June 2010

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JUNE 2010 First Presbyterian Church of Colorado Springs

Dear First Pres Friends, Here we are in June already! This month always brings a change of pace. School is out and various new adventures begin. Children are going to camps. Families are taking vacations. Snowbirds are returning to the crystal blue days of this glorious season in Colorado. This month, we will begin to immerse ourselves in what it means to Love, Grow, Go—Together by taking a deeper look at worship, which is one central way to love God. Worship is more than what happens in our sanctuary on Sunday morning. It is our whole-life response to who God is. It is our loving reaction to God’s love for us. The Sunday sermons this month will focus on what this looks like by examining passages from the New Testament and Isaiah. A big part of our whole-life response to God is seeing ourselves as Jesus-sent people who discover his mission in all the places we already work, play and live. As we Love, Grow, Go—Together, let’s keep our eyes open for ways to join the Spirit moving in our neighborhoods and homes, on the trails and in the ball parks, through our businesses and relationships. The stories in this issue of First Pres Magazine look at various ways we can hear the call of God on our lives—so that we can go and be God’s call to the world. That’s where we are going as a church, and I’m looking forward to taking this adventure with you!

Jim Singleton, Senior Pastor First Presbyterian Church of Colorado Springs

june 2010



Walk the Talk . . . . . . . Alison Murray India—Land of the Hindus Robert Strauss Voices for the Kingdom . . Nicole Lowell Virtually First Pres . . . . . Ray Parry

. . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . 10

in every issue

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First Pres Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Christine Dellacroce First Pres North . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Hugh Eaton College/Young Adult Ministries . . . . . 12 Katie Dayton Student Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Mona Pineda Children's Ministries . . . . . . . . . . 14 Lisa Hughes

Contributing Writers: Katie Dayton, Christine Dellacroce, Lisa Hughes, Nicole Lowell, Alison Murray, Ray Parry, Mona Pineda, Robert Strauss Contributing Editors: Stacey Smith-Bradfield, Lois Keffer, Paul Parsons, Pam Pryce Photographer: Alison Smith Proofreading Team: Christine Dellacroce, Daisy Jackson, Sandy Johnson, Marty Kelley, Karen Kunstle, Linda Pung, Gretchen Murphy-Bowman, Jennifer White All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, © 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. First Pres Magazine, June 2010, Volume Two, © First Presbyterian Church of Colorado Springs, CO. Published by First Presbyterian Church, a non-profit organization. To contact First Pres Magazine: 719-884-6162 or 219 E. Bijou Street, Colorado Springs, CO 809031392 or magazine@first-pres.org. Printed in the U.S.A.

Walk theTalk By Alison Murray


few weeks ago at a business meeting in a restaurant, I offered to pray over our meal. I usually don’t do that with business associates. I’m not sure what prompted me to do it that morning. Everyone was gracious and we continued on with the business at hand. About halfway through the meeting, one of our participants worked into the conversation that she was a non-Christian. I felt as though I had violated some unwritten code in our society and potentially upset my business colleague. Maybe I should have asked first? Maybe I shouldn’t have prayed at all? It bothered me the rest of the day. The hardest part of living the life of a missional Christian is living it in those places where it is least expected and accepted. I caught up with Gordon Loux, First Pres member and business entrepreneur, and asked him about this. “Gordon, how do we live our Christian life in the world of business?” “As Christians, we need to be operating at our best professional levels. We need to earn the right to be heard by being the best we can be within our businesses,” Gordon answered. Gordon relates a story about the CEO of a $19 billion company. The CEO had rejected 4 | www.first-pres.org | 6/10

Christianity, but more importantly rejected it because the Christians he saw on a daily basis did not walk in their faith. For forty years, this CEO actively rejected Jesus. But he watched a rising executive in the company and began to change his mind. This young executive was a follower of Christ, and when the CEO discovered this, he asked the younger man to bring him back to the faith. At the end of the CEO’s life, it was this Christian business man who gave the eulogy at his memorial service. “We need to counter the perception that we are going to beat people over the head with a Bible. We need to share appropriately. But above all, our walk needs to match our talk.” Gordon continues, “God gave us our gifts to succeed in business, and we are called to be his representative on earth with our whole life, including our business life.” It all sounds so easy doesn’t it? Gordon finished our talk with a quote from a respected Christian author, Paul Tournier. “Let us not seek to bring religion to others, but let us endeavor to live it ourselves.” And when we do, who knows how God might use it. Alison Murray is actively involved with several organizations around Colorado Springs. She is also mom to Grace (7) and Ruth (5).

