Cherbourg riding high after local rodeo held

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Cherbourg riding high after local Rodeo held

Mates and rivals: Receiving their prizes for placing in the Memorial Ride (Jack Chambers) Junior Steers for 12-16 years were 3rd Alfred Watcho, 2nd Ralph Gyemore, 1st Charley Bond, 4th Hayden Boney and, far right, Sam Chamber’s son Sam Jnr. Sam Jnr remembered his father, a ringer, “gave me my first ride on a poddy when I was eight and I cried before I got on it.” But, like his father, Sam Jnr went on to ride bulls and broncs. All images supplied

by Marcus Priaulx 17 October 2015


revor Davidson’s huge grin spread across his face as a brumbie bucked beneath his saddled seat. The animal sped across the makeshift rodeo rink and was halted by a barrier where it began to

leap and fly about. Trevor took his hand from the rope to control the horse’s head and raised both arms to the sky. He motioned for the crowd to stand and cheer. His “no-hands” feat earned him 74 points, the rapture of onlookers and second place in the Cherbourg Rodeo’s Buckjumping event on

Thursday (October 8). The next, and final, rider Charlie Bond took first place with three added points as he also played to the crowd on a highflying steed and had a smile to match Trevor’s. It was typical of an evening that brought joy to the town as bulls spun and ripped and brumbies flew. Poddy calves and steers were

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Cherbourg’s junior Cowboys were keen to ride. They included front Lebron Davidson who came second, Kendall Murray who got third, Quaydon Langton, Bronson Gyemore, Frank Boney jnr, Lloyd Langton and Anthony Jacobs and back, Shamus Cobbo, Kenny Gyemore jnr, Rowan Bond, Stafford Sandow, Bunda Bell, John Gyemore who came fourth and Dominic Sandow.

included and the crowd cheered and whistled throughout the night. Young and old cowboys waved hats to acknowledge the encouragement. It was part of an action-packed event that brought Cherbourg together to commemorate Mental Health Week recently. The small community, 240km west of Brisbane, has had a lot of Sorry Business this year and memorial events celebrated the lives of those who had passed away in recent times.

Organiser and Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council’s Community Services Manager, Edwina Stewart, said rodeo sat deeply within the history and culture of the former Mission town. “The idea of the rodeo was to make our community resilient,” Ms Stewart said, before adding community and health service staff mingled with the crowd to build rapport. “We wanted to let people know what agencies were available. “We wanted to make people

Charley Bond flew high on this brumbie to take out the buckjump event with 77 points (Photo by Denise Keelan Photography - “Capturing Memories for a Lifetime”).

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feel comfortable to ask for help, let them know everybody counts, families are important and to understand that everybody goes through tough times. “There’s no shame in asking for help. It’s a shame when you don’t.” Short speeches were given during the event to encourage people to seek assistance with any personal battles they may have and Ms Stewart said Cherbourg needed to move past the hard times with a positive spirit. “We need to celebrate the good

Hayden Boney came fourth in the steer ride with 67 points.

Cobbo took a dive on the re-ride he hadwhat for the thingsShamus in life,” she said. “That’s thispoddy rodeocalves. was

Anita and Rocko Langton sand proudly with their grandson Stephen Priestly who had a good night and won the open bull ride.

Memorial Ride (Frank Boney Jnr) Poddy Ride winners: Front, Frank Boney eats a toffee apple and stands with 4th place, John Gyemore, 2nd Lebron Davidson, 1st Antwone Fisher (missing is 3rd place Kendal Murray). They were presented their prizes by Dorothy and Mary Boney.

about. “It created a happy atmosphere and let people know there’s plenty of support to help them move onto happier times.” Queensland Government funding for drought support was given to host the Cherbourg Rodeo from Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services and Investment Services. The funds were given to drought stricken regions to bring communities together and let people know what was available to ensure their mental and physical wellbeing. Stock from the Australian rodeo circuit was supplied by Kingaroy’s Brad Cavanagh and Tim Kelly. Arethusa College Rodeo School students from Ficks Crossing helped with the organisation, as did South Burnett Community Training Centre (CTC) and Barambah Local Justice group. Results • Memorial Ride Frank Boney (jnr) Poddy Rides 5-11 years: 1st Antwone Fisher, 2nd Lebron Davidson, 3rd Kendal Murray, 4th John Gyemore; • Memorial Ride Jack Chambers Junior Steers 1216 years: 1st Charlie Bond jnr, 2nd Ralph Gyemore, 3rd Alfred Watcho, 4th Hayden Boney; • Memorial Ride Samuel Chambers Junior Bulls 16 – 18 years: 1st Coby Sullivan, 2nd Bowman Button, 3rd Ralph Gyemore, 4th Jarribah Davidson; • Open Buckjumping: 1st Charlie Bond, 2nd Trevor Davidson, 3rd Eric Blair, 4th Daniel Williams on 69 points; • Memorial Ride Bert Button snr Open Bulls: 1st Stephen Priestly; 2nd Bow Button, 3rd Josh Jones.

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