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Bachelor of Design Innovation

2010 Trimester 2 COURSE OUTLINE

DSDN104 DIGITAL CREATION GENERAL Core (Industrial), Elective (Culture+Context, Media); Trimester Two; 15 points

ASSESSMENT 100% internal by assignment



All Streams:



Stream A: Stream B:

Tuesday & Friday Tuesday & Friday

4:40pm – 7:30pm 4:40pm – 7:30pm

Room: LT1 Room: VS319 Room: VS322



Jeongbin Ok Room: WIG407 Phone: 463-6278 Office Hours: by appointment Email: jok@FirstYearDesign.com

Room: WIG202 (Georgio), WIG302 (Alex, Paul) Office Hours: to be confirmed with tutors Georgio Saltos (georgio@FirstYearDesign.com) Alex Keegan (alex@FirstYearDesign.com) Paul Stevenson (paul@FirstYearDesign.com)


COURSE SYNOPSIS This course introduces students to generic concepts, practices and theories of the use of computers in design. It will consider the similarities and distinctions between manual and digital techniques as well as developing potential overlaps, while also investigating the various possibilities of design.

AIMS OF THE COURSE This course aims to empower students with a range of drawing methods specific to the analysis and representation of 3D form and space, while using various computer software and hardware applications to create innovative objects. While students use these methods and applications they will become acquainted with a basic understanding of design-specific vocabulary; with a personal priority and response with a statement of intent; with methods of thinking, observing, exploring, challenging, making, reflecting, and above all committing to design ideas and their realisation in a concrete language of design elements.

COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Knowledge By the end of the course, students will have learned to:  Create and organise ideas and thoughts in response to design challenges  Utilise computer-based 2D and 3D design techniques as a handy and efficient method of incarnating design intent in graphical and physical forms  Demonstrate and propagate design initiative and development process using both verbal and digital ways  Understand and practise the whole design workflow including from ideation to rapid prototyping Creative & Critical Thinking By the end of the course, students will have learned to:  Respond to a design brief by resolving programmatic, formal and functional demands  Reinforce critical design explorations with ideas/precedents and foundations that build up complexity  Acquire a firm understanding of the problems and needs of experience design challenges and the manners in which they may be addressed  Use innovation, imagination and lateral thinking to translate critical design issues (composition, aesthetics, identity, meaning, perception, sensitivity to context, response to needs) into digital media project concepts  Understand how well-considered presentation styles can enhance a design idea and its impact Communication By the end of the course, students will have learned to:  Convincingly communicate design concepts in digital formats  Engage digital media design-specific knowledge and vocabulary  Speak to personal design ideas with confidence and present ideas in a structured & convincing way  Respond to design questions with clarity and insight Leadership By the end of the course, students will have learned to:  Have an evolving yet firm commitment towards design, and to demonstrate that commitment through a willingness to explore design concepts, develop design skills, and produce coherent and expressive design products  Challenge traditional preconceptions of digital media design, while engaging the requisite skills, realities, limitations, and potentials of digital media design.  Incorporate digital media design–specific pragmatic factors (structural, technical, human, contextual) into a poetic, sensitive, aesthetic design response.  Understand the responsibilities of the profession, and the potential these afford for creative design, innovative problem-solving, and the poetic expression of personal convictions.


COURSE CONTENT In DSDN104 students will use various computer software and hardware applications to create innovative objects. DSDN104 is an experiment based course. It therefore privileges trial and error, testing and retesting, along with multiple attempts. Computer software lends itself to this approach. You will find that making copies and multiple versions of objects is much easier with this medium than almost all other physical methods. You'll also find that if you try hard enough you can make a piece of software do things its designers never intended from it. One implication of this is as you move through the stages of concepts to developed design and through multiple representations you'll benefit from using an entire suite of software. Another implication is that you probably won't be using the same software in ten (or even five) year's time that you use today. The two most important things that we aim to achieve in DSDN104 are, one: instilling in every student a desire to explore the potential of digital media in their design work and a passion for their outcomes, and two: the ability to learn and take advantage of new software and hardware applications.

