity to be a “Matthew” and invite some friends to your home where Billy Graham will share the gospel with them. I’ll be giving you the details in the service on November 3. This is a great way to be a part of “missions” without even leaving your home! In His Love, Jeff
First Denton WEBS At our Wednesday Evening Bible Study this fall, we will be studying Paul’s letters to the church at Thessalonica. These letters are all about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Join us for 13 Wednesday nights at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall for this in-depth study of God’s Word. Dinner will be served at 5 pm and then the Bible study will begin at 6 pm. Dinner is only $4 for ages 13 and up, $2 for ages 4-12, and free for ages 0-3.
Home Groups Get ready for Session 2! We are starting a second session of Home Groups the week of November 10 to be completed before the Christmas holidays. We are in need of host homes for this Fall Session 2. If you are interested in hosting, please email Erica Horton at ericah@firstdenton.org.
First Look is for those who have recently joined First Denton and for those considering becoming members. The next “First Look” is Sunday, November 3 at 5 pm in Fellowship Hall. Dinner will be served and our pastor will give you a “First Look” at First Denton. You will be given the opportunity to join if you so desire. For more information or to RSVP, contact Deb Kingrey at 940.382.2577, x150 or debk@firstdenton.org.
Stay Connected: FirstDenton.org/connect Social
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What’s going on at
First Denton Pigskin Playoff On November 10, we are kicking off a new sermon series and new Home Group studies. To celebrate, join us for the Pigskin Playoff after the 11 am service at the DHS field behind the church. Wear your favorite football team t-shirt or jersey to church that morning and then come watch the LIFE Groups take on the Staff in a flag football game that will be sure to entertain all. Bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets. We will be serving BBQ sandwiches, chips and drinks free of charge. See you at the game!
Coats for Christ is a ministry of First Denton that helps collect coats to donate to the Salvation Army. Right now you have the opportunity to show Christ to someone in Denton by helping them stay warm at night. The Salvation Army is in need of coats, Bibles and sweats this season. Donations can be accepted at the “Coats for Christ” drop box in the main foyer or the church office. Lord’s Supper We will share in the Lord’s Supper in both services on Sunday, November 24. Deacon’s Meeting This month’s Deacon’s Meeting is Saturday, November 23 from 8-9:30am in Fellowship Hall. A lite breakfast will be served.
Ps ms 23
beginning November 10 November 10 “Let God Be Your Owner” November 17 “Let God be Your Sufficiency” November 24 “Let God Be Your Leader” BEACON
December 1 “Let God Be Your Protector” December 8 “Let God Be Your Provider” December 15 “Let God Be Your Contentment” Page 3
Adult Ministries Adult 55+ Ministry 39ers Lunch On November 8, we have a very special guest. Evelyn Hinds had a nice write up in the Denton Record Chronicle a few years back. She has been involved in the Denton Tejas Storytellers Festival. She will share important information about people including Corri Ten Boom. We know you will look forward to our December 13 meeting with our friends, the Young at Heart Band. New England Heritage Tour We have secured 40 spaces for our flight to and from Boston October 4-10, 2014. During this New England Heritage Tour, we will explore the history of our country and our faith as well as enjoy the beautiful fall foliage in the New England states. The brochure, available in November, will give more details about the trip. New 55+ Life Group We are grateful for the start of a new department. Rex Henderson has agreed to be the teacher. Our pastor, Dr. Jeff, has challenged people to belong to a small group for fellowship and to build relationships that will strengthen our lives. Hope to see you in this new class beginning on Sunday, November 3 at 8:15 am in S-111.
Men’s Ministry Band of Brothers – Connecting men to God, His Word and other men for the purpose of winning, growing and training God’s man in Christ. They all meet at the church in South Hall. Band of Brothers meets each Wednesday night at 7 pm. Come and join a group.
Generational Ministries Preschool Ministry Parents Night Out Mark your calendar for December 13 from 6-10 pm for our special holiday Drop and Shop night. Your child will enjoy activities including shopping for parent gifts, refreshments, crafts and participate in a nativity scene. Deadline for Registration is Sunday, December 8, so sign up today at FirstDenton.org/pno.