i ndia -Land of the H indus T

he impact of Hinduism is everywhere in India. So is the insidious caste system derived from the sacred writings. Brahmin priests from the highest caste function in the Hindu temples. They alone are permitted to read the sacred texts. Second is the Kshatriya caste, whose members in ancient times were warriors. The third caste is the Vaishya, the business community. Beneath these is a fourth, the Sudra, who are the farmers and laborers. Shocking to most Westerners is the fact that many citizens of India do not belong to any of the castes. They are the untouchables. Within the caste system are thousands of sub-castes. The vast arrangement of stratification permeates every aspect of life in India; it controls virtually all social relationships and interactions. The evangelical church in India is growing rapidly, particularly among the lower castes. Local churches have sent out over 40,000 Indian missionaries, mostly to other regions in India, but also to other countries. Missiologists believe India will emerge in the 21st century as the centre of global missions, not as a receiving nation, but as a sending one. The scholars of missiology at the South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS) in Bangalore are renowned. Babu Immanuel is an expert on the Gospel of Luke and is exploring what it means to contextualize theology in the Indian culture. Remarkably, he is a first generation convert from a line of Brahmin priests. At a completely different level is Kanta, a houseworker for a Christian family in the Banaswadi district of Bangalore. Kanta is an untouchable, a Dalit from a Hindu background. After

By Robert Strauss

years of prayer, the lady of the house led Kanta to faith in Christ. She makes 2,000 rupees per month ($50 USD), but she gives 500 rupees a month to missions. She is a joyful servant of the Lord Jesus. Her only son is also a follower of Christ. According to Indian Christian tradition, the Gospel may have come to India through Thomas, the disciple of Jesus. In the modern history of missions, William Carey of the Particular Baptist Missionary Society carried the Gospel to India in the late 1790s. In the 20th century, particularly before 1950, there were mass movement conversions. Many of those converts struggled with a syncretism of Christian doctrine, Hinduism, and village-level animistic beliefs. Today the spread of the Gospel is family-by-family with a much greater emphasis on discipleship. God is working everywhere in India. The Kingdom of God is expanding. People long for redemption from the oppressive stratification rooted in Hinduism. The Gospel not only offers eternal hope, but deliverance today from repression. Robert Strauss is a member of the core group at First Pres North. He works for Global Perspectives Consulting. 6/106/10 | www.first-pres.org |5 |5 | www.first-pres.org

First Pres Spotlight

A P l ac e t o B e l o n g J ust about everyone wants to feel like they truly belong somewhere. That’s why First Pres offers many Adult Sunday Communities during and after worship services—so people can find a group where they fit and can love, grow and go—together. For years, I had one reason or another to not join a Sunday Community, but recently I found myself wanting closer relationships with believers, and I realized it was time to get involved. So, I took the plunge and visited the Lifequest group—a good fit for a late BabyBoomer with a family (like me). I made my way to room 433 of Stevens Hall. Robbie, a Lifequest member, greeted me, showed me where to get a drink and invited me to partake of the goodies someone in the class provided. Food—a good sign! I sat at one of the five tables and met the other people at my table. There were about 25 people in the room. One couple had just adopted a little boy from China and we all got to meet this precious new addition to the First Pres community. We prayed for a few health and job interview prayer requests. Then that day’s teacher, Eddie, began the lesson on “How Can Others See God’s Kingdom in my Life?” We discussed our past, current and future goals at our tables, and then volunteers shared their answers with the large group. Eddie kept tying our responses concerning our goals back to the main verse of the day, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”(Matthew 6:33). We discussed how we may need to reevaluate our priorities if we let pursuing our goals get in the way of our service to God. We also looked at John 21:17. “Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, Photos by Alison Smith

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By Christine Dellacroce

‘Do you love me?’He said, ‘Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my sheep.’”Eddie explained that we are all missionaries and should be ready at any time to “feed” whoever God puts in our path. Our lives need to leave room for this. Our time concluded with a look at five things everyone needs to do as they share the Good News about Jesus and God’s Kingdom: 1) Love people; 2) Humbly win their trust; 3) Have no agenda; 4) Go one step at a time; 5) Pray for people. We finished by praying that we would go out and make a difference in the world. Then the group told me how glad they were that I joined them and encouraged me to come back! With such a warm welcome, a return invitation, stimulating teaching and dialogue, food, and a group camping trip this summer, I definitely intend to return. Wouldn’t you?