COURSE DELIVERY All students will be attending the lectures on Monday at 10:30 - 11:20am in LT1. In the lectures students will be introduced to the briefs for each of the three experiments and will be shown inspirational imagery relating to each stage of the experiments as they progress. The lectures are an opportunity to draw your attention to work from the world’s best designers and to show you how you might be able to take advantage of their experiences in your own work. The lectures are also the most direct way to engage with all of you at once. This means that they are the best way to pass on new strategies for excelling in DSDN104 that have been developed in tutorial groups that are not your own. In addition to the lectures each student will have two studio sessions a week. These are in the computer studio VS226/322 (depending on which stream you choose or are allocated). Students will be divided into tutorial groups of about 18. There is an emphasis on the use of user reference in the course, and your tutors have been instructed not to answer your question directly but to show you how to find the answer yourselves. While initially this will take a bit longer than just telling you the answer, our aim is to help you become an independent user. During the normal course of the studio session your tutors will be pointing you towards a wide range of instructional media. One of the most important aspects of DSDN104 is that students become a part of, and take advantage of, a worldwide community of designers who are learning and using computational methods. Because computer software and hardware offer the most complex instruments you are ever likely to use there will always be a focus on skill acquisition. But all of the computational skills in the world are of no use unless they become a part of, and support, your unique design conception, development, representation and networks. Your tutors will be happy to engage with you individually to advise you on aspects of design and point you towards examples of work, and working methods, from other designers that they think you will find valuable. When discussing design ideas with your tutor the principal vehicles promoting discourse are your own design drawings and models. Therefore you will need to create something that in some way captures the, or a, quality of your idea before you meet with your tutor. In addition to verbal feedback throughout the entire course you will receive documented feedback and assessment following each experiment hand-in. As suggested above, a primary learning resource in DSDN104 are the students in the class with you. You will gain a lot from presenting your work and critiquing the work of others in your class.

ASSIGNMENTS / PROJECTS Included below are the three experiment abstracts. You will be given a full brief for each experiment on the first timetabled day for that experiment. The full experiment briefs will go into more detail regarding each of the components listed below. The experiment abstracts are included here to give you an overall impression of the course and to bring your attention to the concepts, designers and software we will be working with.


As well as physical submissions, all work will be captured/scanned/photographed and presented in an online blog format. Experiment 1: Make and Modify: 40% of final grade In Experiment one students will use 3D CAD modelling software to generate forms from sections and drawings. They will then manipulate the forms and multiply them into a range of different but still similar iterations. The work will be presented on a blog documenting the process and outcome. Experiment 2: Fabricate: 30% of final grade Experiment two will build on experiment one by requiring the students to interpret their designs to be produced using digital manufacturing technologies. The students will explore the expressive potential of laser cutting, and invent techniques for joints/connections to create unique and innovative designed objects. Documentation both physical and digital development will be presented on the student’s blog. Experiment 3: Grow: 30% of final grade Experiment three will require the students to explore Additive Fabrication as a method of digital creation. Additive fabrication frees the design process from the typical constraints of manufacturing and allows an expressive and innovative design outcome. Students will investigate the opportunities of this technology and present their findings as a ‘grown’ object, alongside development imagery on their blog.

ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS • Creativity in the development of appropriate design intentions. • Evidence of a clear understanding and demonstrated potential of digital media as it relates to design conception, development, representation and networks. • Evidence of making distinctions between different computer software and hardware applications and demonstrated strategies for determining their most appropriate use. • Evidence of a clear understanding of strategies for learning different software and hardware applications. • Evidence of critical reflection of design outcomes with respect to the above DSDN 104 is internally assessed by assignment work in the form of 3 projects (otherwise referred to as experiments). Projects are assessed and graded A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, E, (where C is a PASS). Grades only are issued to students. The final grade for the course is based on the aggregation of the percentage marks for each of the projects, and a final grade of C or better is required to pass the course. The 3 experiments contribute towards the final course grade as follows: Jul 12 – Aug 9 Experiment 1: ‘Making and Modifying’ Aug 10 – Sep 20 Experiment 2: ‘Fabricate’ Sep 21 – Oct 15 Experiment 3: ‘Grow’ Total:

