This catalogue shows the results of the workshop ´
at Rudolf-Hildebrand-Schule, Markkleeberg/Germany. The workshop took place in 2012. In 10 lessons, each 90 min long, the pupils learned to use a 3D- world running on a local Windows-based (XP, Vista, 7) Opensimulator at school. They got homework to complete online in ´The Primexplorer Grid´ … - we selected as the ´Primexplorer Grid´ an educational environment, called Yunis. Yunis addresses persons aged 10 to 14. Yunis is part of the initative „3D-Bildungsraum“. For more information look at Dont hestitate to ask for a workshop at your school VISIT Arbeitsgemeinschaft für integrierte Weiterbildung e.V. non-profit organization for education and training in New Technologies and Art (Kunstinformatik) Sternwartenstr. 6 04103 Leipzig, Germany Vorstand: Benjamin Hirlinger HR Leipzig VR 3677
Contact: Reiner Schneeberger Phone: +49 341 3576694 Mobile: +49 171 2077087 E-Mail: