Fishers Town Talk - December 2014

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TownTalk Fishers

Official newsletter for the Town of Fishers, Indiana

Welcome YOUR First MAYOR Scott Fadness

December 2014

Welcome to the

December issue of Town Talk! Dear Resident, Our long awaited transition from the Town of Fishers to the City of Fishers is finally upon us. Mayor-Elect Fadness will be sworn in as Mayor on Dec. 22 and we will officially become a second-class city on Jan. 1, 2015. We’ve dedicated this issue to celebrating this transition and the future of Fishers. Thanks to many of you who wrote in to share your vision for our city through Future of My Fishers essay submissions. This month, we received several wonderful entries, including essays from young, eager residents at local intermediate schools. Curious about the changes that will occur as a result of our soon-tobe city status? Get to know our new mayor on pages 8 and 9 and learn all you need to know about the transition on page 10. Come January, expect a few changes to Town Talk as well. Not only will the publication have a new name, we’re expanding each issue to ensure that we give you all the information you want and need to know each month. Finally, instead of including the printed version of Fishers Parks & Recreation’s Fun Guide in each issue, we’ll highlight a few special events and you can find the full Fun Guide online at We thank you for your readership of Town Talk and look forward to seeing you around town!

Respectfully, Fishers Town Council John W. Weingardt, President C. Pete Peterson, Vice President Scott A. Faultless Stuart F. Easley David C. George Michael L. Colby Eric Moeller

Produced by the Town of Fishers, Indiana, Public Relations Department, Town Talk is an official newsletter for the Town of Fishers, Indiana. Additional copies are available at the Fishers Town Hall. For more information about the Town of Fishers, visit us at

Fishers Town Council

John W. Weingardt, President C. Pete Peterson, Vice President Scott A. Faultless, Stuart F. Easley, David C. George, Michael L. Colby, Eric Moeller

Town Judge

Daniel E. Henke


Gaye Cordell, IAMC, CMC

Town Manager Scott A. Fadness

Deputy Town Manager Nathan George, ICMA-CM

Public Works Director Eric Pethtel

Engineering Director Jeff Hill

Community Development Director Tom Dickey

Parks & Recreation Director Tony Elliot

Police Chief George Kehl

Fire & Emergency Services Chief Steve Orusa

Information Technology Director Tracy Gaynor

Fleet Management Director Elliot Hultgren

Human Resources Director Cici Hendrix, PHR, IPMA-CP

Public Relations Director Autumn Gasior

Town Talk Editor

Communications Manager Tiffany Holbert

Design and Layout

Propeller Marketing 7050 E. 116th St., Suite 200 Fishers, IN 46038

Town of Fishers, Indiana

Cover: The first mayor of Fishers, Scott Fadness. Photo courtesy of Current in Fishers.



Town Talk December 2014

Fishers Town Hall One Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN 46038 317.595.3111 •



The future of my Fishers is a happy; petite community. One of the things I enjoy doing is helping others. I would love Fishers to post opportunities to help others on the public websites. I imagine a committee of Fishers residents meeting at a public church making care packs for homeless people. We then will travel downtown and hand out the care packs. The group of helpers will all wear matching tee shirts. The tee shirts will be green and say Fishers helping hands around a circle. On the inside of the circle, there will be two holding hands. I imagine the Fishers Helping Hands acting as a city student counsel. When others see our character, they will think," I want to be a part of Fishers, maybe I'll move there." If my dream comes true, I will love Fishers even more than today.

Gabrielle Huffer In Fishers I would like to make some changes. I think there should be more bike trails. My brother and I like to ride bikes around the neighborhood but we have to ride where all the cars are. I would also like more local book stores; I am always running out of books to read. I also think we could help the animals here too. Some people abuse their animals. They don’t give them food. I think we could make more animal shelters to help those animals in need. I think we could get homeless shelters too. Like last year when it was 40 degrees below. People had to stay outside in the cold. I think we could have more fundraisers to help people not as fortunate as us. We could have more parks to play at also.