40% 30% 30% 100%

Note: Students should familiarise themselves with the University’s requirements, particularly those regarding assessment and course of study requirements, contained in the statutes in the VUW Calendar and read the requirements of this course outline in that context. Your work will be reviewed on the basis of the degree to which it meets the assessment criteria. Although visitors may be involved in some of the reviews, the assessment of the course is carried out by the course coordinator in consultation with the tutors. All grades posted during this course are only provisional results until confirmed by the School Examiners Committee which meets after the examination period.

GROUP WORK While there is no assessed group component for this course, working with your fellow classmates will be critical to your overall development ad eventual success within this course. Being able to discuss and review each other's work in a critical but supportive environment will be key.


ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION The design studio operates at three levels of instruction: the whole class, the tutorial group, and the individual. The studio thus involves both collective and individual participation from individuals in the group. Tutors will be in the studio at all scheduled times undertaking group and individual instruction and reviewing project work. Ongoing discussion will be critical to the development of your design work. Therefore, for the studio to operate effectively, students are expected to arrive on time, to be present for the whole studio session, (unless there are reasons why they cannot) and to actively participate in group and one-to-one discussions with your tutor. It is also expected that students will bring to the studio sessions the appropriate equipment and supplies needed to work productively on the design projects and to complete this project work on time. The intensity and regularity of participation in the studio is unerringly reflected in the understanding and quality expressed in the resulting work. Students are expected to maintain an acceptable level of cleanliness and tidiness in the studio as outlined in the Studio Culture Policy which is displayed in all studios. Attendance and participation is an important aspect of the learning process, and you are required to attend all the lectures and tutorials. If extraordinary circumstances arise that require you to be absent from some class sessions, you should discuss the situation with the Course Coordinator as soon as possible.

COURSE EXPECTED WORKLOAD You should expect to spend a total of around 150 hours on this course, including both scheduled class time and independent study. Typically this involves around 12-14 hours per week during the twelve teaching weeks, with the balance during the mid trimester break. You can get details of the workload online at http://www.victoria.ac.nz/home/about_victoria/avcacademic/publications/assessment-handbook.pdf

READINGS AND REFERENCE MATERIAL Please refer to the list enclosed at the end of this document.

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Students will need to provide all materials and equipment as necessary for the completion of required work. It is recommended that you purchase a laptop although computer facilities are available at the School. If you are purchasing a laptop and would like information on the minimum requirements please contact the Student Administration Office. While digital cameras are available at the school, it is also recommended that students consider purchasing a simple digital camera (3.2 megapixel minimum). Note: The Student Loan, administered by StudyLink, allows students to claim up to $1,000 for course related costs for each year of study. 2

Students will be supplied one A4 sheet of card and one 300x300 mm acrylic sheet for Experiment 2. Any additional material will need to be supplied by the student. Experiment 3 will require students to pay approximately $25* towards the cost of building their 3D printed model. It is recommended that you purchase a Design Materials Kit if you are enrolled in First Year Design. Details of the Design Kit can be found at http://www.firstyeardesign.com/index.php?/Infodocs. The kit can be purchased from Gordon Harris on Victoria Street for $190**. There is a free safety kit available from the reprographic shop on the ground floor of the School of Design, and also a small toolkit that is available for purchase for $45**. * Price may vary slightly depending on the complexity and weight of each project. ** Prices may vary.


RECORDING OF WORK AND PORTFOLIO You are strongly encouraged to respect and care for your work, making and recording a visual summary of each project in this course. This may be in digital and/or hard copy. The principal purpose of this is to maintain a record of your work for incorporation into your own personal ‘Design Portfolio’. Recording a summary of your work also means it is available if needed for you or the School to exhibit or publish.

SUBMISSION OF WORK Each student is responsible for ensuring their work is submitted to their course tutor on time and in the required format. Late submissions will be penalised as set out below, unless an extension is approved by the Course Coordinator.

