Nordic World 1213

Page 1


Stories & information about Nordic sports





nis - easy to change




XC skiers live longer


product LINE-UP


nordic centers


reCharging the BatterieS The working week in the office got longer and longer and was threatening to turn into a „home office weekend. This sign needs to be changed“. My spirits liven up, however, as soon as I take a look out of the window on Saturday morning, although mind and body are crying out for more sleep. It‘s been snowing – and it‘s cold outside. The last of the grey snow clouds are passing over me and a quick look at the weather report and various webcams is extremely promising. Looks as though it‘s going to be a fantastic winter‘s day. Slope or track, which one is it to be? I listen to the traffic reports on the radio while I have breakfast and the traffic jams as people head to the ski slopes are a sobering thought. The tiredness from the working week starts to make its way into my mind again, together with my bad conscience because of the mountains of work that still await me. The inner longing for some time off, however, is stronger, and I make myself a very special date for the weekend: a tour in unspoiled environment, away from the groomed tracks and marked trails. Once I reach my destination I step outside and set off into the magnificent winter countryside. I can feel the first excitement surge through me as soon as I step onto my “Spider 62“ skis on the edge of the woods, just a short distance away from the road. I‘m the first one to step on the blanket of snow that covers this field today. Airy powder snow crunches beneath my skis. Besides this noise you could hear a pin drop as I enter into this glittering and sparkling landscape of woods and fields. The landscape has changed overnight. Millions of snow and ice crystals shimmer in the sunlight through the pure, clean air. The trees with their fresh winter robes look like


marvellous magical figures. Steam rises from the stream as it winds its way through the woods. Lost in thought, I leave my tracks in the snow, step-by-step, gliding across small dips. I let the beauty of the great outdoors be my guide. No clear destination, no distance markings, no athletic goals drive me. I become completely calm and all I can hear is my breathing and my heartbeat. This is medicine for the soul. This is the feeling of freedom. Gradually unwinding and being at one with the outdoors a recharging those batteries for everyday life in the process. My equipment is built specifically for winter enthusiasts, from the materials to the design. My Offtrack 3 BC boots with integrated nylon gaiters and insulating wool blend layers keep my feet warm and dry. My sturdy aluminum poles with the large baskets stop me from sinking into the deep snow. The Nordic Rocker construction of my Offtrack Cruising skis ensures that the shovel sections of my skis float lightly on the top layer of the snow and do not dig themselves into the snow. This is what makes Offtrack Cruising so much fun. My confidence grows step-by-step with every foot I climb during the tour thanks to the manoeuvrability and the steel edges of my Spider 62s. I venture out onto the first steeper slope. Two or three turns are all I need and I know I can rely on my equipment. I cross the steepest section of the slope, however, using the good old “kick turn“ technique. Then it‘s time for a small schuss section which I let run out on the other side of the slope. I‘m back to where I started off, batteries recharged and one happy skier. Author Noe Noack is a passionate cross country skier from Munich / Altötting (GER).

oFFtraCk Portal unleaSh the adVenturer The true Offtrack Cruiser is driven by a passion for discovery, finding your own routes away from existing trails and with endless possibilities. And you can now share these with others on – together with GPS data for navigation devices.

SKI: Spider 62 BINDING: BCX auto black BOOT: Offtrack 3 BC / My Style POLE: Offtrack

oFFtraCk CruiSing Video on your Cell Phone. 1. Scan with your cell phone, 2. Open link

Video for free. Data transfer, according to your rates.


nis – easy TO Change

niS – indiVidual Fine tuning in no time at all With nnn (new nordic norm) and SnS (Salomon nordic System) there have been two different binding systems in cross country skiing for many years. Fischer, the global nordic market leader and – among others – three well-known nordic equipment providers (alpina, madshus, rossignol) rely on the nnn binding system. SKI: Orbiter NIS BINDING: Touring Classic NIS BOOT: XC Comfort POLE: XC Cruiser


The NIS-system, however, is a key element in the successful NNN technology. It offers the unique advantage of adjustability. This possibility of individual adjustment is of significance not only to racers. Recreational skiers and also newcomers to the sport also benefit from being able to make these adjustments. The ski and binding plate come together in the manufacturing process to form a single unit without the use of any screws. This results in optimum power transfer through completely free ski flex. There are no screws to disturb the smooth motion pattern. The binding is then simply slid onto the NIS plate. This makes drilling and screwing a thing of the past when mounting bindings!


