Winter GTW

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together eat together Building community remains a high value for First Pres, and one of the ways we build community is through the breaking of bread. More than just a time to eat, dinners at GTW are a place to build community. It is a time, during the middle of our busy week, to come together in fellowship and celebration, building relationships and expanding community. In addition, this year’s GTW dinners will feature something special. We will be enjoying meals provided by restaurants in our community, including Bird Dog BBQ, El Taco Rey, KFC and Honey Baked Hams, among others. Each week will be hosted by a new restaurant, and we will also be providing our traditional salad bar. Please make our Wednesday dinners part of the plan for you and your family each week. Dinner: 4:45 to 6:15 p.m. Adults: $6 Children: $3

grow together Classes meet from 3:45 to 5:15 p.m. and 6:15 to 8 p.m., beginning January 7 unless otherwise noted. Children need to be picked up from their programs by 8 p.m. Please be on time.

for more information Link to To register online, click on any of the class titles. You may also contact the Congregational Support Desk at 719-884-6144.

Dear First Pres Family, Our Fall Growing Together Wednesdays was filled with learning, energy and joy! The Chick-fil-A cow and the Domino’s Noid thoroughly delighted our children at dinner. Hundreds of you learned so much about so many things that are helping you grow in your understanding of the Christian life. Our youth met regularly and our choirs practiced to the glory of God. Wednesdays were life-filled and life-changing during the Fall term. We are now looking forward to our Winter Term of Growing Together Wednesdays. Again there will be many opportunities for you to grow in your faith and to explore your calling. You will have the opportunity to dig into God’s Word in classes on Luke and 1 Peter. You can stretch your creative wings by painting or singing or you can engage in something that encourages you in your relationships. Do you have questions or concerns about the culture? There is a class on culture and film and a book discussion on the call to Christians to actually create a culture. And this just scratches the surface! From Bible and theology to the arts and a broad range of topics that equip you to live as a disciple of Jesus, there are classes that will engage us as we all seek to be better prepared to shine as stars, pointing others to our Savior, Jesus Christ. We look forward to seeing you this winter – we know it will be cold outside, but inside we will experience the warmth of God’s Holy Spirit as we seek the growing presence of the living Lord among us. Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, January 7! Eunice (“Junior”) McGarrahan

What’s New for Winter 2014! There are 18 separate offerings for adults and full programs for children and youth this winter. We are again excited to offer a pre-dinner session, beginning at 3:45 p.m., as well as the evening session at 6:15 p.m. On Page 10 you’ll find a summary of all the classes available this winter. You can register online at, or by calling the Congregational Support Desk at 719-884-6144. Also, please take note there will be no GTW classes on Wednesday, February 18, as we observe Ash Wednesday. We hope you’ll join us that night for a special dinner and a special service of worship.

together Bible Study 1. The Gospel of Luke: Living Like Jesus (Session 1, 10 Weeks) 2. The Gospel of Luke: Living Like Jesus (Session 2, 10 weeks) This winter we will continue exploring Luke in our preaching series, and our class will go deeper into this thoughtful Gospel to work together on what it means to follow Jesus in our own lives. Please purchase N.T. Wright’s Luke for Everyday Life as we will use it as our commentary. There will also be a few copies to borrow in the library. Led by Junior McGarrahan


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3. H.O.P.E. — Hearts of Peace for Eternity: A Bible Study for Recovering Women (Session 2, 10 weeks) Jesus consistently offers hope and growth to those who seek Him! In this Bible study, women who struggle with alcohol and/or drug addiction will find warm support and Biblical teaching to offer hope and growth in their ongoing journey to wholeness. For more information, contact Kim Costello at 719-337-7572 or academyframe@gmail. com.

