August issue - Fishing and Outdoors Newspaper

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August 2018

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The raping of the Rakaia! I have seen Armageddon, at least where Canterbury’s searun trout and salmon fisheries fate will be decided. An environmental “Armageddon” will be fought on the bed of the Rakaia River south of Christchurch; the battle between the “forces of evil” vs common sense and common good. This river has had a mean flow at around 200+ cumecs in past decades, with floods over 2,000 cumecs being common, and over 5,500 cumecs being reached every


couple of years. This flow, and the floods, produced the most iconic of the country’s braided river beds. The general public saw Rakaia’s unique value as a phenomenon worth preserving, and the National Water (Rakaia River) Conservation Order (NWCO) was put in place in 1988. As a result this pristine environment, with its flourishing wildlife and world famous salmon fishery, was preserved for generations to come – yeah right! In the last decade we saw classic post-war neo-Fascism intervene. Is that term too dramatic? You judge from this Wikipedia definition. Neo-Fascism = A system of government marked by centralization

Council bureaucrats are the corrupted officials

Page 5 - The cause of Kauri die-back Page 6-

Seafood NZ – Living in the clouds

Page 7-

The Lies behind TB in New Zealand

Page 8-

DoC targeting kiwi

Page 10 - Shane Jones – environmental terrorist?

d p e t m g i ow le se o m h hin im is n a ea co l L s C is . -Sst p ing F cts es r u sin o tere ish d F F o u d In p Pr B


of hom T ns @C o si les s Chomp Landing Nets re Sa $55.00 each p l: Removable Handle Ex ai Rubber net m E s hi

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of authority, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls and suppression of opposition. Does this ring a bell? Many people in Canterbury saw the removal of democratically elected councillors from Environment Canterbury, and their replacement by central government appointees, as exactly that (fascism)! The “nationalism” aspect of fascism was delineated as allegiance to dairying profit at any cost; including environmental. The primary concerns of recreational groups were of course in conflict with that; water flow and water quality. As a consequence of ECan’s subjugation to their political masters, the

combination of ECan, Trust Power, and the Central Plains Irrigation Scheme (CPIS) backers has found ways to get around the NWCO to such an extent that the river is now ecologically dead! Bold words, I think not? Their abstractions of water from this river are the same, to most New Zealanders, as mining in a national park. In July I spent some hours on the lower Rakaia, in the company of a fellow scientist, examining the downstream effects of recent attempts to circumvent the NWCO. We travelled by jet boat and then explored further on foot. My contacts in the “ECO” community all seem to be horrified by what is happening in the Rakaia, and to its NWCO. It is interesting as to how many different concerns they have. Forest and Bird are particularly worried about the 73% of the country’s wry bills which live there (plus the endangered black bill gulls, black fronted terns and banded dotterels). The area has even drawn recognition for its avian fauna from Bird Life International. Rafters and kayakers are concerned with the lower flows, salmon anglers with the significant increases in water temperature downstream of the off-take areas (salmon cannot tolerate water over 17 degrees, and shallower braids heat up quickly) and diversion of spawning rivers, trout fisherfolk with the damage to spawning streams near the North Branch, hut holders with the lagoon pollution from cattle, farmers from the rising river bed level, and so on. All of these concerns can be traced back to the reduced

- By Rex N. Gibson

A view of the flattened Rakaia Riverbed desert flood plain

water flows resulting from dairy irrigation off-takes and Trust Power’s manipulation of spawning rivers. The Rakaia hut-holders community have a unique concern. Low flows actually result in flooding of the land around the tidal lagoon. The river moves many tonnes of gravel to the sea each day under mean flows. When that level drops however, the force of the river is insufficient to open the mouth wide enough to let the river water out to the sea. As a result the lagoon backs up into the village and nearby farm-

land. This is something that locals never experienced in past decades. They are also nervous, with photos to support their trepidations, about the Rakaia’s gravel bar. The lack of gravel being pushed out to sea has resulted in a steady lowering of the height of the bar between the lagoon and the open sea. Waves are crashing right over far more often than ever before. If the sea breaks through the whole coast line north of that point will be opened to significant erosion; probably including Story continued on page 2...


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Photos from Coro Fishing Charters recent trips

Steve O’Brien was fishing on Friday 13 July on his way to New Plymouth, just before getting into Mokau township. Caught 5 Gurnard 1 large Snapper and 3 Shark.

Waitara Offshore Fishing Club members, Terry Collins with a 11.92 kg Snapper (Club Record) March 2018; and Garry Johnson with a 2.09 kg Tarakihi (Club Record) July 2017.

Fishing and Outdoors PO Box 10580, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3240 Ph 021 02600437 Editor Graham Carter 021 02600437 Graphics: Astro Creative Photography: Sandi Tuan Regular Writers: Graham Carter James Speedy Ben Hope Frank Henry Dick Featherstone Tony Orman Rhys Smith John McNab Fishing and Outdoors is published by Ashwood Grove Ltd. All editorial copy and photographs are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. Opinions or comments expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the contributors, editor, staff and management or directors of Ashwood Grove Ltd. ISSN 1179-5034 Unsolicitored editorial, letters, photographs will only be returned if you include a stamped, self addressed envelope. Visit us on Facebook Copyright © 2011 Fishing Outdoors Newspaper, All Rights Reserved.

Continued from cover story...

Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere. Can you see ECan, Trust Power, and the CPIS lining up to pay compensation? “We waded across braid after braid in the lower Rakaia. They were devoid of life; smothered.” Is this the environmental Apocalypse? Definitions: (1) a prophetic revelation, especially concerning a cataclysm in which the forces of good permanently triumph over the forces of evil. (2) Any universal or widespread destruction or disaster. It all sounds very “biblical”. I guess my forced attendance at bible class all those years ago is showing through. In the Hebrew Old Testament the ‘end of the age’ saw images of the judgment of the wicked and the glorification of those who were given righteousness before God (read “environment”?). They await the final judgment. The wicked will then be consigned to eternal suffering in the fires where the Kings of Judah sacrificed some of their children by fire. Are the “wicked” the ECan appointees and their hired hands? Were the “children” being sacrificed here our environmental values? According to the New Testa-

ment, Armageddon is the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or a symbolic location. From an environmental perspective the Rakaia situation is shaping up to be an Armageddon. Back to evidential things; under ECan’s watch over the last few years increased water extraction has meant that gravel build up has occurred along the river bed. The lower river had cut channels into this. Lupin, broom, and other legumes have flourished on these islands between the braids. These plants were “blamed” for the failure of the gravel to head out to sea; thus ignoring the effect of lower flows. To counter this “problem” mass use of chemical sprays (I am advised that glyphosate is the main culprit), by aerial methods reminiscent of Agent Orange defoliation in the Vietnam War, has turned the river bed into an ecological desert. Glyphosate and allied chemicals not only kill macro flora above ground but destroy the algae and phyto-plankton that normally occur under water. Say good bye to all the food chains there; and thus the fish (native and introduced) and bird life. Today there are acres of dead lupin,

etc., all across the river bed. They lie alongside a wide variety of decaying trees and shrubs that formerly held the banks of the river together. A slight pull easily lifts the dead plants from the ground. Therein lies another story; the need of neighbouring farmers to bull-doze artificial groynes to replace the once relatively stable banks. A process that locals believe went under the consenting radar. These groynes rarely outlast the next flood; yet another ecologically damaging folly. Where once clear channels and islands featured on the riverscape, we now have an almost flat flood plain. With the destruction of the flora we saw the rapid erosion of the rudimentary soil, often over 10 cms thick. It is very fine silt (snow flour) which has subsequently been spread across the whole width of the lower river bed. It forms a tarmac-like surface after a few Canterbury nor’westers. This bed is up to a kilometre wide. Silt settles over the stones, especially when spread by the river’s “bank to bank” floods, and then sets like concrete when the flow drops. The silt suffocates all remnants of life. It has its parallels in the biblical plagues of the Old Testament; a proverbial “blight upon the land”. Are we the victims of incompe-

tence layered on to greed? Are we who valued the special qualities of the Rakaia, and its NWCO, being treated like mushrooms? As my old aunt once said to a young pair peddling their brand of religion at the door “I believe in Armageddon! I believe Armageddon getting sick and tired of hearing people who peddle bullshit!”. We found a few tributary spring creeks where aquatic life still existed. Under stones there were still caddis and other larvae, we even saw bullies and a couple of trout, however we found areas around the North Branch dying, for other disturbing reasons inexorably linked to the demise of the searun trout fishery; but that is a





Silt smothered dried braid Scoured out river margin, (Note: dead vegetation atop)

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Council bureaucrats are the corrupted officials According to sources our story last issue on the Kaimai ranges being 1080 is high on the agenda of Council bureaucrats. If they have their way it will happen. The deceit and corruption within the ranks of Council beggar’s belief. The Council staff will deliberately be vague in their answers to questions, so it can’tt be said that they are lying. They consistently hide the truth and true facts around issues and have been known to exaggerate issues way beyond the facts of issues. Denial is the main tool in the tool box and council staff will emphatically deny something is about to be done knowing full well it is on the agenda. With respects to the 1080 poisoning

of the Kaimai ranges our insider has said that the council staff will collaborate and buddy up with other agencies like DoC, Ospri and TBFree so that they look squeaky clean on the surface but underneath the filth and mire they mix in with these agencies in the planning, information gathering and assistance to enable the drops to go ahead. Council staff openly states that if 1080 is in the toolbox they will use it as they don’t need to give public consultation on proposed drops. The last time the council sneakily poisoned the Kaimai’s was in 2014 when The late Bill Benfield challenged TB Free with the Advertising Standards Agency and won be-

cause the lies and propaganda distributed by TB Free in wild animals was false and misleading. What calibre of lowlife conspires to change the National and Regional Plan having amended the Resource Management Act thereby absolving themselves from liability. This level of skullduggery was deliberately enacted to allow both central and local government ‘off the hook’ from any form of liability should they hurt, maim, or kill anything through their wayward operations. Any councillor, politician or political party that allows this to legislation to continue without repealing it - isn’t worth a damn.