This innovation, which SNS bindings do not have and is exclusive to NNN in the binding market, also enables easy, individual

fine tuning using a small key. The ski set-up can be adjusted according to the respective skiing style and varying snow and track conditions in no time at all. Fine Tuning in no time at all On the whole it is assumed that the balance point is used for the mounting position. Individual adjustments to this basic setting can be made according to the skiing style. Using the NIS key you can make these adjustments in no time at all – even when you are out on the track. The following will show you how the different positions of the binding affect the performance of the skis and, as a result, how the climbing and gliding properties change as a result. The different colours on the pictures show you the varying pressure patterns according to the position of the binding.

eFFeCtS on ClaSSiC – gliding PhaSe & kiCk aCtion

Binding more forward: • Greater pressure on climbing zone in the kicking phase • Greater pressure in shovel area when gliding • Advantage: easier climbing, more reliable kick • Important: reduction in gliding speed Binding moved further back: • Less pressure on climbing zone in the kicking phase • Less pressure in shovel area when gliding • Advantage: better gliding speed • Important: grip not as secure

eFFeCtS on Skating

Binding more forward: • Increased pressure in shovel area • Advantage: greater stability when gliding • Important: loses speed Binding moved further back: • Pressure reduction in shovel section • Advantage: more forgiving in terms of skiing style • Important: not as dynamic

Owner & publisher: Fischer Sports GmbH, Fischerstraße 8, 4910 Ried/Innkreis layout: Fischer Sports GmbH production: Franz Anton Niedermayr Graphische Kunstanstalt GmbH & Co. KG photos: Fischer Sports GmbH, NordicFocus, Foto Resch, Zooom Text: Fischer Sports GmbH illustrations: Fischer Sports GmbH, designstudio malgré tout. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is correct, the publisher accepts no responsibility for the contents. All rights reserved.



Sun Valley Youth Skiing Program The Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation has been teaching young children to cross country ski since the early 1970’s. As a result of the early efforts of local Nordic skiers Liza Wilson and Diane Shay, the SVSEF started a youth program where a Nordic super hero named “Nordic Man” treated young skiers to occasional visits. Everyone loves a Super Hero!! Since that time, the youth program has evolved to become the key component in the SVSEF Nordic program. “Everything that happens at the highest competitive levels in skiing springs from the success we have in our entry level programs” cites Rick Kapala, SVSEF Nordic Program Director. By success, Rick means getting kids involved and loving an active outdoor


winter lifestyle first and foremost. In the youth programs, emphasis is placed on team spirit, being active and participating. There is no requirement to race although the club does host numerous ski races that include age appropriate events for children. Typical practices include activities that simultaneously develop ski skills, fitness and excitement for skiing. Adventure runs that include wading rivers and swinging from trees are always a highlight. Last season, the Youth Team kids did a workout that was a re-enactment of the famous Lewis and Clarke expedition. Dave Bingham, current SVSEF Youth Team Head Coach puts it this way. “ There is a place for every child in our youth program. All we are trying to do is help them find their

inner skier and hopefully along the way, they’ll end up being a skier for life”. The Sun Valley area has evolved into one of the premier Nordic Centers in the US, if not the World. The area boasts over 200km of groomed trails, has numerous ski activities including a weeklong Nordic ski festival culminating with the Boulder Mountain Tour ski race. All of this has led to create an environment where families and children get really excited about Nordic skiing. Every winter you can find over a 100 young cross country skiers ripping it up in Sun Valley whether its a never ending game of sharks and minnows or cutting up some powder with telemark turns on the slopes next to the trails.

