Serious concerns about human rights violations

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Serious concerns about human rights violations alarming fact that a number of Indigenous people with disability are incarcerated without conviction. In reply, the Australian Government made a voluntary commitment to

detention of Indigenous people with disability, without conviction, is a clear example of this.” he United Nations Human Scott Avery, Research and Rights Council (HRC) has Policy Director, FPDN said: “The raised serious Government’s concerns commitment about human to address rights the indefinite violations detention of against people with Aboriginal disability in people with prison needs disability to backed up during its by meaningful review of reform of the Australia’s justice system human to make sure rights record that changes overnight in happen Geneva. From left to right: Damian Griffis, Lez Malezer, Gillian Triggs, Mick Gooda, Tammy Solonec soon. The at the United Nations Geneva this week. Image supplied The consequence Universal of inaction Periodic Review (UPR) allowed address indefinite detention. is that people with disability will member States of the HRC to assess Damian Griffis, CEO First continue to languish in prison when how Australia is tracking against its Peoples Disability Network they should not be there.” human rights obligations. said: “We welcome Australia’s The UPR Disability Coordination The UPR provides a platform commitment to address the Group has been working as part of for Australian NGOs to update the indefinite detention of people with the 200 strong UPR NGO Coalition international community on the disability in the criminal justice to raise priority human rights issues human rights situation in Australia. system who are deemed unfit to for people with disability, including First Peoples Disability Network plead.” forced sterilisation, indefinite CEO, Damian Griffis is in Geneva “The over-incarceration of detention, involuntary treatment, representing the Australian Cross Aboriginal and Torres Strait restrictive practices, legal capacity Disability Alliance (ACDA), as part Islander people is a national shame. and violence in institutions. of the UPR Disability Coordination More and more data is now to The review report was handed Group. coming to light that confirms the down on Thursday 12 November A number of countries asked anecdotal evidence we receive and the Australian Government questions of Australia relating relating to the high rates of will now have an opportunity to to the high incarceration rates incarceration of Aboriginal people respond. of Indigenous people, and the with disability. The indefinite

by Sara Irvine 14 November 2015


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