Christine Dellacroce discovered First Pres ten years ago through MOPS and God’s Gifts Preschool. She is writing a book about Lake Powell, Utah, and has been married for 23 years to a wonderful Motocross Maniac named Brian. She now wishes she would have gotten involved in an Adult Sunday Community years ago.

Christine also visited The Blend—an informal, peer-led community that embraces all ages. She enjoyed the warm interaction in this smaller class, especially Fred’s teaching on Psalm 84, affirming the joy of worshipping together with others! Lifequest and The Blend are just two of the 20 Adult Sunday Communities at First Pres. See the full list at www. first-pres.org/SundayCommunities. This summer is a great time to join one of these groups as many of them will go deeper into the themes of Love, Grow, Go—Together in conjunction with the sermon series.

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By Nicole Lowell

Voices for the

Kingdom When it comes to being missional, I have a bad track record. I have never guided anyone to convert to Christianity. I don’t have a story of how I led a co-worker to ask Jesus into her heart. All I really have is a big desire for God to use me to point people to his kingdom. I just don’t always know how that should look. Maybe you can relate? It’s not that I don’t know how to share my faith. I was raised in a missions-oriented church. I grew up on stories of people being led to Christ in the jungle or desert or inner city. I understood what to say to my classmates, neighbors, and strangers on airplanes. But I was 8 | www.first-pres.org | 6/10

shy, and it felt awkward. Once, in my teens, I worked up the courage to talk about God with an agnostic friend. She listened politely, but I kept wondering what gawky person had just taken over my mouth. I didn’t sound like myself. I wasn’t speaking with my own voice. Voice. It comes from the same Latin root that gives us the word vocation. Vocation is a

sense of being called to a particular kind of role, or work, or way of giving to the world. I haven’t always had the greatest track record with vocation, either. Growing up the granddaughter and daughter and then younger sister of teachers, the one thing I knew I would never, ever do in life was teach. Until I discovered I loved teaching. When I stood up in front of people to talk about comma rules or research papers, short stories or personal essays, I found my voice. I heard myself saying things I didn’t even realize I knew. I saw connections between students’ own experience and the things they were reading. I was fully present to the questions in the room, even when I didn’t know the answers. I had fun. I was at ease and alive. But often, sitting in church on Sunday morning, I would worry and pray about not doing enough for the kingdom of heaven. I enjoyed my work with students all week, but it was tiring. I gave all my best energy in the classroom. By Saturday, did I have anything left for Jesus? One day, in the midst of my angst, I was asked to fill out a questionnaire about the Christian life. It had all the usual questions about Bible reading and prayer. When it got to the section on evangelism and mission, I felt a familiar pit in my stomach: guilt, weariness, fear. Would I ever get this part of my faith walk right? The questions started typically. Had I participated in short term missions? Had I

served within my church? Did I work in professional ministry? But then came a question that changed everything. Did I believe my chosen field of work was a calling from God? That one line about ordinary work under the heading of “Mission” made all the difference. It opened a new way to think about vocation. It somehow made every profession a potential portal to the Kingdom of God. First Pres member Christopher Morton once told me, “If we believe the good news of the Gospel is life and life abundantly, then anywhere life is happening, we have something to say, something to give.” Maybe it’s been like this for you. There’s an area of your life where you come alive. It might be your work, your play, your service, your travel, or your relationships. And when you get to that place, it’s just sheer delight! If you’ve followed Jesus for any amount of time, you may wonder if or how that place of your individual calling fits with the big call to share the gospel. As Jim Singleton wrote last month, in the Reformed tradition we believe everyone is called by God to particular areas of service in the world. Some of us find our calling in the work we do for a living. Some of us find it in unpaid roles such as parent or friend. But no matter where our calling leads us, it is the place where the kingdom of God can enter into this world through our hands and our feet and our care. And our voices.