JaCkSon hole Ski CluB lolliPoPPer Program “That was fun!” said the giggly and smiling child after he finished his first session of the Lollipopper Program. The Jackson Hole Ski & Snowboard Club’s (JHSC) Lollipopper program was created to give six year olds the opportunity to fall in love with Nordic skiing. “One of the best characteristics of Nordic skiing is that it is a life long sport. We want to offer programs that enable participation throughout all phases in life.” - JHSC Nordic Program Director JHSC’s Nordic pipeline begins with the Lollipopper Program, continues through competitive junior skiing and includes Master skiers that are looking to improve their technique and fitness level. By incorporating Nordic skiing into the elementary school curriculum and offering after school programs, JHSC is able to introduce more than 125 Kinder-

garteners through 5th grade students to Nordic skiing each winter. These programs range in length from five to twenty-two days and provide the first time beginner to the future racer an opportunity to develop their skills while having a terrific time on skis. Ski Play is used to introduce aspects of Skate and Classic technique and basic fitness training, as well as a general appreciation of and respect for the Nordic environment. Whether it is a day of obstacle courses, scavenger hunts, sno-ccer (snow soccer!) or jacket relays, these young skiers are developing the balance and agility that allow them to find success on their skis. “As a parent, it is exciting to watch my child develop skills when he doesn’t even know it is happening.” – Lollipopper Parent As an introduction to racing, JHSC encourages participation in the free local

race series. With a focus on fun, young skiers have the opportunity to pull a bib over their head and truly enjoy a ski “race.” Keeping the distances short is key in the ensuring the athlete’s enjoyment. This is illustrated at the Moose Chase Nordic Marathon with the recently added 1/2K race that is free and open to anyone under the age of 8, and of course all participants receive a medal. JHSC was founded in 1938 and is Jackson’s oldest non-profit. Each year, over 400 kids participate in the Alpine, Nordic, Freeride and Snowboard programs; Programs that inspire fun, fitness, sportsmanship, and personal achievement in young athletes through training, academic support, and competition. Keeping programs affordable and accessible is central to our mission. To learn more visit 07

Cross country skiers live longer

Cross country skiers live longer True or false? “The saying is as true as it is old – providing you take into account a couple of fundamental things,” explains Dr. Bernd Wolfarth, senior physician of the German Ski Federation. He then goes into more detail.

“Participating in sports is very much in style. Performance-oriented recreational sport in particular is truly booming. The exploding numbers of people participating in marathons in skiing, running and also cycling are proof of this new, active lifestyle trend in society.” But even away from the stopwatches, regular exercise is a key element of life outside work for a healthier and thus a higher quality of life. People are very aware of the positive aspects of endurance sports in this respect. When it comes to winter endurance sports, cross country skiing is at the top of the list. Exercising in the great outdoors on Nordic skis is exceptional not only for the body but also for the soul. Approximately ninety percent of the body’s muscles are in action, and the cardiovascular system is given an


outstanding workout in accordance with the intensity of the exercise. In fact, more than 500 calories are burned per hour, seemingly without any effort, like snow melting away in the springtime sun. Together, the mental relaxation afforded by rhythmic gliding through the winter countryside also soothes the soul. What more could you ask for? “Besides the positive psychological aspects and the positive impact on the cardiovascular system, this form of exercise is also kind to the joints. The injury risk is so negligible that, as a physician, I would never hesitate to recommend cross country skiing,” adds Dr. Bernd Wolfarth. “Having said that, however, people should get the green light from the doctor before taking up any regular form of exercise.” This doesn’t necessarily have to

be at a special institute; you can see a GP who has the additional qualification to carry out such physical examinations for sport or an internist. “For people over the age of 35 this should certainly include an exercise ECG and an orthopaedic examination to make sure everything is as it should be,” explains the ski association physician, who is also the chief physician for the German Olympic Sport Federation. If the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems are healthy then all you need is the right equipment to enjoy your sport, which can be found at sports retailers. Whether you are a novice, come from a different sport or are an ambitious sports enthusiast, Fischer’s extensive product portfolio with its wide range of models has just what you are looking for.

Priv. - Doz. Dr. med. Bernd Wolfarth is the principal physician at the Centre for Sports Medicine at the Technical University of Munich. Since 2009 he has also been the Head of Sports Medicine at the Institute for Applied Training Sciences in Leipzig. He is the senior physician at the German Ski Federation and has looked after the national biathlon team since 1993. At the 2002, 2006 and 2008 Olympic Games he served as supporting physician. Since the 2010 Olympic Games he has been the chief Olympic physician of the German Olympic Sport Federation.

