April media 2015

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April 2015

The Media is produced monthly by First United Methodist Church, Sioux Falls, S.D. A sanctuary of Christian hope, love and encouragement in the heart of Sioux Falls.

“I have seen the Lord” ~ Mary Magdalene What a revelation, Mary, the first disciple to preach the gospel, ran back to the other disciples and declared: “I have seen the Lord” We celebrate the wonder of that morning each and every week we celebrate the life of Christ. Easter Sunday, however, is our day to shout it as loud as we can, to proclaim that Christ is Lord and Christ is alive, even after death. We sing, we dance, we celebrate because the light of life wins over the darkness of death. That celebration is in and of itself, a rebellion. When we think of the word Rebellion, we think of armed resistance of a government, of violence and war. Throughout lent, Pastor Bob and I have been preaching and teaching about the Rebel Jesus, who taught a different kind of Revolution. This is the kind of revolution that proclaims that

violence doesn’t win, that money is not important, that power doesn’t bring happiness, this is the kind of revolution that in truth claims that death is not the end, but that life wins. The revolution of Resurrection is what we continue to celebrate and to proclaim. This is the hope that we speak of as a congregation here in the heart of Sioux Falls. The hope that even in the darkest places of our lives, God is present and life-giving. Throughout April you will hear more and more about our MCCI process and the different prescriptions, from making worship even more excellent to a deep and thorough understanding of

PASTOR SARA McMANUS Associate Pastor First United Methodist Church

discipleship in all generations. We are looking forward to our May Day event on May 2. We will gather together as a congregation and friends to spread that love and joy of Christ that we celebrate in Easter. Christ’s resurrection changed the world and so our job, as true disciples of Christ is to work toward the wonder of a community affected by our presence. Let us truly be like Mary and tell Sioux Falls about the hope that comes in seeing the Lord. Bring your friends and let’s show the world the love of Christ.

Holy Week

Palm Sunday, March 29 - Donkey Parade at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday Worship, April 1 - 6:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Services, April 2 - 12:00 & 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Services, April 3 - 12:00 & 7:00 p.m.

Easter Sunday

6:30 a.m. Sunrise Service at Falls Park 8:00 a.m. Traditional Service - 9:15 a.m. Praise Service 11:00 a.m. Blended Service

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Mayday Sioux Falls! ~ Lynne Jones This is a huge way for us to be out in the community, being the hands and feet of Jesus. It is also an easy way to invite others to join you. No pressure to attend church, just come help us serve our community. It will take our entire church to make this happen. There are four ways for you to be involved and I am asking each member to sign up for at least one:

Sign Up to Pray

Sign Up to Serve

Pray that our work changes lives…not only the lives of THOSE WE SERVE, but the lives of THOSE WHO SERVE.

Sign Up to Give

Sign up to Buy

Sign up to work on an S.O.S. (Serving Outrageously In Sioux Falls) Team

Monetary donations to cover the cost of:

We need the following supplies donated:

• On-line at maydaysiouxfalls.org

• Mayday Sioux Falls T-shirts for participants

• Supplies for hygiene kits*

• Celebration luncheon

• Supplies for EMS worker treat bags*

• At the Sign Up Station • Emailing Lynne Jones at jonesl@sfumc.org

• Supplies for hygiene kits • Supplies for EMS worker treat bags • Supplies for Blessing Bags • Additional expenses

• Supplies for Blessing Bags* • Water bottles for S.O.S Teams • Gallon-sized ziploc bags

*list of supplies available on our website and at the Sign Up Station Recently someone shared a quote with me, and while I don’t know who the author is, it has really resonated with me as we move through our Renegade Gospel sermon series: “Great things never came from comfort zones.” The Rebel Jesus asks us to step out of our comfort zone. The Rebel Jesus calls us to show others who He is to us. The Rebel Jesus calls us to serve. This is an opportunity to plant seeds that will grow and bear much fruit. This is an opportunity to show others who Jesus is. This is an opportunity to expectantly look for, and see, Jesus in our community. This is an opportunity to BE the difference in Sioux Falls. Join us as we Serve Outrageously in Sioux Falls on May 2.

