2016 Fishers Island Annual Report (edit)

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Fi s he r sI s l a nd Annua l Re po r t

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The Island Community Board, under its revitalized leadership is endeavoring to function as an open and accessible forum for everything concerning our island. As we see it, one part of operating as such a forum is the consolidation and presentation of information in a clean and concise way. Over the last year, we've heard from many in the community that they'd like the ICB to revive the practice of producing an Annual Report, similar to those published for many years by the Civic Association. The purpose of which is to give Islanders a basic resource and listing of the important work being done by so many volunteers, staff, and board members of the many independent FI organizations. A note on the gathering and presentation of this information: An email solicitation was distributed to 23 organizations that operate on Fishers Island. Each organization was asked to submit basic organizational data and a one-page report of their activities for 2015/2016. All information presented here is presented at the pleasure of the organizations answering this request. Comments or concerns may be directed to Nate.Malinowski@gmail.com. Many thanks to all the organizations on FI for doing all the things they do, and for their help in the compilation of this report.

Table of Contents Fishers Island Community Center FishersIsland.net/Fog Horn

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Fishers Island Development Corporation


Fishers Island Recreational Path Foundation


Fishers Island School


Fishers Island Union Chapel


Henry L. Ferguson Museum


Island Concerts


Island Health Project, Inc.


Our Lady of Grace Church


The Fishers Island Utility Company


The Lighthouse Works


Walsh Park Benevolent Corporation


Fishers Island Community Center The Fishers Island Community Center is a non-–profit organization formed in 2006 to provide cultural, educational, athletic and social activities throughout the year for the benefit all Fishers Island residents. Our programming and outreach efforts enrich island life for all ages, foster a sense of community and encourage the retention and growth of the year-round population. On the web: http://www.ficommunitycenter.org Operating Budget: $250,000 Fiscal Year Ends: December Mailing Address: P.O. Box 464 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: 66 Hound Lane Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Elizabeth Burnham liz@ficommunitycenter.org (631) 788-7683

Board Contact Luke Fowler ploughboy@gmail.com


Elizabeth Burnham Executive Director Sarah Porter Membership and Maintenance Coordinator

Board of Directors Luke Fowler, President Jane Ahrens Mark Borden Peter Crisp Gail Cypherd Karen Goodwin Sarah Goulard John Harris Sara McLean Bob Meyer Harris Parsons, Jr. Tom Patterson Scott Reid Chriffo Sanger John Spofford Ann von Stade

FishersIsland.net/Fog Horn To serve as the communication resource for the Fishers Island community and others, on and off the Island, through the FishersIsland.net website, accompanying monthly Fog Horn eNewsletter and various social media outlets. This is accomplished by staying in tune with community happenings, continual outreach and accessibility.

On the web: http://fishersisland.net Operating Budget: $60,000 Fiscal Year Ends: January Mailing Address: P.O. Box 464 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: Fishers Island Community Center 66 Hound Lane Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Jane Ahrens finyinfo@gmail.com (631) 788-7487

Board Contact Luke Fowler ploughboy@gmail.com


Jane Ahrens Editor Sarah Porter Community Calendar Administrator

Board of Directors Community Advisors: Luke Fowler Elizabeth Reid John Spofford Heather Burnham Sarah Goulard Nate Malinowski Karen Goodwin Pierce Rafferty

FishersIsland.net P.O. Box 464, Fishers Island, NY 06390

Dear Fishers Island Community,

October 2016

The FishersIsland.net website and accompanying monthly Fog Horn eNewsletter serve as the communication resources for the Fishers Island community. The website’s redesign in January 2014 incorporated a fresh modern look, new features, improved content organization and usability, and advertising space. The monthly Fog Horn e-newsletter is produced and sent to all through the website, free of charge. This Island communications effort is run on a shoestring supported solely by donations, grant gifts and a small group of advertisers. Expenses include the editor’s time, back-up support from InDesign, website and enews hosting company fees and printed Fog Horn related expenses. 2014-2016 ACTIVITY: The website has been visited over 240,000 times, with average monthly regular users numbering 3,750. Viewers have accessed: 1562 Posts – news, stories, obits, births, weddings, classifieds, photo gallery, videos 157 Listings in the Directory – Island businesses, organizations and advertisers 5769 Edited photos and PDFs in the Media Library 6625 Events on the Community Calendar Inquiries coming via Contact Us number over 125 by email, plus those that just call… Our Favorite questions: Is there a bridge? What is the cab company’s name? Do you have Uber? Can you send me a list of the hotels? People from all 50 states check in most months. June-September 2016 the top 10 were NY, CT, MA, CA, NJ, FL, TX, RI, PA, and VA. Those in every country except Cuba, New Guinea and several African nations have visited numerous times. Top 10 USA, UK, Canada, Germany, France, China, India, Australia, Italy and Ireland. Fog Horn enewsletter: 2119 Current subscribers. 42 Fog Horn issues have been sent. FishersIsland.NY Facebook Page: 1560 Likes/followers. CALLS TO ACTION FOR 2017: If you have not yet subscribed to the eFog Horn, you may do so by visiting fishersisland.net, scroll down to the footer and complete the information to submit your request. Access FishersIsland.net on you phone. Just pull up the website and add it to your phone’s home screen. To make a tax-deductible donation, please send a check made to the FICC with FishersIsland.net in the Memo and mail to FishersIsland.net, PO Box 464, Fishers Island, NY 06390, or call (631) 788-7683 to make a donation by credit card to FishersIsland.net. Advertising: Join the effort and take the opportunity to share your business, expertise and products. “FishersIsland.net must continue. A centralized information source has been repeatedly identified as a vital piece for the sustainability of the island. As you plan your annual giving support of the Island’s resources and non-profits, please put FishersIsland.net at or near the top of your list.” ~ ICB President Tom O’Neil If you would like additional information, please contact the Editor Jane Ahrens at finyinfo@gmail.com.