Decision ignored in efforts to protect the Rangitata

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Book review

Book Review

“Down a Country Road” by Tony Orman, published by New Holland, Price $29.95 Reviewed by Graham Carter

What makes New Zealand’s back country so endearing to many? Certainly hunters, trampers and trout anglers know the warm attachment. Outdoors author Tony Orman Environment Canterbury’s deci- “We believe this process and out- treasured river poses a very real has sought out a collection of sion to allow irrigators to take more come is a result of ECan’s lack of risk to its environmental health.” short stories on the personaliwater from the Rangitata River is planning and failure to implement “I am surprised the consents have ties who have made the often rebeing described as “surprising and a proper flow management and been granted when RDR didn’t mote back country their home. extremely disappointing” by Cen- allocation plan to tackle the prob- clearly identify the use of the wa- This book celebrates the indefatitral South Island Fish and Game. lem of water abstraction above 110 ter, which makes it impossible gable and resilient settlers and a Environment Canterbury or ECan cumecs. A plan is needed to pro- to know if the water will be used lifestyle and connection with the has been considering an appli- tect the Rangitata’s environmental appropriately and efficiently.” natural environment that Kiwis cation from the operators of the health and ecosystem processes, Jay Graybill says ECan has ig- still strongly identify with today. RDR irrigation scheme to take particularly at higher flows,” he says. nored wide-spread oppo- When Tony set out to collect more water from the Rangitata. “Having such a plan was recom- sition to the RDR request. these stories he followed leads It has now decided to mended in 2005 in the Environment “This is a real slap in the face for all from friends and at other times grant the consents. Court decision for the Water Con- those dedicated anglers and rec- just stumbled across people Central South Island Fish & servation Order for the Rangitata. reational users who spent hours while hunting or trout fishing. Game’s chief executive Jay Gray- Yet, 13 years later, we still don’t have writing submissions and who put These people spoke of their enbill says that’s disappointing. one – that’s a deplorable situation.” themselves on the line by submit“This is a real set back, not Mr Graybill says the decision ig- ting at the hearing to defend the only for anglers and other rec- nores efforts to protect the Ran- river they love and want to see reational water users, but also gitata. “These high flows are vital remain healthy,” Mr Graybill says. the environment and the Ran- to the Rangitata and allowing gitata’s health,” Mr Graybill says. more water to be taken out of this Fisheries New Zealand has started consultation on proposed changes to catch limits and other management settings for the new fishing year beginning 1 October 2018. New research from the University worldwide, Professor McIntosh says. ing decisions that affect habitats Twice yearly, Fisheries New Zeaof Canterbury published recently “If you make a habitat smaller, for key species in New Zealand,” land reviews the catch limits and has found that a shrinking river is for example by taking water out Associate Professor Plank says. management controls to ensure less able to support larger preda- of a river, you shrink the physical How much water is taken out of they are best ensuring the sustaintory fish, such as the highly-valued dimensions of the space which rivers is a hot topic and the sub- able use of our fisheries resources. sports fish like brown trout or at-risk can reduce the size of predators, ject of great public debate and All too often recreational fishers native fish like galaxiids and eels. such as fish, that live there. When lengthy court battles. The research- have been penalized with lower Using data from 29 New Zea- predators are smaller, they are not ers expect this work will have catch limits and increased fish sizes land rivers, a new research paper as efficient in their energy use so an important influence on deci- while commercial fishers get off the by lead author Freshwater Ecol- the food, such as stream insects, sions about resource use, particu- hook with increased catch limits and ogy Professor Angus McIntosh of available in the habitat will sup- larly regarding the flow in rivers. fish sizes lower than recreational. the School of Biological Sciences, port fewer and smaller fish,” he says. “We make many decisions about With the high levels of corruption UC Science, and co-authored “We show that smaller rivers sup- how to manage natural resources and mismanagement in the former by UC mathematician Associate port fewer fish per unit of prey re- which affect the size of habitats, MPI Fisheries one must remember Professor Michael Plank ,UC source compared to larger rivers for example when we take water that while we have managed to get biologist Dr Helen Warburton, and and we derive a theory explain- from rivers. Our work shows that those ultimately responsible moved collaborators from NIWA and over- ing why this happens. The theory those changes in habitat size af- on the scientists are still there. seas, has been published in the is based on how the dimensions fect how food webs work, and that Given the numbers of low stock online journal Science Advances. of a habitat constrain the body they could have a detrimental effect levels on many inshore fisherThe research findings in the pa- size of individual predators, the on the capacity of those habitats ies there are many areas where per – ‘Capacity to support preda- fish in our case, and how that af- to support fish in rivers. Moreotors scales with habitat size’ – fects the efficiency of prey use.” ver, these effects haven’t generally show that reducing the size of “One of the neat things about this been considered in how we make a habitat undermines its capac- study is that the mathematical decisions about natural resource ity to support larger predators. theory actually helped us to un- management,” Dr Warburton says. This potentially explains why re- derstand the underlying causes of ‘Capacity to support predaductions in habitat size are such population declines. This means we tors scales with habitat size’. We are concerned about the a powerful driver of predator loss can be better informed when mak- DOI: https://doi. amount of fine sediment that is smothering the lower reaches of the org/10.1126/sciadv.aap7523 Rakaia riverbed and lagoon resulting from Ecan spraying the whole riverbed with glyphosate with an organosilicon surfactant ( the surfactant is quite ecotoxic to insects and soil organisms by itself ), says Graham Carter, President of the NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers. “This affects the spawning habitat of native and recreational fish and means less benthic Please visit and LIKE invertebrates (feed for fish).” us on Facebook www. Sediment build up is a problem for of Canterbury’s lowland rivers. 152 Queen Street, Cambridge gandoutdoorsnewsWater samples have been taken Phone 07 823 4206, Fax 07 823 4209 paper and share with from four springs connected to your friends and get the hapua to check nitrate levels, Trevor 0272 515 822, Jenny 0272 823 420 out regular news and and the results show two samupdates ples near the Rakaia Island dairy farms - Mathias Creek and a stream formed from flood protection work

peted for food with high country sheep and the overstocking of sheep led to deer being blamed. By a miscarriage of justice deer had the death penalty handed them at the 1930 “Deer Menace Conference”. vironment sometime aghast at Ivor Scott farmed the Karanthe destruction and damage in- garua Valley and witnessed “in flicted by outsiders on their patch. every clearing after a 1080 drop Jim Morris looked up there were dead or dying birds. at the Ahuriri Valley. Before the drop Ivor used to de‘Sustainability!’ ‘What do they mean light in taking his grandchildren by sustainability? They talk of eco- up the valley to hear the weka nomic sustainability in treasury and kiwi. But afterwards Ivor double-speak, then the academic never heard a weka or kiwi again. greenies talk of resource sustain- Joan and Murray McIntosh were ability. What about the good fair possuming for over sixty years. dinkum high country definition?’ I’ve done about 7000 a year on avThe hypocrisy rankles men of erage which is about 400,000 posthe land, ninety per cent of high sums. In the case of Bovine TB Murray country farmers are more con- reckons the percentage in possums servation minded than some is very low. “TB is virtually zero” of the do-gooders in cities. Any spread of TB is caused by stock There’s often a strong mes- movement. As due to the inaccurate sage against “anti-wild ani- error prone skin test used. OSPRI’s mal phobia”, 1080 and other claims are totally wrong. We should environmental injustices. be viewing the possum as a valuable Betty Rowe the protector of Mar- fur resource, earning export dollars. lborough’s Arapawa Island sheep There are others such as a woman and goats fought a vigorous bat- pig hunter, a high country poet, tle with bureaucrats who wanted a champion blade shearer, a chamthe “introduced animals killed”, pion dog trialist and others who despite the wild animals hav- epitomise the backcountry spirit. ing a likely high genetic value as That spirit has been around for they were probably liberated by centuries and there is an intriguCaptain Cook. Betty bravely con- ing chapter on a Maori chief fronted the government shoot- called Bloody Jack and another ers and partially won. While many on the original good keen man, Arapawa’s goats and sheep were 19th century Westland explorer slaughtered and left to rot oth- Charlie (Mr Explorer) Douglas. ers were saved from the brutal- Tony wrote this book due to his ity dished out from Wellington. The admiration and respect for their attitude of the government bu- individual way of life. The result reaucrats was wasteful, ignorant is a fine collection of absorband chilling, cold and callous. ing varied stories, that make Rex and Rona Gorman lived and the book difficult to put down. hunted in the wilderness behind This book should resonate for Lake Brunner on the West Coast. those who work the land, hunt, Deer were then regarded as pests fish, tramp or hike or just have but the government overlooked a strong connection to the back the fact that moa, kereru and other country. Highly recommended. native birds had browsed vegetation for millions of years. Deer com-

Changes to fish stocks

Shrinking rivers affect fish populations


catch limits must be lowered. Director of fisheries management, Stuart Anderson, says Fisheries New Zealand invests more than $20 million in fisheries science every year to ensure it knows what is happening with our fish stocks. “If the scientific information suggests more fish can be harvested sustainably, then we increase the catch limits. Conversely, if there are sustainability issues identified, we reduce catch limits,” says Mr Anderson. “This year they are reviewing 32 stocks, compared to 18 stocks in 2017. Of the 32 stocks reviewed, increases to catch limits are proposed for 11 stocks, and decreases are proposed for 11 stocks. For the remaining stocks, changes are proposed to the deemed values paid by commercial fishers. “More stocks are being reviewed in 2018 because the best avail-

able information, such as stock assessments and research survey results, suggested that changes could be made to address potential sustainability concerns or utilization opportunities. “Stocks being reviewed this year include a number of fish stocks that are culturally important to tangata whenua (such as longfin and shortfin eels), as well as some shared fish stocks that are important to a number of sectors (such as tarakihi, flatfish, pāua, and red gurnard). “We encourage people to put in a submission via our website if they have an interest in any of the fisheries being reviewed. “Combined with scientific information, feedback from the public will enable Fisheries New Zealand to provide the Minister of Fisheries with advice to assist him to make final decisions on what changes, if any, should be made.” Rec fishers are advised to put in a submission if fish stocks in or near where you fish are depleted.

Concerns of Rakaia River health along the side of the island appear to have levels deserving of monitoring - 0.90 and 2.1 g/m3. Both these streams have significant plant and algae growth and

no readily visible fish. Mathias Creek used to hold a good population of large brown trout.


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Opinion Piece -

Good bye to King Shags? Killing our famous salmon fishery

Is the Marlborough Sounds for the King Shag or for the King Salmon? King Shags are one of the rarest seabirds in the world and found only in the Marlborough Sounds, nowhere else. This large shag lives in colonies located on islands and rocks in the outer Sounds. The largest colony is at Duffer’s Reef in Forsyth Bay at the entrance of the Pelorus. Their food is flounder, which they catch by diving 20 to 50 meters deep to swim just above the seabed, where they can spot these bottom dwelling fish. They fly up to 24 kilometers to their dive locations and require a large area with an abundant fish population, as their way of catching their food is labour intensive. Since marine farming was established in the 1970’s, king shag have been losing feeding habitat to the ever expanding mussel and salmon farms in the Pelorus Sound. To make things worse, the biodiversity and health of the marine ecosystem in the Sounds has diminished steadily as well, resulting in less fish and less variety. The Board of Inquiry in 2012 was concerned about the negative ef-

fects the five proposed salmon farms in the Waitata Reach would have for the King Shag. But instead of choosing the precautionary approach and not allow any new salmon farms in the Pelorus Sound, they limited it to two farms and added consent conditions, meant to safeguard the King Shags. NZKS pays for regular King Shag bird counts, a measure of how well they are doing. Every three years the king shags are photographed from a low flying airplane, early in the morning before they fly off to feed. These photographs are detailed enough to count the individual birds. In 2015 there were 834 birds, in 2018 the King Shag population plummeted to only 634 birds. Two hundred birds less within three years, almost a quarter of the population gone missing, a disastrous outcome. If this continues, the King Shag will be extinct in a decade. What will happen now? From now on, the bird count will be done every year. This will show whether the population decline is a oneoff event or continues to happen. Also, a research plan will be developed by the Department of Con-

servation plus all the aquaculture industry supporters. Are they all participating to make sure it takes years before any recommendations are produced and that no recommendation requires less marine farming in the Sounds? No representatives from Forest and Bird, or environmentalists or from the community have been invited. What more can be done immediately to improve the chances for the King Shag’s survival? I call for a moratorium on any futher expansion of marine farming in the Marlborough Sounds. This includes a stop on any salmon farm relocation. King Shags cannot relocate, but King Salmon can. They should relocate to open sea or land based farming and close all their farms in the Marlborough Sounds. A Marine Reserve should be established at the entrance of the Pelorus Sound. It will soon become a favourite spot for the King Shags as it generates an abundant fish supply. A win win situation for the King Shags, the marine ecosystem and bird watching tourism.