Carson Drish December 2014 Town Talk





The future of my Fishers includes fifty percent of our entrepreneurs and C-level positions being held by a diverse group of women. Gender equality at the top means there is a greater chance for a product or service to be successful. A heterogeneous group of minds is going to solve problems based on a more vast set of experiences. In the tech sector where I work, whether a company is established or just starting up, new ideas require a keen understanding of exactly who needs or wants the technology. Just as important is knowing precisely how customers are going to use it. Assumptions about end users must be validated before any investment is made. Teams of experts with different backgrounds ask questions and provide answers from a wider variety of angles. The multiformity of teams refine products so that once in the marketplace, they appeal to the targeted audience and generate healthy profit margins. Diversity fuels economic development, so it makes sense to be intentional about expanding networks to identify and recruit talent. Regardless of the size or stage of a company, leaders who develop programs to train, mentor and sponsor women and minorities will retain top talent. Keeping this in mind, lasting and permanent change must be ignited by the town’s current executives. Accepting this challenge to create paths to diversify executive leadership will lead to sustained growth for small, midsize and large business throughout the town of Fishers. The future of my Fishers requires leaders in both the private and public sectors to become champions of diversity. Partnering with organizations like NAWBO, Women in HiTech, Network of Women in Business, Techpoint and Launch Fishers are great resources that can make meaningful connections.

Kristen Cooper VP Corporate Development & Operations at Sticksnleaves



Town Talk December 2014


LIST Santa’s Mailbox

Dec. 1-15 Do your little ones have something to tell Santa before Christmas? Santa’s elves have dropped off two mailboxes in Fishers to ensure that children, fourth grade and younger, get a chance to write him a letter. One mailbox will be located inside of Town Hall and the other will be located inside the Fishers Park and Recreation office, at 11565 Brooks School Rd. Be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope so that Santa can write you back.

Celebration of Lights

Dec. 5 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | Nickel Plate District Amphitheater Don’t miss a Fishers tradition as the Town’s tree is lit and adorned with decorations. This family-friendly event will feature special performances by Lauren Lowrey and Ashton Wolf, Fishers High School Choir and even a special visit from Santa.

Pictures with Santa

Dec. 10-11 | 6-7:30 p.m. | Town Hall Capture that precious picture with Santa right here at Town Hall! Children of all ages are invited to take free pictures with Santa and provide him with their wish lists!

Progressive Shopping in the Nickel Plate District Dec. 4 | 4-8 p.m. Finish your holiday shopping in the Nickel Plate District! Dahlia’s, Lily & Sparrow, Twigs, Roman & Leo, Vardagen and Best of What’s Around are hosting a progressive shopping event in the Nickel Plate District. Each store will serve an appetizer, main course or dessert throughout the evening. Enjoy a full meal while supporting our local businesses!

December 2014 Town Talk





My name is Megan Mybeck. I live in Fishers and am excited that Fishers is becoming a city. I have some suggestions of what Fishers needs and what it is going to look like in the future. I think Fishers needs swim stores (well I am on the Fishers Area Swimming Tigers team), so you don’t have to drive all the way to Noblesville. Also, we should provide swim lessons there, so kids can get their swim equipment there while doing swim lessons. Next, I think Fishers needs more festivals because I think we need some more fun activities outside and people can introduce new inventions to everybody in Fishers!!! When we have the festivals, we need to have rides so kids can have fun too. Fishers also needs museums because if kids need to do reports on a real event many years ago they can go to the museum. If we have a museum, we need to have activities for the kids to have fun and learn at the same time. After that, I think Fishers needs walks for cancer because we need to help those in Fishers who have cancer and help fight for them. People would have a choice to donate money to Riley Hospital. When people join, we will provide free cancer T-shirts and a teddy bear. Last thing that Fishers needs is triathlons because people need to stay fit and anybody can do the triathlons. If you win a triathlon, you get a $100 gift card to an athletic store in Fishers, but the important thing is to stay fit. In the future of Fishers, I think it will have tons of mansions because each year houses get bigger and people ask the workers to build a bigger house. Why they might ask that is because they might have a big family. I hope my ideas are considered, and I am excited that Fishers is becoming a city!!!!!