Fishers Island Development Corporation The Fishers Island Development Corporation (FIDCO) was incorporated in New York in 1960 as the successor to a series of companies formed to develop the area of Fishers Island east of the gate house on the main road. The first of these companies, created by Henry and Alfred Ferguson in 1924, commissioned the Olmsted brothers to lay out the development plan of the East End (also known as the Park), hired Seth Raynor to design the Fishers Island Club golf course and built a large clubhouse, which was demolished in 1963 and replaced by a smaller structure. About 35 private residences were built in the Park prior to 1933, when the Great Depression halted development. Owners of the existing summer houses then formed Fishers Island Estates, Inc., which acquired the assets of the East End. In 1958, a private group of summer residents organized Race Point Corporation to acquire most of the former Fort Wright, some of which it subsequently resold. In 1960, Race Point Corporation bought Fishers Island Estates, reincorporated as FIDCO. FIDCO is governed by a board of directors elected by the shareholders, has a general manager and several employees.

On the web: http://www.fidco.us Operating Budget: $ Fiscal Year Ends: December Mailing Address: Drawer E Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: 161 Oriental Ave Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Chris Finan fidco@fishersisland.net (631) 788-7251

Board Contact Chris Finan fidco@fishersisland.net


Aaron Rice James Wall Michael Imbriglio John Bergquist Patty Faulkner Colby Eastwood Cheryl Wheeler

Board of Directors Executive Officers Mark Gaumond, Chair Philip B. Weymouth III, President Amelia Gary, Tresaurer Theodore Rodgers, Secretary Board of Directors Mark Borden Frank Burr Jr. Edmund Carpenter Margaret B. Chaves George Conant Reynolds duPont Amelia Gary Mark Gaumond Dixon Harvey

Edward T. Henderson (Chair) Lily Rutherfurd Kinlin John McGillian Theodore Rogers Tom Sargent Melie T. Spofford Robert G. Warden Philip B. Weymouth III Charles T. Wilmerding

Operations FIDCO had a good year in 2016. Our revenues and expenses tracked closely to our budget and we were able to increase our cash reserves. Major projects scheduled for 2017 are expected to include additional grading and brush removal along our dirt roads, continuing efforts to improve road safety, including additional signage on more of our dirt roads, and developing preventive maintenance programs for our vehicles. In addition, we are in the process of deploying a license plate recognition system at the Gate House to improve security as well as begin to streamline the Gate Pass and Sticker programs. As part of this technology upgrade, we intend to transition to an online registration and fee payment platform within the next two years. FIDCO owns undeveloped acreage in the Park as well as several houses and buildings in the Park and the Fort Wright areas which are leased to various tenants. For example, the Fishers Island Community Center is housed in a former Fort Wright building now owned by FIDCO and leased to the Community Center at a nominal fee. FIDCO has maintained a moratorium on the sale of Park land since 1982 although it has worked with property owners and the Ferguson Museum to exchange or donate lots in order to discourage or avoid construction in environmentally sensitive areas. Pursuant to building restrictions imposed by the Town of Southold and the terms of the deeds entered into between FIDCO, a grantor, and individual property owners, the Architectural Review Committee of the Corporation oversees, and to an extent controls, the location, design and landscaping of privately owned dwellings in order to maintain the park like environment of the East End. FIDCO owns the land used by the Fishers Island Club, the Fishers Island Yacht Club, and the Sportsman’s Club and leases such land to the clubs for their seasonal use. FIDCO also leases land to the Fishers Island Oyster Farms. In addition, FIDCO owns 60% of the Fishers Island Water Works and 49% each of the Fishers Island Telephone Company and the Fishers Island Electric Company. Safety Safety continues to be FIDCO’s most important priority. Over the last several years, there has been a concerted effort to create a safer environment on the Island. The Recreational Path, speed bumps at the Gate and the Club, and improved signage have made a big difference. Nevertheless, we continue to have periodic accidents, which often involve speeding or driving under the influence of alcohol. FIDCO will continue to promote safety in our messaging to the Island community and will experiment with other techniques to enhance safety. Everyone should support these efforts and lead by example. Please slow down, drive responsibly and encourage your friends, relatives and neighbors to do the same.

Fishers Island Recreational Path Foundation The Fishers Island Recreational Path was constructed to provide a safe recreational outlet for cyclists and pedestrians on Fishers Island. On the web: Operating Budget: $25,000.00 Fiscal Year Ends: December Mailing Address: P.O. Box 619 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: 1177 Old Mallory Rd. Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Yaritza Gello gellogg@gmail.com (631) 788-7043

Board Contact John F. McGillian jmcgillian@sympartners.com


Yaritza Gello Office Management Alexander Williams Manager of Maintenance Crew

Board of Directors John F. McGillian, President Richard Miller, Vice-President Dixon Harvey, Treasurer Paul Vartanian Kevin Coleman Bill Rigdway John Blondel Carter Sednaoui Phillip Weymouth Joe Brock Bruce Hubert Tom Patterson

Fishers Island Recreational Path Foundation A The Fishers Island Recreational Path was constructed to provide a safe recreational outlet for cyclists and pedestrians on Fishers Island. The main focus of maintenance in the past year was the repainting of the Path’s eight bridges. Extensive planting of non-invasive plants and wildflowers partially supported by the Fishers Island Conservancy continues. The future goal of the Path Foundation is to extend the Path along the Navy yard to the fourth tee of Hay Harbor. The project entails negotiations with the Navy, Department of Interior, and the Town of Southold. The construction date is still unknown though all government entities are on board.

The Fishers Island Recreational Path Foundation is a 501 c3 organization. US tax ID 11-3588899. All donations are tax deductible.

Fishers Island School To enable students to function effectively as independent individuals in a democratic society by educating them to develop ethical and cultural values, stimulating a continual learning process and cultivating an understanding and appreciation of the rights and responsibilities of American citizens. On the web: http://www.fischool.com Operating Budget: $ 3,656,049 Fiscal Year Ends: June Mailing Address: P.O. Box 600 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: Fishers Island School 78 Greenwood Road Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Karen Loiselle Goodwin k.goodwin@fischool.com (631) 788-7444

Board Contact Jamie Doucette j.doucette@fischool.com


Karen Loiselle Goodwin, Superintendent/Principal James Eagan Business Manager Alysanne Cochrane Administrative Assistant Carol Doherty, School Secretary Gil Amaral FTE Guidance Counselor 15 Teachers - Pre-K to 12 4 Support Staff

Board of Directors Jamie Doucette, President Laurie Finan, Vice-President William Bloethe Linda Mrowka Tom Shillo Charles Snyder, Student Liaison

Raising the Bar: Fishers Island School’s Progress on Board of Education Priorities Student Achievement: The Board and faculty hold high expectations for student achievement and provide personalized support to ensure that all students meet with success. Through our implementation of the Schoolwide Enrichment model, we cultivate and honor the gifts and talents of all students through Viking Voyages (guest speakers), Enrichment Clusters based on student interests, field trips, individualized internships, and independent learning projects. Our students’ success is the best indicator of the success of our highly effective school: *First Place and Excellence Ratings for both Band & Chorus at New England Regional Music Festival *Gr.8 student wins sole Patent Award at CT Invention Convention and will represent FIS at National Convention *Second Place Overall at Connecticut State Science & Engineering Fair plus 3 Special Awards *Student Representing FIS at the International Genius Olympiad Project Fair on the Environment *FIS student artists’ work displayed at Mystic Center for the Arts, finalist for Southold Arbor Day poster contest *Best Overall Science Paper and Top Water Protection Paper at Long Island Summit, Dowling College *Two Seniors Invited to Present Research at Long Island Sound Research Conference (the only high school presenters) *Two students earned a total of three (3) perfect scores on SAT exams *Two FIS students (of 10 in region) selected to participate in prestigious Marine Scholar Program at Avery Point *Four FIS students won top (grades 6-11) earned top judo prizes at Connecticut Nutmeg Games *First-ever FIS National Merit Scholar *Best Community for Music award for fifth consecutive year *PSAT scores on new test 200 points above national average *FIS students successfully participated in first Exchange Program with high school in La Coruna, Spain Community Partnerships: The Fishers Island Community continues to demonstrate its strong support of our students and school. The following island entities worked collaboratively with us to greatly enhance teaching and learning: • H.L. Ferguson Museum sponsored hands-on Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center Programs • Conservancy provided grant funds to support authentic STEM Bio-rock research and gr.3/4 work with Naturalist • Lighthouse Works resident artists conducted student workshops in painting, photography, and writing • Library co-sponsored Magic School Bus program to promote summer reading and access to Live-brary resources • UCONN partnered with FIS to offer four Early College credit classes in history, Spanish and oceanology • Students provided community service to Little Pebbles (orphanage donations) and WMD Beach Clean-Up • New York State Police trooper conducted Internet Safety program for middle and high school students • Islanders for Islanders provided healthy snacks to school to support families in need Fiscal Responsibility: For the second consecutive year, the Board of Education presented to the voters an education budget proposal that represented a decrease from the previous school year. The school district is debt-free as the Board of Education is using carefully managed Reserve Accounts to address capital improvement projects. Lastly, the district doubled grant revenue to $47,312 as a result of its successful bids for competitive funds. Safety: The school-community Crisis Team completed a comprehensive Crisis Plan that has been submitted to state officials and local emergency responders. The Board of Education successfully secured a brand new donated generator and funds to install it. The generator will provide electricity and heat for the island’s Red Cross Emergency Shelter based at the school. Facility: • After an 18 month delay by the NY State Education Department, we at last received our building permit for the Renovation Project approved by the voters in 2014. Due primarily to the unanticipated delay in construction and a requirement by the state to make significant changes to our HVAC system in the music, art, Spanish, Social Studies, and computer lab classrooms, the project exceeded anticipated costs. As the voters approved the use of additional BOE reserve funds, construction is taking place this summer. • A comprehensive facility study was conducted by Point One Architects, resulting in a prioritized timeline for completing necessary capital improvements. The BOE is using this comprehensive report for budgeting and Strategic Planning purposes.

Fishers Island Union Chapel To serve the Lord through Christian ministry by being an inclusive, constant spiritual home with our Island's shifting scene of seasons and pilgrims. "Whoever you are, wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here." On the web: http://www.fiunionchapel.org

Operating Budget: $165,000 Fiscal Year Ends: December Mailing Address: P.O. Box 192 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: 821 Crescent Ave. Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Diane Dexter fichapel1@gmail.com (631) 788-7898

Board Contact Louisa Evans lpevans06390@gmail.com


Rev. Candace Whitman Minister candy@fiunionchapel.org Diane Dexter Administrative Assistant Volunteer Organist Mitchell Kucsera Audio Tech Support

Board of Directors David Burnham, Treasurer Louisa Evans, Chairman Harry Hurlburt Valarie Kinkade Geordie Loveday Sarah Malinowski, Clerk Sarah Porter Moderator: Susie Renna

Fishers Island Union Chapel United Church of Christ We are a year-round congregation providing Christian worship, outreach, and other programs for our congregation and community. We host events throughout the year such as senior luncheons, recitals, fairs, Bible studies, a book group, and special holiday programs. Our Sunday service is at 10 am, and we are delighted to welcome people from many faith backgrounds in our beautiful sanctuary in the heart of Fishers Island for worship.

Highlights of 2016 Our annual Spring Fair fund-raiser was also a fun-raiser with lunch, a bake sale, crafts, a raffle, and more!

Church school meets weekdays throughout the school year to learn about following Jesus. This spring we learned about stewardship, and grew wildflowers to sell to the community. The beauty of nature provides a wonderful setting for worship, and Beach Church again this summer attracted a steady congregation for an early service on Dock Beach.

For island church-goers as well as those who are simply spiritually-minded, we began the Open Book Group to read a variety of books on other religions, social issues, and to learn from spiritual and moral leaders of our time.

Our Thrift Shop furnished hours of retail therapy and the pleasure of great finds! Thank you to our donors, and our thrift angels, Mary Pankiewicz and Viola Meyer! Collaborating with all island churches, Union Chapel keeps a food resource room as part of the Islanders for Islanders initiative, a fund to help support year-round community with food, fuel, and small grants for job skills enhancement.

We thank our friends for their strong support of Union Chapel this past year.

Henry L. Ferguson Museum The mission of the Henry L. Ferguson Museum is the collection, preservation and exhibition of items of PreHistory, History and Natural History of Fishers Island and, through its Land Trust, the preservation in perpetuity of undeveloped property in its natural state. It is organized for the education and enjoyment of the Island’s community and visitors and for the protection of habitat for the Island’s flora and fauna.

On the web: http://www.fergusonmuseum.org Operating Budget: $184,646 Fiscal Year Ends: December

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 554 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: 1109 Equestrian Ave. Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Pierce Rafferty fimuseum@fishersisland.net (631) 7887239

Board Contact Elizabeth McCance emccance@optonline.net


Pierce Rafferty Director Mary Linda Strunk Administrative assistant

Board of Directors Elizabeth McCance, President Bagley Reid, Vice-President Robert J. Miller, Vice President–Land Trust Scott Reid, Treasurer Harry L. Ferguson III, Secretary Charles B. Ferguson, President Emeritus Richard S. Baker, Honorary Trustee Elizabeth H. Cook, Honorary Trustee Jean Leuchtenburg, Honorary Trustee Katharine H. Sturtevant, Honorary Trustee Marnie F. Briggs Cary Brown Barry R. Bryan Heather F. Burnham Faith Coolidge Jeffrey Edwards Kenneth L. Edwards Audrey N. Ludemann

Steve Malinowski Terry McNamara Wendy O’Neil Thomas Parker Megan Raymond Barbie Riegel Virginia Thors

Island Concerts

The mission of Island Concerts for more than 30 years has been to bring young, extremely talented musicians to Fishers Island and have them perform in smaller venues, (private homes, the museum, the churches), where one could experience extraordinary music "up close and personal", and to have a bigger concert once a year at the Fishers Island Club which became a full evening with dinner and a performance. We have also tried to support the year-round community by providing tickets to events at the Garde Theatre in New London, and giving money to the school to hire extra musicians for their Spring performance. And of course supporting the Essex Sailing Masters for the iconic Fourth of July celebration. We have had all kinds of musicians - primarily classical in the smaller venues, and jazz and popular groups at the club, many of which included talented Fishers Islanders. Needless to say, there is a huge pool of musicians available between New York and Boston, and Island Concerts has been able to host some truly extraordinary performers over the years. Unfortunately, over the last several years, we have experienced a drop in attendance at our concerts, both as a result of a very crowded summer calendar on the Island, and also probably due to a notable worldwide drop in attendance at classical concerts. Knowing that we would not be able to have a concert at the Fishers Island Club for the next 2 years due to their construction project, we experimented this year by having a great group of young classically-trained musicians play "Jazz on the Porch" at The Hay Harbor Club. Needless to say, the musicians were fantastic and lots of fun, but sadly the attendance was just 25. Unfortunately we chose the same night as the museum lecture about Oyster cultivation, one that even we were sad to miss, but that has been happening much more than we'd like to admit. It is hard to continue with our concerts under these circumstances, both on the committee members that work hard to put the concerts together, and for the musicians who are playing to an empty "house". So that being said, Island Concerts has decided to take a "sabbatical" for a year and see if we can figure out a schedule that works better within the Island calendar and will appeal to more concert attendees. We welcome my suggestions you might have as to how to increase our attendance but for now we are taking a break. We hope that you will all continue to enjoy and support music in all of its forms and hope to come back with a brighter forecast.


Sandy Esser and Stephanie Hall Co-chairs of Island Concerts

Island Health Project, Inc. The mission of the Island Health Project is to raise money to provide year round medical care to our year round island residents, seasonal residents and visitors. On the web: http://www.islandhealthproject.com Operating Budget: $424,329 Fiscal Year Ends: December Mailing Address: P.O. Box 344 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: 370 Central Avenue Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Dianna Shillo dshillo@lmhosp.org (631) 788-7244

Board Contact Susie Parsons susieparsons@me.com


Dianna Shillo Jamie Doucette Kapri Thomas Dee Ross

Board of Directors Susie Parsons, President Diane Baker, Vice-President Ace Crary Kathy Dollar Susie Ferguson Wendy Henderson Mary Horn Sara McLean Malcolm Miller Richard Miller Denny Ogden Maisie Pollard Carol Rossetto Marc Rubenstein BettyAnn Rubinow Dianna Shillo Robert Warden

Island Health Project PO Box 344, Fishers Island, NY 06390 631.788.7244

The Island Health Project (IHP) continues to ensure that island residents and guests have access to excellent health care on Fishers Island. Attracting a topnotch doctor to live year-round on a small island is not easy. But IHP was lucky enough to engage board certified ER doctor, Chris Ingram, M.D. in 2011. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Ingram recently signed a three-year contract extension through 2019. The doctor’s office is humming with efficiency thanks to office manager Di Shillo, who is also a registered nurse. There were over 1000 patient office visits from January through August, 2016. That number jumped by nearly 200 from 2014 to 2016. Because of Dr. Ingram’s exceptional ER skills, many patients, who previously had required an emergency trip on the Sea Stretcher, can now be treated in our doctor’s office. Dr. Ingram is virtually on call whenever he is on Fishers Island, and when he is not, he makes sure there is a qualified doctor on-island to cover patients. He also accompanies some patients on the Sea Stretcher, depending on the severity of the situation. Additionally, he is the primary care physician for about half of the island’s year-round population. Health care also extends beyond the walls of the doctor’s office. Ms. Shillo is contracted through IHP to be the school nurse, and Dr. Ingram provides services to the school, which primarily include screening for vision, hearing and scoliosis. As a service to our senior citizens, Dee Ross, also a registered nurse who works at the doctor’s office, planned to administer flu shots at the first Senior Luncheon this fall. IHP could never make ends meet without financial support from the Fishers Island community. We count on that support and look forward to a future of excellent and dependable health care for both year-round and seasonal residents of Fishers Island.

IHP Patient Visits to the Doctor’s Office 2014 812

2015 986

2016 1005

Our Lady of Grace Church Roman Catholic Church serving the Fishers Island Community On the web: Operating Budget: $ Fiscal Year Ends: June Mailing Address: P.O. Box 425 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: 233 Alpine Avenue Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Father Mark O'Donnell pastorstjoseph12@yahoo.com (860) 443-5393

Board Contact Tom Doherty tomatfishers@gmail.com


Father Mark O'Donnell Pastor Father Kevin Gillen Summer Priest

Board of Directors Parish Council – June 2016 Father Mark O’Donnell Patty Faulkner Jim Rutherfurd Mary Horn MaryBeth Guimaraes George Esser Carol Doherty Stephanie Hall Robert Hoey Gina Scumaci Trustees: Elby Burr Tom Doherty

OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH Our Lady of Grace is the Roman Catholic Church serving the Fishers Island Community. Our Lady of Grace is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, Connecticut and is yoked with the New London parishes of St. Joseph’s and St. Mary’s. Father Mark O’Donnell is the Pastor of all three churches. From September through May, the New London churches send a priest over to serve Mass at Our Lady of Grace every Saturday evening and on Holy Days of Obligation. Starting in 2015, the Dominican Friars sent priests to serve Mass at Our Lady of Grace from Labor Day through Labor Day. The lead Dominican Friar is Father Gabriel (Kevin) Gillen.

Mass times: September – May: Saturday at 5:30 pm Memorial Day – Labor Day: Saturday at 5:30 pm; Sunday at 10:00 am In addition to providing religious services Our Lady of Grace operates a rummage sale/thrift shop in the church basement.

Parish Council – as of June 2016 Father Mark O’Donnell Patty Faulkner Jim Rutherfurd Mary Horn MaryBeth Guimaraes George Esser Carol Doherty Stephanie Hall Robert Hoey Gina Scumaci Trustees: Elby Burr Tom Doherty

The Fishers Island Utility Company To provide management, staffing and administrative services to the Fishers Island Electric Company, Telephone Company and Water Company and to the Fishers Island Development Corporation (FIDCO). On the web: Operating Budget: $ Fiscal Year Ends: -

Mailing Address: P.O Box 604 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: 161 Oriental Ave Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Chris Finan (631) 788-7251

Board Contact


Board of Directors

Superintendents: Jay Cushing, Electric Bryan Marteeny, Telephone Chad Mrowka, Water

Michael Laughlin, Chairman

Office Staff: Colby Eastwood Patty Faulkner Mary Horn John Klimziak Cheryl Wheeler

Fishers Island Electric Corporation Directors Michael Laughlin, Chairman Ed Carpenter George Conant Tom Siebens John Spofford

Stephen Cook Tom duPont Malcolm McAllister

Geddes Parsons Tom Siebens John Spofford

Fishers Island Telephone Corporation - Directors Michael Laughlin, Chairman Ed Carpenter George Conant Tom Siebens John Spofford Fishers Island Water Works Corporation - Directors Ed Carpenter, Chairman George Conant Malcolm McAllister Tom Siebens Bob Warden

Fishers Island Utilities – A History Beginnings: The first submarine communication cable linking the mainland and Fishers Island was laid in July 1885 by the New London and Fishers Island Telegraph Co. It terminated near the Lyles Beach Hotel (later Munnatawket) at the entrance of West Harbor at a site where mainland cables still “land.” The first telegraphic transmission from Fishers Island was made on July 22, 1885 and newspaper reports indicate that limited telephone service from the hotel also began at this time. 1899: Coal Power: A steam-generating plant (coal-fired) was financed by a group of ten prominent Fishers Islanders that included E.M. & W. Ferguson, Robert P. Linderman (founder of Bethlehem Steel), Garrett B. Linderman, and George Bartlett. They organized under the name “Fisher’s Island Electric Light, Heat and Power Co.” starting with 199 customers. 1904: Water Pumped from Barlow Pond and Island Pond: The heart of the entire 1904 water system was the brick pumping station located on Barlow Pond that pumped potable water through a pumping main from Barlow Pond and adjacent Island Pond to the Belle Hill Reservoir atop Shingle Hill. The original Belle Hill Reservoir—perched above the Mansion House Cottages—had a capacity of 330,000 gallons, a diameter of 51 feet, a depth of 22 feet, and 24-inch thick brick walls. 1912: New Submarine Communication Cable: A new submarine cable was laid in 1912 that connected the telephone system on the Island with the mainland in Groton, Connecticut. After a complete overhaul by SNET Company, the Island system had 2 switchboards, with 5 trunk lines and a total of 106 subscriber lines in use. 1927: Water Filtration Plant: A water filtration plant was built in 1927 to treat, filter and chlorinate the Island’s pond-based water supply. 1941: Diesel Power: A new diesel generating plant went on-line February 9, 1941 as part of a strategy to eliminate dependency on mainland power supply and to reduce the threat of power outages caused by storms and accidents to the submarine cable. It was powered by four diesel generating units (Nordbergs). 1965: The Fishers Island Utility Co. formed: A group of Fishers Island residents stepped in to purchase the Fishers Island Farms, Inc. after Farms’ President Lee Ferguson became seriously ill. The new owners reorganized the company in 1965 under the name Fishers Island Utility Co. Their stated purpose was “to furnish Fishers Island with vital Electric, Telephone and Water Service,” which they continue to do to this day. 1968: New Submarine Power Cable: A new submarine power cable was laid between Groton Long Point and Fishers Island to replace the original corroded cables of the 1920s. 1988: Well Water Supply; New Power Cable: Wells were dug in the aquifer of Middle Farms to provide a cost effective plentiful supply of good quality water. A new marine power cable was installed from Groton Long Point. 1992: Digital Phone Switching: Call-waiting and other new service features were added when the telephone company installed a digital switching system. Today: The Fishers Island Utility Company and the Fishers Island Development Corporation co-own the three operating utilities, which are managed by the Utility Company. Fishers Island Electric Corporation provides power, supplied by submarine cable from Groton Long Point, with the exception of occasional emergency power from a diesel–powered back-up generator on the island. Fishers Island Telephone Corporation provides telephone and internet services over a fiber optic backbone and copper cable network from an FCClicensed micro wave connection to the mainland. Fishers Island Water Works Corporation supplies water sourced from the wells in the Middle Farms aquifer and, during summer months and emergencies, from back-up pond water. Going Forward: Fishers Island Electric continues to aggressively system-harden. This includes pole replacements, component upgrades, system upgrades and trained personnel. The company is working closely with Groton Utilities to identify vulnerable areas of the system and to implement cost-effective improvements. Fishers Island Telephone is extending its fiber network to the communication tower near the school and to a new tower at Top of the World. These improvements will enhance long distance coverage, enable additional services and increase the backbone capacity for future needs. During September 2016, Fishers Island Water rehabilitated its two active supply wells, increasing their yield by over 160%, and put in place a maintenance system to preserve these gains for years to come. An engineering firm is currently helping to develop plans that address the island’s aging water infrastructure.

The Lighthouse Works The Lighthouse Works, a nonprofit arts organization, is devoted to encouraging the development of artists through a fellowship program and to the restoration of the yearround cultural vitality of Fishers Island, New York. On the web: http://www.thelighthouseworks.com Operating Budget: $285,000 Fiscal Year Ends: December

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 385 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: A Public Space 225 Montauk Avenue Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Nate Malinowski Nate@thelighthouseworks.com (631) 788-7713

Board Contact Mary Burnham mburnham@mbbarch.com


Board of Directors

Nate Malinowski Executive Director

Mary Burnham President

Tryn Collins Fellowship Director

Harry S. Parker III Treasurer

Heather BurnhamVice-President Whitney Armstrong Jan Geniesse Margaret O’Neil Frank Ella Foshay Meredith James Susan Lawrence Elizabeth Miller Charles Thomas O’Neil Sarah Stack

B YT h eN u mb e r s 7 5a r t i s t s , wr i t e r sa ndc o mpos e r sha v ebe e na wa r de df e l l o ws hi psa tLi g ht ho us eWo r k ss i nc ei t ’ sf o undi ngi n 2 0 1 2 . i sy e a r , Li g ht ho us eWo r k sr e c e i v e d8 5 2a ppl i c a t i o nsf o ro ur2 0a wa r de df e l l o ws hi ps .epr og r a m ha sa2 %a c c e pt a nc er a t e . i sy e a rwehos t e d2 6c ul t ur a l e v e nt sy e a r r o undo nFi s he r sI s l a nda ndo ur f e l l o wsf a c i l i t a t e d1 0wo r k s ho psi nt heFi s he r sI s l a ndS c hool . Wea r ec o mmi t t e dt ome e t i ngo urne e dl oc a l l y whe ne v e rpos s i bl e .i sy e a r , 8 0 %o fo uro pe r a t i ngb udg e to r$ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0i sbe i ngs pe nto nFi s he r sI s l a nd.

eLi g h t ho us eWo r k s , ano np r ota r t so r g a ni z a t i o n, i sde v o t e dt oe nc o ur a g i ngt hede v e l o p me nt o f a r t i s t st h r o ug haf e l l o ws h i pp r o g r a ma ndt ot hee nr i c h me nto f t hey e a r r o undc ul t ur a l a nd e c o no mi cv i t a l i t yo f Fi s he r sI s l a nd, Ne wYo r k .

Walsh Park Benevolent Corporation To promote the viability of the year-round community of Fishers Island by creating and maintaining a supply of attractive and affordable year-round housing. On the web: http://www.walshpark.org Operating Budget: $ Fiscal Year Ends: December Mailing Address: P.O. Box 684 Fishers Island, NY 06390

Office Address: 90 Crescent Avenue Fishers Island, NY 06390

Staff Contact Matthew Edwards medwards@walshpark.org (631) 788-7927

Board Contact Andrew Burr aburr@chiltoninc.com


Matthew Edwards Program Manager

Board of Directors Frank Burr Sr. , Chairman Emeritus Andrew Burr, Co-President Ned Carlson, Co-President David Burnham Peter Crisp Gail Cypherd Ken Edwards Sr. Mark Gaumond Allison Goss Mary Horn Karen Loiselle Goodwin Jeff MacDonald Di Shillo Art Walsh

The Walsh Park Benevolent Corporation was founded in 1987 to promote the viability of the year-round community of Fishers Island by creating and maintaining a supply of attractive and affordable housing. Since that time, Walsh Park has constructed or purchased 30 single-family homes and apartments, of which 11 are owner-occupied with the balance being rental units. We have experienced very little turnover among our tenants and we continue to add properties to our portfolio as funds permit. We have an active waiting list of applicants, including several individuals and families who would like to move to Fishers Island. The demand for additional housing is clear. Approximately 29% of the year-round population and 41% of the Fishers Island School student body lives in Walsh Park housing. Nearly half of the volunteers at the Fishers Island Fire Department and many of the people who provide other emergency services, live in Walsh Park housing. Walsh Park residents work as teachers, contractors and civil servants. All are valued members of our Island community. In 1960, over 600 people called Fishers Island home. By 1987, that number had decreased to 285. The current population is approximately 230 people and the number of Island residents who attend the Fishers Island school is 34 children, representing 50% of the total school population. Only 14 of those Island students are at the elementary (PreK-6) level. The ongoing decline and aging of the year-round population presents a serious threat to the character and quality of the entire Fishers Island community. For example, if the Island must resort to off-island contractors to provide such critical services as fire protection, emergency medical assistance and utilities, all island residents will feel the impact in terms of availability, quality and cost. Furthermore, our school may be in jeopardy if the student body continues to decline in size. Since the beginning of 2015, Walsh Park has: --- Hired a full-time program manager --- In cooperation with a very generous Island resident, acquired a substantial property that includes a family dwelling and 2 separate apartments --- Brought several new families into our program and added a new students to the school as well --- Invested time and money in some long-neglected maintenance projects in several of our rental properties --- Launched a new and improved www.walshpark.org


