What is spirituality?

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What is spirituality? by Nurunderi Budger Davidson 6 April 2014 1. I have heard many say, that they wish to seek out their spirituality, but what is spirituality? 2. It is not initiations or the rites and ceremonies invented by man,for these are only the outwards signs of mans inner frustrations as he strives to reach something beyond his grasp. Spirituality is something beyond this world. 3. It is not a seeking out your Aboriginality, for this is only cultural, and tends to blind your eyes to the fact, that all people are children of the universe and have a right to be here. 4. It is not going out into the bush and seeking to become in harmony with nature, for this is only a part of earth things, and although you may find an inner peace by being away from the noise and bustle, this is not spirituality, it is only rest. 5. It is not a seeking to be one with mother earth, for you are a part of mother earth already, and in time when you die, your elements will go back again into mother earth. Spirituality is something far beyond earth. 6. Turn to each other and ask, “WHAT IS SPIRITUALITY”, and no-one can tell you, for no-one has been there. But I will tell you what spirituality is. It is a striving, a striving to be strong that you may live beyond the grave, that your spirits may soar into the heavens, free from the fetters of earth. That you may go beyond the cycles of rebirth and become an eternal being. 7. If you do not want this, then live your life and die, but if you do want this, I will tell you how to get there. 8. First you must know yourself and what you are. Your body is not

you, for in time it will perish and be no more. Your mind is you, and it desires to live on. Your mind clings to the flesh and fears to give it up, for it is all that it knows. 9. Your mind consists of two parts, a negative and a positive, the negative part is your “EGO”, which is born of this world, and is the element of being, that consciously and continuously enables you to think, feel, and act. 10. The positive part of your mind is the “SOUL”, which is a

part of God, which is your very life, and sustains your whole body. The word Soul, comes from the Greek word (SOL), and means SUN. The ancient Egyptians called it “RA”, which also means sun. The SUN is the visible manifestation of the power of God, and the medium by which God supplies life to all living things. Without the sun, there would be no more life. 11. The soul is the God part which has been channelled down to you, becoming part of you.

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It consists of four major parts. LIFEFORCE, the force that causes you to be a living, thinking being. BONDING ELEMENT, which is an electro-magnetic force that bonds all the atoms of your body together, and without it, all your atoms would float away into space. CONSCIENCE, which is a part of the mind of God which communicates to us what is right or wrong. Through our conscience, if we allow ourselves to be guided by it, we get the best results out of life, and if we abide by the laws embodied within our conscience, we can not only be guided by God, but also be able to communicate with God. Is this not a great thing to know? DIVINE KNOWLEDGE, your soul being a part of God, also carries within it the wisdom of God, but to be able to reach this divine wisdom, first the law has to be fulfilled, and your EGO has to be in perfect harmony with your SOUL. 12. Now your “EGO” also consists of four major parts, STRIVING FORCE, which is the element which makes you want to act and do things. PROCREATIVE URGE, which makes you want to reproduce species, or to have children. SURVIVAL INSTINCT, which is the instinct that makes you want to protect and preserve your body, to eat, drink, and generally attend to your own well-being. MEMORY, which is the collection of all your experiences, the forming and development of your personality. 13. To reiterate, your soul consists of four major parts, LIFEFORCE, BONDING ELEMENT, CONSCIENCE, DIVINE KNOWLEDGE. .

Your ego consists of four major parts, STRIVING FORCE, PROCREATIVE URGE, SURVIVAL INSTINT, MEMORY. These two parts of the mind, were called by the ancient Egyptians HA-RA,which as a simple word, meant I, me, or myself. These two parts together, are called your SPIRIT-SOUL, which the ancient Egyptians called the “SAH”. 14. Your body (KA-TE) carries within it an elemental body, or spiritual body, so there is no such thing as a disembodied spirit. 15. Now you know yourself, and what you consist of, the next step is to know WHAT YOU ARE. Many people do not trouble to know what they are, and they live life in a haphazard manner catering to their lusts and desires with little idea that they are heading towards a certain death, period. 16. As each second of the clock ticks by, so you have moved forward another second closer to death. A s each day goes by, so you are another day nearer to death. Don’t close it out, you have to face it one day, so face it now, for things are never too late to change your life around. 17. You should now realise that your mind is most important, for it is you, it is the outward showing of your spirit, for it is responsible for all your actions. 18. Have you a good personality, or a bad personality?, Will your spirit die?. Assess yourself, let your spirit speak to your soul, and find out for sure what sort of person you are. This is a vital question which has to be answered for your own sake. Don’t think that confessions