- 5th grade will step back in time at “Hometown Nazareth”, exploring what it was like to live in the town where Jesus grew up.

This summer our VBS event is called “Hometown Nazareth” and will be hosted here June 8 - June 11, 9 am -12 pm. Children entering Kindergarten

Kids and adults participate in a memorable Bible-times marketplace, sing catchy songs, play teamworkbuilding games, dig into Bible-times snacks, visit Jesus’ mom, Mary, and collect Bible Memory Makers to remind them of God’s Word.

Plus, everyone learns to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes at Celebration—a time of upbeat worship that gets everyone involved. Make plans now to join us. Adults and students 6th grade and up you can also be a part of this amazing experience check us out online or in the church office.

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TRIPLE F to Tour the State Theatre 316 S. Philips Ave. Tuesday, April 21, 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to meet in the theatre lobby for a tour of the downtown State Theatre. See and hear the future plans for this beautiful Sioux Falls landmark. Dessert will be served in the Fireplace Room after the tour. Please RSVP by April 19: Gary & Jane Healy (334-7916) jheitman22@hotmail.com Dennis & Mary Lu Green (361-1860) greendm@midco.net *State Theatre donations (optional) may be given the evening of our tour.

Faith, Hope & Love In Action

Spring is in the air and now is the time for United Methodist Women’s Focus Days. Focus Day is April 18th at the Canton United Methodist Church. Registration begins at 8:30 am and the event should be done by 1:00 pm. This is a great chance to meet other women who are active in UMW and learn more about our mission studies and projects. It is a great time to venture out so let’s load up the cars and do a road trip to Canton! We are organizing car pools to make it more fun, so contact Mary Jane Richardson at maryjane@sio.midco.net or 940-1414 to reserve a spot in a car pool.


April 16, 2015 Circle Meetings:

Anna ~ 9:30 a.m. ~ Marion Manning Rachel ~ Marge Seiler/Dow Rummel Rose Room ~ 9:30 a.m. Sarah ~ 10:00 a.m. ~ Sunny Crest Village Nancy ~ 6:00 p.m. Square Foot Gardening class (open to all at our church) see article below for more information. Rebecca ~ Fireplace Room ~ 7:00 p.m.

All Are Welcome:

Do you like to garden but do not have the time or space? Please join the members of Nan circle April 16 at 6 p.m. at First United Methodist Church for a square foot gardening class with Joyce Swanson. The cost of the class is $30. Please mail checks to Joyce by March 25. Class will be $35 after that. Joyce Swanson, 27450 481 Ave.Canton, SD 57013 (605) 359-0191 In case you are unfamiliar with Square Foot Gardening, here is some info on it: It uses very little space, as little as 4 feet x 4 feet. Here is an example of what you can harvest from a 4 x 4 box: 1 head of cabbage, 1 head of broccoli, 1 head of cauliflower, 4 heads of romaine lettuce, 4 heads of red lettuce, 4 heads of leaf lettuce, 4 heads of salad lettuce, 5 pounds sugar peas, 3 bunches Swiss chard, 9 bunches spinach, 16 small carrots, 16 beets, 16 long carrots, 32 radishes. • With no tilling, you get 100% of the harvest, use 20% of the space, use less water, use 5% of the seed and do 2% of the work. • This method has almost no weeds, is easier to water, looks pretty, and makes gardening fun again. In the workshop, we discuss this gardening method and practice putting together a 4 x 4 box. We practice filling it so it is ready for planting, so you will know how to do the process when you get home.