Women’s Ministry Lunch Bunch Invite your friends for a salad and potato bar luncheon in First Denton’s Fellowship Hall on November 12 from 11:30 am - 1 pm. We will have a sweet time of girlfriend fellowship and hear about great Denton day trips. Lunch is $5. RSVP for lunch at FirstDenton.org/lunchbunch by November 4. Childcare is available by reservations through Jerry Ann Ryan at 940.382.2577, x164 by November 5. Spirited Scrappers Join us November 8 & 9 to work on leaving a legacy through scrapbooking. We have a great time of fellowship, inspiring ideas and preserving those precious memories. Contact Deanna Blackmon at blackmond@verizon.net for reservations and more details. Spring Retreat Are you ready to get away to refresh and refuel? Make plans to join us as we getaway to the Tally Retreat Center Hotel located at Camp Copass. This is a beautiful hotel overlooking Lake Lewisville right here in Denton, TX. The cost is $50 for 4 to a room, $60 for 3 to a room, $70 for 2 to a room and $110 for 1 to a room. Register at FirstDenton.org/womensretreat or contact Jodi Massey at jodim@firstdenton.org.
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Generational Ministries Preschool Ministry (Cont.) Birthday Party for Jesus Birthday Party for Jesus will be Sunday, December 15 from 5-7 pm in the CLC. Register at the Preschool Desk.
Kids Ministry Awana Key Dates: November 13 – Injury Night – dress with a pretend injury November 16 – Sparks-A-Rama November 27 – No Wednesday night activities due to Thanksgiving
Student Ministry All Kids Life Group teachers and helpers, please join us on Sunday, November 17 at 12:30 pm for our quarterly meeting right after church in Fellowship Hall E&F. If attending, please RSVP to Stacie at stacieb@firstdenton.org for food and childcare needs.
Leadership Retreat The Fall Leadership Retreat this year will be November 8-9 at Camp Copass. We will meet at Camp Copass on Friday at 5 pm. Our retreat will wrap up after lunch at 1:30 pm and we will head out for the UNT football game. The ticket cost is included in the retreat price of $50. Sign up at the Post or at FirstDenton.org/ students. UNT Football Game Are you ready for some Football?! We are heading over to watch the Screaming Eagles of UNT on November 9. Meet at the CLC at 2 pm and we will return around 6:30 pm. The ticket cost is $10, so bring your own spending money for food and drinks at the game. Pigskin Playoff We are looking for the most spirited class to show off their team spirit. Come November 10 wearing your favorite team jersey. Make sure to invite friends and bring them to the flag football game immediately after church, where you will watch the Staff take on the LIFE Groups.
Elevate Focuses on Christmas Bring your school age kids to join us each week of Professor Playtime’s Shop of Wonders! We will spend the next 7 weeks learning the true meaning of Christmas and experience the Christmas story through the eyes of people who were actually there. Also, please have your child bring a new, unwrapped toy for Elves Shelves to Elevate this month. BEACON
Flag Football Tournament “Football” seems to be the most common word spoken this time of year. Whether you play football or just enjoy watching football, come out to Jo Skiles Park and enjoy an afternoon of….football. On November 25, from 1-4 pm, guys and girls will have the chance to show off their skills in our third annual Flag Football Tournament. Make sure to invite your friends. DNOW Did you hear that DNOW is just around the corner? It’s official, DNOW will be the weekend of January 17-19. The cost will be $50. More information about the theme and locations will be coming soon. Begin to pray and ask The Lord what friend needs to be at this event. Page 5
Mission News
Additional Ministries
First Refuge has a new website! Check out
Health Professional Volunteers We are still in need of health professional volunteers at the First Refuge clinic. We need more doctors, nurses, counselors and other support staff. If you or someone you know is interested in helping, contact Jodi Massey at 940.484.4384 or jodim@firstdenton.org. Food Pantry Sunday is November 10. We are requesting peanut butter. Thank you for so generously donating to our food pantry. Contact Doug Giles at dougg@firstdenton.org or 940.484.4384 for any mission related information.
GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/support group for people grieving the death of someone close. It’s a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life. GriefShare group sessions will continue to meet through November 13 from 6-7:30 pm in the Conference Room at First Denton. Grief Share: Surviving the Holidays Wednesday, November 20 from 6-7:30pm, Conference Room This seminar is open to anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. Information will include what emotions to expect over the holidays, how to create a healthy plan and how to communicate with family and friends during the coming weeks. Contact Shirley Jones at 940.382.2577, x161 or shirleyj@firstdenton.org for additional information or to register for the seminar. November, 16 at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall Everyone is invited to join our Kingdom victory party and celebrate God’s triumphs through First Denton mission teams this year! We’ll talk about every mission trip from 2013 and announce the upcoming 2014 trips during an evening filled with tasty food from Johnny Carino’s, familyfriendly entertainment, fun competition (you could win a mission trip scholarship), and compelling testimonies of lives changed by Jesus. Whether you went or sent, come and join the party! Tickets are $12 and are on sale outside the worship center on Sundays and in the main office during the week. Page 6
Last year First Denton provided toys for almost 1,500 children who come from economically disadvantaged homes in the Denton area. The parents and grandparents raising these children were blessed by the love our members have shown to them through this program. Many gave their lives to Christ after sharing the Gospel with them on the Elves Shelves Shopping Day. Please help us continue this wonderful ministry. We will need many volunteers for registration and for the shopping days. We also have a need for Spanish Interpreters for this event. Contact Phyllis Pittman at 940.391.1691 or cookeymom@aol.com if you can help in any way. Registration will be: • Thursday, November 7, 9-1 pm & 4-7 pm • Friday, November 8, 9-1 pm & 4-7 pm • Saturday, November 9, 9-12 pm Registration will be in the Christian Life Center Shopping Days will be: • Friday, December 6, 9-1 pm & 4-7 pm • Saturday, December 7, 9-12 pm Each Sunday in November, we will be collecting toys for various age groups. Bring them to the Worship Center and we will ask Dr. Jeff to lead us in prayer for the children and the families who will be receiving them. • November 3 & 10: Children 5-8 years old • November 17: Children 9-12 years old This ministry is for non-church members. Any church members wishing to receive assistance with Christmas gifts for their children, may register through Blessings Tree. Elves Shelves Volunteers If you are interested in volunteering for Elves Shelves, we need your help. You may volunteer to help with our registration process. You may also volunteer to help us with our toy distribution days which are on December 6 and 7. To volunteer please contact Brad Cockrell at bradc@firstdenton.org. Blessings Tree Blessings Tree is an extension of Elves Shelves just for members of First Denton who need assistance with providing gifts for their children this Christmas. If you are a member of our church and would like the assistance of Blessings Tree, go to FirstDenton.org/blessingstree and fill out the Blessings Tree request form. All forms will be kept confidential. FirstDenton.org
Additional Ministries WOM WOM, Women On Misssions (formerly WMU) Everyone is invited to come and hear about three of the mission trips taken by our church members this past summer. On Tuesday, November 12 at 10 am in room S-109, Alecia Dockery, a member of the International Team (part of the church Missions Council), will be reporting on the trips to Haiti, Jamaica and Kenya.
Music & Worship Ministry
Hostess for the meeting is Lois Threlkeld and Rynell Novak may be contacted at 940.368.6672 for more information.
Special Needs Ministry Our December GPS worship service is Saturday, December 7 at 3 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Our special guest will be the Denton Bell Band who will be ringing in the Christmas season in grand fashion. You don’t want to miss this event!
God’s GPS Perfect Souls
This ministry is aimed at the developmentally disabled, their families, and their caregivers. first denton’s special needs ministry Join us for an action packed worship service; everyone gets a musical instrument, followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments. Everyone is welcome, so grab a friend and come kick off the Christmas Season!
Family Ministry
Music & Worship Ministry The Celebration Choir and Orchestra will present Christmas Celebration 2013 on Sunday, December 8 and Monday, December 9 at 7 pm. Tickets are free and available starting Nov 10. Canned goods will be accepted for the First Refuge Ministry. There are opportunities in drama, dancing, props, technical, meals, security and prayers. Let us know where you would like to volunteer at FirstDenton.org/christmas. Our Kids Choir will be preparing for Christmas Celebration Sundays at 5pm.
Recreation Ministry Family Fun Camp Out On Friday night, November 22, we will be having a family camp out at Pilot Knolls Park in Highland Village on Lake Lewisville. Each family is responsible for their own camping gear and food. The cost is $20 for the reservation of a campsite. In order to reserve a camping spot for your family, email Brad Cockrell at bradc@firstdenton.org or 940.382.2577, x171. Deadline to reserve a spot is November 17. BEACON
Looking for a place of ministry that fits your God given shape and gifts? Upward Basketball is looking for volunteer referees and half-time devotional givers. Upward Basketball is a great ministry for those in our church and in our community. Please consider being a part of this sports ministry. Games are on Saturdays beginning January18. If interested in serving, contact Haley Estes at upward@firstdenton.org or call 940.382.2577, x172. Page 7
FIRST BAPTIST BEACON (USPS571400) is published monthly by First Baptist Church, 1100 Malone Street, Denton, Texas 76201-2799. Periodical Postage Paid at Denton,Texas.