Nordic World: What lies behind the saying “cross country skiers live longer?” Dr. Bernd Wolfarth: Endurance sports have many positive effects on the cardiovascular system. If you participate in endurance sports regularly and sensibly it certainly has a positive impact on health and also contributes to a longer life. Is cross country skiing really as kind to joints as many reports and newspaper articles say? Yes, if you employ the proper technique then cross country skiing is kind to your joints. For beginners, skiing on a course makes sense so they can learn how to do the movements correctly and avoid excess strain.

In order to guarantee maximum enjoyment when you are out on the tracks we recommend you choose the ski length according to body weight. The boot has to be compatible with the binding system and the heel should fit comfortably without any play. Pole length is based on the height of the skier and according to which technique is used: in skating it is 90 % of skier height whereas in classic it is 85 %. You should wear one less layer of clothing than you would for a winter walk. For optimum comfort, make sure to use gloves and headwear!

Do you burn more calories in a cross country skiing session than in a normal running session? Thanks to the use of more muscle groups in cross country skiing, there is indeed a tendency to use more energy and in turn burn more calories than in a “normal run.” Caloric expenditure, of course, depends on the intensity of the effort and that can vary in all sports.

Is it absolutely necessary to warm up before cross country skiing? Warming up certainly makes sense but it is not absolutely necessary. If you start off at a reasonably moderate pace when you go out to enjoy cross country skiing then you will warm up during the first kilometres. What should you bear in mind when skiing in a group? Here it is essential that nobody tries to do too much too soon and that every member of the group chooses their own sensible level of intensity. Otherwise, overexertion may result, which is counterproductive both medically and in terms of your overall enjoyment. Does cross country skiing help to combat everyday stress? Yes, that is definitely the case. Doing endurance sports sensibly is proven to be a natural stress reliever. Besides the physiological component in cross country skiing there is also the “environmental effect” – doing sport in enchanting wintry surroundings is in itself a wonderful, stress-reducing experience. It enables you to leave the trials and tribulations of everyday life behind in a very positive and healthful way.

With the right equipment And preparations, you will be set for the perfect cross country experience and a winter‘s day to remember — with snow wherever you look and sun to make it sparkle.