or any other thing can save you, FOR THAT WHICH IS UNPURE OR UNHOLY, CANNOT ENTER INTO THE HEAVENS, this stands to reason. 19. You do not have to have a great knowledge, just an inner beauty. Knowledge helps you to understand, but what you do with this understanding is really what matters. 20. The question s you must ask yourself is, has your STRIVING FORCE FORCE caused you to walk over others, grab the best for yourself, not give a dam about your fellow man?. 21. Has your PROCREATIVE URGE turned to lust, have you indulged yourself in unnatural sexual practices, have you indulged yourself with members of your own sex for sensual experiences?. 22. Has your SURVIVAL INSTINCT caused you to turn vicious towards others, or paranoid and ultra-suspicious of people, do you have a chip on your shoulder?. 23. Have you allowed your own your own memory to carry all the bad things, forgetting all the good points, fretting over all the wrongs which you have considered done to you, allowing your mind to become scarred with resentment, instead of cherishing all the good things that have happened. 24. If this is the case, then you have not been listening or going by the urges of the God part within you, but it is never to late to change. All you have to do, is to say, and mean it, “I want to be a better person, please help me God”. 25. Don’t blame life or others what you are, just blame your own reactions to events of your life,

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which you have allowed to shape you. The events of life have not shaped you, only your reactions and outlooks upon these events. 26. This world is full of beauty, have you looked upon these beautiful things of life and absorbed them? Or have you only looked upon the bad things and felt only grudge and resentment. Now is the time to turn your life around, be pleasant to people, enjoy life and spread happiness. 27. Know the damage that drugs and alcohol does to that vital part of you, YOUR MIND. When under the influence of these things, your EGO becomes separated from your CONSCIENCE, this is why so many bad thing take place when people are under these influences. They cause people to act stupid or nasty and aggressive, or sends them into moods of deep depression 28. Drugs and alcohol destroy the spirit of a person., and makes people do things which they would not normally do. 29. The Great Gods have given mankind the forty-two wise councils, as a guideline of how to put their lives together. To abide by these councils, and as a guideline

for better results out of life. 30.In this life the four main guiding principals are, to know the difference between good and evil., what is beneficial or unbeneficial, what is true or false, and what is possible and impossible. 31. We must have respect for ourselves, a respect for others, and a respect for our environment, The sum total of which , is a respect for God. 32. True respect and gratitude for the life that has been given to you, is to be able to say, If thou place fine food and wine before me, I will eat and drink of it and say, “Though has given me the best”. If thou place dry bread and water before me, I will eat and drink in gratitude and say, “Though hast given me me life”. 33. You must strive for PEACE, LOVE, FREEDOM, AND HAPPINESS. PEACE is the realisation that you are a child of God, and that nothing can harm your spirit. LOVE is the feeling of universe coursing through your veins and travelling to the depths of your being. FREEDOM is the fulfilment of the law by overcoming

all those earthly temptations that cause you to sin. HAPPINESS is the knowledge that you are a part of God and that through his spirit, you have inherited eternity. 34. An ancient Egyptian once wrote, I searched for God along the banks of the Nile, I cried out for him amongst the papyrus reeds, I searched for God amongst the rushes, the sand dunes, and the tops of the mountains, yet I only caught a glimpse of his handiwork, and I found him not. At last I found that God dwelt within me, for soul was a treasure chest, and all I had to do, was to open the lid and unpack the treasure therein. ALL THESE THINGS ARE THE TRUE SEEKING OF SPIRITUALITY. I am Eternally Yours Nurunderi Budger Davidson. Our Culture Lives Time moves on and so must we We must accept what ever may be Civilization has had its cost We can never get back what we have lost But with spiritual strength we shall survive And our culture shall be kept alive Eternally Yours Nurunderi

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