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Slow Down and Reflect It is so hard to believe that the school year is wrapping up so quickly. I feel that every year it goes by a little faster. It feels like just yesterday that I was meeting the 6th graders for the first time and now they are preparing to enter 7th grade. It is crazy to think about how time passes us by. It amazes me how much we all miss because we are too focused on the next task or what is ahead to see what is right in front of us. This Lenten season I have been reflecting on how to slow down so that I can see the world through Christ’s eyes instead of a schedule. Let’s take time to breath so that we don’t miss an opportunity to show Christ’s love to others. I want to encourage today and always to take the time breathe and see the world through Christ’s eyes. I learned something this past month and that is not to miss the opportunities God has put right in front of my face. This is a lesson I have been teaching the youth as well. Don’t be so busy with your

life that you miss an opportunity to share the love of Christ with another person. The youth have been busy bees this month. They have been learning about Jesus Death, Jesus Last words, Jesus Forgives Peter, The calling of the Disciples and Jesus calms the storms. We have been able to break into three small groups as opposed to two. The youth asked if they could have three and it seems to be working well. As they have been learning about Jesus’ final days and the disciples they have been having great discussions about faith. I think we have a few future pastors in the youth program. They were disappointed this month when we weren’t going offsite for our Second Wednesday Service Opportunity but they were happy to be able get some things done around the church. They have such a heart for service that it shines in all they do. I am so proud of them and all that God is doing in their lives.

ALI McCORMICK Confirmation & Middle High Youth Leader First United Methodist Church

The month of April comes with some new and exciting things for the youth to do. The youth are going to be learning about the Very Good News, Mission and Light. This will also be a preparation for the Orlando trip in June. The youth will attending Lifelight tours on April 29th. We are going to be doing a prayer walk in the neighborhood on April 8th from 7-8. I want to invite all to join us we will meet in the Fellowship Hall immediately following Wednesday Alive Service. This is a great way to be in contact with the neighborhood and pray that God breaks through. Thanks for all the love and support you have shown the youth. We couldn’t do this without all your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for the youth and their faith development.

Belgian Waffle Breakfast It is hard to believe that in a few short weeks the 8th graders will be getting confirmed. This class of 8th graders is an incredible class in fact they are the first class that I have been with for three years. I can’t help but be amazed at how far each of them has come since the day I first met them in 6th grade. They have grown and matured in their faith journey over the last three years. These

students are ready for the next step in their faith journey. Please keep Bailee Wescott, Kennedy Knuth, Jack Brenneman, Caden Sheets and Alyssa Munce in your prayers as they prepare to take the next step in their faith journey. Thanks to all of the people who have and will continue to pour encouragement into these students. You have been a huge part of forming who they are today.

Sunday, May 3, 2015 Serving 8:30am -12:30pm Enjoy our Belgian waffles and ham. A variety of toppings and syrups including low sugar options. Reservations available so invite your friends. This is a fundraiser for your Kidstop After School Program.

April 2015 . The Media • 2015 • Page 5

April Mission of the Month

Fresh Produce to the ARCH Halfway House Mission of the month for April is our mission; it’s a 3’fer. First, we support local agriculture.

Second, we support the Arch Halfway House.

Third, we support eating healthy, fresh vegetables.

Since hearing the call of God 8 years ago our farmer, Tim DeLoof of Premier Produce, began to grow food instead of flowers. He repurposed his greenhouses and fields, and he worked on solving the problems. Now he’s harvesting vegetables 24 weeks of the year. That alone is worth supporting, but it gets better. Premier Produce harvests produce each week and delivers shares, enough to feed a family of 4.

Remember ten years ago, few of us at First United Methodist Church knew anything about the Arch even though it’s our next door neighbor. What changes we’ve seen in ourselves. Now we know that the arch serves 40 men—all of whom need a friend. Our mission project is befriending those men with fresh, locally produced produce 24 weeks a year. Our goal is to feed all 40 men, 10 shares ($450 x 10 shares = $4500).

For all the same effort, we join with nutrition experts everywhere. Locally grown farm fresh produce is available for your family in all the same ways. We invite you to join some neighbors and have Premier Produce deliver their product to your families. Alternatively, frequent the farmers market and, either way, put the benefit on your table and into your diet.


Sunday, April 12, 6:30 pm, Lewis Friendship Room Please use the Duluth Street Entrance. Doors will be unlocked between 6 - 6:40pm.