line-Up sKis

My Style

Nordic Cruising

Sidecut • Lengths • Weight/Length • Base

orBiTer niS 43–48–43 • M, L, XL • 1.230 g / M (174) • WC Pro

voyaGer niS 53 – 58 – 53 • M, L, XL • 1.330 g / M (174) • Protec

JUPiTer conTrol niS 53–58–53 • M, L, XL • 1.590 g / M (174) • Sintec

inSPire my STyle niS 43 – 48 – 43 • XS, S, M • 1.190 g / S (164) • WC Pro

DeSire my STyle niS 53–58–53 • XS, S, M • 1.540 g / S (164) • Sintec

aDvenTUre 60 niS Offtrack

60–50–54 • 169, 179, 189 • 1.690 g / 179 • Sintec

SPiDer 62 niS 62–52–60 • 169, 179, 189 • 1.790 g / 179 • Sintec

oUTBacK 68 68–59–64 • 169, 179, 189 • 1.990 g / 179 • Sintec

SUPerliGHT croWn niS Sport

48 – 44 – 46 • 172 – 207 • 1.290 g / 192 • WC Pro

SUPerliGHT zero niS 48 – 44 – 46 • 172 – 207 • 1.290 g / 192 • WC Pro

SUmmiT croWn 52 – 48 – 50 • 177 – 207 • 1.620 g / 192 • Sintec


coUnTry croWn 60– 52– 57 • 180 – 210 • 1.850 g / 200 • Sintec

e99 croWn XTraliTe 66 – 54 – 60 • 180 – 210 • 1.950 g / 200 • Sintec

e109 croWn XTraliTe 82 – 60 – 70 • 170,180,190,200,205 • 2.050 g / 200 • Sintec

S-BoUnD 78


78– 61– 69 • 169,179,189,199 • 2.090 g / 179 • Sintec

S-BoUnD 88 88– 68– 78 • 159,169,179,189 • 2.280 g / 179 • Sintec

S-BoUnD 98 98– 69– 88 • 159,169,179,189 • 2.490 g / 179 • Sintec

S-BoUnD 112 112– 78– 95 • 159,169,179,189 • 2.690 g / 179 • Sintec

rcr SKaTecUT Junior

122,132,142,152,162,172 • Skate Cut • 830 g / 142 • WC Pro

crS SKaTe 122,132,142,152,162 • Skate Cut • 890 g / 132 • Sintec

SPrinT croWn moUnTeD 51 – 47 – 50 • 100 – 170 • 980 g / 150 • Sintec


line-Up BOOTs, pOles and sOFTgOOds

oFFTracK 5 Bc

Xc conTrol

Sizes Sole Bootflex

Sizes Sole Bootflex

40–49 BC medium

Xc comForT

Sizes Sole Bootflex

37 – 43 BC medium

BcX 875

Backcountry / S-Bound


BcX 675 Sizes Sole Bootflex

Xc conTrol my STyle

37 – 49 Vibram 75 mm stiff

36 – 49 Vibram 75 mm stiff

Sizes Sole Bootflex

Sizes Sole Bootflex

BcX 5 Sizes Sole Bootflex


36 – 43 T4 soft

Xc ToUrinG my STyle

36 – 49 BC medium

Sizes Sole Bootflex

36 – 43 T4 soft

DrinKBelT ProFeSSional DrinK BoTTle DrinK-/ FiTBelT

Jr comBi Sizes Sole Bootflex

36 – 43 T4 soft

Xc comForT my STyle

Women My Style

Sizes Sole

38 – 49 T4 soft

SPrinT JUnior

Xc ToUrinG

oFFTracK 3 Bc Women my STyle Sizes Sole Bootflex

38 – 49 T4 soft


Sizes Sole Bootflex

Xc crUiSer

37 – 49 BC medium

Xc crUiSer my STyle

Sizes Sole Bootflex

Cruising / Sport


oFFTracK 3 Bc

38 – 48 T4 soft

32 – 42 T4 soft

SKicaSe Xc eco for 1 or 3 pairs of XC skis

XJ SPrinT Sizes Sole Bootflex

25 – 38 T4 soft

SKicaSe Xc PerFormance for 1 or 3 pairs of XC skis


nordic centers

Fischer Nordic CenterS One of the best places to begin cross-country skiing is at a Fischer Nordic Center. These centers offer well signed and groomed trail systems along with professional ski instruction. In addition Fischer rental and retail product is available and many of the centers offer a place to sit, relax and get a bit to eat. Why not start your winter cross-country adventure at a Fischer Nordic Center? Nordic Center City Royal Gorge SODA SPRINGS Tahoe Cross-Country TAHOE CITY Tahoe Donnor Nordic Center TRUCKEE Aspen Nordic Center ASPEN Breckenridge Nordic Center BRECKENRIDGE Devils Thumb Nordic Cent TABERNASH Frisco Nordic Center FRISCO Steamboat Nordic Center STEAMBOAT SPRINGS Winding Trails FARMINGTON Sun Valley Nordic Center SUN VALLEY Enchanted Forest Nordic Center RED RIVER ABR IRONWOOD Boyne Mountain Nordic Center BOYNE FALLS Boyne Highlands Nordic Center HARBOR SPRINGS Cross Country Ski Headquarters ROSCOMMON Crystal Mountain Nordic Center THOMPSONVILLE Timber Ridge Nordic Center WEST DOVER Lone Mountain Ranch BIG SKY Great Glen Nordic Center GORHAM Jackson Touring Center JACKSON Windblown Cross-Country Ski Area NEW IPSWICH Garnett Hill Norcic Center NORTH RIVER Cascade Ski Center LAKE PLACID Nordic Barn @Top Notch Resort STOWE Ole‘s Cross Country Center WARREN WoodStock Nordic Center WOODSTOCK Minocqua Winter Park LAC DU FLAMBEAU White Pine Nordic Center PARK CITY 12


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