Cape york leaders united and defiant

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Cape York leaders united and defiant

by Don De Busch 18 November 2015


ver 200 people braved the sweltering heat over 2 days at Laura at a summit organised by the Cape Alliance last weekend. Don de Busch the chairman said “The purpose of the rally was to open people’s eyes and to unite Cape York in a stand against non-representative organisations, governments and minority interest groups running rampant over the rights and interests all Cape York people.” The rally was hailed a great success with car loads of people coming from as far as the Torres Strait. Mike Hintz from Oz Tours kindly arranged transport and accommodation for many.

Don de Busch and the corporate web

There was a lot of discussion about the Cape York Claim 1 and the failure by the Cape York Land Council to properly consult with or represent the interests of all of the all the traditional owners impacted. The meeting was told that a formal letter has been sent to the Federal Attorney General George Brandis requesting him to intervene in the claim process. The Alliance has also instructed a lawyer to make an application to join 150 native title holders to the claim who were left out. The application was filed in the Federal Court last week. David Kempton a leading land rights expert and former Member for Cook gave a very insightful discussion on how native title rights and interests provide an opportunity for traditional owners

to participate in the real economy, with real jobs, real businesses and a real future. Kempton claimed for too long these rights and interests have been traded for royalties, quota employment and other sit down money. He said “The way forward is for the Cape people to build a long term strategy that no Government or outside interest groups can meddle with. This will come if we are united.” Alan Dale from Regional Development Australia reinforced the importance of the regional approach to economic development and opportunities that present themselves in the North Australia White Paper and the role of the RDA. He told the meeting “Community ownership was the strategy developed for the PDR

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road funding which is still basically on track to deliver� Many elders and people with a long association with the Cape

Cape York people at the meeting

gave very personal and at times emotional insights into their experiences as they were united in a

David Claudie and Mike Ross

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call for change. Mike Ross a previous chairman of the Cape York Land Council

spoke of his frustration in trying to advance the rights of his people under the present governance structure of Land Council and other organizations and Government. Day 2 welcomed Warren Entsch the Federal Member for Leichhardt who witnessed the delivery of a diagram that portrayed the complex corporate web surrounding the Cape York Land Council, Balkanu, Cape York Partnerships and Cape York Institute. The meeting was told a comprehensive complaint has been made to the Attorney General and the corporate watch dogs against the organisations and directors citing lack of transparency, accountability and providing actual instances of conflict of interest. Warren Entsch was called upon to establish a parliamentary enquiry into the organisations which he promised to pursue.

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Noticeably absent were Billy Gordon, Peter Scott and Curtis Pitt who were all invited to attend. Lawrence Springborg the Opposition Leader was due to address the meeting about his long term support for an open and transparent process however illness kept him away. David Claudie and John Locke gave a very interesting presentation on the value of spatial mapping in identifying traditional owner groups and recording traditional medicines. Fred Coleman from Laura spoke with passion about how the Alcohol Management Plan forced on his people by the Labor Government and Cape York Institute had made criminals of hard working people and made the whole grog situation worse. Barb and Mary Shepherd both acknowledged a long history of

friendship and cooperation in the Cape that has been threatened by outside interests attempting to set people apart. The meeting resolved not to become involved in negative personal vendettas but to fight for the right to be heard and to control the future of the region. A council of elders both indigenous and non -indigenous will be formed as a conduit to the working group. The meeting acknowledged the enormous support of Trish Butler and Cape York Sustainable Futures the largest economic development organisation the region. Larry Woosup an elder warned the group “There is no room to be half way here, you need to stand up and be counted and fight for your rights now.�

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