“Of Gods and Men”

Based on the Algerian Civil War (1991-2002), “Of Gods and Men”is a 2010 French drama film directed by Xavier Beauvois, starring Lambert Wilson and Michael Lonsdale. The title refers to a verse from the Bible (Psalm 82:6-7). The story centers on the monastery of Tibhirine, where nine Trappist monks live in harmony with the largely Muslim population of Algeria. It is largely the story of a peaceful situation between local Christians and Muslims preceding the decay of government, expansion of terrorism, and the monks’ confrontation with both the terrorists and the government authorities. The film premiered at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival where it won the Grand Prix, the festivals second most prestigious award. It later won both the Lumiere Award and Cesar Award for Best Film. The language is french. However, the subtitles are easy to read and are soon forgotten as the story compels your attention. This movie based on a true event will challenge your faith and understanding of what Jesus meant when he said “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24. The monks’ faithfulness in worship, simplicity of life style and care for one another and the community they serve will inspire you. Come join us for this inspirational film. Bring your favorite movie snack to share. Coffee and fruit punch is provided.

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Care Packages for College Students

It’s hard to believe that exam week for our college and high school students will be here soon.

As an extension of our Caring Ministries, we will once again be sending Finals Week Care Packages to our members who are in college or technical school. And this spring, we will also be extending this tangible expression of prayer and care to our high school seniors! This is a stressful time for these students and we want them to know

Coordinator of Congregational Care / Ministry Partners First United Methodist Church

their church is thinking of them and praying for them. There are several ways you can help: • If you are a parent of a high school senior, or a student in college or technical school, please complete one of the information sheets located at the Sign Up Station so we know to whom the packages should be sent. • Purchase items on the Needs List, also located at the Sign Up Station. Items can be dropped off in the church office anytime before April

American Ideal Encore!

Pastor Bob was so moved by the Children’s Choirs’ February 8th presentation of American Ideal that he has asked us to share parts of it at all three worship services on April 19th! Mark your calendars now and make plans to attend this special and powerful service! It is such a joy to work with the children of our church and help them use music to praise God and share His love with others. But after 17 years, I have decided to “retire” from coordinating our weekly children’s music ministry. I have spent a lot of time in prayer about this over the last year, and it has not been an easy decision. This has been a huge part of my life for a long time. But I know that it is time for others to step in and continue the wonderful music program we have here, and God is leading me in new ministry directions within our church. I will continue to lead our summer music camps, as they are something very near and dear to my heart, and are an important outreach ministry. I truly appreciate the support I have received from my choir families and this congregation over the years. I am forever grateful to God for the opportunities He has given me with children and music, and know that He will continue to bless our children’s choirs going forward. Lynne Jones


30. Please designate them for the Finals Week Care Packages. • Write a note of encouragement and support, or a favorite Scripture. During this stressful time, it means a lot to receive a note of prayer or encouragement, even from someone they don’t know. • There will also be an opportunity to help put the care packages together at a later date. Contact Lynne Jones for additional information.

Join us for Lunch Sunday, April 19 The Points of Light singing group, under the direction of Kathy Mah, would like to extend an invitation to all to a free luncheon in the fellowship hall at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 19. We will be serving chili, soup, bread, and a delicious dessert and also will sing a couple of songs for you. We hope you can join us for the fellowship.

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CareFirst Teams As we continue to grow as a welcoming and caring congregation, we are seeking people to help the Pastoral Care staff keep connected with the many needs and concerns of our members. We are developing CareFirst Teams for each worship service time, who will serve as the “eyes and ears” for that service and be another layer of caring by: • • • •

watching for people who haven’t been in church for a few weeks seeking out visitors and guests to welcome them to the service making the Pastoral Care staff aware of joys and concerns that come up during conversations making phone calls or sending cards as needed and appropriate

The structure looks like this:

Pastoral Staff Congregational Care Staff

8:00 Service CareFirst Lay Coordinator

9:15 Service CareFirst Lay Coordinator

11:00 Service CareFirst Lay Coordinator

Wed. 6:30 Service CareFirst Lay Coordinator

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

Ministry Partner

1 John 3:18-19 tells us “18 Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. 19 Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God.” (NLT) During your breakthrough prayer time over the next few weeks, please ask God for guidance as you consider taking a larger role in showing God’s love to others by serving in this important ministry. For more information, or to become a part of our new CareFirst Team, either as a Lay Coordinator or Ministry Partner for a specific service, contact Lynne Jones at jonesl@sfumc.org.