EXTENSIONS In the event of illness or other extraordinary circumstances that prevent you from submitting a piece of work on time, or that you feel adversely affect the quality of the work you submit, it is important that you discuss your circumstances with the Course Coordinator as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements may be made. You should complete an Application for Extension form (available from the Faculty Office) for the Course Coordinator to approve. You will also need to provide suitable evidence of your illness or other circumstances. In an emergency, or if you are unable to contact the Course Coordinator, you should advise the Faculty Office of your situation. Work submitted late must be submitted to the Course Coordinator.


Students are required to personally present their work on time at all scheduled reviews in the location and submit the work punctually in specified format as set out in project outlines. Failure to personally present work at any scheduled graded review will result in an automatic failing grade of D for the work being reviewed, unless an extension has been approved in writing in advance by the course coordinator. Late submissions will not be penalised in the event of illness or other extraordinary circumstances provided students have requested an extension of time in writing in advance of the scheduled review, and the course coordinator has similarly approved this in writing (see the Student Administration Office for an Application for Extension form). Work submitted late without the prior agreement of the course coordinator will be penalised by a failing grade of D. Work submitted late MUST be submitted directly to the relevant tutor or course coordinator. Any project work left on the project shelves or elsewhere will be entered on the grade sheet as a no-submission.

MANDATORY COURSE REQUIREMENTS In addition to achieving an average of at least ‘C’ across all assessments, in order to pass the course you must also satisfy the following mandatory course requirements:   

Attend at least 80% of the studio sessions (An attendance register will be kept for the duration of the course) Attend and present your project work at all scheduled critical reviews You must submit all three projects to be eligible to pass the course

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES The Faculty of Architecture and Design operates a system of Class Representatives in 100-level courses, and Year Representatives in each of the professional disciplines. Student Representatives are elected during a class session in the first week of teaching. All student representatives will be listed on the STUDiO notice board in the Atrium, and the relevant Representatives are also listed on studio notice boards. Student Representatives have a


role in liaising between staff and students to represent the interests of students to the lecturers, and also in providing students with a communication channel to STUDiO and VUWSA.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PLAGIARISM Academic integrity means that University staff and students, in their teaching and learning are expected to treat others honestly, fairly and with respect at all times. It is not acceptable to mistreat academic, intellectual or creative work that has been done by other people by representing it as your own original work. Academic integrity is important because it is the core value in which the University’’s learning, teaching and research activities are based. Victoria University’s reputation for academic integrity adds value to your qualification. The University defines plagiarism as presenting someone else’s work as if it were your own, whether you mean to or not. ‘Someone else’s work’ means anything that is not your own idea. Even if it is presented in your own style, you must acknowledge your sources fully and appropriately. This includes:      

Material from books, journals or any other printed source The work of other students or students or staff Information from the internet Software programs and other electronic material Designs and ideas The organisation or structuring of any such material

Find out more about plagiarism, how to avoid it and penalties, on the University’s website: www.victoria.ac.nz/home/studying/plagiarism.html

USE OF TURNITIN Student work provided for assessment in this course may be checked for academic integrity by the electronic search engine http://www.turnitin.com. Turnitin is an online plagiarism prevention tool which compares submitted work with a very large database of existing material. At the discretion of the Head of School, handwritten work may be copy-typed by the School and subject to checking by Turnitin. Turnitin will retain a copy of submitted material on behalf of the University for detection of future plagiarism, but access to the full text of submissions is not made available to any other party.

COMMUNICATION OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The course is set up on blackboard. Any changes or additions to this Course Outline will be discussed and agreed with the class, and conveyed through blackboard to all students enrolled in the course.

