Chief Kehl’s Retirement & the FPD Mobile App, Page 8
Think Fishers is the official magazine for the City of Fishers, Indiana, produced by the City of Fishers Public Relations Department. Additional copies are available at Fishers City Hall. For more information, visit us at www.fishers.in.us. On the Cover: Chief George Kehl, Assistant Chief Mitch Thompson and Captain Ed Gebhart Left: Mayor Scott Fadness details Fishers 2040 to residents
MAYOR Scott A. Fadness
In September, Fishers’ first and only police chief, George Kehl, will retire and
Assistant Chief Mitch Thompson will take the lead. Chief Kehl’s legacy of service to
Leah McGrath
our community has left an indelible mark not just on the Fishers Police Department, but on all who have served alongside him throughout the years, myself included.
CITY COUNCIL Selina Stoller, Northwest District
Chief Kehl has been steadfast in his belief that the community always comes first. His
Eric Moeller, North Central District
example is one we can learn a great deal from. Through his service, he’s made the
Brad DeReamer, Northeast District
Fishers community better for nearly 40 years years.
David George, Southwest District John Weingardt, South Central District
Service opportunities abound in Fishers – there are organizations and volunteer
Pete Peterson, Southeast District
opportunities suited for many different interests and skills. One such opportunity,
Rich Block, At Large
Keep Fishers Beautiful, will take place on April 16 (learn more on page 6). I look
Cecilia Coble, At Large
forward to working alongside residents again this year to complete cleanup projects
Todd Zimmerman, At Large
at The Orchard at Sunblest neighborhood and Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve.
CITY JUDGE When we choose to put our community first, we inevitably make our community
Daniel E. Henke
better. Let’s serve together with that goal always in mind.
CITY CLERK Yours in service,
Jennifer Kehl
Chris Greisl
Eric Pethtel
Be sure to visit www.fishers.in.us/MayorExclusive for a special message from Mayor Fadness only for Think Fishers readers.
APRIL 2016
CITY OF FISHERS, INDIANA Fishers City Hall One Municipal Drive
We answer questions every day about all things Fishers via private messages, posts
Fishers, Indiana 46038
and mentions on our Facebook and Twitter pages. We figured, if one resident has a
317.595.3111 | www.fishers.in.us
question about the community, it’s likely that another may have the same question
and would benefit from the answer. That’s why we want to encourage you to share your questions by using the hashtag #AskFishers. We’ll select a few questions to
Facebook: Fishers Indiana Government
feature here each month.
Twitter: @FishersIN Instagram: NicklePlateDistrict
Can you tell us what you expect to be in [Saxony Hall], or used for exactly? From Lauren Hutchens Riley, via Facebook
Similar to our other facilities, this will be a rent-able space for community events. We expect the facility to be a popular location
for anniversary parties, baby showers, bridal showers and have
Tony Elliot
even had interest in weddings. The facility includes indoor restrooms and an office for our staff. Our #CityBlog is a great
place to learn more, as well!
George Kehl
IT DIRECTOR Tracy Gaynor
THINK FISHERS EDITOR Tiffany Holbert, Communications Manager
Construction on Saxony Hall is expected to be complete in Mid-April, 2016
DESIGN & LAYOUT Elizabeth Creakbaum, Brand Coordinator
PRINTED BY: Fineline Printing Group www.finelineprintinggroup.com
APRIL 2016
AROUNDFISHERS We want a glimpse into city life from your perspective. Each month, we’ll feature your photos from #AroundFishers. To submit your photos, simply use the hashtag #AroundFishers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram when you share photos of your favorite local spots and activities. facebook.com/FishersIN
Photos Provided By: 1. Brian Christopher, @bchrisphotos via Twitter 2. Brian Christopher, @bchrisphotos via Twitter 3. Luis Ruvalcaba, 4
luisruvi via Instagram 4. The Nickel Plate District, nickelplatedistrict via Instagram 5. Conner Prairie, @ConnerPrairie via Twitter 6. The Nickel Plate District, nickelplatedistrict via Instagram 7. Brian Christopher, 5
@bchrisphotos via Twitter
APRIL 2016
HSE Schools' Proposed Referendum is on the May 3 Ballot One of the most important questions facing our community will be on the May 3 Primary ballot. If HSE Schools is to reduce class size, attract quality teachers and keep the great ones we already have; if we are to best prepare our students for their futures, it will require dollars beyond the new state funds and current referendum. Even with new state funds, the HSE per pupil revenue falls below the state average by more than $371. The proposed referendum adds 12.75 cents to the current rate. With the current 10 cent referendum, the proposed 22.75 cent referendum will yield $17 million annually for operating expenses for the next 7 years. Per pupil revenues will rise to slightly above the state average for the first time in years. With these dollars, we stand to gain 43 teachers to reduce class sizes, attract and keep quality teachers, and better prepare our students for their futures. We have the ability to work toward eliminating program participation fees and better funding supply budgets.
