Steph and naz create history as first torres strait islander graduates

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Steph and Naz create history as first Torres Strait Islander graduates

by Gavin Broomhead 24 October 2015


wo Torres Strait Islander women have created history after becoming the first Island & Cape Retail Enterprises employees from their islands to graduate with a Certificate III in Retail. Esterlita (Steph) Bowie from Badu Island and Nazareth (Naz) Naawi from Masig Island both recently achieved the milestone. Steph, who completed school in Cairns in 1985, has been a loyal employee of the Badu Island store since 1986. In the 29 years that Steph has worked at the store, she has shown outstanding leadership skills in the

Nazareth (Naz) Naawi (second from left) from Masig Island. All images supplied

workplace. Island & Cape General Manager Operations Kim Reynolds said Steph, who is the store’s most senior supervisor, became the first Badu Island employee to graduate from nine trainees. “Steph has been working as a workplace coach with Certificate II students, while also working towards her Certificate III in Retail Operations, which she has now achieved,” said Ms Reynolds. “She works in the office supporting the managers, and is highly skilled in all areas of store work. “Her daily job consists of invoicing, ordering, banking,

rostering, training, emails, and customer queries. “She continually displays a positive ‘can-do’ attitude on the job, and offers instruction and direction to colleagues in a multitude of tasks around the store, showing exceptional leadership skills. “The entire team of staff look to Steph for guidance, training and support, as she is a great leader and knowledgeable in all areas of the store.” Steph was also a nominee in the Inspirational Employee category at the 2015 Torres Strait Employment and Recognition Awards earlier this month. Meanwhile, Naz became

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the first Island & Cape Masig Island employee to complete her Certificate III in Retail. Ms Reynolds said Naz, who has been a loyal employee of the Island & Cape Masig Island store since 2010, fully deserved the recognition, which came at a special ceremony on the island. “Naz has not only gained management skills but has taken those skills on with pride and total commitment to the job,” said Ms Reynolds. “Her beautiful manner with customers, staff, and head office management, coupled with community pride, has made Nazareth an example of a trainee employee that Island & Cape are very proud of.” This was exemplified when she recently took over the Store Manager role while incumbent Jacqui Below was on leave. “During this period, Naz showed superb leadership skills, inspirational qualities and outstanding management attributes in managing the store in Jacqui’s absence,” added Ms Reynolds. Naz was also a nominee at the 2015 Torres Strait Employment and Recognition Awards earlier this month, in the Inspirational Trainee category. Ms Reynolds said the notfor-profit retail company was passionate about providing training opportunities for its employees, the majority of which are Torres Strait Islander or Aboriginal people. “We have a real desire to establish local people in local jobs, and we can help achieve this by investing in the future, as shown at Badu Island and Masig Island,” said Ms Reynolds. “Steph and Naz are an absolute credit to Island & Cape, themselves, their family and their

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Esterlita (Steph) Bowie from Badu Island

communities in general. “To undergo their retail traineeship, they’ve had to show outstanding dedication and expertise in their work. “We’re all thrilled at their achievements, and are proud to call them Island & Cape employees.” Island & Cape Retail supplies groceries, fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy products and other general merchandise to its eight stores, which are located in Aurukun, Napranum, Wujal Wujal,

Hopevale and Yarrabah, as well as Badu Island, Horn Island and Masig Island in the Torres Strait. Ms Reynolds said Island & Cape and ALPA have a proud history of working closely with remote communities across northern Australia. “Island & Cape always plays an active role in the communities where we operate,” she said. For more information, visit www.

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