Indigenous research first of its kind

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Indigenous research first of its kind by Maryann Weston 20 October 2015


or the first time in Australia, the level of risk exposure and insurance coverage among Indigenous communities will be mapped out by the nation’s largest general insurance company, Insurance Australia Group. The groundbreaking project -- Protecting our First Australians: Report into the levels of risk exposure and insurance coverage in Australia’s Indigenous Communities – seeks to better understand how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders keep their communities safe. IAG Indigenous Engagement Manager Phil Lockyer (pictured) said the level of understanding of how resilient Indigenous communities were in dealing with natural disasters, road and home safety was low. “There has not been any comparable study done to date of how Indigenous people keep their families, homes, businesses and assets safe,” he said. “In turn, we are also hoping this study can identify things Australia’s broader society can learn from Indigenous people’s risk management practices so we are all more resilient.” IAG has commissioned Inside Policy, a leading and respected Indigenous consultancy to undertake the study.

Inside Policy will initially focus on communities in Perth (WA), Western Sydney (NSW), Shepparton (VIC) and Far North Queensland. The project includes a national survey, community consultations and an analysis of major risk events and levels of insurance protection in Indigenous communities. Mr Lockyer said the project was a reflection of IAG’s commitment to its purpose: We help make your world a safer place. “If we are to fulfil our purpose and meet our obligations as the nation’s largest general insurer, it is vital that we identify ways in which we can help build the resilience of our Indigenous communities,” he said. “Protecting our First Australians will be the foundation on which we can meet the insurance and risk needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and empower

them to build safer and stronger communities.” Over the next month Aboriginal consultants will visit the communities for consultations with Indigenous organisations and community members. The national survey will also be rolled out over coming weeks and will be available online for Indigenous people living in urban, regional and remote communities to fill out. “By participating in the IAG research project, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, businesses and organisations can help improve community safety and insurance companies to better meet the needs of Indigenous peoples and communities,” Mr Lockyer said. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders can fill out the survey at IAGIPSurvey. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

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