Damning report on cylc but nothing done

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Damning report on CYLC but nothing done

supplied by Trish Butler 7 November 2015


damming report into the operations of Cape York Land Council commissioned by the Federal Government reveals fraudulent activity, bullying and misappropriation of Government money. The Acumen Report (April 2005) details the dealings of Cape York Land Council and states: CHAPTER 14 - FINDING 13: “While significant improvements have been made to administrative processes … the CYLC continues to breach a number of clauses in the Funding Terms and Conditions. While CYLC continues to breach the Funding Terms and Conditions, and cannot exhibit transparent financial management, it cannot be said to be satisfactorily performing its function as an NTRB”. The report goes on to detail transactions by Directors of Cape York Land Council and unauthorised loans made to associated entities without Commonwealth approval. “How can a report into the dealings of Cape York Land Council be so damming yet nothing be done about their operations 10 years on?. In fact insiders claim that it is worse than it’s ever been and letters have been sent to the Government by key staff within the organisation requesting that the Government step in to sort it out, “We are calling on both State

Don de Busch, Cape York Alliance Chairperson, called on the State and Federal governments to act on the Acumen Report. Image supplied

and Federal Governments to follow through on the findings and recommendations of this report and launch a full Parliamentary inquiry into the activities of Cape York Land Council,” said Don De Busch, Cape York Traditional Owner and Cape York Alliance Chairperson. There is no doubt that some Directors of Cape York Land Council, Cape York Partnerships and Cape York Institute and Balkanu and other entities are perceived to be commercially gaining from the Government funding flowing through the organisations. This is not okay and this is tax payers money and the community want answers and they deserve them. Traditional Owners on the ground in Cape York are fed up

with an organization claiming to represent the interests of ALL Traditional Owners, yet they only invite who they want to meetings, consult only with the TOs they prefer to deal with and in fact have struck some tribes out of the loop all together because they have tried to stand up for their human rights and disclose the questionable dealings within the organisation. This needs to be investigated as a matter of priority. This kind of operation cannot be allowed to continue to operate and provide advice and a governance on Native Title Claims to the Traditional Owners. The TOs are entitled to independent legal representation and they demand it. A copy of the Acumen Report is available upon request.

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