Nominations called for Euahlayi Peoples Republic by Ghillar Michael Anderson 16 October 2013
he Euahlayi gathering at Dirranbandi finalised and approved by their signature the formation of the pre-existing and continuing Euahlayi Nation State. The Euahlayi are calling for other Euahlayi families to come forward and attend the next meeting and for them to nominate from within their respective families, representatives, to sit in government with those already accepted on the respective State Executive Houses of Governance. Michael Anderson said from Goodooga today, that the Euahlayi Peoples Republic will be having their first formal Government Parliamentary meeting at Mogila Station, 3100 Hebel Road, Goodooga on October 26th and 27th. The Euahlayi Peoples Republic Government consists of two houses of parliament: The Peoples Executive Council of State and the Most Senior Elders Council of State. Each of these two houses will sit as one in Government and deal collectively with Euahlayi State business. It is exciting, but the realisation is a real challenge, to know that the Euahlayi Peoples are exercising their ancient and inherent rights to be self-determining within their own lands. Under International law, we have a right to be de-colonised and the State of Australia is legally obliged to work with us to achieve our Independence.
The Euahlayi order of Government business of this historic first Parliament, will be to elect a: 1. President of State: a Speaker for Euahlayi Peoples Republic Parliament; 2. The appointment of other Secretaries of State for an interim term of two years. In this two year interim term, it will be the responsibility of the two houses of Parliament to finalise a draft Euahlayi People Republic Constitution for presentation to the Euahlayi People and for this to be finalised by way of a public referendum amongst the Peoples of the Euahlayi Nation. 3. Development of international relations 4. Creation of an economic strategy for the state; reparations; 5. Heritage and language; border patrols; 6. Citizenship and naturalisation; future land tenure (within the Euahlayi
Nation State); and 7. The establishment of a Judicial system. These matters of State are necessary and vital if we are to assume total Governance, control and responsibility for the domestic affairs of our Country. Talking about Sovereignty and asserting it are two very different types of beasts. Talk is easy but governing, as selfdetermining Peoples, are a hug task and a bit more than a mere challenge. The greatest challenge for the Euahlayi Nation State will be to have our People understand that we are a new Nation State working with their own personal resource to develop their Statehood. Questions are being asked, how will the Euahlayi Nation State finance its development? In response we need just to say, let’s just take a look at the pacific for example and some countries in Africa. These countries have been operating independently for many years and are still dependent on International Aide. We understand the challenges and by forming International alliances and entering into International Accords, will assist the Euahlayi to achieve its economic independence. All those who wish to attend this Parliamentary Meeting, need to understand that if they seek to attend then each person or people will be required to finance their own transport and accommodation. For further information please call Ghillar (Michael Anderson) 0427292492 or Jutta on 0268296355. Page 1