Tauto sansbury nihra winner 2015

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Tauto Sansbury NIHRA winner 2015 Tauto Sansbury adds Human Rights Award to his NAIDOC Award for 2015. Image: news.com.au

supplied by Freedom Movement 25 October 2015


he National Indigenous Human Rights Awards (NIHRA), in its second year, was held at NSW Parliament. These truly national awards recognise and acknowledge the most important social justice struggle in Australia - that of the Aboriginal rights struggle. The NIHRA are Australia’s only all dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait human rights awards. The NIHRA constitute three awards: • The Dr Yunupingu Award for Human Rights • The Eddie Mabo Social Justice Award

• The Anthony Mundine Courage Award Last year, the presenters of the awards were Yalmay Yunupingu, Gail Mabo and Anthony Mundine. The inaugural recipient of the Dr Yunupingu Award for Human Rights was Arrente Elder, Rosalie Kunoth-Monks. Ms Monks went on to become Northern Territorian Australian of the Year and this year’s NAIDOC Female Person of the Year. This year’s keynote speech was by South Australia’s Narungga Elder and 2015 NAIDOC Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, Tauto Sansbury. The MC was SBS journalist, Arrernte woman Karla Grant.

Mr Sansbury said, “I was born into a mission, we lived by the bell, we were brought up in injustices, denied our languages and identities. I was brutalised in a boys’ home and the effects are lifelong. Ever since I have been working for the rights of my people, which to this day have not arrived and the fight continues on.” The two Gold sponsors of this year’s awards are the National Rugby League (NRL) and THF Wines. The founder of the NIHRA is NSW parliamentarian, the Hon. Chaoquett Moselmane who in 2012 also launched the Multicultural and Indigenous Media Awards. “There is no more significant

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and important struggle in this nation’s more recent history than the Aboriginal rights struggle. It defines who we are because it is the struggle of right verses wrong, the overcoming of adversity and injustice and in turn not only speaks to the nations but defines the nation - and who we all are and should be,” said Mr Moselmane. “These awards recognise the history and ongoing nature of the Aboriginal rights struggle - they are judged by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, presented by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, awarded to the champions of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights struggle - to those who are showing us the way.” This year’s recipients: • Dr Yunupingu Human Rights Award - Tauto Sansbury • Eddie Mabo Social Justice

Award - Jenny Munro • Anthony Mundine Courage Award - Adam Goodes Federal Shadow Mnister for Aboriginal Affairs, Shayne Neumann, congratulated the award recipients, who are personally invested in improving social justice, fighting racism and closing the inequality gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. “They are role models for younger generations of Indigenou people and their work is making a difference in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people throughout Australia,” said Mr Neumann. Karla Grant said, “It was a great honour hosting the 2nd National Indigenous Human Rights Awards as I believe these awards go a long way in recognising the significant contributions made by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

within human rights and social justice for our people. All of the awards presented went to very deserving recipients and it is fitting that Adam Goodes, Tauto Sansbury and Jenny Munro are all recognised for the difference they are making to the lives of Indigenous Australians.” Deputy Opposition Leader, Linda Burney, said that the Awards are a wonderful opportunity to pay tribute to just a few of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who make such a valuable contribution to the community. “Indigenous people make such a valuable contribution to our community, it is so important to have an event to recognise this. I want to extend my thanks to the organisers, attendees and of couse the winners of these awards,” Ms Burney said.

NOTICE OF IMAN PEOPLE NATIVE TITLE AUTHORISATION MEETING The Applicants of the Iman #2 Native Title Claim have called an authorisation meeting for the following purposes: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Approve a draft S87 or a S87A order for a Determination of Native Title over the Iman #2 native title claim. Authorise the Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation to hold Native Title in Trust for the Iman #2 and be the Registered Prescribed Body Corporate. Authorise an ILUA with Ergon Energy over the Iman #2 claim area. Authorise the following ILUA’s with pastoralists (maps of the ILUA area will be available at the meeting): Name of ILUA Iman People/Comely and Mapala ILUA

5. 6.

Pastoralist Party Consolidated Pastoral Company Pty Limited ACN 010 080 654 Iman People/Coorada ILUA Brian John Atkins Eion Evan Atkins Iman People/Glenhaughton ILUA Avon Ross Hamilton Carol Hamilton Nathan Jay Hamilton Iman People/Glenleigh ILUA Patrick Robert Scott Joan Marjorie Cogill William Robert Cogill Kathleen Ann Harrison Iman People/Korcha ILUA Owen Arthur William Price Brigid Ann Price Arthur William Price Gail Lorraine Price Iman People/Woodine ILUA Andrew Douglas Simmons Tracey Robin Simmons Narelle Effie Simmons Authorise a further Native Title Claim over the shaded area of the Map contained in this notice and authorise Applicants to prosecute the new claim. Authorise compensation claims for native title that has been extinguished over the Iman #2 claim area and the area of the new claim.

The arrangements for the meeting are as follows: Date

31 October 2015


8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Venue: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Conference Centre, cnr Yeppoon Road & Bruce Highway North Rockhampton Only the descendants of the following Iman ancestors will be entitled to participate in the meeting: Mary Arwa, Jim Waterton, Ada Robinson, Maggie Palmtree, Lizzie Palmtree, Eliza Shields, Mary Ann (mother of Maggie Dunn), Fanny Waddy/Sandy, Dick Bundi/Bundai and Alice Dutton and the mother of John Serico (known as Aggie). Travel Assistance Assistance with travel will be provided only to those who register by 4.00pm on Monday 19 October 2015. Persons who registered but did not attend the previous authorization meeting of 14 September 2013 will not be eligible for assistance on this occasion. Please Contact Kylie on 0458 781 504 or 0481 151 750 to register for the meeting. Registration is from 8:00 am.

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