Minister calls for end to violence against women

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Minister calls for end to violence against women women safe. In addition, the Government is investing $250 inister for million through Indigenous the Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, Advancement has marked White Strategy this Ribbon Day and the year to improve International Day the safety and for the Elimination wellbeing of of Violence against Indigenous Women by reaffirming people, including the Government’s a range of Local children support Centrecare’s White Ribbon Day event on the foreshore of services to commitment to work Esperance. Image: Esperance Express with Aboriginal and reduce family Minister Scullion called for Torres Strait Islander violence. strong action as the Government people to stop the scourge of “The Government is committed released confronting research violence against women. to reducing the high rates of showing the attitudes that foster Minister Scullion said although violence against Indigenous violence against women are community attitudes about the women, but all of us need to be engrained from an early age. unacceptability of violence against leaders if we are to achieve real “The research suggests many women have shifted significantly change,” Minister Scullion said. young people learn to condone, in recent times, violence against “Indigenous communities, tolerate or excuse disrespectful women remains prevalent across just like the broader Australian and aggressive behaviour. All too the country. community, need to foster a culture often, the initial reaction is to blame in which violence is never okay. Indigenous women are affected the victim, empathise with the at especially high rates, reflecting “As we mark White Ribbon Day perpetrator or minimise the severity and the International Day for the broader disadvantage that exists in of the violence,” Minister Scullion many Indigenous communities. Elimination of Violence against said. “The statistics are shocking – Women, I urge all Aboriginal and “In Indigenous communities one in five women in Australia Torres Strait Islander people to play there is often a strong sense experiences sexual violence, one their part in making this a reality.” of shame associated with in four experiences emotional The research findings are acknowledging, disclosing and abuse and one in three experiences available at reporting violence which we need physical violence,” Minister women/publications-articles/ to overcome.” Scullion said. reducing-violence-against-womenThe Turnbull’s Government first “For Indigenous women, the and-their-children. If you or action was to introduce a $100 situation is even worse – they are someone you know is impacted by five times more likely to experience million package to keep women sexual assault, domestic or family safe from violence, including $21 physical violence and 34 times violence, call 1800RESPECT million for specific measures to more likely to be hospitalised as a on 1800 737 732 or visit work with communities to keep result of family violence.”

supplied by Sen Scullion’s office 26 November 2015


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