Wedded Band

Wedded Band will meet at the Original Pancake House on April 1st at 12:00 p.m.

The S.A.G.E.S.

Senior Adults: Growing, Exploring, Serving The S.A.G.E.S. will meet on Wednesday, April 8, 11:30 a.m. -1 p.m. in the Round Table Dining Room. Fred Bryner will give a presentation on “Running From the Holocaust.” Laurice Iseminger will lead us in devotions. PLEASE NOTE: The $5 meal reservation deadline is Monday, April 6, at 4 p.m. Please call the church office at 336-3652. We crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for yesterday and fear of tomorrow.

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Banquet Breakfast Ministry Thank you to our March volunteers, our March Breakfast was a success! Please mark your calendars as we prepare for our April Breakfast on April 28th. If you haven’t volunteered for this ministry, we would love to have you join us! Please let the church office or Pastor Sara know if you’d like to prepare (6 volunteers needed at 5:30 a.m.) or serve (25 volunteers needed at 6:30 a.m.) If you would like to know more, please contact Pastor Sara (pastorsara@sfumc.org). First United Methodist Church is pleased to offer not one, but

TWO MUSIC CAMPS this summer!


Isaiah Jones and the Seekers of the Lost Christmas Treasure

JULY 13-17, 2015 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM


ONE SHOW ONLY! JULY 17, 2015 7:00 PM


God of This City JULY 27-31, 2015 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

ONE SHOW ONLY! JULY 31, 2015 6:30 PM

Cost is $5 per child/max. $10 per family. Fee is waived with minimum 2 hour volunteer commitment prior to or during music camp. Scholarships are available. Register online beginning May 1 at www.sfumc.org. Auditions for speaking parts and solos will take place in early June. Details will be posted on the website beginning May 1. Contact Lynne Jones at 336-3652 or jonesl@sfumc.org for more information.

I would like to thank everyone for such a warm welcome to the building and the community. Thanks to Dennis DeGroot for all the help getting me up to speed with operating the building. All of the church servants that help me with special projects throughout the building are the best. Thank you to the staff for being such an amazing support tool and being so warm and inviting. I truly look forward to growing with First United Methodist Church. Jacob Forstein Building and Grounds Manager

The Church office will be closed on Monday, April 6th for Easter Monday. Thank you, FUMC Staff

April 2015 . The Media • 2015 • Page 9

OUR CHURCH FAMILY Our Sympathy to the families of: Don Veglahn (husband of Nancy), Ray Muchow, Larry Leiferman (father of Ron Leiferman & cousin of Carol Leiferman), Stanley Meyer (sonin-law of Irene Schryver), Viola McTague (mother of Tim (Deb) McTague) Sanford Hospitalized: Bev Halbritter Shirley Weeks-Frevik Maxine Duba Donna Roberts Avera McKennan Pat Hornseth Avery Van Ginkle Sharon Reinhardt Rodney Gist Tracy Lemme Troy Lobbins Patricia Waring Hospice: Dianne Wagner (Dougherty House), Cheryl Norine

ATTENDANCE REPORT 3/1/15 - 503 3/8/15 - 410 3/15/15 - 495 3/22/15 - 494 2015 Year to Date Average: 461

February 2015 FINANCIAL SNAPSHOT Income Received ................................................. $85,616 Expenses ............................................................. $104,963 Balance................................................................. $-19,347 Pledges/Income YTD Budget YTD % Budget $ Pledges Income 138,907 $133,666 104% $ Unpledged Income $16,001 26,334 61% Loose Offering $832 $1,666 50% Capital Income $3,231

Births: Greta Jane Kulbel (daughter of Justin & Jaclyn Kulbel) Hidden Saints: Thank you George Niimi for picking up garbage around church property. Thank you to Myron Fuerst for driving the bus on extra Sundays.