Megan Mybeck

Riverside Intermediate School



Town Talk December 2014


#EngageFishers with @FishersDan By Dan Domsic

Looking back at 2014, I can’t help but smile about the amazing things accomplished by the citizens of Fishers. Working with a lot of talented people in a lot of sectors of the community made the year go by incredibly fast. It’s been quite a privilege to get to know so many community leaders, volunteers, business people, and organizations. There is no better time than now to reflect on the great things that folks here in Fishers made possible in 2014: In May, dozens of volunteers flocked to one Fishers neighborhood to lend a hand in the first ever Keep Fishers Beautiful campaign. These volunteers helped homeowners and a neighborhood, which will hopefully leave a lasting mark. In June, Ashton Wolf and the Nickel Plate Players brought the musical “Beehive – The 60’s Musical” to the Nickel Plate District Amphitheater stage, a true first for the venue.

Throughout the summer at Tuesday Night Concerts, a Pedal and Park was offered for people looking to ride their bikes instead of drive their cars to the concert venue, all done with the help of the Fishers Bicycle Pedestrian Advocacy Committee, Motion Cycling & Fitness, LöKë Bicycles, the Pedal & Park organization, and other volunteers. In July, business owners in the Nickel Plate District started gathering, and now they learn about the various redevelopment projects going on in their backyard, as well as plan ways and means to collaborate. In the end, it is a group that at fully-realized potential could do some really cool things for their own strength and the community at large. All that I can hope for in 2015 is to work with just as many people that are caring and passionate about the community and what they do.

Check it out:

The cold weather hasn’t chilled Fishers Parks & Recreation’s holiday spirit. Join us for the Celebration of Lights on Friday, Dec. 5 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Nickel Plate District Amphitheater, 6 Municipal Drive. The crowd will have a chance to mingle with Santa, see reindeer, and enjoy other fun event features.

Dan Domsic is the Community Engagement & Volunteer Coordinator for Fishers Parks & Recreation. December 2014 Town Talk




MAYOR Scott Fadness



Town Talk December 2014


What sparked your interest in local government?

I would say it’s a combination of things. It’s probably the ability to directly impact people’s lives and the variety of subjects that you get to work on.

Did you always see yourself becoming a politician?

What do you believe to be true about the people of Fishers after several years of service to this community?

I am continually amazed by the caliber of people in this community. That’s something I learned during the campaign. There are people in this community that do extraordinary things that you just don’t know about. Having as many extraordinarily accomplished people as we do in one community is pretty unique. I think that’s exciting and I’m not sure we’ve harnessed that opportunity to the extent that we could.

