January 2015
The Media is produced monthly by First United Methodist Church, Sioux Falls, S.D. A sanctuary of Christian hope, love and encouragement in the heart of Sioux Falls.
Reel Faith pg. 2 First Underground pg. 2 Banquet Breakfast Ministry pg. 2 Mission of the Month pg. 3 U.M.W. pg. 4 S.A.G.E.S pg. 5 Middle School Youth pg. 6 Our Church Family pg. 7 Children’s Music Ministry pg. 8 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 401 S. Spring Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57104 OFFICE PHONE: 605-336-3652 WEBSITE: www.sfumc.org
Lost and Found Everyone has lost something at one time or another. There is even a website now at www. lostandfound.com that acts as a global ‘lost and found’ box. Users can report items missing and users can report items found. It is a good example of how technology can help people connect in a useful way. This is a gateway site for all of the physical things that can be retrieved and returned to their rightful owners. According to their statistics, about twice as many objects have been reported lost as have been reported found in the U.S. So, the site’s users are losing things at twice the rate they
are finding them. Haven’t we all had the
PASTOR BOB RUEDEBUSCH Senior Pastor First United Methodist Church
experience of losing things that we know deep down we will never recover? Depending on the situation, we can feel disappointed, heartbroken, hopeless, or simply discouraged by our own inability to keep up with things. Isn’t it a wonderful relief to know that we will never fall into the ‘Lost Forever’ category? Our sermon series for the month of January is “Lost and Found” based
Bishop Bruce Ough preaching at First UMC on Sunday January 25
We are excited and pleased to have Bishop Bruce Ough coming to be with us on Sunday January 25th. As part of our 5 prescriptions, Bishop Ough agreed to come and lead us in a worship of prayers for repentance and renewal, living into God’s preferred future for our church. We look forward to having Bishop Ough with us!
on the series of Jesus’ parables found in Luke Chapter 15. The setting is that the Pharisees and religious people of the day are grumbling about Jesus welcoming and eating with “sinners”. Jesus then tells these 3 parables to describe the overwhelming grace and love of God. Do you have a neighbor or co-worker or friend who feels they are lost? Why not invite them to come to worship with you this month to hear the good news of God’s love!
Way to Go Church!!!!!
It is in praise and thanksgiving to God that we announce that our Christmas and Christmas Eve offering totaled $30, 915.39! This will be our gift to the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House. Likewise, we finished our financial year in a positive position. Thank you to everyone who stepped out in faith to help us really be a sanctuary of Christian hope, love and encouragement in the heart of Sioux Falls!