Clay waterman wins indigenous trainee of the year

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Clay wins Indigenous Trainee of the Year

than ever before. The AES School Based Traineeship Program has facilitated the ational, not-forsharing of skills and the profit employment development of people like organisation, the Aboriginal Clay to continue and led a Employment Strategy (AES), successful career journey,” has announced that Mr Clay said Mr Lester. Waterman was the winner of “Clay has proven that the 2013 Indigenous Southyou can focus on a career East Queensland School and sport which is testament Based Apprenticeships/ towards his strength to Traineeships Award. succeed and achieve his full The awards were held at potential”, said Mr Lester. Movie World on the Gold “With sixteen years Coast on 6 September 2013 of experience in creating and during the ceremony Mr Aboriginal and Torres Waterman was presented with Strait Islander Career an I-Pad for his achievement. opportunities, the AES The AES has pioneered is ideally placed towards School Based Traineeships providing pathways and for Indigenous students since transitioning our next it began delivering them generation into long lasting with ANZ and CBA in 2002. careers” Mr Lester added. Now in its sixteenth year, the The AES will continue organisation has managed the to expand this highly 2013 Indigenous South-East Queensland School Based placement of more than 11,000 Apprenticeship/Traineeship winner, Clay Waterman with successful program as it Indigenous Australians into AES Account Consultant Tammy. Image supplied is achieving long lasting careers, many of whom have and real change within that the AES School Based gone on to work with some of communities across Australia. traineeship program provides Australia’s largest corporations in  Some of AES existing great guidance towards successful banking, finance, retail, hospitality Corporate Partners include: pathways beyond School, and other sectors. Westpac, Commonwealth essentially our program creates “Mr Waterman is a role model Ban, NAB, ANZ, Telstra, Nine career mindsets”, said Ms Iselin. within his community, in addition Entertainment Co, Kmart Tyre According to AES CEO, to this achievement Clay is a and Auto Service, Coles, Housing Danny Lester, recognition and dedicated young boxer who was NSW, Westfield, Intercontinental acknowledgement of our future the first Australian to win gold Hotels Group. generation is important and critical at the world amateur boxing If you would like to know more towards achieving careers for championships and holds six about the work of the AES and the Aboriginal youth. Golden Glove title’s.”, said Tammy opportunities available please visit “In 2013, more Aboriginal and Iselin, AES Account Consultant. Torres Strait Islander people are “Mr Waterman firmly believes working in the corporate sector

by Danny Lester 11 September 2013


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