Salmon farmers hit the rocks The application by New Zealand King Salmon to move one of its farms to Blow Hole Point has hit a rock wall. Due to the high number of fish deaths occurring at warm, lowflow sites in the Sounds NZKS had hoped to move its farm. Under the National Government, the Ministry for Primary Industries was considering the use of section 360A of the Resource Management Act to overrule local government and move the farm to the high-flow site. Marlborough Aquaculture, who

already own a mussel farm at Blow Hole Point, applied for resource consent to expand its mussel lines into the site destined for NZKS; which was subsequently accepted by local council during the ministry’s deliberation. NZKS have since taken the Marlborough District Council to court, arguing Marlborough Aquaculture’s application for extension should have been surveyed before the council made the decision. A decision will be made later

in the year whether to use section 360A to move the king salmon farm to Blow Hole point. The dangers with this decision effectively means that any decisions made throughout the NZ coastline by councils could be overridden by the government using these bullyboy tactics should they not get their way. In the case of the Motiti Island decision the MPI have sworn to fight the court’s decision all the way and that means they could use this legislation

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Trout and salmon used to teem in our waterways, trophy stags roamed the high country, ducks and geese flocked to wetlands and estuaries, and vast resources of fish and seafood could be harvested easily. Now enter the harsh realities of the corporates. These are the guys that look at the bottom line, the profits. They are not interested in who has or hasn’t got a job, they don’t care about the homeless, or whether you can afford petrol for your outboard, or if you have to save up for your trout licence. Life for these thugs is all about money. They focus on financial imperatives, agricultural intensification, globalisation, urbanisation, immigration, mass tourism, and a burgeoning local population to boot and the things that go horribly wrong in the outdoor scene don’t affect them in any form. Those special places which we as individuals and families cherish or use as an escape to find inspiration, teach our children about the outdoors, find solace, rest, relaxation, challenge, recreation, and game or fish to harvest come under increased pressure and threat from these rapists. Access issues, riparian development, plantation forestry, pollution, irrigation schemes, commercial exploitation, tourism overcrowding, eco-system poisons, and just plain bureaucratic mismanagement combined into a perfect storm as certain sectors of our economy began to dominate the limited and finite resources we have available. They are in position of influence over all of our elected representatives and will go to any lengths to ensure that their requirements are met. Bribes in the form of incentives and party donations are

made well in advance of elections so they don’t have to be disclosed. To some people, the extensive range of complex outdoor issues may seem frivolous and minor when compared to other challenges that flash across media screens and newspapers every day. But all outdoor people are affected by the very real consequences of actions imposed upon them, against their will, and inevitably by using their own taxpayer and ratepayer money to do so. The outcome is alas, a major affront to outdoor values, recreational identity, but more importantly our environment and to the very way of life we live as New Zealanders. The current sad state of the environment leaves no corner of New Zealand untouched as trout streams run barren, insect populations (mayflies and caddis flies) collapse, ducks disappear, valued public deer herds are assassinated, and fish stocks such as scallops implode into oblivion. Disillusionment, discontent and ​ frustration are rampant, with bureaucratic collaborative models failing to deliver meaningful outcomes. Even the Resource Management Act doesn’t work as it was originally written as these smart bureaucrats have gone to great lengths to ensure that the RM Amendment Act absolves them of any form of liability. They use phrases like ‘we are not going to…..’ knowing full well that they are giving assistance to another department to do the work. The South Island’s internationally acclaimed salmon fishery is in an absolute crisis with the worst spawning count ever in the history of the fishery. If we have continued exploitation of our water for another two seasons like the one just gone and there will be no fishery left.

The Rakaia river that is on the point of ecological collapse through low flows, rising temperatures, pollution, and sedimentation. Being a braided river, the Rakaia needs large water flows to mobilize suspended sediments which are now setting like concrete, choking the river to death, and leading to lethal summer water temperatures near the sea for baitfish, sea-trout, salmon adults, smolts, and juveniles. Those organisations like the NZDA and Fish and Game are ineffective and hamstrung by those government departments that they say don’t tell them what to do. After central government and Environment Canterbury authorization to change the existing Rakaia Water Conservation Order, the Wilberforce tributary of the Rakaia is now diverted almost entirely into Lake Coleridge by electricity generators, who now store the water for summer use within the Central Plains Water Scheme. Independent science in New Zealand has been slashed by successive governments and what is left appears to have been prostituted by big business, where science goes to the highest bidder. If those scientists with consciences disagree or argue their funding is cut, they have to provide the science demanded or look for employment elsewhere. The scale of upcoming outdoor issues is ominous and never-ending. As New Zealanders, we all need to do more to protect our environment, our proud recreational history, and our outdoor legacy for those generations as yet unborn or we risk losing what made New Zealand great in the first place.

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The cause of Kauri die-back

The Department of Conservation state on their website that biodegradable 1080 used for pest control in aerial 1080 operations helps protect New Zealand’s native plants from extinction. DoC says we face a choice: unchecked pests and silent forests, or pest control and the survival of our native species. They add that aerial 1080 shows in monitoring data show that aerial 1080 operations are effective at protecting our native species, returning birdsong to our wild spaces and increasing reptile populations. And by reducing the browsing pressures on ecosystems, threatened plants are making a comeback, increasing biodiversity and resilience. DOC relies on an abundance of independent, scientific research reviewed by external agencies to ensure we keep people and the environment safe. The DoC website says that biodegradable 1080 leave no permanent or accumulative residue in water, soil, plants or animals. Its use is strictly regulated and openly communicated and that a wealth of scientific data has been collected over more than 60 years confirming that, when used in accordance with New Zealand regulations, 1080 presents little risk to humans or the environment. Forest and Bird the guardians of our forests and birdlife say that 1080 does not bio-accumulate in soil and presents little risk to the surrounding environment. Research demonstrates that when residue from uneaten 1080 bait seeps into the soil, microorganisms break it down into non-toxic by-products. This process is called biodegradation. 1080 baits biodegrade in one to two weeks in warm, moist conditions. In extremely dry and cold conditions, the process may take several months. Most 1080 operations take place in wet winter or spring conditions. The fate of 1080 in the soil has been well-established by research defining the degradation of naturallyoccurring fluoroacetate (Oliver, 1977). Sodium monofluoroacetate is water soluble and residues from uneaten baits leach into the soil where they are degraded to non-toxic metabolites by soil microorganisms, including bacteria (Pseudomonas) and the common soil fungus (Fusarium solani)Â

anyone else have tried correlating PTA outbreaks with other possible environmental causes  but I would have expected them to do so.â€? He said he had not heard any plausible theories about what was the same problem. causing the latest outbreaks but 1080 is not bio de- there was  always the possibility gradable but the that chemicals such as 1080 could cereal mix which cause â€˜ disturbancesâ€?, weakenmakes it up is and ing soil micro-organism activity possums do not which in turn allowed the die-back. eat kauri leaves “But in my opinion the use of 1080 they don’t like them poison itself would be unlikely to The spore (Phytoph- be the cause of PTA outbreaks,â€? thora agathidicida) he said. “Typically, fungal disis said by Forest and eases like PTA have been around Bird to be spread for millennia, and some type of by soil disturbance perturbation is needed to actiand is mainly car- vate them to a point where they ried between trees cause serious harm to the trees.â€? in the mud on However he was not 100% sure as our shoes or out- full research had not been done. door equipment. Science buried by Doc They say that pigs However previous realso spread the dis- search hinted strongly at ease. They disturb 1080’s effect on soil health. and carry soil while In 1995, “Rural Newsâ€? reported rooting around “former government scien(David and Gardiner, 1966; for food on the forest floor. When tist Mike Meads predicted that Bong, Cole and Walker, 1979; pig numbers are controlled, the continued 1080 airdrops over Walker and Bong, 1981) vegetation begins to regenerate New Zealand forests will deThe fluoride–carbon bond is and the pigs feed on that rather stroy much of the food supply of cleaved and, ultimately, enzyme- than digging up the forest floor. ground eating birds like the kiwi.â€? bound intermediates form non- Dogs that are allowed to roam Mike Meads warned that because toxic metabolites such as glycolate off leash also spread the disease. 1080 wipes out many leaf-consum(O’Hagan, 1999) Small animals like birds, rats and ing insects and micro-organisms, So what if this so-called sci- possums also move small amounts the litter fails to properly decompose entific data is wrong? of soil and are less of a risk. and builds up at an alarming rate. Kauri dieback disease is having DOC is responsible for protect- He was quoted as saying there was a devastating effect on our kauri ing kauri on public conservation already an amazing leaf build-up trees and the forest ecosystem land and other land it manages, that relies on them. The disease including many of New Zealand’s has no known cure and there is no most significant kauri forests. proven way to prevent its spread. But what if DoC and ForKauri dieback can kill kauri of all est and Bird are wrong? ages. It›s a disease caused by a We spoke with a scientist with one microscopic fungus-like organism, of our government departments called Phytophthora agathidi- who works in a Biodiversity team cida (PA). It lives in the soil and on a range of projects aimed at infects kauri roots, damaging protecting terrestrial biodiversity the tissues that carry nutrients in New Zealand, and mitigating and water within the tree, the impacts of invasive species  effectively starving it to death. on the natural environment and Kauri dieback disease is caused by productive sector and put it to a microscopic spore that attacks him: that is it possible that 1080 the roots and trunk of kauri trees, is responsible for kauri die back? damaging the tissue that carries nu- He was literally shocked: “We trients, and causing them to starve. hadn’t thought of that he said.â€? “Compound 1080 is widely used And promised to get back to us. in New Zealand for the control What if 1080 kills the micro-orof wild animals. The tendency of ganisms the kauri tree rely on 1080 to poison non-target birds the protect themselves, to kill and mammals is recognised, the spores that attack them? but its effects on invertebrates If this is the case then what haphave gone mostly unnoticed. pens to the culprits like Lou Sanson, At least 9 invertebrate orders Eugenie Sage, Kevin Hague, Magare prone to 1080 poisoning. gie Barry, Nick Smith and the rest Invertebrates have been observed of the rat pack that have initiated eating baits, and their habitats this 1080 poisoning of our forests? are contaminated by residues Will they prosecuted? Or have they Exemplary work from Professional leaching from baits, and from changed the National Plan and the people animal by-products and carcasses. Resource Management Act to proPoisoned insects provide a means tect themselves from any liability in The first police boat built by Norof secondary poisoning for in- the case of some discovery like this? man R. Wright & Sons was in 1935 sectivores, invertebrates and mi- This shows the calibre of some of for the Queensland Water Police. croorganisms. Therefore, 1080 our bureaucrats and politicians. should not be used where sus- Is 1080 poison toxic to plants? The ceptible invertebrate species answer is yes according to the label! or rare insectivores are found.â€? The warning label on 1080 states Journal New Zealand Entomolo- “Very toxic to terrestrial animals gist Volume 12, 1989 - Issue 1 and PHYTOTOXIC to many plantsâ€?. The majority of any forest bio-mass (Phytotoxic means toxic to plants.) is insects and microorganisms. A scientist who did not wish to When the 1080 baits break down be named because of â€œcommerthe residue goes into the soil and cial sensitivityâ€? said to assess this creates havoc with the microorgan- possibility of 1080 and kauri dieisms etc in the soil - there is plenty back being related a mathematiof research on this. This could well cal correlation exercise comparing be the reason we have kauri die 1080 drops with PTA-affected arback - because the poison residue eas would be needed. He doubted is leaching into the soils and affect- if such a correlation (between 1080 ing the kauri trees natural ability to drops and PTA outbreaks) existed. fight the spores which cause kauri “But maybe someone should do it dieback. Beech trees are having just to check. I don’t know if DoC or