P.O. BOX 684



i sr e por twa sc ompi l e dbyt heI s l a ndCommuni t yBoa r d

eFi s h e r sI s l a ndCo mmuni t yBo a r d( I CB)wa sf o r me di n2 0 0 5 , f o l l o wi ngi nt h ef o o t s t e p so f y e a r so f wo r kb yt h eFi s h e r sI s l a ndCi v i cAs s o c i a t i o n. I CBi sc o mp o s e do f r e p r e s e n t a t i v e sf r o m e a c ho f t h eT a xDi s t r i c t s , s i xe l e c t e dme mb e r s( t h r e es e a s o na l a ndt h r e ey e a r r o undr e s i d e n t s ) , a ndar e p r e s e n t a t i v ef r o mt h eI s l a ndHe a l t hPr o j e c t , Wa l s hPa r k , FI DCOa ndt h eUt i l i t y mp a n y . I CBs e r v e si nac o o r d i na t i ngr o l e , k e e p i ngt h ei s l a nds t a k e h o l d e r sa p p r i s e do f wh a t Co i sh a p p e ni ngi nt h ec o mmuni t ya ndh o s t si s l a nd wi d es t r a t e g i cd i s c us s i o ns . El e c t e dSe a s ona l Re pr e s e na t i v e s To m O’ Ne i l , Pr e s i de nt Di c k yRe g i e l Wi l l a r dS o pe r El e c t e dYe a r RoundRe pr e s e na t i v e Me gAt k i n Na t eMa l i no ws k i Ca ndyWhi t ma n F . I . Sc hool Di s t r i c t Ka r e nGoodwi n F . I . Fe r r y Ac eAhr e ns Wa s t eMa na g e me nt Ti m Pa t t e r s o n I s l a ndHe a l t hPr oj e c t Ma r cRube ns t e i n Wa l s hPa r k Ma t tEdwa r ds Fi s he r sI s l a ndDe v e l opme ntCor por a t i on Ma r kGa umo nd Fi s he r sI s l a ndUt i l i t yCompa ny Chr i sFi na n He nr yL. Fe r g us onMus e um El i z a be t hMc Ca nc e F . I . Cons e r v a nc y To mS a r g e nt F . I . Fi r eDi s t r i c t J oeBr oc k TownRe p/ExOffic i o Lo ui s aEv a ns


Friends of the Fishers Island Theatre


Friends of Fishers Island Theater (FFIT)

Fishers Island Theater 1932

Mission Statement: The purpose of the Friends of the Fishers Island Theater (FFIT) is to facilitate the renovation, preservation and management of the historic Fishers Island Theatre as a community venue for performances and activities that entertain, educate and culturally enrich our community. _ President: Luke Fowler P.O. Box 742 Fishers Island, New York 06390 Fishers Phone:(631) 788-7282 169 Kelley Rd. Langdon, New Hampshire 03602 NH Home Phone: (603) 835-6151 Cell: (860) 705-006 Email: ploughboy@gmail.com Executive Committee: Ann Anthony, Meg Atkin, Daphne Ball, Matt Burr, Susan Crary, Michael DuPont, Karl Erikkson, Luke Fowler, Lowri Foyle, Jess Hall, Gordon Murphy, Anne Redd & Staley Sednaoui Committee Members: Peter Allen, Rick Cleary, Laura Cooper, Peggy Elliot, Liz Furse, Judy Lenzi-Magovney, Susan Jeffries, Gretchen Mol, Elisabeth Parker, Molly Schafer & Glenn Soloman .

Friends of Fishers Island Theater (FFIT)

For the last 84 years, the Fishers Island Theater has played an important role in Island life. Whether it was entertaining soldiers in a brand new theater in 1932, being terrified seeing Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” or the “Birds” in the 1960s, or even worse Benchley’s “Jaws” in the 1980s, hooting and hollering when the film would break and the screen would go blank, attending Nature Days, a Fishers Island School Graduation or seeing the fabulous Whiffenpoofs with Stow Phelps, or going to an outdoor concert during the wistful, cool summer of 2014 when the Theater building was closed, The Fishers Island Theater has entertained, educated and made the days of our youth magical. In return the Theater asks little in return but to be used and maintained well. Why FFIT? As we all know, buildings take a beating on Fishers Island, and the theater is no exception. With a valiant update and facelift spearheaded by Jeanne Calhoun in the 1990s, the Theater was holding it’s own but without proper maintenance had fallen on hard times. Recognizing the need to have a community based group come to the rescue of the Theater, FFIT was formed with the mission of facilitating the renovation, preservation and management of the historic Fishers Island Theater as a community venue for performances and activities that entertain, educate and culturally enrich our community. FFIT’s goal is to raise the necessary funds to renovate the Theater but most importantly to make it sustainable and self sufficient by developing programing and a management & maintenance strategy that supports the Theater on an on going basis. Over the last six years we have made many improvements to the building, inside and out. Through a generous grant from the Sanger Foundation, we purchased a new state-of-the-art digital projection system, which expands our capabilities a hundred fold. We improved programming, developed a special event strategy that not only brought us Ben Cameron and the Whiffenpoofs but also the “Fishers Island Car Show”. The Theater was poised for greatness again but hit a bump in the road in the summer of 2014 when some bricks fell off the building forcing it to be closed. After working with the Town of Southold, FFIT was allowed to reopen the Theater last summer. Now our objective is to take our historic theater, clunky and a little decrepit as it is, and turn it in to an island treasure that will be used and enjoyed for years to come not just during the summer but also during the shoulders seasons and for the occasional midwinter movie, school play or cabaret. We hope you will join us in being a contributor to this worthy project. If you remember going to the movies yourself, attended the Temptations concert or danced to Ben Cameron two summers ago, you know what a great venue our Theater is and how important it is to maintain it’s vital role in island life. In the words of Captain Lawrence of the USS Chesapeake, “Don’t give up the Ship”. Help us save the Fishers Island Theater for generations to come. With thanks from all of us with FFIT!

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