The Demand for Results
Consulting, Inc.
In the current business world, the demand for results is extraordinary. Along with the pressure to raise levels of performance, the pace of change in technology and the marketplace is accelerating with blinding
speed. Establishing a stable level of growth, or a predictable return on investment is no longer sufficient for most organizations or their leaders. In response to the need for more potent improvement and change, an army of consultants, reengineers, TQM proponents, and many other specialists has emerged. Each approach offers its own rewards. But often the results are disappointing, below expectations or short-lived.
Lots of Consultants, Little Results
Framework is distinct from any of these.
Why Change Efforts Hit a Brick Wall
An organization’s culture can’t be changed from
within – it is its own best protector. Without investigating and identifying the culture at work, it remains strong, operative and continues re-asserting itself in the face of any attempt at change. So all of the effort spent on reengineering processes, or attempts at continuous improvement are a struggle — because there is a built-in conflict between the old and the new – between the protective culture of the organization and the change effort. If you set out to significantly improve the functionality of a building, there would need to be architectural and structural changes made before the desired results could be achieved. Knocking down a few walls and new paint won’t provide more than incremental improvement. That’s obvious when we talk about buildings. Unfortunately, it’s less obvious that there is an equally solid, immovable framework in the background of an organization and its processes and people.
Framework’s primary aim is to work with the leaders of organizations and ultimately, with the organization as a whole to distinguish and loosen the stronghold of the culture. With the release of that grasp comes the ability to make real, lasting changes — to do it consistently, and to produce results that are dramatically and unpredictably improved. We call those “breakthrough results”.