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Duster Created by

Micah Wright and Jay Lender

Art by

Jok and Cristian Mallea


KIC EVIEW ss PR Progre n i k r o W

Weltocome Morton,Texas

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Created by Micah Wright & Jay Lender

Part I Written by Micah Wright and Jay Lender Breakdowns by Jok Finishes by Cristian Mallea Letters by Jay Lender Colors by Jorge Blanco & Jok




Cover Art by Howard Chaykin Cover Color by Jesus Arbuto

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May 9, 1945... the war in Europe is over.


they’ve given up! They’re finally done in, and the Rat is dead in an alley back of the Wilhelmstrasse. Take a bow G.I.! Take a bow, little guy!

The superman of tomorrow lies at the feet of you common men of this afternoon! Seems like free men have done it again! Yeah! WHOOOOO! We’re goin’ home!


victory a sweet dish or isn’t it? And how do you think those lights look in Europe after five years of blackout going onto six? Brother, pretty good!

...The Children of Poland Will soon Know what an Orange tastes like... and bread-- *

Plane’s coming.

There wasn’t anything scheduled!

Come on, Lieutenant. Maybe you didn’t hear... but the war’s over.

Knock it off, guys.

Just get ready.

*from “On a Note of Triumph” by Norman Corwin

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Moments later, a strange, steel behemoth glides down toward the moonlit runway...

What the hell is that thing?

Above our Paygrade, Jimmy... just fill her up and forget you ever saw it...

The fuel jockey begins his task... his unease heightened by a grim figure in the doorway...

...hurried away by a waiting M.P... ...Above our paygrade... ...grumble...

...something here is very wrong.

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Hey, asshole!! I got four thousand gallons of fuel down here, so cut it the hell out!



It’s fulla Nazis!

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Though Surprised to find himself on the front lines of a war that is, by all acounts, already over... Come here, you nazi son of a bitch!

...The fuel jockey is ready to end this war again-- Now!

His enemy proves to be equally committed...


...but twice as strong! GRAAAH!

uberall Kraftstoff...


Jesus! Nein!! Nehmen sie de waffen runter!

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I’ll kill you!

Drekige Amis!

Waffen Runter!!

Ich mach euch alle!

What the hell is going on here!

Lower your weapons!

Horen Sie mit diesem Unsinn auf!

That’s enough!

enough of this foolishness.

Stand down!

< General...it is not safe out here. > *

< If that is so, Horst... ...it is because of your actions. >

* in German

< return your men to the plane. >

... < You heard him... >

grmbl... grmbl...

< Come with me, Gerhard. >

< Yes, Sir. >

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General Doctor Engineer Hans Friedrich Karl Franz Kammler...

I apologize for my men. They are on edge.

I am sure you can see things from their side. The losing side? No, not really.

As you say.

But you still have one more war to win, yes?

We’re not going to beat Japan with this riff-raff you keep giving us.

We want Doctor Wiebaden.

Our deal was one scientist per stop.

What if I change the deal? I wouldn’t advise it. Gerhard?

What’s this?

One point two kilograms of enriched Uranium 235...

...a byproduct of the manufacture of our device.

Your... device?

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You will get Doctor Wiebaden at our next stop, and the device when we reach safety--

If we see so much as a single fighter plane...

--our final assurance that no “accidents” will befall us on this daylight leg of our journey.

d-Don’t worry, the skies will be empty.


Auf Wiedersehen.

< Soon we will reach safety and this will be over. You did well, Gerhard. >

< Success! Prepare the plane for take-off! >

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< Thank you, Grandfather. >

< We must not give them the crate! >

< Of course not!

That crate holds the foundation of our Fourth Reich... >

< ...And you will be there with me, Horst...

...as we make our Fuhrer’s dream come true! >

< I wish you had traded me here... I grow weary of the company. >

< Don’t worry, Doctor Wiebaden... >

< ...You will be in the possession of your new American masters soon enough! >

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Great god in heaven...

der” n o Y ue l B Part I ld i W e “Out of th Created by Micah Wright & Jay Lender

...I hope you people know what you’re doing.

Breakdowns - Jok Finishes - Cristian Mallea Letters - Jay Lender Color - Jorge Blanco & Jok

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Eight Hours Earlier... Well it’s about time!

Maybe now things will get back to normal around here!

You got something you wanna say, Mabel?

THank heaven! the men will be back soon...

...Though I don’t suppose everyone will be happy about that.

Now, we weren’t talking about you, dear. Though, we probably could, what with the way you and the Deputy been carrying on...

It’s that Joanna Baker...

It’s her job... She’s a cropduster.

