A racist police woman with a convenient facebook alias

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A racist police woman with a convenient Facebook alias

by Joyce Capewell 4 January 2014


e expect the New Year to begin with celebrations and all embracing pleasantries from everyone in our country. However I am beginning to realize that it is a just a figment of one’s imagination in this so called ‘lucky country’ - in the land down under. This applies more so if you happen to be an Aboriginal person, in the land down under. What I wasn’t expecting to have for the start of 2014 was racist rants from a white mad woman hurled at me via the Facebook. This mad woman has a profile name of Anne T Sharia. I have since been informed this is an alias name, used by this person to peddle her bigotry. No wonder she uses an alias to share her true feelings – as they’re the rantings of a mad woman who obviously had some challenging experiences with our mob in the course of her sheltered life. She reacted with great rage on reading one of my posts on my Boomerang Justice page, with regards to the “Mad Mess in the DCS” and how the Government DCS system is failing Aboriginal people. For some reason or another, this mad woman – with the alias Anne T Sharia - became enraged with what she read. Never mind the fact I worked within the DCS system over a 20 year time period. This white mad woman stated she had just read a pile of tripe. Actually the only pile of tripe I read came from her racist rants. She wanted to know why all the ho har of Black Deaths in Custody as she claims many more whites die in custody than blacks. Maybe we blacks care more about our own and

Joyce Capewell at a rally in Geraldton, Western Australia, recently.

what is happening to our people because of the inhumane negligent treatment with the Government DCS system. She proceeded to inform me

on how Aboriginal people are oxygen thieves along with the whites trash who are scumbags, just like them, who have welfare careers. And if the government

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stopped throwing money at them they may get off their so and so backsides and get a job. She didn’t let up, instead continuing her rant by saying how she has worked in Aboriginal communities where they are receiving millions of dollars for nothing. She stated they need to give their kids and dogs a decent existence as well, instead of starving and abusing them! I responded to this white mad woman and informed her to remove her scumbag abuse from my Facebook page. I told her that her racist rants were not wanted on my Facebook Page. I decided to personally inbox a message to her, as I believed she did not realize I was the author of the letter she just read, and I also suggested she begin her New Year with seeking mental health help for herself. I then received another lot of abuse, this time stating how most white people don’t like people like myself with a splash of black who deny my white heritage. She insisted reminding me that everything I got out of life is at the cost of the whiteman. Had I thought at the time, I should have informed her that she has everything she got at the expense of the blackman and his stolen land. I decided it was pointless to continue communicating with this white racist mad woman and submitted a report on her and blocked her access to my Facebook inbox. After some investigative work on my part, I have since been informed of the real name of this white mad woman and learnt that she is a serving police officer that goes by the alias Anne T Sharia on Facebook. The informant who gave me the true identity of this white mad woman also provided me with the name of the Aboriginal community she has worked in

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Joyce Capewell will be reporting the police woman with the alias Anne T Sharia to the Qld Commissioner of Police for her racist rant on Joyce’s Facebook Page

up in Queensland’s Cape York. I will make an official complaint to the Queensland Commissioner of Police regarding the appalling actions of this senseless racist mad woman. I have also posted copies of the mad woman’s racist rants, on my Boomerang Justice page, to highlight the vile unrelenting racism subjected towards Aboriginals. If these claims are accurate of the identity and profession of this senseless racist woman, it is not what one would expect from a serving police officer, to begin the New Year with. However, Australia is recognized as an Apartheid country so it should not be a surprise this conduct is directed at Aboriginals and comes

from a serving police officer, especially in Queensland. If this racist vitriol is what is in store for people like me who wish to bring the injustice perpetrated against our people by government authorities then I guess I, and people like me, can expect more of the same in 2014. As they say: The more things change – the more they stay the same! I’ll keep readers of First Nations Telegraph and Boomerang Justice posted on the outcome of the complaint made to the Queensland Commissioner of Police about one of his serving police officers who has a Facebook alias of Anne T Sharia.

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