The Right Questions Understanding our vocation as a place of mission begins with asking the right questions. Here are few to think about. • Do the people you work with seem to be thirsty for more from life? How can you be a place of refreshment for them just by the way you do your work? • God is always at work, even when we don’t notice. How can you watch for God on the move during your work day? • Full attention and presence are in short supply in busy workplaces. Are there ways you can become more aware of Christ’s presence by giving your full attention to your coworkers? 6/10 | www.first-pres.org | 9

virtually first pres By Ray Parry rom soldiers deployed in the Middle East to

Ffriends on the East Coast to homebound members on the east side of Colorado Springs, our Sunday morning congregation is much bigger than it looks! Who are some of these people? What are their stories? How is the kingdom of God growing through the virtual presence of First Pres Colorado Springs? 5000 worshippers attended our eight Easter services in the sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, and First Pres North. But 800 more attended via the Internet by watching one of the services broadcast live using a technique called “streaming video.” Just by turning on their computers, starting a browser, and going to www.first-pres.org on Sunday

Photo by Alison Smith

morning, viewers can now automatically follow along with the worship service and join in singing hymns and songs as the words are displayed on the screen. While this has been possible for several years now, recent improvements in the website make it even easier. On-line viewers range from travelers who watch on their laptops from hotel rooms and even campgrounds, those physically unable to get to church, distant relatives of members, former members retired to warmer climes, and soldiers half-way around the world. Rich Martin was able to watch his daughter sing during the church youth play while stationed in far-off Iraq. Jim Singleton asked the audience to turn around 10 | www.first-pres.org | 6/10

and wave to all those, including Rich, who were watching on-line. Rich says it was an awesome moment, and he felt like he was connected to his family even though thousands of miles away in a war zone. Jerry and Earlene Herman attend on-line most Sundays, because getting downtown has become too difficult. Jerry says, “It’s a piece of cake! The picture is good, the sound is good, and by expanding the video to full screen, we can almost imagine being right there.” Josh Smith, our Director of Worship Arts Technology, reports that on a Sunday morning there are as many as 11 sound, camera, and internet specialists and volunteers working behind the scenes to put the worship services on-line and to remote worship centers in Fellowship Hall and First Pres North. Perhaps you’ve noticed improved sound and video quality as older equipment has been gradually replaced, or appreciated the outstanding video produced for our Good Friday concert by Alison Smith (no relation to Josh). For members, friends, and visitors who would like to replay a service from a previous Sunday, the entire service can be selected on-demand from the new First Pres website under the Media tab on the menu bar. Josh says volunteers who would like to be part of the behind-the-scenes worship ministry team are always welcomed. Jim DeJarnette, our Minister of Music, says some of the possibilities being considered for future expansion of First Pres On-line are remote worship services in area nursing homes, on-line chat and giving options, and even on-line Bible studies that would help those separated by distance grow in Christ and feel connected to each other as part of the First Pres community. So, whether you are traveling, snowed in, a snow-bird, living abroad, unable to get out and about, or just wanting to touch base with your faithful friends at First Pres, tune in to First Pres Online and stay connected! First Pres member Ray Parry has a background in online training. He can be seen online most Sunday mornings, singing with Big Blue.

first pres north

The Fields Are White...

By Hugh Eaton

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2 wice I have felt God was calling me to the ministry. In the summer of 1976 I attended Duke Divinity School, and two of my classes were from a young faculty member, Dr. Will Willimon. The experience was a great blessing, but God made me aware He had other plans for me. My secular career proved rewarding, and in 1981 I was sent to Atlanta to help startup The Weather Channel. I decided to enroll parttime in The Candler School of Theology at Emory University. I thought God was calling, but once again He closed the door. No one had ever started a 24/7-adlib cable television network, so we wrote the “how-todo-it” book from scratch. This meant extremely long workweeks and high stress, especially for our younger employees. Many were single and just beginning their careers, and an unstructured work environment challenged them mentally and emotionally. Many had relocated for the first time so those safe bases they previously touched everyday—family, friends, church, work—suddenly weren’t there any more. One afternoon, a computer artist knocked on my office door. Although I was swamped and my first impulse was to ask him to come back later, I invited him in. Looking back I’m sure it was Hebrews 13:2 God put in my mind. For an hour as he unburdened himself of work-related and personal problems, I listened and asked questions. We discussed alternatives and he thanked me, saying the advice would be helpful. As he got up to leave, he wanted