Joanna Kent... she’s using her maiden name again.

...her Poor Nate gets shot down and ‘stead of mourning him like a proper woman, she’s off flying around in that plane all day.

I’m just saying... Sets a bad example, women doin’ men’s work.

Maybe you ain’t noticed, but we’re all doing men’s work, Mabel... Someone’s got to.

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It’s easy to act like a man when people got nothing to compare it to.

And how’d you hear that, Mabel? Listening to other people’s phone calls again?

But now that the war’s over, and they’ve got a choice, some folks might want their crop dusting done by the real thing.

It’s my job to make sure that a proper connection is made. Don’t blame me if people start talking before I can disconnect!

It’s true! They do that!

Joanna’s just taking care of her family!

Dwight Goodrich...

Well, I know Dwight Goodrich has had his eye on her, and she won’t give him the time of day! How’s that for taking care of your family?!

Why, if I were thirty years younger...


The tinkling of the doorbell fades into an embarrassed silence as a new player arrives.

Hi, Jo!



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How’s the gossip?

Seems there’s some girls in town doing men’s work, and not acting in a proper fashion.

Why, those uppity bitches! I bet they like to curse, too!

Damn right! Here’s your order.

I’m sorry, hon, but... your ration coupon’s only good for a five pound sack. I’d sell it to you, but it’s the law...

and a ten pound sack of flour, too, okay?.

Someone need a ration coupon?

I suppose some people think the rules don’t apply to them.

Look, you sour, old--

Afternoon, Mr. Goodrich...

Afternoon, darlin’...

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Come along, Fiona!

Mmm-MMM, Joanna! Aint’ you lookin’ fine!

You know, I got me some coupons for sugar and fresh eggs, too... ...Maybe you could swing by my place tonight and bake us a cake.

That’s a fine idea, Dwight. But if I did that...

You can pretend to be a man all you want, Joanna Baker...

Y’know, if I was your husband, I’d’a begged them to send me to Europe!

...I’d be tempted to shove that cake up your ass sideways!


Getting shot down by Nazis would be a hell of a lot better than coming home to a ball-busting bitch like you!

Then, you’ll be out of a job and flat broke, and you’ll come begging me for help...

...but any day now the war’s going to be over for good, and all the real men will come home.

you draftdodging piece of shit!

...On your knees.

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No Woman talks like that to me!


I’d lower that hand if I was you.

Or what, war hero? You gonna hobble over here and give me a whuppin’?

...I’m sure they got room for you in Tokyo.

You know, Dwight, if it’s a fight you want...

Hey I tried!

what are you trying to say, Gimpy?

Oh, them Japanese won’t care about your flat feet, Dwight... They ain’t picky about whose back they shoot.

Don’t bring my bum leg into this, Jackass!

They wouldn’t take me, on account of my bad eyes and flat feet!

See you, Jo...

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Afternoon, Miz Jo. You need any help with those groceries?

Jo! Hold up, Jo!

No thanks, Ken. I got it.

Gid, You can chase it... but I wouldn’t want to catch it!

Well, sorry if I busted up your fist fight, but I just got a call from the Army--

You know, I’m not some little girl, Gideon-- I don’t need protecting from a draft-dodging coward like Dwight Goodrich.

My dad’s making supper. I gotta go.

--All civilian air traffic is grounded tomorrow---the entire panhandle’s off limits.

Yeah? well, I’ll see what I can do.

You, uh... want some help with your engine?

...Not that you need any help from me.

I Mean it, Jo!

Sorry-can’t hear you!

stay out of the sky tomorrow!

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In the face of this formidable woman, even the sheriff and his deputy can only shake their heads in silent Wonder.

She’s a tough one, ain’t she, Gid?

I hadn’t noticed.

Deputy! There’s a war on, And she’s using that plane like it was a car! You gonna ticket her for that? Whaddaya think, Ken?

Wa’ll, I dunno, Sheriff. If we get started writing tickets, could be a whole heap of work for us...

...Like this car here. Where you think the owner managed to find four brand new tires in the middle of a war? Much less a full tank of gas. Why, I bet if I checked the trunk, I’d find all kinds of contraband--

But Don’t think you’ve heard the last of me, Sheriff! I’ll be speaking to the Mayor!

Somewhere there’s a squad of Marines who don’t know how lucky they are he‘s dodgin’ the draft.

Okay! Okay!

Amen, Brother, Amen!

You can talk to your daddy all you want to, Dwight---just as soon as he gets back from the war.

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Not far away, some of Morton’s other residents are wrapping up their day... and other things.

Stop wiggling, Mary!

