Cherbourg Ration Shed’s Reconcilitation Fun Run/Walk
Cherbourg Ration Shed women
by The Cherbourg Historical Precinct Group Inc 20 April 2014
he Cherbourg Historical Precinct Group Inc (www.rationshed.com.au) is seeking your support to enable the successful hosting of their inaugural Reconciliation Fun Run and invites you to be a contributing partner in this event. The Ration Shed Museum provides visitors with an exceptional experience and insight into Aboriginal life, both under the Act and within the modern context. Established 10 years ago on the Centenary of Cherbourg and run by a team of dedicated volunteers, the Ration Shed offers the following
services to facilitate greater understanding and to strengthen good relationships between different cultures:- Tours and Educational Programs for schools, institutions and groups of visitors - A Keeping Place and Archive which conserves and exhibits artefacts, documents and displays - The Memory – an interactive archive documenting family, clan and community histories - Art, books, clothing, DVD’s and souvenir items for sale - A community art gallery, art studio and meeting place – in The old Boy’s Dormitory - A Corroboree ring and stage and landscaped gardens
- Cultural Awareness programs The Ration Shed creates opportunities for local residents to gain part time employment while developing new skills across a wide range of interests and occupations. As the community has minimal industry and business outside of government run services, the Ration Shed is a vital element in both individual and community development with potential to contribute to the economic future of Cherbourg. Being primarily a cultural education facility, the Ration Shed Committee is planning to raise funds to support their endeavours through the hosting of a 7 kilometre Reconciliation Fun Run on Sunday 27th April, 2014 commencing in
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Murgon at 8 am and ending at Cherbourg where participants will be warmly welcomed and offered a range of fun things to see and do. These will include an open day at the Ration Shed Museum featuring displays, exhibitions and shop, market stalls, entertainment, dance, music and a range of family activities including sports workshops. The event is being managed by an experienced Events Coordinator and Committee who meet regularly to plan, action and review progress. Comprised of key leaders from the
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community and the broader region, the team is dedicated to ensuring the Fun Run is a success and welcomes ideas and contributions. The Ration Shed Museum’s Objectives for the Reconciliation Fun Run are to: - Conduct a vibrant and dynamic event focussed around a reconciliation fun run from Murgon to Cherbourg - Raise awareness of and support for the Ration Shed Museum and its wide range of facilities and services The Aims of the Event are to: - Welcome people into the
Community of Cherbourg - Achieve reconciliation through education, collaboration and friendship - Inspire healthy active lifestyles - Elevate Aboriginal Culture and celebrate the achievements of the Community and its People - Promote the Ration Shed and all that it offers - Generate extra funds for the Ration Shed’s educational and cultural programs - Have fun and enjoy