to ask me a personal question. “I’ve heard you are a Christian. Is that true?” Because of federal law, I couldn’t ask him that, but he could ask me. I replied I was and asked him how he knew. He grinned and said, “We watch and listen. There are a number of Christians among the staff, and it gives us great comfort to know one of our managers is a Christian.” He left and I slumped in my chair wondering what had just happened. He wasn’t an angel, just a fellow looking for some support from a fellow Christian. Then God said to me in a clear voice, “You wanted a ministry and now you’ve got one.” Until I retired ten years later, I tried very hard to be a Christian example at The Weather Channel. Think about this as you go to work tomorrow. Hugh Eaton has brought his vision for ministry without boundaries to the core group of First Pres North. esy of Hugh Photo court


Dr. John R. W. Stott (left) and Hugh Eaton (right) in 1976 discussing what it means to be in ministry.

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college/young adult MINISTRIES

…to CC

ton ay D e

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hrough the spring, we ran an Alpha course on the campus of Colorado College. Partnering with CC students from various campus ministries, I have seen firsthand their passionate love for both Jesus Christ and for their school. I’ve been privileged to see, in action, students like Charis who are committed to figuring out what following Jesus looks like as a student at Colorado College. There’s a call that comes on Charis’ life. And my life. And your life. And the life of this church. “Follow Me.” It comes from the lips of King Jesus. This King who is at work in the world. This King who invites us into his work in the world. It’s the same call you find in the gospel of Mark. Jesus has been going around saying, “Head’s up. Look alive. The Kingdom of God is near.” Then, Jesus turns to Simon Peter and Andrew and says, “Follow me.” One call, two words that when obeyed have turned the world upside down. Follow me. Charis went with the college group to the Urbana Conference this past December. While some people at the conference realized that the “follow me” of Jesus meant they needed to pack their bags for India or Inner city Chicago, for Charis the “follow me” of Jesus meant going home to D.C., packing up her childhood bedroom, driving out to Colorado Springs, and beginning as a winter start at CC. This is her mission field. We can turn our So with intentionality, she lives and loves and studies, neighborhoods, goes to class, and eats in the dining hall. With purpose she our workplaces, runs track and participates in her sorority. With an understanding that the Kingdom of God is near, she converses our city, our with students and professors and enters into relationship world upside with those around her. She embodies this Kingdom that is down. near with an enthralling mix of humility and boldness (I am a Charis-fan in case you can’t tell.). She follows Jesus. Because Jesus is at Colorado College, of course. Long before Charis enrolled and long after she graduates, King Jesus is at work on the campus of CC. Renewing. Redeeming. Restoring. Some 2000 years later, it’s the same message: “Head’s up. Look alive. The Kingdom of God is near.” And the same call, “Follow me.” It’s the kind of message, the kind of call that when embraced can turn Colorado College upside down. It can turn our neighborhoods, our workplaces, our city, our world upside down. Stevens Fellow Katie Dayton is helping First Pres understand what is means to be missional.

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Gladness, Sadness Calling E

ver heard of Gladys Aylward, Jackie Robinson, or William Wilberforce? They’re all famous and they all have something in common. They made an impact on their families, their communities, and the whole world. Most of them lived long before there were things like “career assessment tests,” but somehow they had the vision and the courage to listen to a voice bigger than their own. They understood their vocation—a big word that just means “voice.” Your vocation is your calling, what God created you to be and do with your one life. It’s actually Jesus who invites us to live this way. In John 10:10, He promises us abundant life—life upon life! To really live, He calls us to follow Him into the unique way He made us. You can start listening for your own calling right now. Today, even. Here’s how. Start by watching and listening for what makes you really glad. A pastor named Fredrick Buechner said, “What can we do that makes us the gladdest? I believe that if it is a thing that makes us truly glad, then it is a good thing and it is OUR thing.” But our gladness isn’t all we should be looking for. Another pastor, Mark Batterson, thinks we need to listen to our sadness, too. He says, “Sadness and righteous indignation often reveal our God-ordained passions. What makes you cry? What makes you bang your fist on the table? If you want to discover your ‘calling’, then you need to identify what makes you sad or mad or glad. And somewhere in the sadness, madness or gladness you will find [your vocation] waiting for you.”

