John hartigan joins anindilyakwa trust

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John Hartigan joins Anindilyakwa Trust supplied by Mark Hewitt 10 September 2015


ohn Hartigan has been appointed a Trustee of the Anindiliyakwa Mining Trust for the Anindilyakwa Traditional Owners of the Groote Eylandt Archipelago. The Trust manages the significant funds flowing from mining agreements between South 32, operators of the GEMCO Manganese Mine on Groote Eylandt, and the Traditional Owners, who own the freehold title for the whole archipelago in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Anindilyakwa Land Council Chairman and Chairman of the Anindilyakwa Mining Trust, Tony Wurramarrba (pictured) said he was pleased to have Mr Hartigan’s experience and knowledge to help invest the trust funds for the benefit of local Aboriginal people. “A man with John’s networks and business experience will be very useful for our people as we plan for our future,” Mr Wurramarrba said. “John is also a man who understands the challenges our people face. We have a common goal to stand on our own feet and be masters of our own destiny. I am very pleased John has agreed to help us on this journey.” Mr Hartigan said he was honoured to become trustee of an organisation which can leverage significant resources to improve the

lives of the Groote Eylandt people. “I am honoured to be asked to make a contribution for this community which has a plan for its economic future, a plan for its social development and a plan to preserve and be proud of its culture,” Mr Hartigan said.

John Hartigan, a former Chairman and CEO of News Ltd Australia, is also Chairman of Prime Media, Chairman of Destination NSW, a Director of the Australian Paralympic Committee and a Trustee of the Sydney Cricket Ground.

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