Annette Xiberra, Urban Colours
12 February 2014
Who’s your mob and what part of the country is that? Wurundjeri, Melbourne, Victoria What does family mean to you? Family is my culture and future. Where did you do your schooling? I attended Preston Tafe and Deakin Uni. What did you like about your school years? Not much in the 70’s. What are some interesting jobs you’ve had? I was Co-chair of the Victorian Traditional Owners Land Justices Group. I worked with many other strong leaders in getting an alternative Bill to Native Title through parliament for land determination in Victoria, from which compensation and joint management of crown land came. How did you get into the business you’re into now? I was chosen by Elders and the government 30 years ago to be trained while working for Aboriginal Affairs Victoria. I am the only woman who did our reburial and looked after our sacred sites. What are your ambitions for the business? To keep our people in control of our cultural heritage. Who are your Indigenous role models? My Grandmother Julia Jones and
Annette Xiberra, Managing Director, Urban Colours
Aunty Marj Tucker What do you do for enjoyment away from work? Making time to spend with my family and friends. What can this current government do to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians? They can negotiate a Treaty and give us Land Justice. The government needs to recognise Aboriginal people for who they are and the country they belong to. What is Urban Colours? Urban Colours is a professional cultural heritage and flora and fauna management planning and advisory company. We have been providing comprehensive cultural heritage management services to our clients both large and small since 2006. We have more recently added a flora and fauna component to our capabilities by employing
expert staff in these areas. We have offices in Melbourne, Geelong and Ballarat. We are well-positioned to undertake archaeological projects across all states of Australia and I have formed strong working relationships and agreements with Elders across Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland. Urban Colours is also Government-accredited through the Supply Nation initiative. We provide unbiased, integrated, specialist cultural and natural heritage services for strategic planning and permit requirements under theAboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and Heritage Act 1995 and EPBC Act referrals. Our varied client base includes both government and industry clients, principally in the construction, water and roads industries. Our specialist consultants provide project-specific works, including pro bonocultural heritage advice, cultural heritage management plans, archaeological salvage programs, guided tours of Aboriginal sites and landscapes within the Greater Melbourne area, due diligence assessments, expert witness statements, peer reviews, flora and fauna surveys, vegetation mapping, net gain analysis, kangaroo management plans, offset management plans, land access management and GIS spatial services.
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