GENERAL UNIVERSITY POLICIES & STATUTES Students should familiarise themselves with the University’s policies and statutes, particularly the Assessment Statute, the Personal Courses of Study Statute, the Statute on Student Conduct and any statutes relating to the particular qualifications being studied; see the Victoria University Calendar or the University’s policy website http://www.victoria.ac.nz/home/about/policy Student and staff conduct The Statute on Student Conduct together with the Policy on Staff Conduct ensure that members of the University community are able to work, learn, study and participate in the academic and social aspects of the University’s life in an atmosphere of safety and respect. The Statute on Student Conduct contains information on what conduct is prohibited and what steps are to be taken if there is a complaint. For information about complaint procedures under the Statute on Student Conduct, contact the Facilitator and Disputes Advisor or refer to the statute on the Victoria policy website at: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/home/about/policy The Policy on Staff Conduct can also be found at: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/home/about/policy


Academic grievances If you have any academic problems with your course you should talk to the tutor or lecturer concerned; class representatives may be able to help you in this. If you are not satisfied with the result of that meeting, see the Head of School or the relevant Associate Dean; The VUWSA Student Advocate is available to assist in this process. If, after trying the above channels, you are still unsatisfied, formal grievance procedures can be invoked. These are set out in the Academic Grievance Policy which is published on the Victoria website at: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/home/about/policy There is also a leaflet explaining the grievance process available from the AVC (Academic) website at: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/home/about_victoria/avcacademic/Publications.aspx#grievances Students with Impairments Refer to the Meeting the Needs of Students with Impairments Policy, available on the University’s policy website http://www.victoria.ac.nz/home/about/policy The University has a policy of reasonable accommodation of the needs of students with impairments. The policy aims to give students with disabilities the same opportunity as other students to demonstrate their abilities. If you have a disability, impairment or chronic medical condition (temporary, permanent or recurring) that may impact on your ability to participate, learn and/or achieve in lectures and tutorials or in meeting the course requirements, please contact the course coordinator as early in the course as possible. Alternatively, you may wish to approach a Student Adviser from Disability Support Services (DSS) to discuss your individual needs and the available options and support on a confidential basis. DSS are located on Level 1, Robert Stout Building: telephone 4636070 email: disability@vuw.ac.nz Martin Hanley is the Disability Liaison Person for the Faculty of Architecture and Design: telephone 463-6280 email. martin.hanley@vuw.ac.nz Student Support Staff at Victoria want students to have positive learning experiences at the University. There are a number of support services available to help you directly if your academic progress is causing concern or if there are elements in your life that are affecting your ability to study. These include:  Your course coordinator or programme director;  Staff in your Faculty Student Administration Office Student Dedicated learning support through Student Learning Support Service; Kaiwawao Māori ;Maanaki Pihiphipinga; Disability Support Services and Victoria International;  Wider holistic support through the Health Service; Counselling Service; Financial Support and Advice; Accommodation Service and Career Development and Employment. Find out more at www.victoria.ac.nz/st_services/ or email student-services@vuw.ac.nz;  VUWSA employs a Student Advocate who deals with academic problems and provides support, advice and advocacy services, as well as training and supporting class representatives and faculty delegates. The Education Office is located on the ground floor, Student Union Building. Email education@vuwsa.org.nz or tel. 463-6716 or 463-6984.

TE ARO CAMPUS BUILDING RULES AND FACILITIES Students on the Te Aro Campus are required to comply with the Faculty Guidelines relating to the safe use, access and care of the Architecture and Design technical resources and building facilities. These are available on the School website, and in the following documents available from the student R drive: R:\Student Health and Safety Information FAD Health & Safety Handbook – available to all students, covering:  Workshop and campus safety  Safety training and safety precautions for the workshops  FAD Hazard Register  Te Aro Campus floor plans FAD Technical Services and Facilities Handbook – issued to all staff and available to all students on the student R drive, covering various local practices, including information on:  Information for new staff and students


    

Access and booking of teaching / studio spaces, and technical resources Studio etiquette and rules pertaining to exhibitions, critiques and storage of models/drawings Housekeeping/cleaning within the studios and workshops Information on Te Aro IT systems and support Te Aro campus floor plans

General information on Faculty/School Technical Facilities including technical staff and their associated areas http://w w w .vuw .ac.nz/architecture/facilities/index.aspx

WHERE TO GET HELP Vivian Street Wing – Faculty of Architecture and Design Student Administration Office The Faculty’s Student Administration Office is located on the first floor of the Vivian Street Wing. The first floor counter is the first point of contact for general enquiries and FAD forms. Student Administration Advisors are available to discuss course status and give further advice about FAD qualifications. To check for opening hours call the Faculty Student Administration Office on (04) 463-6200.

