Minister urges parents and carers to get their children to school
by Office of Sen. Scullion 24 January 2014
inister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, today urged parents and carers of children in remote communities across Australia to make sure their kids are ready for school at the start of the first term. “In most communities school goes back next week and it’s really important that every child is at school every day,” the Minister said. “The Australian Government has a strategy to help parents and carers to get children to school in 40 remote communities across the Northern Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, Western
Senator Nigel Scullion with children at school.
Australia and South Australia. “In these communities, school attendance over recent years has been below 70 per cent and in some it’s as low as 45 per cent. “Children going to school only half the time are not getting an education that will give them a future – a future in which they can become whatever they want to be. “Children in remote communities deserve to have the same opportunities as children in the city. “In the big cities around Australia, children achieve their dreams of becoming police officers, doctors, nurses – even astronauts. “Why shouldn’t children in remote communities be able to
achieve the same goals? “But if they don’t receive a quality education – they can’t; and it starts with being in school every day. “It’s up to every parent and carer to make sure their children are at school every day – no excuses. “Local people in 40 communities are being employed as School Attendance Officers to help parents and carers. They will be working with families to make sure children are in school. “I urge every parent and carer to work with these local people so that together we can build communities that have a strong, sustainable future.”
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