in some lowland forests because without the organisms, after 1080 aerial drops, the leaf litter was not decomposing. Complicating the matter was the unusually long life cycle of many forest invertebrates, e.g. cicada has a 17 year life cycle, weta two years. One air drop of 1080 can wipe out 17 generations of cicada larvae and they and wetas were important in the kiwi’s diet.  Mike Meads said “But widespread aerial distribution can only have serious long term effects on forests and forest life with enormous risk of destroying the ecosystem.â€? Mike Meads was no ordinary scientist. He was regarded as an authority on some of New Zealand’s rarer invertebrates, including the threatened giant wetas, published more than 100 papers in many New Zealand and overseas journals and delivered papers to international conferences in Australia, UK and USA. The Department of Conservation â€œburiedâ€? the Meads paper by a suspect peer review process and initiated a counter study by a bird expert (not an insect expert) to discredit the Meads research. But Mike Meads wasn’t the only scientist to warn of the adverse ecological effects of 1080. In 1989, DSIR scientist Peter Notman (“Rural Newsâ€? Oct 9, 1995)) found many insects, particularly subsoil leaf litter feeders, are highly susceptible to the systemic and contact poisoning effects of 1080. Another study in 1974 on Great Barrier Is-


land some distance from a collar rot-affected site, concluded the fungus was widespread and that some environmental factor was involved in triggering disease expression. The anonymous scientist said typically, fungal diseases like PTA have been around for millennia, and some type of perturbation is needed to activate them to a point where they cause serious harm to the trees. Things like drought, climate change, possum invasion, logging, insect attack etc could all trigger a PTA dieback event.  â€œI don’t think the “spreadâ€? of PTA by human activities is in itself the problem, as it is probably present everywhere in the soil anyway, and could be spread by birds etc - we just don’t know). Hence, it’s not really a biosecurity issue. However, if 1080 was causing some kind of environmental perturbation which weakened kauri trees, such as reducing soil micro-organism vigour, then there could be cause-effect.â€? Read the Proudfoot-Sodium Fluoroacetate Poisoning_2006 article published by the National Poisons Information Service (Birmingham Centre), City Hospital, Birmingham, UK and West Midlands Poisons Unit, City Hospital, Birmingham, UK hunting-information/huntingarticles/122-1080-articles.html Proudfoot/FLASH/index.html

16 metre General Purpose High Speed Catamaran ‘STEWART KERLIN’

Since that time, numerous police boats have been built meeting the specific operational requirements of the police service. These include general purpose, patrol, rescue and pursuit police vessels. Their latest project, the 16 M Stewart Kerlin commenced Sea trials in July this year. The boat builders specified that the hull coating was to be - 100% Nyalic clear coat protection, both inside and outside of hull. Norman R. Wright & Sons are custom builders and designers of high performance commercial and pleasure boats. They are based in Brisbane, Queensland, and have been mastering the art of boat building and design for over 100 years. From the initial proposal to the launch of the vessel, they provide clients with a complete inhouse service for all of their needs.

The ‘new’ Stewart Kerlin replaces a previous 11.99 metre unit built some years ago at Yamba. The new One 2 three designed Stewart Kerlin is Hamilton Jet driven and powered by MTU’s. The vessel was lightly sanded with circa 160 grit and then the surface was then washed with soap and water to remove any sanding and dross. They had an excellent tool man, who had an eye for detail and kept the patina. The Nyalic coating was applied via 100mm paint rollers on the topsides - in tight areas and framing, a small HVLP unit was used. He applied two liberal coats - plus a last splash at the end to ensure they got into cracking crevice. 24 quarts of Nyalic was used - an excellent and economic result. When you have excellent project management from Mr Ian Wright (Director Norman R. Wright & Sons,) support from the Surveyor, Marine Matters, Mr Russell Behan and the Staff at PSBA. The right people following a plan to fruition make what is a huge project really quite simple. Exemplary work from Professional people, it makes us all look good!

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EVINRUDE – At Your Service

Simply put, all boats need preventative maintenance, so like with most prized possessions that you take care of meticulously, you really want to service your boat at least once a year. In most cases a few simple procedures will reduce the likelihood of a breakdown at sea and maintain a “like-new” running quality. Good maintenance will also allow you spot potential problems before they occur thereby maintaining your investment. At the end of the day, if you care for your boat, it will care for you and you will

end up spending more hasslefree time on the water and less money trying to fix a bigger problem that resulted from negligence. So, let’s break it down a bit; regular use causes wear and tear on various components. These include sparkplugs, thermostats, water pumps, filters, lubricants and anodes, to mention a few. It is simply good practise to maintain these items to ensure hassle-free boating. When your boat is parked up for extended periods of time, other issues can cause problems. What actually happens

when a boat is not being used? Well let’s start with fuel. Fuel can go “stale” in a matter of days and can deteriorate quite quickly depending on the environment. Most fuels are blended for day-to-day use and are normally used up before aging sets in. When your boat is not being used for long periods factors like oxygen content, moisture and temperature fluctuations can speed up the aging process and impact performance dramatically. Stale fuel in the fuel system also lowers the octane level and makes the engine hard to start. This in turn can cause the engine to run under load and result in major damage. Moving on, long idle periods between boating trips can also have an effect on electrical systems. Batteries tend to lose charge and this together with corroded connections can make engines hard to start and require the alternator to operate at full capacity, a function they were not intended to do. Lastly, various mechanical components, steering components and the drive-train need regular lubrication when a boat is stationary for extended periods. Good boating to you all Kevin “Rude” Sharp MD Evinrude New Zealand

Game animal meat left to rot The Green Party recently sent out an email to thousands of recipients, on behalf of co-leader Marama Davidson, declaring that “Everyone in Aotearoa should live in warm, dry, healthy homes and be able to put food on the table.” Yet Eugenie Sage, their Minister of Conservation, is leading a cam-


paign in which hundreds of thousands of tonnes of free range, high quality game animal meat are left to rot on our public conservation land. NZ Outdoors Party Co-Leader, David Haynes, said “Since coming into power Eugenie Sage has sanctioned increased use of aerial 1080, which unequivocally poisons

the nation’s game animals. She is also responsible for the mass killing of Tahr by contracted cullers and again, all that meat is left on the ground to rot. This appalling waste of high value food is a moral disgrace and denies families access to a free range, organic and sustainable protein source.

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Haynes continued “Complicit in the food scandal is Fisheries Minister, Stuart Nash, who continues to allow inshore trawlers to decimate recreational fishing grounds and deny many people their principal protein source – kaimoana.” For many families hunting and fishing provides the only affordable way to eating meat and fish. Haynes said “To deny this is to condemn people into further poverty, poor diets and poor health.”

In some of the poorer areas of the country many people rely on their ability to catch seafood and wild game, just to feed their families. One of the reasons hunting and fishing is so popular in almost every town throughout New Zealand is the recreational opportunities it gives to families, from tramping (carrying a rifle), to camping in a bush setting to the hunt to the dining table. Every New Zealander is encouraged to learn to hunt, and catch

through our abundance of outdoors hunting and fishing clubs. Growing and harvesting their own food as home is an alternative to the overpriced, fertiliser and spray dependent food marketed to New Zealanders. Much of the supermarket food is sprayed in chemicals and lasts little more than a day in a refrigerator. Silver Fern Farms venison fillet is currently $68 per kilogram with snapper fillets at $43/kg.

DoC kills tagged Kea in North Okarito During June this year out of the nine tagged Kea monitored by radio tagging during the recent North Okarito aerial 1080 drop six were found dead. DoC assured the public that 1080

bait types had been modified so Kea would not be affected. In fact, we think all they did was to reduce the wax content of the manufactured pellets in the assumption that they would be hard enough to

deter the birds from eating them. The iconic parrots, Kea and Kaka have very powerful beaks they use to tear apart tree limbs to access food. GO FIGURE~!

Seafood NZ – Living in the clouds The latest Seafood NZ update boasts that 97 percent of New Zealand’s commercial catch comes from sustainably managed fish stocks? So we are amazed at this statement when the MPI are asking for submissions on our depleted fishery. Or maybe they are getting the fish from elsewhere, or it could be that their size limit is smaller and they are catching all the juvenile fish. Or perhaps they have been playing Dreams by the Cranberries. And that this explains why New Zealand has been repeatedly

ranked among the best performing fisheries in the world by the Seafood NZ and the worst ever inshore fishery by others. However maybe just maybe they are delusional and actually mean the offshore deepwater fishery. The Quota Management System covers 123 species and 641 fish stocks. Each fish stock has a catch limit that is set by the Government through Fisheries New Zealand within the Ministry for Primary Industries who are supposed to enforce it under the Fisheries Act.

Unfortunately the MPI have betrayed every fisher ever borne in NZ and the corruption and collusion within this government department beggars belief. They have stopped so low that they have employed spies to ascertain what the recreational industry knows and have lied through their teeth in just about everything that’s ever come out of their department. Seafood NZ continues to be the laughing stock of the industry as many commercial fishers are finding out.

The room was full of pregnant women and their partners. The prenatal class was in full swing. The instructor was teaching the women how to breathe properly, and informing the men how to give the necessary assurances at this stage of the plan. “Ladies, exercise is good for you,” announced the teacher. “Walking is especially beneficial. And, gentlemen, it wouldn’t hurt you to take the time to go walking with your partner!” The room was very quiet. Finally, a man in the middle of the group raised his hand. “Yes?” asked the instructor. “Is it all right if she carries a fly rod while we walk?”

