4 minute read
First and foremost, hydrate yourself by drinking 3 to 4 litres of water. Vitamin C or citrus fruit supplements, pure lemon shots, and antioxidant supplements such as glutathione help to neutralize the free radicals that collect as a result of alcohol intake. Hydrate the skin using hyaluronic acid serums. You can also use a hyaluronic acid face mask to moisturize your skin. Apply the mask, lie back, relax, and allow the hyaluronic acid to revitalize your tired and parched hungover skin. It is the perfect tonic for 'the morning after the night before'. You can also try coconut oil-based face packs for intensive hydration!
Repair the skin's barrier layer with ceramide-based moisturizers. When there is significant redness, medicated lotions such as oxymetazoline, tacrolimus, or pimecrolimus are suggested. If you get breakouts, use salicylic acid or azelaic acid-based serum. Probiotics can help you cleanse your stomach.
You might be surprised to learn that a massage can be an excellent cure for hungover skin. This increase in blood circulation also hastens skin repair. You might try virgin co conut oil for a massage. It ab sorbs into your skin, providing maximum hydration and a beautiful sheen.
A lot of alcohol might cause puffiness in your skin. Ice cubes for the face are one op tion for treating hungover skin. Wrap a couple of ice cubes with a clean handker chief and gently apply them to the alcohol rashes and irrita tion. Rubbing ice on your face might provide relief and calm ness to your sensitive skin. Rubbing ice on your face may also help to relieve your thumping headache.
Vitamin A (retinol) in skincare products promotes cell healing. Thus, products containing this vitamin are certain to benefit your skin.
Red wine is essentially the most dreadful drink for your complex ion. It provides receptors and stimulates vein growth, increas ing skin redness. White wine has a lot of sugar, so it will aggravate outbreaks.
Mixed drinks include a lot of sugar because of the syrups and natural products that are used to prepare them. It can cause the face to become puffy.
BEER: It makes the face appear dull it also affects the complexion.
Source: https://www.medindia.net/news/healthinfocus/how-to-treat-hungover-skin-210335-1.htm
Your Day
Horoscope by Saurabbh Sachdeva
MAR 21 - APR 20
Before you make any tangible decisions today, keep the feelings of others in mind. Your words can be crude and can hurt others at times. Today, think twice before you talk, or else you might just end up hurting someone you didn’t mean to hurt.
Pause, and breathe. Work is always on your mind. But now it’s time to put other things on your mind instead of just work. Focus on the things you’ve always wanted to do in life but haven’t been able to. You’re financially stable and you have all the means of doing the things you want.
NOV 23 - DEC 22
Your enthusiasm and energy are high today. This is a good thing Sag, as you can finish off things you’ve been putting off for a while now. The best thing to do today is channel all your energy in your workplace as this might result in you getting a promotion or a raise.
APR 21 - MAY 20
You might face a little separation from loved ones and family because of the responsibilities handed over to you at work. You just need a little bit of planning to balance your work life and your personal life. With a little bit of planning everything will work out perfectly.
AUG 24 - SEP 23
Analyse whatever you’re being presented with today. If you have to sign a contract or do something involving legal actions, make sure you read it as people around you might not have the best intentions for you today. It’s best to keep yourself away from making any big moves.
DEC 23 - JAN 20
Hey there negative nancy, it’s time to get out of your head! Things are not going to look up for you unless you don’t start looking at things in a positive way. Life is horrible, we all know what, but you can’t fold your hands and think of the worst that can happen.
MAY 21 - JUNE 21
Today is a good day to face your fears. You can’t keep hiding in your shell for long Gemini. You need to step out and do things that you’re too scared of doing. If you don’t step out of your box, you’re not going to move ahead in life. Pick something you’ve always been scared of.
You need your alone time now. You’ve been around people way too much, and this is making you uncomfortable. You’re not a social butterfly and that’s okay. Spend today doing things that you like to do alone. Stay away from people. Take social break today.
JAN 21 - FEB 19
Your confidence is beaming today. You’ll realise that you’re in high spirits today and this is a good thing. Strut yourself and your confidence down the runway and show people who you really are. It’s a good day to take the spotlight like you love to. Enjoy.
JUNE 22 - JULY 23
Learn to say no today. You’re going to be handed a lot of responsibilities that you won’t be able to handle. However, your nature might force you to take things up. This is where you need to power up your mind and say no to things you don’t have the time and energy for.
Switch up the game a little. The things you’ve been doing in all aspects of your life have been benefiting you until now. However, it’s making you lead a monotonous life, which is going to get boring really soon. Today, spend time doing things in the opposite way than usual.
FEB20 - MARCH 20
You’re taking the lead today. As fun as this sounds, be sure you don’t let it get to your head. If something goes wrong, the blame will be put on you. However, do enjoy the leadership train today since people will end up doing whatever you want them to.