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.MERGING.WORLDS. 20th SEPTEMBER – 26th OCTOBER (5 WEEKS) (30%) LECTURER: PAUL STEVENSON TUTOR: JENNI HAGEDORN, ALEX RAMAEKERS .design.challenge. Your challenge is to create a concept for an innovative four dimensional interaction between the physical and the digital worlds. You will achieve this by taking a current everyday physical interaction as a precedent, and re-conceptualising it as an innovative interface which has relevant outputs within digital environments. Your precedent physical interaction will be drawn from the interaction between a single person and; themselves, non electronic objects, other people, places, or environments. While choosing your precedent you should consider its relevance to/with digital environments, be it social, educational, functional or entertainment. You will then re-conceptualise this precedent into an interactive piece that can be interfaced with through; kinetics, exposure, capture, tactics, or manual input. Consider how different interface methods can capture different volumes, rates and types of content. The content captured should have relevance to the interaction being preformed. Within the digital your challenge is to use and present this content in a way which is relevant to both the interactive piece and the precedent you departed from. Consider what can be done with content, it can be stored, accessed, modified, shared, transferred, analysed, re-worked, composed, edited and refined. Your project will not involve the actual creation of a real functioning interface/output, but rather the ability to show and express your concept through mediums you have learnt in courses such as DSDN111 and DSDN112. These include; drawings, physical modeling, flash animations, creative coding, web development and video editing.

.project.objectives. Generate a concept in response to the design challenge Ability to abstract and explore a precedent Introduction to principles of human interaction Consideration of human habits and interactions Ability to express a concept convincingly through a range of mediums

.procedure. WEEK ONE: Interactive Precedents Begin researching different physical interactions to use as precedents. Consider everything you do on a daily basis, from brushing your teeth, talking to friends and picking a flower. Your precedent will be based around a single person and the way they interact with: themselves, non electronic objects, other people, places, or environments. Once you have found your precedent analyse its interaction, context, scenario, relevance in society and its relationship with its digital equivalent, (if it has one). WEEK TWO: Kinetics, Exposure, Capture, Tactics, Input Take your analysis from Week ONE and consider how it can be re-combined with the human body to capture different content from the context / environment in which it resides. The relationship with the human body you use will be either: kinetics, exposure, capture, tactics, or manual input. Create small interactive sketch models which allow you to act out the interaction in this context. Try it out in other contexts, could it collect more interesting content? How do we interact with it? How often do we interact with it? Why do we interact with it? These are all questions you should be critiquing your ideas against as you refine / focus your sketch models. WEEK THREE: Digitise Taking your captured content from Week TWO consider its importance in the digital world. To whom is this content important? Who wants to view it? Why would people want to view it? Take your content and apply it to this world and the people who it is relevant to. Is it something stored local and private (your ipod or phone). Or is it published and interacted with by the world, does your content create something to rival the social network giants like Facebook or mySpace, or collaborate with them. The way in which you, manipulate, refine, edit, select and present this content to people is important. It will define your interactive objects social size, from being a small personal item (like jewellery, or your hairbrush) to being a device which is owned and used by the masses (a mobile phone for instance) WEEK FOUR: Edit + Refine NOTE: On Tuesday 12th October there will be an interim presentation for this project. Although not graded it is mandatory to present your work. Take a step back and review your concept as a whole. Do parts need refining? Is the captured content or the way in which it is captured, truly reflected in how it is digitally presented? At this point being producing / composing your project, remember to present both the digital + physical elements. STUDY WEEK: Compose No classes this week Use this time to create your presentation. How will you represent your concept in both the physical and the digital. HANDIN: Submission + Presentation on October 26th (see submission requirements for times + location)

.submission.requirements. HANDIN TO BE SUBMITTED AND PRESENTED 26th OCTOBER STREAM A 0830 in LT1 STREAM B 1030 in LT1 1 Digital video / animation – Max 3 mins showing your concept in both the physical + digital worlds 1 Tumblr Blog documenting your development process − 1 composed post per class documenting your development (minimum 8 total) − + 2 composed posts showing the relationship between your physical interaction and digital output − Approx. 200 words summarising your concept

.assessment.criteria. Ability to abstract and explore a precedent Consideration of human habits and interactions Ability to create relevant links between the physical and digital worlds Ability to express a concept convincingly through a range of mediums Quality and craft in animation / video

.software. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Adobe Flash CS3 Sony Vegas Processing Google Maps / Earth Blogs, Wikis, Twitters, Social Networks

.useful.links. http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp - HTML Tutorials http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp - CSS Tutorials http://tv.adobe.com/ - Adobe Suite Tutorials http://maps.google.co.nz/ http://processing.org/ http://www.tumblr.com

.reading.list. Author Bruce Wands Lon Barfield Lauren Parker

Title Digital creativity : techniques for digital media and the internet Design for new media : interaction design for multimedia and the Web Interplay : interactive design

Call No. QA76.575 W245 D TK5105.888 B249 D T385 P241 I

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