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TYSON BIRMINGHAM ✴ cell: 204-724-2004
We would like you thank you in joining us to the second Horner-Downhill-TSN bull sale. It’s always great working with the Horner and Downhill operations. We know we all have a common goal in raising good functional bulls designed for the commercial cattlemen. As you look throughout the catalog, you will find lots of diversity and different options from each program to find for what you’re needing within your bull selection to fit your operation. We have put together a strong set of bulls with some new AI sires, Crossroad Connected and LFE Game Face. Also, a couple calving ease bulls out of our walking herd sire LFE Night Hawk. With the sale being on farm gate auction, we encourage to stop by the farm and view the bulls anytime or join us prior to sale to view the bulls at the Horner sale barn on Feb 26-27. We would like to thank the staff at First Class Marketing for helping us along the way and if you have any questions about our offering Darnell will be able to assist you as they been to the pens and are very familiar with the bulls on offer. Please join us Feb 26-27 for a visit and viewing of the bull pen.