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Tough kit for tough jobs
Tough tools
Lifting and loading equipment for aquaculture needs to be strong, reliable and designed for the job
TECHANO has commissioned miscellaneous equipment for Norway Royal Salmon’s subsidiary Arc� c Off shore Farming. Originally a specialist supplier for the off shore energy sector, Techano now also provides li� ing solu� ons for the new genera� on of large-scale off shore fi sh farms.
During the autumn, Techano service engineers completed installa� on onboard for the fi rst of two fi sh farm rings for Arc� c Off shore Farming. The equipment delivered includes a set of net handling winches, capstans, chain jacks, hydraulic power units (HPUs) and handling davits.
The farms are now at their loca� on outside Fellesholmen near Tromsø in northern Norway.
Øystein Bondevik, Sales Director at Techano, says: “We have also experienced a high level of interest in our fi sh-transfer systems. The need for safe transfer between fi sh farm and live fi sh carriers is increasing as the number of farms opera� ng further from the shore increases. The harsher condi� ons and challenging weather put the opera� on at risk, but Techano FTS secures safe transfer.”
The most recent delivery is miscellaneous equipment for the live fi sh carrier Harald Marti n, which was delivered from Tersan shipyard in late October.
Also, to meet the requirement for less manual work and safer opera� on during fi sh crowding, Techano has developed a system, Crowd Control, which improves health and safety and reduces risk of damage to nets and escapes. There is less need for support vessels around the fi sh pens.
As the crowding is automated and can be run at low speed and with controlled mo� ons, it creates a lot less stress on the fi sh. The opera� on can be ini� ated well before arrival of the wellboat, and as such have the fi sh in posi� on simultaneously as the wellboat arrives. The system has been developed such that it can be retrofi � ed to any pen.
Based in Viadana, Matua, in Italy, HS.MARINE is a leading manufacturer of ship and off shore cranes with the world’s widest range of models.
HS.MARINE not only prides itself on cranes and other marine li� ing equipment that are reliable and robust, but it off ers equipment that is designed
Above: The live fi sh carrier Harald Mar� n Below: Crosby Warehouse Opposite from top: HS.MARINE tall crane; FM Bulk Ship Loader
specifi cally for aquaculture. Its structures are built to withstand heavy forces and can meet the needs of fi sh farmers – for example, its cranes with an outreach up to 34 metres are suitable for hois� ng bird nets.
Net haulers can be integrated in the cranes and up to four winch units can be installed and simultaneously operated on one boom. For synchronised opera� ons, the crane radio control can be arranged to control other deck equipment such as winches or capstans.
FM Bulk Handling is also a specialist manufacturer, producing solu� ons for a variety of purposes including loading and unloading feed. The company’s ship loaders and unloaders are designed to transfer feed economically and without unnecessarily breaking the pellets up or crea� ng excess dust.
The company’s chain, screw, bucket elevators, belt conveyors and loaders and unloaders for ships are designed for gentle handling, minimising both waste and down� me for repairs and maintenance.
Meanwhile, the Crosby Group, a mul� na� onal business off ering li� ing, rigging and material handling hardware, is set to more than double the size of its warehouse in Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium, to meet growing demands in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMA) region.
The exis� ng 1,800m2 warehouse in Heist-op-den-Berg will be expanded to 4,200m2. Ground was broken at the construc� on site in May with comple� on scheduled for the end of this year.
The project chimes with a move to a single order-to-cash process, so regional partners will no longer have to work with mul� ple contacts and shipments when sourcing various branded products from the group. FF
Effective ship loaders and ship unloaders
– low impact on feed and environment.
Ship loader solutions from FM Bulk Handling – Fjordvejs are built to last and tailor-made for each ship or land-based installation. When fitted to a ship, our ship unloader provides equally effective and low-impact distribution of feed into silos on the water at the individual farms.
Specialising and solving problems for over six decades
Fabriksvej 14, V. Lyby DK-7800 Skive +45 97 58 42 00