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Forestry slash causing havoc in waterways

Every time there’s heavy rain anywhere near forestry blocks that have been harvested there is a huge risk that that large amounts of forestry logging debris or ‘‘slash’’ caught in dams upstream from properties, roads and rivers will burst, bringing large logs and boulders down. It’s happened before in many areas of the country. Slash is offcuts from forestry harvesting which is washed down from forestry plots and blocks rivers, damages farms and rivers. It seems that Councils are ambivilous to who is responsible. They know for well which forestry companies are harvesting and where. It is the Councils responsibility to ensure that no danger to the public is caused because of the likelihood of forestry slash blocking roads, and rivers or endangering property or lives. Last year forestry slash caused havoc on Nelson beaches after heavy rain caused slash to wash down waterways blocking bridges resulting in the debris washing out to the Tasman Bay ending up on Nelsons beaches. Ratepayers paid for the massive clean-up. Last year, a slash dam burst during a weather event, bringing forestry debris across a road near Puriri in Thames, which included large logs

and a boulder the size of a car. When you look around the country there are mountains of slash up on the harvested slopes. The dams are high steep land and if the whole lot comes down ... if you timed it at the wrong time when one of those dams happened to give way, there could easily be loss of live. China Forestry Group New Zealand (CFG) put in an access road and felled the forest a few years ago near the Puriri disaster. The slash that has washed down created a large swamp area that doesn’t drain. It washes out over the road and covers it full of crap. Complaints to the Waikato Regional Council (WRC), Thames Coromandel District Council (TCDC) and PF Olsen, which is contracted to provide a range of services to CFG, have resulted in nothing being done. The forestry slash also needed to be cleaned up before it was washed down again. Earlier this year a weather event caused thousands of tons of forestry slash to block the main road around Tolaga Bay, destroying a farmer’s property, causing huge stock losses and covering the Tolaga Bay beach. It will take ages for the river to clear. And ratepayers pay the bill. Forestry Minister Shane Jones

says he understands the anguish of farmers in the Gisborne region whose land has been damaged by flood-borne logging debris. Yet all Jones has done is appoint a panel of forestry experts to advise him, and until then was in no position to apportion any blame for the situation. Flood-hit farmers in Tolaga Bay are considering legal action against forestry companies, while forestry companies didn’t think they are responsible for the disaster. Forest Owners Association president Peter Weir, environment manager for the company Earnslaw One, said the deluge of debris was triggered by extreme, localised weather. Mr Weir said traps designed to catch the slash were “overwhelmed and ripped out”. Dozens of roads in the Gisborne region were closed, and power was cut. Many farmers have reported heavy stock losses along with serious damage to fences, paddocks and equipment. Councils are allowing these forestry companies to change water courses, damage neighbouring properties, cause stock losses and destroy rivers when council rules are so strict for everybody else. How can forestry companies be allowed by Council to continually get away with this. Councils have a joint responsibility to inspect forestry harvesting the same as building sites which must be cleaned up before completion and to keep council roads clear of debris so they can be used safely. Forestry companies must be made to maintain drains and streams and ensure that any slash washing down in any weather event which changes a water table or waterway is cleaned up at the forestry companies’ expense. Why should rate payers pay for councils to go out to clean up the mess? Where large amounts of forestry slash is required to be cleared off a road after a rain event then Council must approach the forestry company to recover the costs of removal.

Green Party off the rails How thoroughly off the rails the Green Party has become! Many voters look forward to the ‘rupture’ taking place as pressure from within becomes intolerable, foreshadowing their political demise. What a shame it is, when a parliamentary party loses its way so very comprehensively. Ms Sage, for example, never says

anything about denying people’s rights, and what she does have to say in defence of poison carpet-bombing of our country is offensive, to say the least. She has to go, don’t you think? A damn shame that what was a fine, principled Green Party should be so completely co-opted. A former member of the Na-

tional Executive says “I shall be glad to see it gone from Parliament at the next General Election.” Many people in the 90’s as the Green Party was being formed began to shift their core values. It is worth noting that NZzzzz was not ready to embrace a green future on any level politically. The Greens once used to represent

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a way forward using organic and more alternative values than the conventional but all through the decades could not break through the backwardness of limited and rigid views that make NZzz quite a conservative political nation. Instead the greens conformed to the status quo …...lost touch

with the land and its people and will soon fade away leaving no real alternative representation. We live in a completely corrupted world where every government is just a bunch of business men working for a more wealthier bunch of business men and none of them care about the welfare and well-be-


ing of the people they are elected to serve or the environment we live in. The sad fact is that no-one knows who to change it because no-one knows how to take in the corporations. Basically the Greens have become another corrupted party.

Green Party hypocrisy and double standards The Green Party is jumping up and down because of a Northland Dairy farmer’s brutality on beating a cow with a steel pipe and the Greens are saying that animals need a voice. They’re calling for an Independent Commissioner for Animals to look after their welfare: Warning - this video contains violence against animals which could be upsetting. Gareth Hughes MP talks to SAFE about the recent footage

captured at a Northland farm. Hypocrisy as its best it not okay to hurt domestic animals but its OKAY for the Green Party to inflict the cruelest poison on wild animals. Yet right at the top of the Green Party ladder we have an eco-terrorist · permitting the aerial dropping of 1080 onto our forests and rivers to kill a few wild animals. Strangely enough some DoC workers and contractors have had enough and are com-

ing out of the woodwork to state their cases against DoC. If the greenies can sneak onto a private farm and install cameras surely they can put some in a forest and watch the animal cruelty they are inflicting Gareth Hughes need to grow some and stop 1080, it is unlikely that any voter will take him or any member of the Green Party seriously ever again while they have such double standards!

The Lies behind TB in New Zealand To eliminate bovine tuberculosis, and to assess effectiveness you need to know two things: a. how many INFECTED possums were in the area before and after a 1080 drop; b. What is the probability of an infected possum passing TB to a cattle beast? Various people have proposed that, when possums die from TB, they stroll into the middle of a paddock where they are sniffed by cattle which then contract the disease. I suppose it’s possible, but consider this, OSPRI autopsied just under 125,000 possums and found just over 50 that had TB. That’s one possum in every 2,500 autopsied. OSPRI will tell you that you can’t rely on those autopsy figures because a lot of those autopsied animals came from areas where they had worked to eradicate TB in possums! What they don’t do is offer the data for independent analysis. OSPRI also claim that it is really hard to test for the presence of TB in a possum population. So the people who conducted almost 125,000 autopsies over nine years say it’s too hard to test for the presence of TB. But back to the possum who has wandered into the centre of a stock paddock to die, presumably because he doesn’t want to die alone and he prefers the company of cattle to other possums. It’s not that common. So, a low probability that cattle will come into contact with a possum - but consider this, given OSPRI’s own figures, even if Percy did decide to use his last breath in a search

for bovine company, there is a one in two thousand five hundred chance that he is even carrying TB. But that’s not the end of the story. Even if our theoretical dead possum is carrying TB, he’s not breathing. Respiration is a good way to transfer the disease. There are other ways, lesions for instance, but only a percentage of the theoretical Percy’s will have those. So when OSPRI say its too hard to test for TB in possums, what do they mean? They mean that levels of TB in possums are so low that they would, on average, have to kill and autopsy thousands from each area in order to find ONE. It would be more accurate, and truthful, to say that TB incidence in possums is so low that it is difficult and expensive to detect. Doesn’t have quite the same spin does it? So why, if you accept that the transfer of TB from possums to cattle is very unlikely, is the disease so hard to wipe out? I think the answer lies in human nature. Farmers, like every other human being, come in all shapes and sizes. There are the hard working, conscientious ones, the lazy bastards who don’t give a flyer about their neighbours and the plain greedy. Some of them will stick religiously to the rules around movement control, and other measures to stop the transfer of disease, and some will simply believe that they know what works and what doesn’t and blindly ignore the rules. We’ve all met the greedy ones. The ones who will do outrageous things to keep an extra five dollars in their pockets. Maybe they come from a country where diseases are rampant and they don’t see what all the fuss is about. Maybe they decide to import equipment from their homeland and save ten bucks by not having it disinfected. Maybe they “know best” how to look after their stock and employ a vet who lives 1600 km away to avoid veterinary oversight. Maybe they cover up the presence of disease to avoid financial loss. Maybe they cover up stock movements to hide the sale of animals that they claim they have culled. Maybe they lie to the buyers about the condition of those animals. Whatever their actions, they will not be helpful to anyone trying to control the spread of infectious diseases.

In the mix will be a small subgroup who is basically sociopaths, people who truly don’t give a stuff about their fellow man. Those people will break the rules, more often than not deliberately, and delight in covering up their actions. So why would OSPRI ignore the obvious conclusion that the bulk of reinfection occurs nose to nose? Well here’s a suggestion. If you have spent billions of dollars of farmers’ money on the wrong thing, then you are very unlikely to say “sorry guys, I guess we cocked that one up “. Especially if you are the organisation that is also responsible for running NAIT, the very scheme that is supposed to stop that nose to nose transmission of disease from happening. OSPRI apparently made it easy for the cattle that were attracted to ‘the TB infected possum’ by staking the bloody thing to the ground in the paddock The law of OSPRI/TBFree is the law of Probability. They cannot say how many before. BUT They can give an estimate on the balance of probability. Damien O’Connor is quoted: “They did tests every three months ... and you wouldn’t know, it was kind of an ongoing agony ... I have kind of reflected back on that with M Bovis – not dissimilar – a disease that had to be addressed, lots of accusations. Farmers were accused of bad farming practices, when in fact it was the possums coming in from the bush on to the farms.” So we have a current deluded MPI minister, who still believes the recurrent TB on his father’s farm was entirely caused by possums, obviously nothing to do with infected stock movements, or unreliable testing damian-oconnor-helen-clarkcoup-set-my-career-back No doubt to support his delusion, OSPRI will continue to poison vast areas of NZ. 260 possums tested - none with TB 130 ferrets tested - one withTB in 2012 6 feral pigs tested - none with TB So one tested positive. But it doesn’t matter how many positive, because wildlife doesn’t spread TB, and that’s a scientific fact. All that tb in wildlife shows is that there is TB in a nearby farm. Yes, an unhealthy farm! NOTHING TO DO WITH WILDLIFE!

Two Irishmen were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up. A blonde walks by and asked them what they were doing. Paddy replied, ‘We’re supposed to be finding the height of this flagpole, but we don’t have a ladder.’ The blonde took out an adjustable spanner from her bag, loosened a few bolts and laid the flagpole down. She got a tape measure out of her pocket, took a few measurements, and announced that it was 18 feet 6 inches. Then, she walked off. Mick said to Paddy, ‘Isn’t that just like a blonde! We need the bloody height, and she gives us the length!


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When the last kiwi is killed DoC targeting kiwi After photos of dead kiwi were published on the internet recently a young man ‘Isaac’ involved in the dumping of 1080 was so appalled at what he was forced to do and came forward to expose uncovered 1080 dumpsites on Stewart Island national park. DoC says the poison has been removed and an investigation is underway into the contractor’s actions. DoC says that it is disappointed and angry that the important pest control work has been undermined by the actions of an individual contractor, yet fell short of saying why contractors work is not checked.

Saying that DoC requires contractors that use pesticides are required by law to comply with Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act is blame shifting and does not address the issues. The kiwi was found dead about 10kms from where the 75kgs of 1080 poison was dumped and identified by the young man employed bythe contractor who was hired by DoC. The contractor told his employees to dump it and cover it in moss. Stewart Island is covered in pristine New Zealand bush which is remote and unspoilt until DoC came along that is - the dump had enough

poison to potentially kill hundreds of native birds and animals. Workers on the 1080 operation were required to staple bait bags containing the 1080 up in trees. They do this because if the 1080 hits the ground it will kill anything that eats it - including our indigenous kiwi. Even eating insects or bugs that have ingested it can harm them. Finally someone with the commonsense to expose DoC’s frightful poison plan to exterminate New Zealand’s wildlife and the damage that it is doing has stood up. This young man deserves a medal.