That’s right, Cathy, distract her from the needle!


But I can’t... it tickles!

Don’t listen to Doc...

...And stop struggling, your leg is supposed to be broken in two places!

Oh, right.

So, after graduation, are you gonna keep working for Doc Porter?

She is a little...

Not likely... I’m going to become a nurse and get far, far away from here... ...and my mom. No... she’s a LOT.

I’ve got to go. See you tomorrow?



...what about my leg?

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Moments later, the red-faced girl attempts to keep a low profile... while boarding a plane in the middle of main street.

It’s a skill she hasn ’t yet mastered-- and isn’t likely to.

How was school? Suit yourself!


Why Mr. Goodrich, what a lovely automobile...

Mom, NO!

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It’s a game of chicken between a speeding plane and a car...

Whut the...?

...And whether it’s cowardice or simple self-preservation that motivates Dwight Goodrich...

She’s crazy!


Ha Ha!



...The result is the same!



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The Baker Homestead...

Did you see Goodrich spin out?

HAH! That’ll teach him to keep his distance!

great, Mom. Keep it up and pretty soon nobody will come near us...

...just the way you want it!

We don’t need his kind of company!

Nice one, Jo.

Hola, Manuel.

Hola, Miss Jo!

truck OK? Si, Hector’s just changing the spark plugs.

Crop looks good from the air.

And from the ground, too! It should be a good year, Miss Jo.

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Lord knows we could use it.

Didn’t we just have chili two nights ago?

What’s wrong with the kid?

Hi, Dad.

I’m embarrassing.

All parents are. That was last week.

Supper’s in five.

five minutes later--If there are any prayers at this table, they are surely for some merciful break in the uncomfortable silence...

Evening, Sam.


Sheriff! you’re just in time to sit down!

Actually, I just came to talk with Jo.

Then talk while you eat!

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Soon... Mighty fine chili. You make this, Jo?


Ahem...Well, See...it’s about tomorrow--

--The Army doesn’t need the entire sky, Gid. I gotta spray the Jefferson farm before it rains. It can’t wait!

Jo, it’s only one day...

Gideon, one rain comes along and wets those boll weevils, there’ll be no stopping them! They’ll wipe out Jefferson’s crop, then move on to Guy Morris’ farm while I’m waiting on the leaves to dry!

Well, I’m sure it can hold until after the weekend, right, Joanna?

Jo, I got a bulletin says no one’s allowed to fly and I gotta uphold it. Nobody wants Jefferson to get hurt, but that’s not your problem.

No, your problem is you’re always lookin’ for a fight. but Take it from me, Jo...

ain’t no good can come outta that.

The second he hired me to spray his field it became my problem!

Well, that’s okay, Gideon...

...If fighting don’t work out okay for me, I can always come back and be Sheriff.

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I hate you!

Cathy! Don’t you walk away from this table!

You come back here, Lady Jane!

So... ...Stay for pie, Sheriff?

Maybe next time.

...there’s some things in life that --if you want ’em-you gotta step up and grab ’em.

Sorry to ruin your evening, Sam.

Yeah, well...

You know, Gideon...

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Good night, Sam.

don’t you embarrass me like that in my house!

Your house? You’re hardly ever here!

I don’t have time to coddle you, Cathy!

I just want things the way they were!

Someone’s got to be strong, now that your father’s gone.

Now you get to play tough--


--You’re glad Daddy’s dead!

Everybody’s right! You are just like a man.

And though her daughter’s words sting, Jo is forced to wonder...

...If being a better mother meant giving up her freedom...

...would she do it?

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I thought we had a lot more food down here.

Jo---I’m not in the mood for one of your lectures, Dad.

She needs her mother.

Now you know why we’ve been eating so much chili. I guess so.

you Just make sure she gets breakfast and off to school in the morning, okay?

Why? Where are you gonna be?

“Taking care of business...”

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Jo begins her fateful taxi... unaware that this one, simple act of defiance will change her life forever!

Sam Baker watches in silence, knowing she’s exactly the person he raised her to be...

...But in a world made for men...

...can such a woman ever truly be happy?

Up and at ‘em, Cathy! Breakfast in ten!

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At least I got out without a fight.

This sure beats being stuck in the house all day, cooking and cleaning.

Look! There’s Jefferson now!

On the ground, Jefferson waves her in... to the grateful farmer, this plane is salvation!

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There’s so much important work to do...

...And I can be a part of it, now!

God Bless you, Miz Baker!

They’ll never get me back in an apron again.

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Come on, Jo... what’d I tell you about flying today?

