We need to be strong in unity to make our Ancestors proud by Andreas Reiners 25 January 2014
had the pleasure of reading the article in First Nations Telegraph on Monday the 20/01/2014 regarding the issue of insufficient Aboriginal health professionals staffing Aboriginal Healthcare facilities and found it both interesting and disturbing, but more importantly truthful. There is good and bad in every race as well as the strong and the weak, but those that choose willingly to sell their souls to the devil for “Power, Greed and Control” need to take a good look at themselves before it’s to late. A lot of these so called Aboriginal healthcare facilities are governed by those that have hidden selfish agendas and need to be put on a pedestal by society because of the inadequacies they feel within themselves. In other words they have to put others of their same race down to feel good about themselves. Greed is a powerful tool in the hands of the wrong people and blinds those it holds within its grasp and often blinds them until it’s to late. This is the tool the government is using against the Aboriginal people of Australia, they pretend to allocate funding to Aboriginal ventures but have already strategically placed those within these organisations both white and black to see that projects remain ineffective so they can launder hard working tax payer’s money, both black and white. Thus
creating the illusion that anything to do with “Indigenous” issues, projects or organisations is a waste of tax payer’s money. “Rubbish” wake up Australia it is the veins of our “Corrupt White Australian Government” causing disunity within our social structure to keep the peoples focus off the atrocities still being played out in this country both past and present. “Unity and Strength” is the key to truly putting together a task force that can tackle the corruption of this country’s government and make it accountable for past and present crime against Aboriginal people. In every great movement there needs to be martyrs and I don’t say this lightly but if we stick together truly as one and delegate those in our communities that have
the best interest for Aboriginal people, not driven by Power, Greed or Control or cultural differences we can be successful. “We together can be leaders for other Indigenous Cultures throughout the world and prevail where others are still struggling”. Colonisation is only recent but “Aboriginal culture is old, majestic and wise” - so let us stand up together and show our strength in unison and make our Ancestors proud and not be assimilated by a culture that has created much of its own problems. But extract the things that are useful and continue to be the caretakers of this beautiful land, those of you that are connected to this land will understand. Andreas Reiners is a Registered Nurse and Fitness Professional
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