22.75¢ $100 HOME value PER
The referendum proposes that
will go to help HSE Schools
HSE is in the
for teacher salaries compared to area school districts
HSE is
funded in the state for per pupil dollars
(10¢ Currently + 12.75¢ Additional)
In my first three months as superintendent, I acquainted myself with this school community and their message was clear. Hamilton Southeastern Schools is both an object and source of pride for this dynamic community. I look forward to seeing you at the polls on May 3. Sincerely, Dr. Allen Bourff, Superintendent HSE Schools
Property taxes starting in 2017 would be about $166 more per year, that's about 45¢/day, for a $250,000 home to fund needed improvements for HSE Schools.
Without these dollars, we stand to lose 100 teachers, six administrative positions, and 25 support staff. We stand to lose paid stipends for 19 athletic, 8 performing arts, and 18 other extra-curricular activities. All of this impact would be felt over the next two years.
Administrative Positions Performing Arts Positions other ECA Positions Athletic Positions Support Staff Teachers
*ECA - extra-curricular activities
-176 Positions
For more information on registering to vote, polling locations, or early/absentee voting please visit: www.hamiltoncounty.in.gov/222/Current-Election-Information
APRIL 2016
Saturday, April 16 | 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Keep Fishers Beautiful Initiative was established in 2014 in partnership with Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development (HAND) as an effort to connect neighbors — and the community at large — to work together to maintain the vibrancy of Fishers. Through service projects, Keep Fishers Beautiful encourages the community to take an active part in the upkeep of Fishers neighborhoods and parks. While we have a stellar Department of Public Works in Fishers that works daily to keep our city not just looking nice, but also functional and safe, it is important that residents take ownership of the community in which they live to help us to keep the city clean and beautiful for everyone who lives, works and plays in Fishers. There are many opportunities throughout the city for individuals, families, businesses and nonprofit organizations to get involved in Keep Fishers Beautiful.
NEW IN 2016! This year the KFB team is encouraging everyone to get involved during the service day! Residents are welcome to gather together to complete their own, individualized volunteer projects. In an effort to track engagement and participation during the event, please share your project details and hours spent working on the Fishers Parks & Recreation Facebook page. We look forward to seeing how you take it upon yourself to keep our community beautiful this spring!
DID YOU KNOW? During the Fall 2015 Recycling Day, roughly 1,200 Residents recycled: 897 Pounds of Batteries
Neighborhood Blitz presented by Stratosphere Quality
Spring Service Day presented by DICK’s Sporting Goods
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Orchard at Sunblest
Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve
Join neighbors as you beautify The
Join a coordinated service project at
18,000 Pounds of Metals,
Orchard at Sunblest, one of Fishers’
Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve. You will
Mowers, Bikes, & Grills
oldest neighborhoods, to complete
help clear the invasive garlic mustard and
cleanup and landscaping projects.
bush honeysuckle plants that shade out native wildflowers. To participate, stop by
2,475 Gallons of Paint 412 Gallons of Used Oil
Recycling Day
Ritchey Woods anytime between 9 a.m.
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
and 3 p.m.
Billericay Park 234 Gallons of Antifreeze
Jumpstart your spring cleaning and
For more information about Keep Fishers
responsibly rid your home of electronic
Beautiful, visit www.fishers.in.us/KFB.
254 Gallons of
and household hazardous waste with
Flammable Liquids
Spring Recycling Day.
1,650 Pounds of Fertilizer
Thank You to our 2016 Keep Fishers Beautiful Sponsors:
and Pesticides Technology Recyclers, Shares, Inc. and NuGenesis, Inc. will be on site accepting recyclables. To view the full list of accepted materials, visit www.fishers.in.us/RecyclingDay
APRIL 2016
#EngageFishers with @FishersDan
By Dan Domsic
A little over two years ago, Fishers
share knowledge. To me, these acts, and
hands-on training scenarios, and another
Police Sergeant Troy Fettinger was one
public service in general, all boil down to
month, they’ll design their own park.
of a handful of people to run out onto a
trying to make a difference.
basketball court and help save a young athlete’s life after he collapsed. Later
Department paramedicine
launched program
community service project, and upon
high schools students in Fishers this fall
successful completion, these students will
at the first-ever Fishers Public Service
have the opportunity to grant real dollars
Academy, an academic yearlong program
to real organizations – a major lesson in
for high school juniors and seniors.
budgeting and finite resources in a world
Fishers a
That’s the ideal we hope to show to 20
WeCare is a proactive initiative in which
of infinite possibilities.
Fishers paramedics meet with patients
learning experiences, we hope to inspire
Juniors and seniors at FHS and HSEHS
who voluntarily participate in a discharge
students who have an affinity for public
are welcome to apply for the pilot program
referral program from the hospital –
service to pursue meaningful careers in the
that starts this August or learn more at
checking on the simple but critical things
field, foster greater community awareness
like trip hazards and dosage for new
and cement local identity.
We’re looking for participants who want
medication and follow up – that can
Participants will meet once per month
to find their way in the world, as well as
make the difference in keeping them out
and learn directly from many of the City’s
the future leaders that want to step outside
of the hospital. That’s just one part of
departments, as well as from leaders and
and challenge the status quo with bold,
the initiative.
organizations in the social services sector.
new ideas.
And working with HSE Schools, Chief Naturalist Danesa Stolz at Fishers Parks
firefighter emergency response through
They all can make a difference, and they can do it in Fishers.
& Recreation instituted a pilot program called Nature First, helping educate every first grade student in the district about
the natural environment both in the
Keep Fishers Beautiful is here. Fill out a volunteer application to team up with
classroom and outdoors at Ritchey Woods
us April 16, or if you’d like to volunteer independently that day, join our
Nature Preserve.
Keep Fishers Beautiful event page where you can post what you or your group
An act of heroism (that I’m sure any one police officer would say is all in a day’s
does to keep your part of the community beautiful. For more information, visit www.fishers.in.us/kfb.
work), a helping hand, an opportunity to
Dan Domsic is the Community Engagement & Volunteer Coordinator for Fishers Parks & Recreation. For more information on events or ideas, feel free to reach out to domsicd@fishers.in.us or in the office at 595.3151.
APRIL 2016
FPD’s Chief Kehl will Retire with a Legacy of Service & Teamwork
A short conversation with Fishers’ first
“My goal is to continue the legacy and
It’s that culture of innovation that
and only police chief, George Kehl, reveals
tradition that Chief Kehl has brought
Kehl and Thompson have fostered that
that he’s a humble man. When asked about
about,” said Thompson. “Having the
allowed Captain Ed Gebhart to develop the
the success of Fishers’ Police department,
ability to work for him for 26 years has
department’s new mobile app.
his most proud moments over his nearly
taught me some key elements of success.”
“I came into a roll call one night to meet
40-year career or what sets the agency
Kehl is confident that the department
with a shift and half the guys were on
will continue to excel under soon-to-be
their phone,” said Gebhart. “That started
Chief Thompson’s leadership.
my mind on, if I’ve got half of our officers
apart, he always credits the people. But, even they are a testament of his success. Chief Kehl has hired every one of
“I know it is going to be great,” said
on the phone, then definitely there’s
the departments 107 police officers to date.
Kehl. He has been involved in every
a large percentage of the community
“We always expected and
wanted to create a positive
same way.”
culture with people that have
respect for one another, said
Kehl. “I think we’ve done a
to reach out to officers
really good job of that; you
when they are patrolling
don’t see that everywhere
throughout the country.”
Fishers Police Department has
neighborhoods with
and them
about things they’re seeing.
Chief Kehl’s career. He was
app is not a replacement
the first police officer hired
by the then Town of Fishers in the late
aspect of this agency since he has been an
enhancement to it. The app incorporates
70s. Throughout his tenure Fishers has
assistant chief.”
all functions of the agency, including
consistently been named one of the safest cities in America. He’s made an indelible impression on his team members, including Assistant
Thompson said Chief Kehl has taught him to allow team members to run with their ideas to make the agency and community better.
information, patrol and investigation. The app is in final stages of approval and will be launched for public use later
Chief Mitch Thompson who will take over
“Innovation that we’ve had throughout
as Chief when Kehl retires this September.
the years has not been anything we
In September, Kehl will retire from
Thompson is an Indianapolis native who
created in terms of command staff,” said
the police department, but not from
started with Fishers Police Department in
Thompson. “Its guys who have come up
community service. Kehl is running for
January 1991, and has never looked back.
to us within the agency and said have you
Hamilton County Council, At-Large.
He worked his way through the ranks, and
thought about this or have you thought
“If I’m fortunate enough to win that
became the department’s Assistant Chief
about that and have been willing to take it
election, we’ll see what comes after that,”
in 2003.
and run with it.”
Kehl said.
APRIL 2016
this spring.
City will Host Community Open Houses to Inform Residents about Fishers' 25-Year Plan
Throughout 2015 and the first few
months of 2016, Fishers leaders and
process, the steering committee and task
forces have identified ways to ensure all of
our processes and plans drive us to become
that outlines how we can foster a smart,
the smart, vibrant, entrepreneurial city we
Land Use
aspire to be.”
vibrant and entrepreneurial community.
To learn more about Fishers 2040,
The plan will provide property owners,
residents are encouraged to attend one of
residents and businesses an understanding
two community open houses:
• Sense of Place • Adaptable • Sustainable
of how the city intends to grow over the
Community Open House #1
next 25 years. Fishers 2040 includes guidelines for land use, housing, transportation and parks and
Housing & Neighborhoods
• Connected • Diverse • Sustainable • Accessible • Resilient • Innovative
April 21 | 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Conner Prairie
open space. The key themes that emerged throughout the plan are for a community
Community Open House #2
that is connected, innovative, resilient,
May 5 | 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
accessible and sustainable.
Brooks School Road Elementary Café
“Fishers 2040 is an invaluable tool that will guide our growth and development
for the next 25 years and beyond,” said
anticipated in July. For more information
on the plan visit www.fishers2040.com.
COUNCILOR PROFILE John Weingardt Fishers City Council President Co-Chair of Land Use Task Force Partner at Peachin, Schwartz & Weingardt accounting firm Husband to Tina Father to Ashley, Abby and John Fishers resident of 19 years
APRIL 2016
• Accountable • Connected • Safe • Accessible • Integrated • Economically Viable • Financially Responsible • Well-Maintained • Sustainable • Efficient
• Accessible • Mixed-Use • Sustainable • Vibrant • Safe • Collaborative • Quality
County-Wide Campaign Asserts that Teen Dating Violence is #NotOK On March 29, school administrators, law enforcement officers,
served on the HCLA project team, Philip Paluso of Medium Cool
service providers and leaders from each of Hamilton County’s
Pictures volunteered as the video producer, and Lynsay Clutter
municipalities gathered to raise their voice against teen dating
was the announcer’s voice in the video.
violence. This was the first ever rally to teach families about
The campaign’s message is focused on a startling national
the prevalence and danger of this type of domestic violence in
statistic about the prevalence of this form of domestic violence.
Hamilton County.
The campaign’s project team noted that Hamilton County
The rally kicks off a stirring Facebook campaign running in April
couldn’t be immune from teen dating violence situations given
that features a short video.
the alarming fact that one
This video demonstrates an
in every three teen girls
alarming national statistic about teen dating violence and
communities. The campaign
Teen dating violence can take many forms - physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal.
asks that Hamilton County
experiences it. HCLA
Brittany Winebar is a Youth Advocacy Prevail,
Supervisor Inc.,
County group that advocates
residents share the video on social media with the accompanying
and serves victims of crime and abuse. Winebar states, “Teen
hashtag statement, #NotOK.
dating violence can take many forms- physical, sexual, emotional,
The #NotOK Teen Dating Violence Awareness Campaign was
or verbal abuse- or abuse that is online or through technology.”
created as a community service project through the Hamilton
The #NotOK Teen Dating Violence Awareness Campaign shares
County Leadership Academy. Five members of HCLA’s current
a warning with Hamilton County residents and encourages
class formed a project team to address domestic violence as
conversations between peers, parents and teens. To view and
an under-told issue in the county. Three Fishers residents
share the video, visit www.Facebook.com/NotOKwithMe. To take
participated in the county-wide service project. Jocelyn Vare
the online pledge, visit www.NotOKwithMe.org.
"One in three teen girls in the US is a victim of abuse from a dating partner, a figure that exceeds rates of other types of youth violence."
"Though 82% of parents feel confident that they could recognize the signs if their child was experiencing dating abuse, a majority of 2
parents (58%) could not correctly identify all of the warning signs of abuse."
1. Davis, Antoinette, MPH. 2008. Interpersonal and Physical Dating Violence Among Teens. The National Council on Crime and Delinquency Focus. 2.Fifth & Pacific Companies, Inc. (Liz Claiborne, Inc.), Conducted by Teen Research Unlimited, (May 2009).
APRIL 2016
Arbor Day – Let’s Flock the NPD
Fridays, April 15 - May 27 | Sunset
Wednesday, March 1 - Thursday, April 28
NPD Amphitheater | Free
$3 per Flamingo (while supplies last)
Turn Friday into FriYAY all spring long! Movies in the Park
Competition’s high as the flamingo decorating contest returns
return at sunset this April and offer the perfect Friday night
to the NPD! From March 1-April 28, get creative and paint,
entertainment for all ages. Arrive early and bring a few dollars to
rhinestone or dress your very own yard flamingo for a chance to
purchase your favorite movie snacks.
win! After you’ve registered, you will receive an email notifying
Download the Nickel Plate District mobile app to browse dinner
you that your flamingo is ready for pick up from the Fishers Parks
options before the show, and enable push notifications, those are
& Recreation office. You’ll also receive the contest rules so you
important! We’ll use them to announce deals around the district
don’t accidentally exclude yourself from the contest!
so you can enjoy a meal at an affordable price. Connect with us
Then comes the best part, you get to decorate your flamingo –
and share your photos using hashtag #FishersMovies so we can
however you’d like! Mark your calendar, decorated flamingos
see how your family is making the most of Friday night’s all
are due back to the NPD AMP on April 29 between 5:30-6:30
season long!
p.m. to enter the contest. From 7 to 8 p.m., the public will vote on their favorite flamingos, and winners will be chosen from five categories. Categories include: People’s Choice, Best Youth
(up to age 10), Best Teen (ages 11-17), Best Adult (18+) and Best
4 / 15
The Good Dinosaur
Arbor Day Theme. Winners will receive a $50 prize pack that
4 / 22
includes items from Dick’s Sporting Goods and Fishers Parks &
4 / 29
Recreation! Don’t forget to grab your flamingo before the movie
5 / 06
Shaun the Sheep
begins, they’re welcome to go straight to your yard for the entire
5 / 13
Hotel Transylvania 2
neighborhood to admire.
5 / 20
Register by April 28 with Activity Title "Let’s Flock NPD"
5 / 27
Inside Out
Summer Camp Open House Friday, May 27 | 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. NPD Amphitheater | Free
Spring Service Day
Stop by the Nickel Plate District and learn what summer camps
Saturday, April 16 | 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
are all about! This open house is for registered campers and those
Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve | Free
still considering if camps are the best option. While children
The 12th annual Spring Service Day returns to Ritchey Woods
can meet camp counselors and enjoy games, parents have the
Nature Preserve this April! This volunteer opportunity engages
opportunity to explore open camps and learn more. Don’t forget
residents of all ages as we work to protect the preserve from
a blanket, this event makes a great night out when paired with
invasive plants. Invasive plants shade out our native wildflowers
#FishersMovies showing of Inside Out!
and dominate the areas where they are found. Spring Service Day is presented by Dick’s Sporting Goods and
Can You Win It?
is one part of the City’s community service day, Keep Fishers
Wednesday, May 18 | 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Beautiful. Spring Service Day is a rain or shine event, and pre-
Roy G. Holland Park Building | Residents $8, NonResidents $12
registration is encouraged.