Actually, I would say I never pictured myself becoming a politician. I was originally going to be a farmer; that’s what my family has Scott and Aunna with Daisy always done in North Dakota but we lost the farm when I was 16 and so I had to go into What are five things that you think everyone should something. Government has always interested me, but not experience in Fishers? politics. So I like governing, I’ve never been overly interested • Tuesday Summer Concert Series in politics. • HSE vs. Fishers High School football game What’s been your greatest challenge as Town Manager? • Launch Fishers The last three years has been a very tumultuous time for us • One of our parks internally. For as long as I have been in the leadership role, • Opening day of Billericay baseball we have been in some constant state of flux. I think making What’s one thing you wish all residents knew about you? sure that the employees here feel like they can focus on just I’d like to think of myself as someone who genuinely does providing the services and not worrying about the other stuff not have the typical ego that comes with this type of office. I has probably been the biggest challenge. try to approach everyone the same way and be as accessible What do you count as your greatest success to date? as possible. This opportunity hasn’t gone to my head in any I’d classify that in two buckets; internally and externally. shape or form. Internally it’s the culture that I’ve been able to foster What’s your all-time favorite book and why? here with the department heads and the employees and "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman. He was the first breaking down the silos and people working together in a one to really change my perspective on what 21st century team approach that I haven’t seen in a lot of other places. economic development was going to look like. It’s informed Externally I would say the efforts and progress that we’ve my decisions in more ways than I ever thought it would. made in economic development. Not only the outcomes, but the approach to economic development is what I think has Who do you most admire? been the greatest success for the entire organization moving My dad; he has a work ethic that’s matched by nobody. forward. He was always one to be involved in his community and We asked residents to describe “The Future of he didn’t do it for political or personal gain, he just did it My Fishers.” What best characterizes your ideal because he thought it was the right thing to do. I always future Fishers? admired that about him. I would want people to envision a community that is It may be far too early to ask this, but what do you hope smart. What I mean by a smart community is one that will be your legacy as Fishers’ first mayor? grows in smart and strategic ways; that approaches public I hope my legacy is one of defining the mayor’s role as one of policy problems in smart and thoughtful ways and that’s service and not self-promotion. And my goal is to put Fishers entrepreneurial and has a real vibrancy about it. To me a on a track towards financial sustainability and a vibrant smart, vibrant, entrepreneurial community is what I would entrepreneurial culture. want to see as our vision going forward. December 2014 Town Talk



From Town to Second-Class City Transition Brings Governmental Changes On Jan. 1, 2015, the Town of Fishers will officially become the City of Fishers. This transition brings with it changes in our governmental structure as well as some changes to our internal daily processes. Our current Town Manager, Scott Fadness, was elected to be Fishers’ first mayor and will be sworn in later this month. As mayor, Fadness will enforce the ordinances of the city and statues of the state to insure efficient government of the city. Fishers’ first city council was established following the general election. The city council is comprised of nine members; 6 councillors will represent established districts, while 3 councillors will serve at large. In 2015, Fishers will have its first city clerk, Jennifer Kehl, who was elected in the 2014 primary election. Kehl will serve as clerk of the city court, maintain city records and maintain the city seal. Fishers will no longer have a clerk-treasurer's office. In addition to these new elected positions, Fishers will add new hired staff members in 2015 including a city controller, chief inspector, city attorney and additional police and code enforcement officers. These additions will ensure that we are able to effectively manage Fishers’ growing population and continue to provide a high level of service to our residents. In our first year as a city, we will continue to focus on the efficient and effective delivery of services, developing diverse economic development strategies, a strong sense of identity and best-in-class infrastructure.



Town Talk December 2014

Mayor Scott Fadness

City Council North West District ​Selina Stoller North Central District Eric Moeller North East District Stuart Easley South West District David George South Central District ​John Weingardt South East District Pete Peterson

At Large--Rich Block ​Cecilia Coble Todd Zimmerman

City Clerk Jennifer Kehl

Fishers Happenings Through Dec. 15 Santa’s Mailbox See The List on page 5. Through Dec. 19 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Art in Town Hall Town Hall, One Municipal Dr. in Nickel Plate District The newest art exhibit features the work of Jean Smith, a Fishers watercolor artist. Presented by Fishers Parks & Recreation Dept. and Fishers Arts Council. Thursday, Dec. 4 Progressive Shopping in the Nickel Plate District See The List on page 5. Thursday, Dec. 4 Holiday Container Arrangements Historic Ambassador House at Heritage Park 10595 Eller Rd. Just in time for the holidays, Mary and Gretchen from Windowbox Gardener will give you ideas on creating containers with fresh greens and dried materials for your entry ways and porches. You will definitely be inspired! $5 per person. Free to Garden Club members. Friday, Dec. 5 Celebration of Lights See The List on page 5. Saturday, Dec. 6 10:30 a.m. – noon Victorian Family Christmas Historic Ambassador House at Heritage Park 10595 Eller Rd. A wonderful holiday tradition for children ages 2-8 and their parents, featuring story time, crafts, refreshments, pictures with Old Saint Nick, and special holiday carols and a performance by Fishers’ own Nickel Plate Players! $10 per child, adults are free. Registration required.