Staff Focus of the Month Tim Driscoll We welcome Tim Driscoll to our staff as our part time custodian! Tim’s regular work week will be Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. until Noon. His main focus is general cleaning each day with assigned special projects. Tim and his wife, Debi have a dog and 2 cats at home and he is semi-retired. Tim has worked custodial and maintenance jobs for 20 plus years. He has worked for different school districts and for the Banquet. Tim has one adult son who lives in Round Lake Minnesota. When he is not working, he enjoys bowling, fishing, grilling, bike riding, sports, working out and family time. Please help us in welcoming Tim Driscoll to the staff at First United Methodist Church.

All May Media articles are due by Wednesday, april 22nd. The May Media will be mailed on Wednesday, april 29th.

First United Methodist Church 401 S. Spring Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104-4398 605-336-3652

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #606 Sioux Falls, SD

E-mail: fumc@sfumc.org Website: www.sfumc.org Address Service Requested

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UMCOR HEALTH KITS We want to thank everyone who has donated items for our layette kits, while we are still collecting items for the layette kits, for the next 3 months we are going to feature the UMCOR Heath Kits. It is hard to believe not having the basic health necessities, but there are times in this country as well as around the world when people are in need of these items. Here are the supplies needed for the Health Kits: 1. 1 hand towel • 15 x 25 inches to 17 x 27 inches; • Kitchen, cleaning, and microfiber towels not acceptable. 2. 1 washcloth

3. 1 comb • Comb needs to be sturdy and longer than 6 inches long; • No pocket combs or picks please; • Rattail combs and combs without handles are acceptable with a minimum of 6 inches of teeth. 4. 1 metal nail file or nail clippers • No emery boards, please. 5. 1 bath-size soap • 3 oz. and larger sizes only; • No Ivory or Jergens soap due to moisture content; • Do not remove from original packaging. 6. 1 toothbrush • Adult size only;

• Do not remove from original packaging. 7. 6 adhesive bandages • ¾ inch to 1 inch-size; • Common household BandAids. 8. 1 plastic bag • One-gallon size sealable bag only. 9. $1 to purchase toothpaste Please bring these items to the church office during April, May and June. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mary Jane Richardson at maryjane@sio.midco.net or 940-1414.

H.O.S.T. Group for May 2015 Our monthly H.O.S.T. groups were created so that every family will take one month when they will help our church share in radical hospitality! You will have team shepherds for your month. They will be following up with you as well. This is a great way to be in ministry as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Here are the hospitality opportunities: • Being a greeter at one of our worship services. • Helping with other hospitality opportunities sponsored by the church during May. • Helping to provide food for funeral lunches. The goal of this ministry is for every family to help in our ministry of radical hospitality for one month a year. We all know that the more people involved in our hospitality ministry will help us have a greater impact to share the love of Jesus Christ and help support the ministry of our church. Thank you for sharing in this important ministry. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us here at the church office.

May HOST Group: Leland & Cynthia Aman Dean Bacon Roger & Lora Barthelman Rodney & Verlene Birger Richard Breum Bob & Mary Carlson Connie Colwill Tom & Leisa Davis Sally Dossett Marie Elkin Leoris Fallon Myron & Bonnie Fuerst Darwin & Bev Gunderson Rick & Julie Hanssen

Charlene Henle Nancy Hoskins Tim Hurley Mark & Elizabeth Jensen Don & Lynne Jones Arthur & Jackie Kriens Ron Leiferman Grace MacArthur Daniel & Sharon McAllister Diana Meyer Elwood & Patricia Moore Charles & Jessica Nicols Ryan Otto Carolyn Post

Dennis & Lucille Reents Don & Joyce Rosenberg Ken & Janet Schafer Karrie Schroeder Kent Scribner Rosemary Sigler Katherine Sorenson Chad & Megan Straatmeyer Pam Taylor-Jansa Susan Ullom Clare & Carolyn Vollan Jim & Pat Waring Dennis & Cheryl White

We are looking to this group for these opportunities for May: We are still looking for Shepherds for May. If you’re interested in serving in this capacity, please call the church office at 336-3652. A sign up sheet available in the Sign Up Binder for you to volunteer for a certain task on a specific Sunday or Wednesday. Otherwise you are welcome to call the church office to volunteer to be a greeter or Wednesday evening meal server in the month of May. If you are interested in helping at the Welcome Center please contact Kris Graham or the church office for more information. If you have already volunteered, we thank you!