By Mona Pineda Gladys Aylward knew she loved the people of China. Hundreds of children were saved in war time due to her courage and faith. Jackie Robinson knew he loved to play baseball. His courage, skill and determination opened the way for other African American men to become stars and heroes. William Wilberforce knew he hated slavery. His courageous and lonely stand for freedom changed and saved the lives of many caught up in the vicious slave trade of the 19th century. What do you love? What makes your heart glad? What makes your heart sad? What makes you pound your fist on the table? What do you want to see changed? What do you delight in? What is your calling? Listen to Jesus’ voice saying, “Follow me the way only you can.” And when you do, you’ll make an impact on your family, your community, and your world. Mona Pineda is a freelance writer and a regular participant in the Soul Care Sunday Community.

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Hearing God

Compiled by Lisa Hughes

Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, unless you become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:1-4 God speaks to us in many ways, through scripture, in our spirits, through the voices of others, and in things around us. The children at First Pres, in the Connection and Route 56, are listening for God’s voice and His presence.

lks to “When I’m sad, he ta

me.” Jack, Age 5

mber and a teacher.

Lisa Hughes is a First Pres me

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Photos by Lisa Hughes

aney, Age 6 he takes care of people.” Del I know God is real “Because we would not have d], and if he wasn’t real, “Everyone talks about [Go church.” Scott, Age 7 Lindsay, Age 9 ss he does through the Bible.” gue I and lot a Him ut abo s “My grandma talk ’s real!” Ian, Age 9 at shows you that he th d an s er ay pr ur yo “He can answer through the Bible because our prayers. He speaks to us rs we ans and s live our h in Jerusalem.” Cameron, “He speaks to us throug whole life and not just then our h oug thr us p hel uld he said words that wo Age 10 word of God and God My dad would speak in the . lot a d lie I 3 s wa I en “I believe that wh Age 10 ough his voice.” Warren, was actually projecting thr something. I heard him in playing on the playground or s wa I en wh me to ng aki “I remember him spe Age 10 nice to the other kids.’” Luke, my brain. Well, he said, ‘Be d through my for me, but I hear Go ain pl ex to rd ha of ng or upset and my “Well, it’s kind ally mad at somethi re t ge st ju I , es im I can hear God family. Somet calm down.’ And, so to ed ne u yo t, en parents say, ‘Tr em.” Trent, Age 11 speaking through th Jenny, Age 12 se prayers might come true.” “Sometimes if you pray, tho

Events Calendar june week of 1–5

Thursday June 3 Summer MOPS begins

week of 6–12

Sunday, June 6 Bible Reading Brunch ESM Food Collection Upward Bound Camp Begins

Tuesday, June 8 Engine Room Prayer Service

Friday, June 11 Marriage Ministry Hoedown Dance

week of 13–19

Sunday, June 13 Compassion Letter Writing Party

Monday, June 14 Hand Bell Camp Begins

Tuesday, June 15 Mongolia Teachers Mission Trip Departs

week of 20–26

Monday, June 21 Upbeat Music Camp Begins

week of 27–30

Join us in Worship on Sundays

Downtown Campus – 219 E. Bijou Blended service with Choir, Sanctuary, 8:20 a.m. & 9:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship band-led, 9:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall and 11:10 a.m. Sanctuary Contemplative Worship, Sanctuary, 5:00 p.m.

First Pres North – da Vinci Academy Contemporary Worship, 11:00 a.m.

First Pres Online – first-pres.org Sanctuary Services live broadcast beginning at 8:20 a.m.

For church information, call 719.884.6144 or mail@first-pres.org

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Building into


More than Building a


219 East Bijou Street Colorado Springs, CO 80903

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Non Profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Colo. Spgs. CO Permit No. 419

719.282.0988 or 719.332.2861

Contact Bill Lucas to Sign up.

Must be at least 16 to participate.

No Experience necessary.

Every Saturday throughout the summer.




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