Creating a better future for australia

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Creating a better future for Australia

by Marcus Priaulx 14 January 2014


ducation is the key to curing just about every social-economic-global problem, yet Australia has a school attendance rate of only 92 per cent. This means the average child spends just 180 days within a classroom each year. Many spend a lot less as their parents set them up for a lifetime of struggle, hardship and social dysfunction, especially in the midst of a growing technological age. What poor education provides: As a result, it was reported five years ago that 49 per cent of Australian’s couldn’t get through a day without stress due to poor numeracy and literacy skills. The South Burnett region where Cherbourg is located in

Kingaroy State High School student Schehera Broderick with director John Lyons and cinematographer Wayne Aistrope during filming. Image supplied

Queensland, is one of Australia’s three poorest electorates. The region has a coal mine and power station but it would be fair to say its main industry is welfare as its residents are reported to receive more in benefits than they pay in tax. It’s also estimated only about half the children go to school every day. This is because the wellreported issues affecting Australia’s Indigenous population often correlate into all low socioeconomic families. This has a drastic impact on Australia’s quality of life and sustainable future. ABC Radio’s Counterpoint reported for every dollar

Tasmanians pay in tax, they get $1.58 back from the government. This was due to high social dysfunction and collapsing businesses that need constant monetary support due to poor educational outcomes and low high school graduation rates. Tasmania also has the highest rate of youth incarceration and the second highest jail rate overall. The cause: Studies show people from low socio-economic backgrounds only think for the instant moment. They don’t think about how their actions today will affect their long term future and those who live around them. The solution: Better education results are

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the key to minimising the above problems to ensure a happier life is had by all. Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council is now working to ensure every parent sends every child to school every day, on time. It has launched a media campaign as part of the effort and boosted this significantly in the past six months due to encouraging results. These include: - A record amount of 34 Indigenous Year-12 graduates in 2013 (some of whom have guaranteed employment on leaving); - More Cherbourg students going to private schools or those that require a distance of travel, despite parents’ financial struggle; - Greatly improved attendance at some schools; - Parents, carers and community people mentoring children within classrooms and understanding education is important to their children’s happier future. Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council would now like to share these results with the rest of the nation. In doing so, it has recruited: - Actor-writer-director Leah Purcell; - Rugby league star and current Aurizon rail and freight company’s

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Indigenous Strategy Manager, Steven Renouf; - International award winning commercials director John Lyons; - World-class cinematographer Wayne Aistrope; - And more than 30 children from 10 schools. Together, they have created two TV commercials and one cinematic viewing for the meagre fee of production costs only. These will now work to have every parent send every child to school every day, on time. The commercials will help to change low socio economic psychology so parents understand what they do for their children today, will change their tomorrow. In doing so, the campaign will make for a stronger country, happier families and smarter individuals. If we can receive the necessary sponsorship and media support, we believe people across Australia will realise how important it is to send their children to school every day and they’ll be bound by social moors to do so. How you can help: The campaign currently has about $15,000 to pay for the airing of these commercials and cinematic viewing on a limited basis from

Goondiwindi to Moura for about six weeks. It’s hoped companies, organisations or government departments will realise the potential such quality commercials will have at increasing Australia’s education levels and, therefore, reduce its social woes. If enough funds are raised the commercials and cinema viewing will be shown throughout Queensland’s south east and western areas, where more than 80 per cent of the State’s Indigenous population lives; or further afield. It’s hoped they will be viewed in primetime throughout the year from the last two weeks of the Christmas holidays, and particularly during the football season. Major sponsors would get their logos on the advertisements and be part of all publicity that surrounds them. If enough funding is raised a launch will be held. We now invite you to take part in this opportunity to make a difference and to create a stronger education and social fabric that will ensure Australia’s brighter, happier future. Youtube videos:

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