Alternative Water Supply during 1080 Poison Drop A recent OSPRI meeting with about 30 Turangi/Tokaanu residents, about the proposed 1080 poison drop in the Pihanga/Kakaramea area, south of Lake Taupo. The biggest concern from attendees was the people’s water supply. Drinking water is contaminated in a number of ways during a 1080 drop - through baits being dropped directly into streams, from poisoned animal carcasses decomposing in waterways, and through 1080 dust landing on house roofs, and being transferred to water tanks. During questions, it was confirmed that poison bait will be spread across streams, and that residents within 3km of the poisoned boundaries are entitled to an alternative water supply if they request it - noted in Conditions 25-30 of the Public Health Unit (PHU) Permission to drop 1080. However, there’s a catch. You have to know about it to request it. The vast majority of people drawing water directly from streams are “unregistered water takes.” These people will probably not be told to disconnect their water on the day of the poison drop, nor will they be offered an alternative water supply. Only registered water takes are notified of the exact 1080 application time-frames. Taupo District Council has already

signed off on this poison drop. When asked about people drawing water from streams, the Chief Executive said bait isn’t dropped near streams. Clearly he hasn’t seen the toxin distribution flight charts from the Pihanga/Kakaramea 1080 drop two years ago, which confirms that 1080 was dropped across almost every stream. This is normal practice in almost all poison drops. See Toxin Flight Charts at toxin-distribution-charts The Safety Data Sheet for 1080, and the manufacturer’s label states that pest contractors should (1) avoid contamination of water, and (2) remove or bury poisoned carcasses. Neither of these requirements happens. Every council, public health unit and Worksafe, should ensure all residents have access to safe drinking water. They should also require that Landcare Research protocols are followed, including water testing 8 hours after the application of poison bait. All Turangi and Tokaanu residents within 3km of the Pihanga/ Kakaramea area who have concerns, should contact OSPRI, EPRO (the pest contractor), and the Medical Officer of Health at the Public Health Unit in Rotorua.

It is also an offence under the Crimes Act 1961 Section 200 Poisoning with intent (2) Everyone is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years who, with intent to cause inconvenience or annoyance to any one, or for any unlawful purpose, administers to, or causes to be taken by, any person any poison or other noxious substance. Under the RMA, people are not required to register their water take. It would be good if they did, but it’s not legally required. The council has a fiduciary duty to its constituents - A duty of care. Has the WRC considered that any concentration of 1080 in water is against the poison own specific manufacturers warning labels? Or assessed it against WHO standards for drinking water who have determined that there is NO acceptable level permitted for vertebrate toxic agents in drinking water? And shouldn’t those people (in this case the public promulgators of poisoning pregnant mothers water catchments) take a little “personal responsibility” for ensuring that water intakes are registered in their systems before they so flagrantly disregard both common sense and obvious directions to the contrary?

Putting nature out of balance Department of Conservation scientist Graeme Elliott talks about the results of 1080 and how 1080 poisoning is doing more harm than good. It doesn’t get much plainer than that really as Mr Elliott says a number of times that rat monitoring in forests both treated and untreated showed clearly that there were less rats in the

untreated forests than those which had been treated with 1080 Poison. This is called putting nature out of balance. 1080 is NZs corruption... it seems to kill everything else except the pests... there’s good reason why it’s

banned in so many other countries. Most conservationists don’t understand why NZ uses four times the 1080 compared what the rest of the world uses combined. A building picture? The clearer picture is the money is getting the profit from this. The Serious Fraud Office need to get involved or have they been bought off or silenced. Most Kiwis including Maori do not want this poison on our land and in our waterways..... So will DoC stop 1080 or continue to degrade the forests that they are charged with protecting? It has come to our attention that the Department of Conservation has been giving inducements and bribes in the form that they approach the Trustees or Maori elders on an area that they want to drop 1080 poison and take on these people as advisors to enable them to carry out the 1080 drops. This is against the wishes of the hapu who see this as a breach of the Treaty of Waitangi, under articles 2, 6 and 8., and do not want 1080 dropped in areas where they gather their food, watercress, medicines and wild animals. They have also made donations for Marae repairs as a guise for seeking permission to conduct 1080 drops. So what about our public health system, Worksafe, Councils and those departments that are there to protect us? How about the elected politicians? Have they all been bought off. No poison no matter what should be used so extensively, anywhere at any time.

Another Stewart Island kiwi from Mason Bay

A recent OIA request revealed that 89 dead kiwi where found in a 1080 treated Tongariro forest – and not one was tested by Doc for 1080 poisoning. It has also been revealed that the 1080 drops were into the streams that flow into Lake Taupo. DoC falsely claim that 1080 is safe and that it dissolves in water, but the science says very different. You would think that once the dead kiwi was found that these so-called scientists would test the carcases to firmly establish what caused their fate. Bearing in mind that all of the 89

dead kiwis were tagged. These are our national emblems, the pride of our native birds, known and recognised world-wide yet DoC don’t want to know. DoC have failed every kiwi worldwide, both human and bird. However it gets worse DoC have been completely unable to show that one single endangered species is in recovery, in spite of the $3.5 billion being spent on the fanciful Predator Free programme. There needs to be some accountability. The Director General of DoC must resign. He and his followers are com-

plete and utter failures. They have failed in their quest to save our native birds and deserve nothing less than being shown the door. Aerial 1080 drops first began in the Tongariro Forest in 1976 and have been followed with subsequent drops in parts of the forest in 1988, 1989, 1991, and over much of the forest in 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, and 2006. Another drop was carried out recently covering around 15,000 hectares. It would be reasonable to assume, after so much 1080 poison has been spread across the forest, there could be no sign of a ferret or stoat for miles – surely? Not so. In the last 5 years, revealed through the DoC OIA request, 89 tagged kiwi, of all ages, have died in the Tongariro forest. Keeping in mind that the tagged kiwi only represent a fraction of the wild population, the actual numbers, from a population perspective, may be enormous. More concerning is what’s killing the birds. The assumed cause of death, in most cases … is predation by ferret. We are told by DoC kiwi can defend themselves from mustelid attacks, once they reach 1.5 kg in weight. Yet, many of these birds are adults. When discussing the use of 1080, the DoC use sentences like “overwhelmingly successful”, “very effective”, “rapid knockdown” to justify their poisoning campaigns. “It’s the best tool we have for managing pests, and keeping predators at bay.”

DoC burnt out and spiraling downwards Critics of DOC director-general Lou Sanson’s management methods strongly suggest that DOC has lost its way – showing how disconnected the leadership of the organisations be-

come from the work it’s there to do. Sanson called in the heavyweights to try and fix the many problems. They introduced a raft of management tools – first there was an

interface project to try and improve the failed relations between scientific and operational staff. The interface project was imposed Story continued on Page 9

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because the department had become so fragmented that sections of DoC didn’t talk to each other. The consultants answer was compulsory training on how to interact with each other. Then came the “team process” and “reflection logs”, and, for managers, “single-point accountability” as DoC senior management were desperate to fix the huge gap and discontent. This was never going to succeed. You cannot bully people (DoC staff ) into accepting what they see as destructive behaviour and bad decision making by senior staff. The senior leadership leapt to the conclusion that the department’s dysfunction was down to all staff bad behaviour, instead of looking at themselves it was far easier to blame other staff. So at taxpayer’s expense, DoC workers spent time on “team-building crap”, like children’s games. After two big restructures, that shed 250 jobs getting rid of the backbone of DoC’s experience, Sanson says that when he was appointed in 2013 the department was “siloed.” Throwing huge amounts of taxpayers money critics say that putting bandages on the issues were a complete waste of time, effort in a another failed attempt to repair the internal discontent.

The new management processes saw staff ‘punished’ for doing their work especially after being designated by their managers or for speaking up about ‘piss-poo’ management decisions, Staff disquiet has puts extra pressure on DoC’s senior management, which is supposedly battling to save thousands of at-risk species and is being asked by Minister Eugenie Sage to return to its conservation advocacy role. Yet all we see is more and more native birds being killed as staff are forced to strictly adhere to management policy rather than common sense decision making. Sage the Conservation Minister is desperate to turn around staff discontent and get DoC back to where it was, but her leadership role is very poor. Under Sage DoC has reportedly given consent for Queentowns Remarkables ski field operators NZSki to extend its learners slope and destroy a regionally significant wetland. Also under Sage DoC stands accused of aiding and abetting cattle grazing in a river valley in South Westland, a UNESCO world heritage area. Rather than listen to the experience and knowledge staff had, the ‘new’ processes required staff to write down what they needed to do for a project, the resources and

people they required and pass that around the team, so all that happened was that the idea never worked it just stopped dead as this process never found a solution”. The State Services Commission, Treasury and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet reviewed DoC’s performance in 2014. A staff review gave a variable picture of staff morale, with some areas having low morale and highly stressed staff, while other areas were more optimistic. A lack of clarity over roles and responsibilities, poor communication, inconsistency in and a lack of leadership and management, inadequate systems and a perceived unwillingness to stop some existing activities when new responsibilities were taken on,” were noted. But staff says they can’t see how DoC can reach its potential by the route its taking. “It’s just a bloody tragedy. It’s tragic what’s happening to DoC.” It’s going to be hard for Sage to change the department’s culture, given its focus on “corporate management processes one former DoC worker says. Meanwhile Sanson remains aloof and says the department’s in the best shape it’s been in a long time.

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DoC celebrates huge success

The Department of Conservation is celebrating huge success in the Kepler as they wantonly kill many kea, bush robins, kaka and owls. DoC has been testing tagged kea to see if they are eatcompletely unnecessary cruelty. ing the pre-feed (non-poison“All animals are protected un- ous teaser bait) and they are. der New Zealand law, not just DoC has this crazy idea of doing the species we see as pets.” a thar/mountain goat shoot so She said anyone with further in- there’s plenty of fresh carcasses layformation on the video should ing around as an alternative food. contact their local SPCA centre. DoC has about a hundred ‘good na“Animals in New Zealand ture traps’ that’s the reloadable gas rely on everyone to speak traps in Haast Pass and Kepler Valley. out on their behalf,” she said. However as the traps are killing So where is the SPCA when DoC bush robins and kea they have been cruelty kill possums, deer, wild forced to reattach them higher pigs and many of our native birds? up the trees because the bush What do they plan to do? robins can jump up to two feet! Look the other way again? Approximately 100 ‘Goodna-

Possum abuse is unnecessary cruelty SPCA says abuse of possum is ‘unnecessary cruelty’ and not pest control. Yet the SPCA don’t have the nerve to take on DOC who cruelly kill hundreds of possums native birds and other animals every time they do a 1080 drop. The SPCA has again warned the public that possums cannot be mistreated just because they are pests, after video emerged of a man deliberately running over one of the creatures. SPCA chief executive Andrea Midgen said she had seen the video footage where a possum was mistreated by a young man and had asked the organisation’s inspector to investigate it.

“For the third time in a fortnight I am again shocked and disturbed,” she said. SPCA chief executive Andrea Midgen said she’d like to remind New Zealanders that “this is not pest control, this is completely unnecessary cruelty”. The latest case of abuse comes after an incident last week in which students from a Rotorua school threw a small bird into a wall and stomped on it. In another incident two weeks ago, a young man in Timaru was filmed punching a possum. Midgen said of the latest video: “I’d like to remind New Zealanders: this is not pest control, this is


ture’ traps were removed former Kiwi Sanctuary at Haast because they were killing Kea. There has been lots of argument on these traps as the kea can easily put their heads in them to get the bait. However DoC are keeping all this under wraps as they are still trying desperately to convince the public that their Predator Free campaign is a huge success This depends on how you see it of course but under DoC’s mandate to kill every living creature in the wild, it is a huge success. Another of DoC’s naughty little secrets. A year ago former DoC employee Paul Van Klink (who worked for DoC for 25 years, and on threatened species), announced

Goodnature traps may kill Kea. The Kea is heralded as the most intelligent bird in the world. If any creature could figure out a trap it would be the Kea. Surprising too, as DoC’s own figures show that an average of 12% of Kea die from 1080 poison per aerial drop in Kea habitat. Federated Mountain Clubs (FMC) have recently called for 1080 poison drops to be tripled. The Kea is the world’s only Alpine parrot. Their true numbers are unknown but since 1986 DoC have been saying there are between 1,000 and 5,000 birds left. We know from anecdotal evidence that their numbers have dropped hugely in the last 30 years.

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Shane Jones – environmental terrorist?

the cameras going on the commercial boats, he disregarded the NZF fishing policy that was designed to rebuild the depleted fishery, he opposed the Kermadec Reserve. A real scummy trick when you consider it is what the world fishery needs. Shane Jones is now hell-bent on the next most destructive method of harvesting protein from the ocean and that is Aquaculture. – and advertise online with us ture blocks the public waterways sends bottom fouling toxic waste for miles along the seafloor killing everything in its path and leaving Does having $1 billion of taxpayer Shane Jones seems to have tons of plastic on our once beautimoney to give away each year for two thoughts on how to ful beaches. Shane Jones know has a three years make a politician a hero make himself look good and brainless idea to take this destructive or a clown. That would depend on that is forestry and fishing. method to our wonderful Fiordland. how the money is spent. There Politicians who have put a monetary This area in total is a natural wonare so many examples around the value on our NZ coastline always der of NZ if not the world and as world where big business comes to turn to the sea to plunder its re- such Jones will not have to get a town with big money and leaves sources in order to make the export resource consent under the curResources Management behind broken dreams and a de- figure look better. But in this case, rent stroyed environment when they Shane Jones was to slow because his Amendment Act which Nick Smith leave town with all the profit. mate John Key had already instruct- implemented to take any form The politician/clown, in this case, ed the commercial fishers to double of liability away from the Crown. is Shane Jones. He has the power the value of the export fishery by This brings us to Jones next desand the taxpayer money to make 2020. The result of John Keys callous picable act of environmental desomebody very rich. Also part of disregard for our wild fishery was a struction and that is his plans his agenda will be to use the tax- collapse of the inshore fishery and to change the RMA or put the payer money to buy as many votes the dismantling of MPI itself. What entire Aquaculture industry unand as much publicity for the fail- John Key did do nicely was devalue der a national plan to relive it of ing NZF Party as he can. That’s fair the worth of a knighthood to about all environmental responsibility. enough, any politician would do $1 when he picked up his gong. This will also take away the the same thing if given such an in- What Shane Jones did do however rights of every New Zealander sane amount of money to play with. was give his overwhelming sup- to object to new Aquaculture What’s not ok is the do or die at- port to the commercial fishers who in their areas of the coastline. titude of the desperate NZF MP to had decimated the inshore fishery. That will mean that the ratepush through some of his brain- Jones opposed any group who in- payers will pick up the bill for environmental cleanup. less ideas without any thought for sisted something had to be done to any the consequences to the NZF vot- stop the plunder and waste of our If the Opotiki residents could see ers, the public or the environment. wild fish resources. Jones opposed the thousands of tonnes of mussel

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farm waste on the Coromandel and Hauraki Gulf Beaches they would be saying no thanks to the Aquaculture bullies in their area of the sea. Next on Jones list is allowing Trout farming in New Zealand and repealing the legislation currently in place to stop it. The NZFirst Party is desperate to have the party survive without Winston Peters. Shane Jones will most likely be their choice of leader as it appears he is going to follow his mate John Key’s style of borrowing to build an economy. John Key had NZ’s most expensive spend when he created our national debt ever and during his time in power, the national debt increased by $27m a day. Under Helen Clarke the national debt went down to $15b and now after John Key the debt is over $60b. NZ can’t afford to spend $3b to make the clown Shane Jones or the washed up NZFirst Party look good. NZFirst is trying to simplify the Resource Management Act so it can proceed with its destructive plan to legally go unopposed by anybody that is concerned about the welfare of our land or sea.

What simplifying the RMA means to you and me is a complete loss to any right of appeal. That means if Jones wants to put a dam up your favourite river, there will be one, if Jones wants saltwater fish farms in front of a camping ground there will be one, if Jones wants to farm and sell trout then he will, and there is nothing any member of the public can do about it. The NZFirst plan to relaunch itself with this idiot is undemocratic, too expensive and an environmental disaster waiting to happen. At a time when our nurses are on strike because they are unsafe in our hospitals, Air rescue helicopters set to be abandoned, homeless people on the streets, people dying because there medicines are not subsidised by the government and the government gives $3B to ‘Mr Porngate’ himself, it makes you sick to the stomach. You may also wish to include 30,173 000 000 Non sovereignguaranteed debt. No debt of SOEs and Crown entities is currently guaranteed by the Crown. You could wrap $1 bills around the Earth 316 times with the debt amount! Yet economists are happy with this!

If you lay $1 bills on top of each other they would make a pile 8,873 km, or 5,513 miles high! That’s equivalent to 0.02 trips to the Moon! Interest per Year NZ$5,727,618,173 Interest per Second NZ$182 Debt per Citizen NZ$25,460 Debt as % of GDP 42.85% GDP NZ$280,872,173,279 Population 4,727,344 Source: NZ Treasury. Who are very slow to release data. These figures were released in March 2018 for debt up to June 2017 https://www.nationaldebtclocks. org/debtclock/newzealand New Zealand’s debt under each government for those who think the country is doing so much better under John Key. ‘Government debt has reached $60 billion, having climbed $27 million a day since John Key became prime minister - and forecasts show it will rise for years to come.’ Source: http://www.stuff.…/93…/Publicdebt-climbs-by-27m-a-day

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Letters to editor Health warning does not apply Dear Sir I saw the report about 1080 poisoned baits (chemical weapons) dumped in the bush on Stewart Island. I am wondering why Mr. Gower considers this to be news. This is happening all over the country all the time. These chemical weapons are dumped into the NZ bush, river beds and waterways on a daily basis. They are left unattended and uncontrolled. There are no regulations regarding their storage, control or disposal and anyone who wishes to can enter the poisoned areas and collect as much of these chemical weapons as he or she would like to possess. Sodium Monofluoroacetate is one of the deadliest poisons known to man. Its use is banned in almost all countries because is considered to be too dangerous to human health to allow. It is odourless, colourless, and tasteless and a small amount can efficiently kill an adult male/ female/child or person of uncertain gender. The symptoms of poisoning are not specific. Lab tests are unlikely to reveal the cause of illness. There is no antidote. There is no effective treatment. You get poisoned with 1080 - you become ill - YOU DIE! - NO ONE KNOWS! I have attached the warning that is on the can of 1080 solution. Pretty serious stuff. However, according to the local Medical Officer of Health for the West Coast District Health Board (Dr. Cheryl Brunton), this warning does not apply to the 1080 when it has been used in the manufacture of cereal baits and dumped into public places and left. Name withheld for security reasons West Coast

Outstanding public service – Yeah Right To the editor: Dear Sir Your July edition front page [Good riddance – job well DUNNE] took aim at Martyn Dunne, the Chief Executive, Ministry of Primary Industries. As the State Services Commissioner, I am Mr Dunne’s employer. I believe your article contained inaccuracies that may have misled your readers and was unfair to Mr Dunne. Your article suggests the resignations of former MPI staff members – Scott Gallagher, Andrew Coleman and David Turner – are linked to the State Services Commission’s investigation into government agencies using private security consultants, including Thompson and Clarke Investigations Limited. The resignations and the investigation are not connected. And it is unfair and wrong to suggest they were “implicated in skulduggery”. You wrote the Commission was “getting rid” of Mr Dunne and “…Dunne gets retired a week before the SSC announces their investigations.” The inference that Mr Dunne’s retirement is connected to the SSC investigation into the use of private security consultants is wrong and unfair. Mr Dunne is a public servant of the highest integrity. He is retiring after 50 years of outstanding public service. The decision to retire at the end of his current term was Mr Dunne’s, one he made when his term was adjusted back in October 2016. There is no link between his retirement and any current issues the Ministry is dealing with or any other issues. I look forward to seeing the record corrected in your next edition. Peter Hughes State Services Commissioner

resignations of Turner, Gallagher and Coleman former MPI staff contained any inaccuracies with regards to Dunne’s retirement or the ongoing SSC Investigation. We believe that our article asked questions in relation to the many unanswered questions on the on-going escapades of MPI staff who resigned at the time when deliberately hidden MPI investigations into fisheries fraud were uncovered and published in main stream media. We have published the SSC letter to us to correct any inconsistencies. At no point did we intend to link Dunne with any SSC investigation or mislead the public into believing so. However we don’t agree that Dunne is a public servant of the ‘highest integrity’ as suggested by the SSC. How can the general public have any faith in this department to protect the general public’s interest, when the man at the top’s track record of ‘high integrity’ does not read well and many questions are ignored and go unanswered? The public have a right to know the answers and the person or person’s responsible need to be identified and held accountable. - Hiding the Marlborough Sounds Salmon virus issues; - Hiding the introduction of Myrtle Rust that could wipe out the Manuka honey industry – said by MPI to have arrived via a bird or wind; - Buried all the fisheries compliance reports. When some were leaked MPI said prosecuting commercial fishers was a waste of time, but they thought nothing of prosecuting recreational fishers; - Ineffective response to Kauri dyeback - councils did one thing while MPI did little to nothing; - Kiwifruit PSA virus, almost wiped out the entire green kiwifruit sector which saw the growers take MPI to court; Covered up the Oyster vi- rus while it hit the industry hard. MPI covered it up instead of taking early action to contain and eradicate it; - Deliberately denied the high levels of dumping, underreporting and overfishing despite having detailed reports to the contrary - abhorrent; - Mycoplasma Bovis debacle, which they knew about 2 years ago and covered it up; Then we have the illegal surveillance! What have the MPI got to be scared of that it has to put NZ citizens under surveillance? This shows a complete lack of gonads by a completely inefficient and bungling bunch of incompetent bureaucrats. The Chathams Islands paua fishery confidentially mismanaged by MPI against the requests of the Chathams Islands Paua industry. - The MPI are also shareholders in Animal Control Products who are ultimately responsible in breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi and the RMA with the spreading of poisons over our forests and the killing most of our native birds.