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4. Resident Aliens: A Study of 1 Peter (Session 2, 10 weeks) This first letter from Peter to the First Century churches describes what life is like for Christians who live in a society that does not know God. In this study you will take a practical look at 1 Peter. You will learn how to dig into the Bible for yourself, process what God is saying to you with others and take practical steps to put the Word into practice. Whether you’re a lifelong Bible student or have never done anything remotely like this before, this class is for you! Led by Bob Ewell

Theology 5. Thinking About the Church (Session 2, 10 weeks) When we think of worship, we focus on the things we do in worship. But, we also need to think about who we are when we leave worship. How does worship shape our theology? How does it influence what we think of the church? In this class we will think about what a Biblical and robust theology of worship looks like. As well, using The Chicago Call: An Appeal to Evangelicals (1977), we will explore several other theological challenges facing evangelicals, including issues of Biblical fidelity, creedal identity and church unity. Led by Christopher Morton, PhD.

Discipleship and Christian Living 6. Dealing with Trauma and Codependency Issues (Session 1, Seven weeks) 7. Dealing with Trauma and Codependency Issues (Session 2, Seven weeks) Trauma and day-to-day stress and distress can create survival patterns that inhibit healthy relationships with self, others

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and God. Goals of this workshop include discovering how to identify patterns that interfere with accomplishing relationship goals and learning how to break free of old, outdated behaviors. Led by Christie Lee, Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor 8. Doorways Membership Class (Session 2, Four weeks, beginning February 25) Have you been attending First Pres and feel ready to put down roots in our community of faith? Our pastoral staff will help you explore the essentials of the faith, affirm the Scriptures as our foundation, discover the distinctives of First Pres and learn how to connect into the life of the church. Small group leaders will guide you throughout the sessions. Becoming a Covenant Partner will enable you to live out your faith in intentional community and mission. Register online or call Sue at 719-884-6140. For more information call Mary at 719-884-6189. Led by Mary Frieg and First Pres ministers 9. Equip to Serve Refugees (Session 2, Five weeks) The number of legal refugees in Colorado Springs grows almost weekly. Reaching out to support these new neighbors is a rare privilege that also has unique challenges. This class will help participants understand the common issues refugees face, as well as gain skills to effectively walk beside them: cross cultural communication, navigating local 12. systems, special cultural considerations, ideas for reaching out and the role of faith. Building community among those serving refugees will be encouraged. Led by various refugee aides 10. Elder Training (Session 2, Five weeks beginning February 11) For those coming on Session for 2015, this will be a time to prepare for your new leadership role. Led by Jennifer Holz

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11. Growing Your Marriage Through Dating (Session 2, 10 Weeks) This class will meet together as a group every other week beginning Wednesday, January 7. On the off weeks, couples are encouraged to drop their kids at the church and go on a date together in the downtown area to practice what they are learning. This class will cover areas of spirituality, communication and conflict management, navigating your family system, disciplining your children (for those who have children), finances and more. Great for married couples or those couples soon-to-be married! Led by members of Young Families Core Team 12. Mending Broken Hearts (Session 2, Seven weeks beginning January 21) This course is focused on issues facing people as they go through divorce or the end of a serious relationship. The format includes presentations to the whole group followed by discussion in small groups facilitated by trained leaders. The cost is $10. Registration is open for the first two sessions only. Led by Scott Heinz, Dee Martz, and Kendra Betts 13. Moms Empowered (Session 2, 10 weeks) Whether you are the mom of a newborn, a preschooler, a “tween”, a teen or an adult child, no doubt you need a community of other moms who can help support you in the midst of the season you’re in and help prepare you for the seasons yet to come! In Moms Empowered, we will gather together as a multigenerational group of moms and share our lives and our stories. We will study God’s Word together and glean wisdom from the scriptures and from various speakers. Led by Ruth Zschoche

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14. Parenting with Love and Logic (Session 2, Eight weeks) Easy to use techniques that will help you raise responsible children who are fun to be around! The cost is $30 for materials. Led by David and Susan Strehlow 15. Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood (Session 2, 10 Weeks) In this DVD-based series Dennis Rainey, along with Matt Chandler, Bill Bennett, Tony Dungy, Robert Lewis, Voddie Baucham, Stu Weber and others unpack what Biblical manhood looks like and what it means to be a godly, courageous man in today’s world. Through engaging stories, expert teaching, humorous vignettes, man-on-the-street interviews and personal insights, these men’s ministry leaders call every man to become courageous leaders in their own lives, marriages, churches and communities. This class includes small group discussion and each participant will need to purchase a workbook ($15). Facilitated by members of the Men’s Leadership Team 16. The Sanctuary Choir (meets year around, 6:15 to 8 p.m.) The Sanctuary choir welcomes all who love to sing and praise God through worship. We enjoy singing a wide variety of music, not only for weekly worship services, but also for concert settings during the special seasons of the year. Led by our Minister of Music, Jim DeJarnette, this community of all ages enthusiastically prepares music and leads worship all the while gaining a depth of understanding of scripture through music.