Get ready for some family-friendly competition during this
Eager to volunteer? Contact Dan Domsic to learn how you can
evening program! Families of all ages are invited to test their
get involved, today! Dan can be reached via email at domsicd@
balance skills, quickness and steady hands all in one minute,
fishers.in.us or directly at (317) 595-3151.
timed games. This is a great way to enjoy quality time together
Register by April 14 with Activity Title "EEOR Service Day"
and escape the stress of a busy work week. Register by May 11 with Activity Title "Can You Win It"
APRIL 2016
Wednesday, April 13
Join in the interactive play with your two year old and with
Billericay Park Building | 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
other toddlers. Parents, participation and pre-registration
Resident $7, NonResident $11
are both required so you can get in on the fun too!
Register by April 6 with Activity Title "Spring Flowers"
Blossoms & Buds Spring Fling
Thursday, April 21
Thursday, April 14
Billericay Park Building | 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Billericay Park Building | 10 a.m. - Noon
Resident $6, NonResident $9
Resident $14, NonResident $21
Register by May 13 with Activity Title "TTTF Blossoms"
Register by April 7 with Activity Title "Spring Fling"
It's a Zoo Out There! Friday, May 20 Billericay Park Building | 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Resident $6, NonResident $9 Register by May 13 with Activity Title "TTTF It's a Zoo!"
PLAYFULL HOURS Your child(ren) ages 1 to 5 are invited to PlayFULL Hours for unstructured play time! Each class focuses on a specific theme, and themes vary year-round. Parents, participation is required so you can socialize alongside your little one.
Start Smart Baseball Mondays, May 16 - June 13* Roy G. Holland Park Baseball Field | 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. Resident $48, NonResident $72 Register by April 27 with Activity Title "SS Baseball" *No class May 30
Start Smart Soccer, Session 1 Thursdays, May 19 - June 16*
Music & Movement
Roy G. Holland Park | 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday, April 8
Resident $48, NonResident $72
Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve | 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Register by May 12 with Activity Title "SS Soccer 1"
Resident $2, NonResident $3 | FlexPass Accepted
*No class June 2
Register by April 6 with Activity Title "PFH Music"
Kiddy 500
Build a Playground
Tuesday, May 24
Tuesday, May 17
Billericay Park Building | 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Roy G. Holland Park Building | 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Resident $4, NonResident $6
Resident $2, NonResident $3 | FlexPass Accepted
Register by May 17 with Activity Title "Kiddy 500"
Register by May 15 with Activity Title "PFH Playground"
APRIL 2016
Monday, April 4
Sundays, April 3 - June 12*
Roy G. Holland Park Building | 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Roy G. Holland Park Softball Fields | Noon - 6 p.m.
Resident $15, NonResident $23
Resident $448, NonResident $672
Register by March 28 with Activity Title "Spring Break"
Register by March 17 with Activity Title "Softball"
Spring Break Kick-Off!
Spring Softball
*No games May 8 or May 29 (unless makeup game needed)
Baby Bird Pottery Saturday, April 16 Roy G. Holland Park Building | 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Resident $15, NonResident $23
Gentle Yoga
Register by April 9 with Activity Title "Baby Bird Pottery"
Wednesdays, April 13 - May 18 Roy G. Holland Park Building | 9:3 0a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Resident $48, NonResident $72 Register by April 6 with Activity Title "Yoga 3"
BEFORE YOU PARTICIPATE... You Must Register in Advance Visit www.fishers.in.us/parks for a registration form. From there, you can complete the form and submit the payment online, print the form and mail it in with a check, or print the form and drop it off with payment at the Fishers Parks office. (Phone registration is not accepted.)
Did You Know? A drop off program does not require an adult to be present
Bring Your "A" Game
during the program time.
Wednesday, April 20 Billericay Park Building | 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Check It Out!
Be sure to visit the Fishers Parks website to see additional
Register by April 13 with Activity Title "Bring Your A Game"
information about the programs listed here, and for info about other upcoming programs, special events and
Glass Fusing
partner classes.