Why good morning, Sheriff! what’re you doing up and about so early? I got a call from your dad, Jo... ...he’s concerned about you.

So he turned me in, huh? Some concern!

Jo, the Army said “no flying today,” and the law’s the law.

then I guess you gotta arrest me...

...but first you’re gonna have to catch me!

You’ll come down sometime... And I’ll be waiting for you when you do.

Some piece of work... Dammit.

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Jo breaks through the clouds in joyous, looping exultation!

Ha! ha! ha!

This is where she belongs...


What the hell...?

Hey there, flyboy... ain’t you heard? there’s a flight ban on today!

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C’mon, fellas, ain’t nobody up here but us lawbreakers.

I’m below your five o’clock, and I’m looking for a “hello.”

Too big for a civilian craft... I stepped in it now.

Whoops! Sorry there, Air Force, I guess you got me.

Say! You boys capture that in Germany?

Never seen one like it! What do you call that thing?

Boy, I bet a bird like that could do some serious...

Holy shit.

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In America!!

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Can’t get away!

Gotta get help!

Shit! Mayday! Mayday! I’m--

It’s all on me, now. Well, they won’t get me easy!!

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Fire and Lead fill the air over the heartland...

...as a fragile, cloth and pine David gamely-perhaps hopelessly-runs before the hulking steel Goliath!

Weaving! dodging! looping! in a desperate attempt to live just one moment longer!

Jo clutches the yoke and pilots her craft with a strength and skill she’s never known before!

And yet, This creature of the sky Wonders if she’ll ever see the ground again...

...while onboard the bomber, silent oaths are taken--

--This confrontation can only end one way:


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The Nazi Bomber attacks Relentlessly... without pity...

...drawing blood time and again... GASP!

But the tiny flier’s engine proves far more vulnerable!

the Stearman Kaydet’s wings weather the hail of bullets for now...

Oil! This thing can’t take much more...

the now badly weakened prey can only limp onward...

...while the predator closes in--for the kill!

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Exhausted, nerves frayed beyond the breaking point, Jo heads into a desperate, climbing immelman turn, followed closely by the relentless Nazi Pursuer!

Just one chance...

The helpless crop duster inches inexorably into the enemy Gunner’s sites...

<I’ve got you now, American.>

...But Suddenly...

Was ist--?

...Hundreds of pounds of powdered pesticide break over the gunner’s turret like a blinding wave!

And Jo, her lone weapon exhausted, evades the lumbering Nazi Giant... perhaps for the last time!

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Suddenly... Choked by the payload of pesticide, the Nazi aircraft’s starbord engines seize up!

And as Jo arcs away, amazed by her incredible good fortune...

...the mammoth bomber veers helplessly down... toward American soil!

< We’re going down! >

< Brace for impact! >

For some on the plane, there is panic...

< We’re going to Die! >

< Jesus Christ! >

...For others, stoicism... < Grandfather? >

...And for one...

< Quiet, men! >

Deutschland, Deutschland, uber alles! uber alles in der welt!

< Hold on, Gerhard. We’ll be fine. > ...A macabre feeling of ephoria!

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Jo’s cry of triumph fills the sky!

...Uber alles in der welt!

And her exaltation is as heartfelt and well-deserved...

...as it is short-lived.




The precious shreds of fabric take to the air, drifting in the currents like falling leaves.

but while They may float down to earth lightly, landing on solid ground unharmed...

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...the vehicle that bore them to such dizzying heights may not fare so well.

To Be Continued... Click here to support Duster on Copyright Š 2012 by Micah Wright and Jay Lender

...want to know what happens next?

About the Authors: Micah Ian Wright

The Angry Beavers Constant Payne. Destroy All Humans, Ratchet & Clank, and Transformers Stormwatch: Team Achilles WWIII, and Nickelodeon Magazine.

Jay Lender

Phineas and Ferb,

SpongeBob SquarePants, Hey Arnold!, CatDog and The Angry Beavers. In

Nickelodeon Magazine, Spongebob Comics,

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About the Artists: Jok

Carne Argentina

The Hill,

Bio-Boy, Vengeance of the Vapor.

Abelard and the Giant Eagles Funeral, Terminal, Knightmare, and Valkiria

Cristian Mallea


Jorge Blanco Camulus Transformers The Hill and Vengeance of the Vapor Philosopher Rex

Flash Gordon Redball 6 and

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Next Time: NAZI INVADERS arrive on American soil!

Jo & Gideon TAKE A STAND!

...and Dwight suffers from a terrible EAR INFECTION!

All this and more in the next thrilling chapter of...


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Copyright Š 2012 by Micah Wright and Jay Lender

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