Pearson’s puerile native police comment aims to incite fear

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Pearson’s puerile Native Police comment aims to incite fear

by David Kempton 27 November 2015


oel Pearson has taken a step too far in his denigration of the elders of Cape York at the recent Marist Youth Care Oration. These men and woman who are gathering together in increasing numbers to speak out are traditional leaders from all over Cape York and speak with authority and dignity in respect of their tribal lands. To liken these highly respected and revered elders to mud crabs

David Kempton pictured third from left with Warren Entsch MP third from right and Cape York Elders said by depicting us (Kempton and Entsch) as the white sergeant of 100 years ago who pressed aboriginal men into the police force to hunt down their own people shows Pearson is prepared to reduce any debate on the subject to a slanging match. Image: supplied

in bucket is not only unfortunate but shows an uncharacteristic lack of judgement on the part of the nation’s most notorious indigenous orator. No one opposes Claim One as it will bring finality and certainty to the Capes dozens of traditional owner groups and the wider community after 2 decades of manipulation and coercion of native title parties at the hands of the Cape

York Land Council. And there-in lies the problem. Whilst the claim has wide support of the community and Government there are serious concerns about the Cape York Land Council failing in its responsibility to engage and consult all aboriginal people that are impacted by the claim. Land Council is ostensibly a puppet for Pearson and does not provide robust and independent advice.

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Far from being crabs in a bucket or opposing the claim this ever expanding group want to be able to make their own decisions in respect of their tribal lands and their futures and not be dictated to by outside and vested interests. To go on in a puerile attempt to incite fear and loathing at Warren Entsch and myself by depicting us as the white sergeant of 100 years ago who pressed aboriginal men into the police force to hunt down their own people shows Pearson is prepared to reduce any debate on the subject to a slanging match. Pearson had no need to conjure up such an image as his brother Gerhardt Pearson the

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Kempton said Pearson had no need to conjure up a Native Police image as his brother Gerhardt Pearson did exactly that a couple of weeks ago by photo shopping his face onto an old photograph depicting such a scene. Image: supplied

chief executive of the Balkanu Development Corporation did exactly that a couple of weeks ago by photo shopping my face onto an old photograph depicting such a scene. I have been a tireless advocate for all the people of Cape York for 30 years both in and out of politics. I love the lands and the people and I attended the Laura rally as an invited guest to talk about opportunities for native title holders to participate in the real economy. I have no judgment of Pearson on this matter. That is for his own

people to speak about. However I would like to see him stop hiding in the lecture halls of the cities and the pages of the Australian and come to Cape York and stand before the people and listen to them. He would learn a lot. David Kempton has been involved in the native title process for over 20 years and is a keen advocate of negotiated outcomes He was the former Member for Cook and Assistant Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs

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