Saturday, May 7 Roy G. Holland Park Building | 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Fishers Parks & Recreation
Resident $26, NonResident $39
11565 Brooks School Road
Register by April 30 with Activity Title "Glass Fusing"
Fishers, Indiana 46037 (317)595-3150
A Dream Come True Thursday, May 12
Office Hours:
Roy G. Holland Park Building | 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Monday - Friday | 8:30am - 4:30pm
Resident $16, NonResident $24
Except Holidays
Register by May 5 with Activity Title "Dream Come True"
APRIL 2016
The Real Hoosiers: A Conversation with Ray Craft
“Music and Art” Series
April 9 | 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
April 27
Hamilton East Public Library
Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy, 10029 East 126th St.
Join us as we celebrate Hoosier basketball with a very special
Celebrating American composers with vocalist David Michael
appearance by Ray Craft. Mr. Craft was a member of the 1954
Schuster and pianist Michael Sherperel. Tickets can be purchased
Milan, Indiana team that inspired the movie Hoosiers and was the
at www.fishersmusic.com/tickets.
lead scorer in their championship game against Muncie Central. Please join us to listen to Mr. Craft talk about his experience,
Nickel Plate Block Party
followed by a screening of the movie Hoosiers. Light refreshments
April 30 | 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
will be provided.
Nickel Plate District Get out into the Nickel Plate District to check out local businesses
Mudsock Quilter’s Guild
and enjoy food, live music, art, activities and more. Be sure to
April 11 | 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
make a stop at the following locations for activities food and fun:
Fishers United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall Demonstration and discussion of marking your quilt for quilting,
Gallery 116
Painting With a Twist
walking foot and decorative stitches. All welcome. After lunch
Source Yoga
bring a project you are working on for a sew-in at the Fishers
Carpenter Realtors
Sharp Printing
Central Green
City Hall
Public Library. www.mudsockquiltersguild.org
Everything Your Mother Never Taught You about Gardening April 16 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Historic Ambassador House and Heritage Gardens Always wanted to be a gardener but struggled to find your green thumb? Let our gardeners teach you a few tips and tricks! This drop-in style program invites anyone to stop by and enjoy a walking tour of stations covering gardening tools and materials.
Art in City Hall “Senior Art Showcase” April 22 | 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. City Hall Always one of the favorite art exhibits each year, the “Senior Showcase” features the work of graduating seniors from FHS and HSEHS. The reception celebrates these artists, their artwork and HSE Schools’ art teachers. Art in City Hall is presented by Fishers Arts Council, Fishers Parks & Recreation and Nickel Plate Arts. This exhibit runs through May 6 and can be viewed at City Hall,
Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Be sure to check out
All public meeting dates can be found on the City calendar at
www.FishersArtsCouncil.com for more information.
APRIL 2016
Roundabout Construction Underway at 96th/Cumberland
Temporary Workers Needed for Partial Special Census
A 100 day closure is in place at 96th Street and Cumberland
As part of the ongoing efforts
Road as Hamilton County Highway Department works to
construct a multi-lane roundabout at the intersection to
census, the City of Fishers will be
improve traffic flow and reduce traffic congestion. Traffic
recruiting temporary employees.
from 96th Street and Cumberland Road is being detoured via
Census testing is scheduled to begin
Lantern Road and 106th Street and Cumberland Road.
on April 12 and continue until April 22. Temporary positions are expected to be filled for one and a half months and offer opportunities for parttime and full-time work. If you would like to learn more about available positions and apply,visit www.fishers.in.us/Census
Inside Indiana Business Plans Launch Fishers Bureau Inside Indiana Business has announced plans to establish a bureau and studio production facilities at the New Launch A temporary signal will be installed at 106th Street
Fishers facility. The expansion
and Mollenkopf Road. Additionally, the Hamilton County
Sheriff’s Department and the Fishers Police Department
will assist with traffic control during peak hours and work
and a variety of studio options to
to mitigate traffic congestion. The roundabout construction
produce expanded real-time content for
is expected to take 100 days. The intersection is planned to
Inside Indiana Business properties.
reopen on approximately June 30, 2016.