1 minute read
The Simple
Say Bye To Stress
The more material possessions we have, the more stress we give ourselves. We keep wondering if all our belongings are safe and secure. We have more things to maintain. We need to spend more of our parents or our own money. All this leads to an increase in our stress levels. The lesser possessions we gather, the less we will have to worry, and our stress levels will reduce significantly. So ditch the need for protective items such as bank lockers, safes and offshore accounts and you’ll quickly experience a lightness of mind & spirit that will be truly liberating, as well as empowering.
Preserve The Planet
If we live simply, we have a huge impact on the planet. The environment is in dire straits. The increasing pollution, and the carbon footprint, it is all eroding the earth of its resources at an alarming rate. If we make a conscious decision to live more simply and more cleanly, we will spare the planet a lot of abuse. Lesser cars will mean reduced emissions of poisonous gases. Alternative energy use like wind and solar will mean less burning of the already diminishing fossil fuels. Cutting out many of the luxuries of our lives such as airconditioning will help the bruised planet heal. Again, like in the previous point, the idea is not to forsake life as we know it and become hermits. But a balance can be achieved quite easily. For instance, make a car-pool for your children’s school pickups and drops. This way you will ensure that rather than three or four vehicles going separately yet simultaneously to drop four individual kids, only one goes! Makes a monumental difference.