HEALTH AND SAFETY Students are reminded that they must comply with any health and safety instructions given by staff members in charge of work places and instructions and signs posted around the campus. All students should familiarise themselves with the FAD Health & Safety Manual and Notices around the Workshops and Laboratories. Students are advised to refer to the Student R drive for safety and other relevant information. R:\Student Health and Safety Information

WITHDRAWAL DATES Information on withdrawals and refunds can be found at: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/home/admisenrol/payments/withdrawlsrefunds.aspx

SCHEDULE OF SESSIONS & ASSESSMENTS Students must be seated in class no later than 5 minutes prior to the start of lectures. Electronic devices for personal communication, e.g., mobile phones, must be turned off.


day date item




month w eek 29


w eek 30


w eek 31



12 13


14 15 16 19 20


21 22 23 26 27


28 29 30

Lecture 1 EXP 1 Intro

Trimester 2 Begins Streams A, B

Lecture 2


w eek 32


w eek 33


w eek 34


w eek 35


w eek 36


w eek 37


w eek 38 September

w eek 39 September

w eek 40 September

w eek 41 October

w eek 42 October


2 3


4 5 6 9 10


11 12 13 16 17


18 19




23 24


25 26 27 30 31


1 2 3 6 7


8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13

Lecture 3 EXP 1 Hand-in

Streams A, B


Lecture 4

Mid Trimester Break

Lecture 5

Trimester 2 Continues

Laser Profile Due

Streams A, B


Lecture 6, EXP 3 Intro EXP 2 Hand-in

Streams A, B


Lecture 7

STL Folder Opens STL Folder Due

EXP 3 Hand-in


Streams A, B



w eek 43 October

w eek 44 October

w eek 45 November

w eek 46 November

w eek 47 November


14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19

Study Break Begins

Exams Begin Labour Day

Exams End Sat 13 Nov


READINGS AND REFERENCE MATERIAL The following readings are also recommended for this course:



Call No.

Related lecture / course section

Schmal, Peter (2001) Callicott, Nick (2001)

Digital Real: Blobmeister Birkhäuser, Basel Computer-Aided Manufacture in Architecture: The Pursuit of Novelty Architectural Press, Oxford Future Systems Phaidon Press, London Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing Taylor & Francis, New York Digital Tectonics Wiley, Chichester

NA 2728 D574

Course in general

NA2728 C158 C

Course in general

NA997 F89 F455

Course in general

NA2543 T43 A673 I 2005

Course in general

NA2750 D574

Course in general

Digital Gehry Birkhäuser, Basel

NA737 G311 L752 D

Course in general

Animate Form Princeton Architectural Press, New York Greg Lynn: Predator Damdi, Seoul Hybrid Space: New Forms in Digital Architecture Thame & Hudson, London

NA737 L989 A

Course in general

NA737 G818 A4 F

Course in general

NA2728 Z51 H

Course in general

Filed, Marcus (1999) Kolarevic, Branko (2005) Leach, Neil Turnbull, David Williams, Chris (2004) Lindsey, Bruce (2001) Lynn, Greg (1999) Lynn, Greg (2006) Peger, Zellner (2000)

It is worth looking in the AVERY index and Environmental Building News magazine, as much of the most recent material is in magazines. The Architecture and Design library has an extensive selection of books about sustainable architecture, design, materials, landscapes, energy use etc that are not listed here and that are on order currently. If students require specific information not listed here discuss with tutors or with the Course Coordinator. Any additional specific reading and reference material will be outlined in project / assignment hand outs or may be specified by guest lecturers and speakers. Useful web resources Course Material: R:\Course_Material\DSDN\DSDN104 Hand-in Submission: R:\Hand-ins\DSDN\DSDN104 Other Reference Material: www.firstYEARdesign.com Course Blog: http://dsdn104.w ordpress.com

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