Postmaster: Please send requests for change of address to First Baptist Church, 1100 Malone St, Denton, TX 76201-2799.
Christian Sympathy
Rosetta Hughes, on the death of her sister, Lenore Baker
Dan & Ragen Reed on the birth of their son, Rhett Daniel Reed
Jimmie and Jackie Naugher, on the death of his sister, Bobbie Moody
Alan and Cathy Nelson on the birth of twin granddaughters, Brooklyn Hope and Katelyn Joy
Kemp and Amber Hoop, on the death of her mother, Kim Rogholt Ann Pace, on the death of her grandson, Austin Matthews Jason and Stacy Inman, on the death of her father, Ernie Potter The family of Dr. Gladys Barns Lawhon Michael and Kelli Eddy, on the death of her grandmother John Stallings, on the death of his granddaughter, Andrea Powell Family of Richard White Family of Marjorie Hall
Cory and Jessica Largent on the birth of their son, Cayden James Largent Harry & Maribeth Koch on the birth of their granddaughter, Abigail Makayla Bone
Note of Thanks To my Church: It is such a blessing to be a member of God’s church at First Denton. The prayers, phone calls, cards and visits we received when God called my grandson, Austin, home to heaven was such a comfort for me and my family. Thank you each and every one for your love and support during this difficult time in our lives. Ann Pace
Wednesday Menu
First Denton
Breakfast Dinner
Denton, TX • 940.382.2577 • FirstDenton.org
Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Veggies, Hot Rolls
Brisket, Potatoes, Veggies, Hot Rolls
No Wednesday Evening Activities
Sunday Schedule
8:15 am..........................Adults 55+ LIFE Groups 9:30 am.......................LIFE Groups and Worship 11:00 am.....................LIFE Groups and Worship
Staff Dr. Jeff Williams, Senior Pastor......................150 Jeff Dooley, Senior Associate Pastor .............111 Keith McGee, Minister of Music/Worship........141 Jim Markle, Minister of Business Admin.........121 Brad Cockrell, Associate Pastor.....................171 Cliff Feeler, Minister to Adults 55+..................155 Chris Barfield, Minister to Kids ......................131 Shirley Jones, Min. of Preschool Education...161 Mark Caswell, Minister to Students ...............191 Austin Wadlow,University Minister..................181 Todd Spurgin, Facilities Manager...................127 Lisa Lee, Senior Accountant...........................120 Brad Hill, Communications Director................112 Doug Giles, Missions Minister ...... 940.484.4384 Maegan Woodard, CDC Director ...................167
This Month’s Giving Worship Attendance Average............................1681 LIFE Group Average Attendance October 2013 Adult .................................................................274 Adults 55+ .........................................................223 Single Adults.......................................................26 College .............................................................149 Youth ................................................................172 Kids..................................................................121 Preschool .........................................................143 Other ..................................................................37 TOTAL (Average) ............................................1145 Budget & Designated Funds* Annual Budget......................................$3,675,000 Budget Received This Month....................212,595 Budget Needed, YTD..............................2,968,269 Budget Received, YTD............................3,144,810 Over/Under Budget....................................176,541 Building Fund, Total....................................721,678 TOTAL World Missions, YTD.....................172,595 World Missions Goal.................................225,000 Homebound Report: August 2013 Visits: 105 • Cards/calls: 62 Magazines: 29 • CD’s/DVD’s: 4 • Favors: 28
Library Hours Sunday Monday Wednesday
9:15 am-12:30 pm 8:30 am-3:30 pm 8:30 am-2:30 pm 6 pm-8 pm
Contact Diana Ray at 940.382.2577, x109 or library@firstdenton.org for additional times. Free books will be offered the first Wednesday night of each month in the Fellowship Hall during the evening meal.
Following Christ: How to Become a Christian We joyfully share this information with you in anticipation of meeting you personally. Whether you are new to the community or have been here awhile, we have a place for you. But even more importantly, God has a place for you and wants to change your life! If you want to accept Christ as your Savior and have certainty of eternal life, then pray this prayer from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and have displeased You in many ways. I believe You died for my sin and only through faith in Your death and resurrection can I be forgiven. I want to turn from my sin and ask you to come into my life as my Savior and Lord. From this day on, I will follow You by living a life that pleases You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for saving me. Amen.” After you have received Jesus Christ into your life, tell a Christian friend about the important decision you have made. Follow Christ in believer’s baptism and church membership. Grow in faith and enjoy new friends in Christ by becoming part of His church and attending the Bible study class the church has just for you. You’ll find others who will love and support you.