NZDA Woeful

Dear Sir, As a former New Zealand Deerstalkers’ association member I read Jim Jones letter in the July issue and found much to agree with. Mr Jones mentioned Molesworth and the kill of deer. Now NZDA Marlborough - presumably the local branch - are “negotiating” with OSPRI to have deer repellent added to baits in a future drop of 1080 on Molesworth. How stupidly naive can NZDA Marlborough and National Executive NZDA be? Deer repellent doesn’t work. It’s a “sop” to “con” seriously uninformed naive deerstalkers. Besides Marlborough NZDA told of 354 deer poisoned with more to be counted. But since then there has been complete and utEd: ter silence. Has NZDA MarlborWe unreservedly apologise if read- ough been gagged? Who by? ers believe that our article on last NZDA top brass? DOC? OSPRI? month’s cover in relation to the Mr Jones letter said MPI reck-

oned a deer took 30 hours to die from 1080. That is a shocking death. In fact a deer would take up to 48 hours and even longer. But let us get to the nitty gritty of why in the first place, poison Molesworth with 1080? This is an OSPRI TBfree NZ operation because possums are said by OSPRI to carry TB. It is a big fat lie. In 2016 Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy answered Richard Prosser - a very good NZ First MP no longer in Parliament - about Tb in possums. He said of 9830 possums autopsied not one had Tb. New Zealand has been free of bovine TB for 10 or more years and is miles under the international standard to be TB-free. Please note Ospri have been infecting possums with Tb through their footpads and letting them go to keep spreading it! Fact! Besides Molesworth has extremely low numbers of possums. It is not good possum habitat. Even a half-wit with a smidgen of outdoors experience, would realise and know that. However here is the twist to the Molesworth tale. DOC manages Molesworth. It is public land. Molesworth is the only Tb-infected herd in Marlborough. OSPRI TBfree NZ is doing “skin tests” to try to eradicate TB from Molesworth. But it is a big “con.” The skin test has a 25 % error rate in that a cattle beast with TB can be passed clear of TB. The infected cattle remain to infect other cattle in the herd. If OSPRI/TB-free NZ were serious and honest about getting rid of TB they would use the blood test which is much more accurate, find infected beasts and remove them. But OSPRI/ TB-free NZ needs Tb to continue as it keeps the reason for the agency’s existence going. It is simply about keeping well paid, idle “jobs for the boys” going. DOC Biodiversity (poison division) and OSPRI, do not spare a thought for the farmers paying levies and taxpayers money to fund OSPRI, or for the poisoning of the ecosystem from birds to insects to deer. You must keep the jobs going. NZDA just carry on being sucked in by the corruption. Do not worry about deer or the hunting public whom you extract large capitation fees from! Frankly NZDA you are woeful and an insult to true ethical hunters whom founded NZDA like the late John Henderson, Newt McConochie, Frank Smith, etc! Peppy Possum Kaikoura

Not going to be missed Dear Sir Sad but inevitable to watch the end of the Fish & Game magazine? This was not unexpected in this modern age of internet via a cell phone being the preferred communication method by so many. They probably lasted longer than they deserved. Tongariro anglers have expressed that their commercial failure was further proof that Fish & Game magazine management were living in the past and failed to adjust to 21st century technology. Hopefully the Fish & Game organisation will learn from this and rely more on the internet - i.e. facebook etc. - for more up to date electronic communication to hand held devices for their members. Fish and Games apparent refusal to engage in the 1080 debacle regarding the aerial dropping and contamination of trout and our water is a mystery. The end of Fish & Game magazine follows the demise of Target Taupo - the quarterly magazine prepared by DOC for the Taupo Fishery, which - according to TRM fishos - was a far better publication with more interesting articles by DOC rangers, yet still failed. The best updated info for fresh water anglers is now from the regularly updated NZFFA website. They have seriously failed anglers for many years printing the sort of glossy BS romantic prose

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they preferred to dream and write about, reflecting their passion and fishy “been there and done that” achievements, instead of providing the sort of information that anglers wanted to read. Then they go on about the decline in fresh water anglers and licences sold? Go figure… Other fishos have suggested they were responsible themselves - their lofty elite attitudes may have contributed to the decline? i.e. The last “End of an era” editorial claims their coverage of “environmental woes associated with water quality decline” and “increasing public awareness of these pressing problems when other fishing and hunting magazines won’t go near the topic” (?) is absolute rubbish. Perhaps they have never read Fishing & Outdoors publication where they have led the charge. They must have missed all the ‘environment awareness’ posts on NZFFA. Their arrogance is unfortunate for anglers. Perhaps it was more surprising considering only last year the NZ anglers own organisation - Fish & Game - acquired the magazine from the Australian publishers - “Fairfax”. At a time when the local Taupo region fishing was struggling, DOC prepared a well-researched article on reasons why the Taupo fishery was not firing. They confirmed they were keen to see the comments more widely distributed as DoC’s management was being questioned and the info was very topical. Having readily gained permission, adding that they might check with Fish & Game’s editor, Bob South, as he had sent them a copy, just in case there were any commercial exclusivity issues. The abuse was unprintable. So good riddance to them. Flyfisher Rotorua

Prosecute DOC and OSPRI Dear Sir, I was particularly interested in last issue’s letters of W. Coote and “Justice First” and Jim Jones. Firstly the “Justice First” letter referred to DOC killing native birds with its ill-conceived poison policies. Then W. Coote’s letter referred to the heavy penalty under the Wildlife Act for killing native birds. Then Jim Jones letter referred to the cruelty of killing hinds and leaving the fawn to slowly starve. In any case the hind poisoned by 1080 dies a cru-

el death of up to 48 hours or more. So why not prosecute DOC on any or all of two grounds:(a) knowingly killing native birds. After all there is so much research to show factually 1080 kills native birds. In court this scientific irrefutable proof could be used as evidence. Dead birds found after a 1080 drop could be produced as evidence boo. (b) Animal cruelty. DOC and its accomplice OSPORI knows 1080 is a cruel, slow death. So under Animal Welfare law, DOC and OSPRI should be prosecuted. Obviously governments won’t take prosecutions thus turning a convenient blind eye to the wrong doings. So is there some wealthy benefactor out there who would fund a couple of court cases? Gee the judgement would be interesting if the laws were recognised nd upheld by a judge. Sam Carruthers, West Coast

Editor’s note; The dice vis loaded Legislation says Exemption for sodium fluoroacetate (1080) The discharge of sodium fluoroacetate is exempt from section 15 of the Act if— (a) the discharge is for the purpose of killing vertebrate pests; and (b) the operator complies with the conditions in Schedule 2.

When are we going to act Sir, I read your paper because it’s free. Keep it that way please. Whilst reading this paper I notice the absolute abhorrence we all express towards the use of 1080 poison and its use upon this countries great outdoors. This stuff kills everything it touches. Yet here we are, including myself, inserting articles or writing to the editor pouring out our condemnation towards 1080. When are we going to stop writing and start acting. The DOC and I reckon even the government don’t give up flying fig about what is written in this paper or any other for that matter. So why continue bitching amongst ourselves. It isn’t getting the job done. Find a spokesperson. Put in place a co-op of likeminded persons. Roll up our sleeves and get stuck in. A big group of likeminded people


acting to achieve a point and a result will be more successful on any issue than a newspaper or individuals. United we stand. Divided we fall. It’s not rocket science. I know already what will result from my letter....the continuing bitching will flow on. So I ask you dear reader and members of this newspaper stand up. Be counted. Make a difference. This is our country. So why are we protecting it. Gavin Gosney Taumarunui

A Wife asks her husband, “Could you please go shopping for me and buy a carton of milk and if they have avocados, get 6. A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk. The wife asks him, “Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?” He replied, “They had avocados.” If you’re a woman, I’m sure you’re going back to read it again. Men will get it the first time. Water in the carburetor WIFE: “There is trouble with the car. It has water in the carburetor.” HUSBAND: “Water in the carburetor? That’s ridiculous” WIFE: “I tell you the car has water in the carburetor.” HUSBAND: “You don’t even know what a carburetor is. I’ll check it out. Where’s the car? WIFE: “In the river”

This is a frightening statistic ! 25% of the women in this country are on medication for mental illness. That’s scary. It means 75% are running around untreated.

He must pay! Husband and wife had a tiff. Wife called up her Mum and said, “He fought with me again, I am coming to live with you.” Mum said, “No darling, he must pay for his mistake. I am coming to live with you.

Didymo Dave WHAT A WINTER The Hinemaiaia Stream is a very popular fishing location for anglers chasing trout on their spawning runs from Lake Taupo. Last year there were very good numbers of trout in the stream from late May onwards and through June into July it fished really well with some anglers hooking into 20+ fish in a day sometimes. The other side of the coin with that was the rubbish, nylon, dead fish in the bushes etc that volunteers like Shirley Fraser who is the Taupo Fishing Club freshwater captain, myself and others chose to deal with and quite frankly the state of the stream was a disgrace. I was pleased to see the end of the winter fishing. This season it’s been the opposite and the spawning runs really haven’t happened yet. Now obviously there are some trout in the stream and fishermen have been having some success but where last year they might have hooked into lots of fish season the numbers have been less. So the general feeling as I write this is the spawning runs are still to come. We will get more factual data over the next few weeks as the fish trap in the upper Hinemaiaia Stream was installed yesterday

and we are all very keen to see the numbers that go through the trap. So again I’m wearing 2 hats, while the fishing hasn’t been as good this winter from an environmental side I’m leaping over the moon with excitement cause the stream hasn’t been trashed and has been so much easier for Shirley, myself, Claire Dyer and others to look after. Sure there has been nylon, rubbish etc but nowhere near what we have had to deal with in the past. Quite simply, this winter the Hinemaiaia Stream has been the cleanest I’ve ever seen it. There have been a few interesting things though. I was looking after a black Labrador called Ranger for some people and had him with me in what is known as the water supply carpark area. He was running around and all of a sudden he stopped, head up, tail out and into the bush he went. I thought he’s onto something and followed him into the bush to find 5 dead cock Pheasants. True Story! The birds were in good condition indicating they had come from a pheasant farm, fairly fresh and had just been thrown in the bush. Why the person who did that couldn’t be bothered breasting

them or saving the beautiful tail feathers for fly tiers and then chose to throw them away where they could have fed the rats is beyond me? I’ve also got 2 dead trout out of the bushes as well, one a lovely conditioned smaller but legal fish but the numbers of dead trout we are finding have dropped since the limit was raised to 6 fish per day which effectively stopped the high grading that was going on. Someone did-however try to play a prank on me, just to see if I was silly enough to fall for it. I found a brown trout that had been filleted and was just head and skeleton hanging on a piece of rope from a tree in a very popular carpark. I often post photos of dead fish in bushes, rubbish etc on my Didymo Dave facebook page but not this time. Brown trout are not common in the Hinemaiaia Stream at this time of the year so why would someone fillet it then go to the trouble of hanging it in a tree in a popular spot? Na, I reckon the trout had come from the Waitahanui or Tongariro and some bugger is winding me up! And speaking of wind up’s, nothing annoys me more than piles of poo n paper in carparks. If I ever come across the person who organised the Freedom Camping Act I’d be tempted to hang them from the nearest tree!











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