Saturday, Dec. 6 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Music & Art “Holiday Jazz Concert and Art Show” Studio 37 Theater in Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy, 10029 East 126th St. Christmas favorites performed by Mudsock Jazz Combo and featuring the artwork of local artist, Jessica Springman. Tickets are $10/person at the door. $8/person advance purchase online. Saturday, Dec. 6 6 p.m. – 11 p.m. Water is Life Charity Ball FORUM Conference Center The Rotary Club of Fishers presents a holiday evening including cocktail reception, three-course dinner and music by the Stardusters Orchestra. Event raises funds for the construction of wells to supply fresh clean water to Ebola-stricken areas of the world. Tickets $100/person. Dec. 6-14, 19-23 Polar Bear Express Departing from Municipal Drive in Nickel Plate District, just south of library Snowflake, the polar bear, greets guests on a holiday interactive experience – a train ride with Santa and Mrs. Claus! Train tickets are $30/person. Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 10-11 Pictures with Santa See The List on page 5. Friday, Dec. 12 7:30 p.m. Fishers Chamber Orchestra presents “A Christmas Extravaganza” Holy Spirit Parish at Geist Catholic Church 10350 Glaser Way Ring in the season with Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, O Holy Night and other holiday favorites. Dancers from the G. Scotten Talent Center perform selections from Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker. The Fishers Chamber Orchestra Brass joins in for two powerful numbers, too. Tickets available day of the show $15/adult. Children 17 and under are free! Order tickets:

Meetings Open to the Public

Monday, Dec. 1 7 p.m. Town Council Meeting Town Hall Auditorium Monday, Dec. 8 6 p.m. Parks Advisory Committee Town Hall Auditorium Tuesday, Dec. 9 5:30 p.m. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Committee Town Hall Tuesday, Dec. 9 6:30 p.m. Plan Commission Town Hall Auditorium Monday, Dec. 15 7 p.m. Town Council Meeting Town Hall Auditorium Wednesday, Dec. 17 5:30 p.m. Nickel Plate Review Committee Town Hall Wednesday, Dec. 17 6:30 p.m. Town of Fishers Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) Town Hall Auditorium Thursday, Dec. 18 9 a.m. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Town Hall Auditorium Thursday, Dec. 18 6:30 p.m. Fall Creek Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) Town Hall Thursday, Jan. 1 City Hall Closed for New Year’s Holiday Monday, Jan. 19 City Hall Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

December 2014 Town Talk




Town of Fishers, Indiana Fishers Town Hall One Municipal Drive Fishers, IN 46038

Town Hall Brief Mayoral Swearing In

Fishers Chamber December Luncheon Join the Fishers Chamber for their monthly luncheon on Dec. 17, featuring a panel of newly elected city officials. Luncheons are held at the FORUM Conference Center, 11313 USA Parkway. Visit to register.

On Monday, Dec. 22, Scott Fadness will be sworn in as Fishers’ first mayor. Join us at Town Hall to witness this historic event. Fishers City Council members, and other elected officials will also be sworn in at this time.

Boo Bash Winner Drive Fishers Updates Stay up to date on all the road construction throughout town with a list of project updates delivered straight to your inbox each Friday. To subscribe, visit and subscribe to the Road Notices list.

Congratulations to Accelerated Physical Therapy for the best themed booth at our 2nd Annual Boo Bash! More than 6,000 residents attended Boo Bash and more than 50 local businesses participated.

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