9:30 am Women’s Bible Study


5:00 – 8:00 pm Wednesday Night Alive!

5:30 pm Les Cloches

6:30 pm Worship

7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service

5:30 & 7:00 pm Wesley Life Groups





6:30 am Sunrise Service at Falls Park 8:00, 9:15 (Praise) & 11:00 am Services 8:30 am Breakfast 9:00 am -12:00 pm Nursery available No Sunday School 7:30 pm Sunday Night Bible Study 12


2nd Sunday of Easter 8:00, 9:15 (Praise) & 11:00 am Services 8:30 am Breakfast 9:00 am -12:00 pm Nursery available 10:15 am Sunday School (all ages) 6:30 pm Reel Faith 7:30 pm Sunday Night Bible Study

3rd Sunday of Easter 8:00, 9:15 (Praise) & 11:00 am Services 8:30 am Breakfast 9:00 am -12:00 pm Nursery available 10:15 am Sunday School (all ages) 12:00 pm Soup & Chili Lunch hosted by Points of Light 12:00 pm Children’s Choir Pizza Lunch 3:00 pm Canteen 7:30 pm Sunday Night Bible Study 26 4th Sunday of Easter 8:00, 9:15 (Praise) & 11:00 am Services 8:30 am Breakfast 9:00 am -12:00 pm Nursery available 10:15 am Sunday School (all ages) 7:30 pm Sunday Night Bible Study

5:30 pm Points of Light


7:00 am Amen’s Group 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 11:30 am SAGES 1:30 pm Memorial Committee 5:00 – 8:00 pm Wednesday Night Alive! 6:30 pm Worship



14 8:00 am Higgins Men’s Group 1:30 pm Library Board 5:15 pm Outreach & Nurture 5:30 pm Staff Parish Relations Committee 5:30 pm Points of Light 6:00 pm Faith, Health & Caring 7:15 pm Music & Worship

15 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study



5:30 pm Points of Light

6:30 pm Triple F Tour the State Theater

5:00 – 8:00 pm Wednesday Night Alive! 6:30 pm Worship

7:00 am AMen’s Group

9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 5:00 – 8:00 pm Wednesday Night Alive! 6:30 pm Worship


5:30 pm Finance Committee Meeting 7:00 pm Youth Council Meeting 7:00 pm Children’s Ministry Meeting


8:00 am Higgins Men’s Group 5:30 pm Points of Light 5:30 pm Trustees 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting

29 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 5:00 – 8:00 pm Wednesday Night Alive! 6:00 pm Children’s Choir Party 6:30 pm Worship

12:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service


12:30 pm Blest Be the Tie that Binds

3 12:00 pm Good Friday Service


12:30 pm Blest Be the Tie that Binds 5:30 pm Les Cloches 6:30 pm Praise Team Rehearsal

30 12:30 pm Blest Be the Tie that Binds 5:30 pm Les Cloches 6:30 pm Praise Team Rehearsal


7:30 am Men of Integrity

8:30 am Habitat for Humanity Work Day

6:30 pm Praise Team Rehearsal

9:30 am Anna Circle Rachel Circle 10:00 am Sarah Circle 5:30 pm Les Cloches 6:30 pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 pm Nancy Circle Rebecca Circle 23

7:30 am Men of Integrity

7:00 pm Good Friday Service

5:30 pm Les Cloches



5:00 pm Wedding 17 8:30 am Food Pantry Work Day


18 7:30 am Men of Integrity

25 7:30 am Men of Integrity

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