Art and Culture 17. Art and God’s Creation (Session 2, Five weeks) During this course participants will have the opportunity to express their reflections on God’s creation through the medium of watercolor. This class is open to middle school and older who have had some experience with watercolor painting. Participants will need to purchase and bring to the 8 | gtw/winter • 2014

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first class the following supplies: (1) a watercolor pan set or tube set, (2) student watercolor paper 140 lbs. or heavier, (3) flat brushes: small, medium and large, (4) paper towels, and (5) a water bowl. Led by Kang Lee Brown, artist 18. Brass Ensemble (4:30 to 5:30 p.m., 10 weeks) The First Pres Brass Ensemble is open to experienced adults and advanced high school brass players. This group performs in worship and seasonal activities September through May. Contact Steve Hock at 488-9791 or for further information. 19. Film, Theology and Cultural Discernment (Session 2, 10 weeks) So you love movies…great! We do, too. But how do we think theologically about the stories we see on screen? How do we nurture godly discernment in our lives and in the lives of our kids when it comes to pop culture? We’ll explore these and other questions you bring. Movies will be assigned each week to watch at home. Among the movies we will discuss are Noah, 42, Jurassic Park, Dead Poets’ Society and Gravity. A panel discussion with the staff of rounds out our time together. First 5 weeks Led by Adam and Jennifer Holz • Second 5 weeks led by Adam Holz and Matt Fox 20. Shelf Life (Session 2, 10 weeks) This class will be a participatory book discussion group. Andy Crouch’s book, Culture-Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling, is a substantial call to Christians to engage in creating a culture that reflects God’s will for God’s world. Instead of complaining about it, Crouch encourages Christians to create life-giving culture in partnership with God’s own making and transforming of culture. Culture is what we make of the world, both in creating cultural artifacts as well as in making sense of the world around us. By making chairs and omelets, languages and laws, we participate in the good work of culture making. Participants will need a copy of the book which is available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats. Led by Kirk Cherry

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Class Title



Page #

Book Purchase Book Purchase



The Gospel of Luke: Living Like Jesus

Session 1


The Gospel of Luke: Living Like Jesus

Session 2



Session 2



Resident Aliens

Session 2



Thinking About the Church

Session 2



Dealing with Trauma

Session 1



Dealing with Trauma

Session 2




Session 2



Equip to Serve Refugees

Session 2



Elder training

Session 2



Growing Your Marriage

Session 2



Mending Broken Hearts

Session 2



MOMS Empowered

Session 2



Parenting with Love & Logic

Session 2



Stepping Up

Session 2



The Sanctuary Choir

Session 2



Art and God’s Creation

Session 2



Brass Ensemble

4:30 to 5:30 p.m.



Film and Theology

Session 2



Shelf Life

Session 2



What’s in the Bible?

Session 2



Children’s Choir

Session 2



Student Ministries

Session 2




Session 1 3:45 – 5:15 pm Session 2 6:15 – 8 pm

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Tuesday Night Offering Financial Peace University (6:15 to 8 p.m., Nine weeks starting January 6) Dave Ramsey breaks through the common financial jargon and explains how money really works in a simple, easy-to-understand style. You’ll actually have fun as you learn more about saving, budgeting, investing, insurance and more! Cost is $90 for all materials and FPU membership. Led by Abe Klassen and Louise Carlson

The First Pres Library is OPEN each Wednesday night. If you are in between classes, or waiting for your children to be done with their programs… have a seat in the library, surf the Internet, read a book or journal.

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Children’s Ministries Nursery is provided for infants, crawlers and toddlers in the First and Second floor nursery rooms. Please pre-register your children.

21. Wednesdays, 6:15 to 8 p.m. (Ten weeks) Join us for a fun filled journey through the Bible for kids in grades K to 4 who aren’t joining a choir. We will dig into the Bible with the What’s in The Bible Church Edition curriculum.

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22. First Pres. Children’s Choirs – Wednesdays 6:15 to 8 p.m. Children’s choirs are for pre-school through Fourth grade students. Choirs will learn about God and worshiping Him through music and singing. The fundamentals of music will be taught through songs, games, theory, ear training and more. Registration required for all choirs Pre-K: Lamb Singers: 3 to 4 year olds entering Kindergarten in Fall 2016 * Angel Singers: 4 to 5 year olds entering Kindergarten in Fall 2015 * *3 to 5 year old children meet 6:15 to 6:45 p.m. Childcare provided until 8 p.m. Kindergarten to Fourth grade: Kindergarten and First grade choir Second to Fourth grade choir Choirs perform throughout the semester in worship and semester concerts. SPRING CONCERT: Friday, March 13, at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Look on the First Pres Website,, for more details and information about each choir. Contact Children’s Music with questions at 884-6173.

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Student Ministries 23. Fifth and Sixth GRADES 6:15 to 8 p.m. Route 56 meets year around on Wednesday nights in the Weber Street Center – Spruce Room. Visit our Website at for information. Co-Leaders: Collin Grant, 884-6209, and Allen Hunter, 884-6221,

Route 56 and I-78 choir 4:45 to 6:15 p.m. – in the Youth Choir room (basement of Sanctuary) – performs in services and at the annual children’s ‘Breakfast in Bethlehem’ Advent play. Seventh and Eighth GRADES 6:15 to 8:00 p.m. I-78 meets year around on Wednesday nights in the Weber Street Center – Cedar Room. Visit our Website at for information. I-78 Co-Leaders: Collin Grant, 884-6209, cgrant@first-pres. org and Allen Hunter, 884-6221,

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High School 7:30 to 9 p.m. HSM (High School Ministry) meets year around on Wednesday nights in the Weber Street Center – Aspen Room. Visit our Website at for information. High School Leader: Scott Boss, 884-6216 or

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Small Communities

God created us for community! At First Pres we are committed to creating and supporting communities that worship, send and serve. Check out these opportunities to join a group:  A variety of small communities meet in homes or cafes around the city or at First Pres. Visit the First Pres Website for the most up-to-date information at smallcommunities.  eGTW –Thanks to our partnership with RightNow Media, we have the ability to stream great content and courses right into your living room, through your smart phones and wherever or whenever your small community meets. We recommend these, but there are more than 2,000 to choose from: • Kingdom Come: Gospel of Luke, J. D. Greear (supplemental to the First Pres sermon series on Luke) • The Reason for God: Conversations on Faith & Life, Tim Keller • Sticky Faith: Parent Curriculum, Dr. Kara Powell • Intimate Marriage, Dan Allender Contact Ina Meyer at to set up your account.

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Orthodoxy REFLECTIONS ON THE APOSTLES’ CREED Join us on Wednesday nights after Easter as we study the Apostles’ Creed.

April 8 to May 6 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.

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Wednesday Nights Registration – Winter 2015 Registration for classes and activities for each person is requested. Please register online* or return the registration card as early as possible to the Congregational Support desk. Pre-registration is required for some adult classes and there may be a cost for materials. Payment is requested in advance. For more information call 719-884-6144. Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. ____________________________Course ________________________ Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. ____________________________Course ________________________ Child Name _______________________ Age ____ Course _________________________ Child Name _______________________ Age ____ Course _________________________ Child Name _______________________ Age ____ Course _________________________ Child Name _______________________ Age ____ Course _________________________ Do you need nursery care? Number of children _______________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________State ______Zip ___________________________ Phone (w) _________________________Phone (h) ________________________________ Email Address ______________________________________________________________ Payment Enclosed ___________________________________________________________ *To register, click on any of the class titles on the GTW page at Nursery is provided for infants, crawlers and toddlers in the First and Second floor nursery rooms. Please pre-register your children. P H O N E TO CO N G R E G AT I O N A L S U P P O R T D E S K 719 - 884 - 6144.

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